MEMORIZE Chapter 204

00204 It was just an illusion ——————————————– —————————-=

It may be obvious, but there is an invisible class among Hall Plain users. Of course, it is implicit and not officially revealed, but it is a stark reality and fact that each person is treated differently according to his/her ability.

It is true that skill is the most important thing, but it alone cannot determine an individual’s rank. In addition, it could be seen that the user’s rank is determined by including various complex factors such as seniority, personal connections, reputation, and equipment. In that respect, it is safe to say that the user who just entered was at the top of the whole plane rank table. The identity of that woman is… .

“Meet the GodMother.”

She was a user with the title of Godmother in Hall Plain. When she came in, the users at the row of tables where I was sitting politely bowed their heads and spoke in unison. The users across from me didn’t open their mouths, but I could see them lowering their heads in embarrassment.

I briefly forgot the name of the user sitting at the head of the table, but I knew who it was. He led the Golden Lion Clan even before the invasion of Barbara, and was an old user who was called a living legend within their clan.

He was probably one of the longest-surviving users among existing users, and was a person worthy of reverence just by looking at his age alone. Well, even if that were the case, he would have died before 10 years in the first episode.

The godmother was wearing a thick, long robe that was so worn that it looked like rags. The thick gold necklace around her neck slid down her chest and swayed around her abdomen. An unusual energy was radiating from the wand she was holding, which had stains from her hands here and there.

The godmother’s eyes moved from the table on the left to the table on the right. Eventually, her gaze stopped between me and Go Yeon-ju, and at the same time, her lips opened and a hoarse sound came out.

“It’s a performance. “It feels like it’s been a while since I last saw you.”

“Yes, godmother. “It feels like it’s been a while since I last saw you.”

“Heulheul.” Something pure. You are good at speaking. “If you knew it’s been a while, why don’t you come visit us sometimes?”

“Ho Ho. Every time that happens, the man behind me is so annoying. “It was burdensome to keep visiting.”

At Go Yeon-ju’s words, the godmother glanced back. Park Hyun-woo, who was suddenly pointed out, looked away with a sour expression on his face. She clicked her tongue once or twice and opened her mouth in a rasping voice.

“I think I told you not to keep holding on to a kid you don’t like. “Tsk, tsk.”

“There is no shame in it.”

“That’s why you’re not popular with the opposite s*x.”

There was light laughter in the conference room for a moment. But it was literally only for a moment. Because the issue was so serious, it was not enough to change the nature of the heavy atmosphere.

Immediately, the godmother’s eyes turned to me. Her eyes had a profound and profound light. I calmly accepted her gaze and ignored it.

“Are you the lord of the much-talked-about Mercenary Clan?”

“yes. That’s right.”

“Huh. By the looks of it, he doesn’t look like he’s in his mid-twenties, but what kind of eyes are that? I feel like an old man who has only seen the bitter taste of life. I feel sorry for myself when I see this. “A young person can’t use that.”

“… … .”

At my godmother’s words, I felt several eyes focusing on me. Although she was feigning nonchalance, she felt a prickly feeling inside. When I stayed still, she let out a deflating sound and then exhaled loudly.

“Wow. For the first time in a while, I felt like I had seen a young man with a bright future ahead of him, so I tried to talk to him, but the eyes of the guys next to me were getting more and more harsh. I got it, you guys. “I’ll get to the point now, so stop staring at me.”

“Hmm! “Hehehe!”

I heard one or two of the people sitting across from me clear their throats. The godmother took a look at her entire body and slowly opened her mouth.

“okay. First of all, everyone worked hard to get here. It’s a bit hard to say this now, but originally I wasn’t very interested in this. After attacking Barbara, I felt both my limitations and inflammation. I didn’t have much time left to live anyway, so I wanted to live a leisurely life in a quiet place. “It actually happened that way.”


“Hyunwoo, you stay still.”

Park Hyun-woo took a step forward and stopped her, but he soon retreated again at her words.

