MEMORIZE Chapter 203

00203 Attention ———————————————— ————————=

“I have heard of the reputation of Istantel Row, the representative clan of the southern small town of Monica. It’s an honor to meet you. “This is Kim Soo-hyun, Lord of the Mercenary Clan.”

“thank you. Nice to meet you too. My name is Istantel Low Clan Lord Han So-young. “It’s late, but congratulations on the creation of the Mercenary Clan.”

After answering what I said, Soyoung Han stood up from her seat. I also followed her and lifted her body up. Then, they held out their hands to each other and shook hands lightly. As I held her hand for the first time in a while, an exhilarating sensation passed through my entire body. But that feeling soon disappeared.

Han Soyoung’s hands were still cold. Also, there was a somewhat cold light in her eyes as she looked at me. The moment she received that gaze, it seemed like goosebumps appeared all over her body.

“… … .”

Come to think of it, this was the first time she and I met during the second round. In other words, it was their first time seeing each other. I have enough affection for her to come back from her first round as a reason to save her, but it was only a one-way street. And the moment I realized that fact, my confused mind sank deeply.

Suddenly, a sad feeling began to flood me from afar. I felt a great sense of relief when I saw that she was okay, but the moment I faced the fact that she didn’t remember me, an inexplicable pain took over her whole body.

It was a natural phenomenon without even thinking about it. Because I am the only one who turned back time. However, it was very difficult for me to simply accept the feeling of disparity between the way she looked at me during the first meeting and the cold gaze she has now.

But now there was no other way than to admit it. Even though my relationship with her went back to her blank slate, it didn’t change my mind about her in the least. I barely managed to put