“Looking at them, there are a lot of faces that say they didn’t know I was coming. Although he is retired, he is still a member of the Golden Lion. And in any case, since the spirit came back alive, it can be said that the kite still remains. So don’t think too much of me. “If you see me as a golden lion, I won’t stop you, but I would appreciate it if you just see me as a godmother, as you say.”

Of course, I was also surprised that the godmother appeared. It is said that the Golden Lion Clan is currently on the path to decline, but at one time, even before the expedition, it was a clan that ruled the Northern Continent. It is said that their true heyday began when they conquered Barbara, and the person who played the biggest role in laying the foundation for the Golden Lion was the former Clan Lord and the Godmother in front of them now. The godmother I remember was such a user.

Anyway, one way or another, he said he would eventually get involved. The expressions of each person who heard her words changed subtly.

At that time, I saw someone raising their hand at the table across from me. As I turned my gaze toward him, I could see the Chinese character 高麗 (Goryeo) engraved on his raised right arm. The Goryeo clan was the clan with the largest number of members among the surviving clans after the expedition, serving as the leader of the eastern city.

The godmother cast a glance at him and nodded slightly. It was an unspoken expression of her permission to speak.

“My name is Cho Seong-ho, a 4-year user who is a diplomatic executive of the Goryeo Clan. “It is an honor to meet you, Godmother.”

“For your information, I don’t know what I’m saying, but I really hate hearing things go on for a long time. So, from next time, you can put away such nonsense. “I wish we could get straight to the point.”

“All right. As you said earlier, we had no idea that our godmother would be attending this event. “Then, can we assume that you know all the circumstances surrounding the Steel Mountains expedition?”

“hmm. “I know the basics.”

The user, a diplomatic official of the Goryeo Clan, was also a significant figure. He was not at all bothered by his godmother’s direct tone of voice and showed boldness in going straight to the point. As he got his words out, there was an uncomfortable murmur of silence between me and the users on the same line. However, on the contrary, the users on the opposite line had relaxed faces.

“I asked just in case. “If so, I would like to hear your opinion first about what you think about that.”

“User Cho Seong-ho. “Is there any need to talk about it now?”

It was then. A loud voice of dissatisfaction rose from the users sitting across from him. Then, the user who spoke out immediately stood up and glared at Cho Seong-ho. There was a symbol drawn on his left arm that identified him as a member of the Balhae clan.

Even though it was a sudden tackle, Cho Seong-ho still had a relaxed look on his face. It was as if he had expected it.

“Of course. “Isn’t this an issue that needs to be addressed?”

“under. That’s funny. The reason we are gathered now is because the portal to the Inn of Beginning has opened. So, I don’t know if there’s a need to bring up that story here.”

“That’s it. I think it would be better to describe it as an expedition to the Iron Mountains. ha ha ha. Anyway, you are truly naive. Do you really think that the reason for the summons was because of new users?”

“What, naive? Even if they say the same thing, it’s different. Oh, it’s a different law. “The way you talk right now feels really unpleasant. Am I mistaken?”

Balhae clan members gritted their teeth and showed anger. However, Jo Seong-ho continued speaking while looking around as if he had been waiting for those words.

“I really don’t know why you’re so angry. We came to hear about him, so isn’t that the right thing to do? No, before that. How can we discuss the User Academy without addressing that in the first place? “Isn’t that right?”

“That’s right. I don’t understand why you’re suddenly angry. Do you think something is bothering you? “Hohohoho!”

“You are right.”

His words were immediately met with enthusiastic responses from non-participating clans. The longer the response, the more the Balhae user’s face turned red and became distorted. At that moment, another user who had been watching quietly pushed back his chair loudly and let out a sharp voice.

“It’s really not funny. As the person mentioned earlier said, I don’t know why they bothered to come to this place and bring up that incident. “People really understand this~?”

“Yes. That’s understandable. People who previously didn’t pay attention to whether the portal was open or not started contacting me for some reason. As you said, you really understand the human psyche.”

“Oh my, are you being sarcastic?”

“Oh, I just told it like it is. Now that I think about it, an old saying suddenly comes to mind. “The thief’s feet go numb.”

The user who answered this time was not Cho Seong-ho, but Heo Yuri of the Reverse Clan. Once again, the number of users who agreed with her words increased, and at the same time, the conflict that had been barely suppressed until now began to rise to the surface. When she slowly turned her head, her godmother was staring at them with bored eyes. An annoyed expression clearly appeared on her face. Now that I think about it, how did this person die in the first episode?

While I was thinking about this and that, the voices going around the conference room were gradually getting louder. And in the past, there were sounds that were almost at the level of personal insults or were so loud that they could be considered shouts.

“Foot. I guess you felt that much inferiority? Since you seem to have gotten a little more comfortable now, are you slowly showing your teeth? “It’s really funny.”

“I guess things have gotten a little easier~?”

“I don’t think that’s what people hiding behind some clan’s ass would say. Do you think they are worth living these days? It was nice to see him crying and whining just a little while ago. “Cluck!”

“I beg your pardon? “Have you finished speaking now?”

Before I knew it, the atmosphere in the conference room had suddenly changed. However, if you listen closely, the friendly clan was slightly behind. It was something that could not be helped. There are things they have done before. In fact, it is not that other clans refused to participate in the plan to exterminate the vagabonds or in the expedition to the Steel Mountains. Since I went into the plan excluding it from the beginning, the dissatisfaction I felt back then is only now coming out.

A little more time passed, and the situation went beyond chaos and was getting worse. In the end, the impatient agent of the Myeonghwarang clan, who was listening to the Sui diplomatic official’s harsh words, became very upset. A sticky, murderous look was flowing out of his eyes, and he seemed ready to pull out a weapon at any moment if there were no people around.


Finally, the godmother, who had been watching quietly, seemed to be unable to bear it any longer and struck the staff she was holding loudly and screamed. Although her voice was hoarse, it was so full of magic that it was enough to shake the entire conference room.

The conference room, which was just getting hotter, was filled with a coldness, as if cold water had been poured on it. However, the sound of rapid breathing could still be heard here and there. I literally just kept my mouth shut, and if I made a mistake, the second round would begin.

The godmother looked back at them with a pitiful expression and clicked her tongue.

“Tsk tsk. “For now, everyone who stands up should put their butts back together.”

“… … .”

“Pathetic things. These guys who are said to represent the city and lead the Northern Continent are doing this shit. It’s much worse than you think. When the squadron guys see it, they will clap their hands and be happy. “The North Continent is doing well.”

“Good, godmother! But first they… .”

“Noisy! Not even kids. And if you think about it, isn’t that statement wrong? “If something happens, you have to think of a way to resolve it. If you just cover it up, everything will be fine, right?”

The users of friendly clans became dumbfounded by her journey. On the other hand, the members of the unfriendly clan were regaining their calm expressions. From what I just said, I finally got some insight into why Godmother is respected by most users. She was not biased toward one side, but was a user with a neutral perspective. Come to think of it, there seemed to be a rumor going around that the reason she turned her back on the Golden Lion during her first season was because of her feud with current Lord.

“Bad things. It was a mistake to trust my inspiration. If the former Lord, who is currently sleeping, sees it, he will hit the ground and wail. Did you say earlier that you were Jo Seong-ho? okay. I also roughly heard about the post-war situation. This damn old man and the people around him did a very good job. And I rolled it up and ate it very refreshingly.”


“I would have told you to shut up, right? You guys have no right to speak here. “Don’t open your mouth until I give you permission.”

“… “Tsk.”

“You must have been excited until the middle. And after the results, I only focus on what is right in front of me. “Have you not even thought about the lives of 5,000 users and how the aftermath of losing those elites will return to the Northern Continent?”

“… … .”

Since it was correct in every detail, they naturally had no choice but to remain silent. After confirming that, the godmother turned her head in the opposite direction this time.

“And you, please be more restrained in your speech. “Regardless of the fact that you brought this up, your tone of voice seemed to indicate an intention to ridicule and be sarcastic at the other person rather than a genuine curiosity.”

“Well, that is.”

“Anyway, I came to mediate the conflict, not to start a fight. The fact that you responded to the summons doesn’t mean you have something you want. Anyway, stop talking nonsense and reveal your true feelings. “I’m going to give it a listen.”

“… … .”

There was silence throughout the chaotic conference room. Park Hyeon-woo and Seong Yu-bin, who were standing behind the godmother, were showing a restless attitude, and it seemed like they had no idea that the conversation would go like this. How could she have called her godmother, who without a person would have already left the Golden Lion? Looking at it conversely, it meant that there is no user in the Golden Lion Clan who can control this much of a position, except for the Godmother.

At that time, I saw someone slowly raising their hand at the edge of the table on the left.

“I would like to say something for a moment.”

“hmm? I don’t think this is my first time seeing this face… . It’s not unfamiliar. But I don’t remember much. “Who were you?”

After his godmother’s words, he slowly stood up from his seat and stared at the head of the table with a calm face. His age appeared to be around 30, and he was a male user with a clean-cut appearance and a slight smile on his face. And the moment I saw him, I felt a bit nervous about him too.

On the upper right side of his chest, the symbol 韓 (Han) was shining with blue light.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Why is my need for sleep so strong today? I feel like I dozed off all day. It seems that the impact of reserve force training is greater than expected. Strangely, it is a mystery why I feel like I want to stretch so much when I wear military uniform. (I believe there are many reservist readers who agree with what I say.) Hahaha. Well then, I will leave for today. I hope you enjoy this episode as well.

P.S. Ratings are closed. One-point terrorist attacks keep coming. Anyway, the current tree growth index seems to be the prettiest now, so I think it would be better to just leave it closed. ha ha ha.

『Reripple (Episode 202)』

1. 破天魔痕: Congratulations on first place. Now that I think about it, you don’t seem to have seen it these days, but you are once again showing the side that swept the top comments. 🙂 Oh, have you ever won first place four times in a row before? I don’t really remember. @[email protected]

2. MThief: Like a flame burning in cold ice. It helped me a lot in writing episode 203. thank you

3. Blamy: Long time no see. ha ha ha. 1000 times. I think I may be a little greedy. Anyway, I will continue to run hard. We ask for your support, Blamy.

4. OLOF: Yes. I signed an e-book contract with Jo Ara. I’ll probably start proofreading after vacation. There seems to be a lot to fix. 😀

5. Miwolya: Oh. You are a Named reader. Nice to meet you. ha ha ha. And thank you for the coupon. _(__)_ We will continue to strive to repay you with good content.

『Reripple (Episode 203)』

1. Cursed Moon: I don’t know why, but as soon as I saw the comment, “Hahahaha,” I burst out laughing. lol. Congratulations on first place. It’s a little late, but I can’t believe you made the first comment on that difficult midnight series. envious.(?)

2. River of Tears: Hehehe, that’s to arouse readers’ curiosity. (Quick!) Oh, that’s part of it, but I actually thought it would be too dizzy if Han So-young’s information was included and her information was included as well. ㅜ.ㅠ

3. Eunuikan: Yes? You bought a night mountain march while it was raining? No, where on earth is that place? lol. I think I really hated it.

4. minicate: What I say is the same as what minicate said. It felt like I was a regimental commander, not a general, and I really hated it. Still, it was kind of fun. There are many people who turn into comedians just by putting on a military uniform. lol.

5. WitchBizkit: Oh, that’s right. When I got home, I saw there were blisters. It’s so absurd. It’s much better now though. Sobbing.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode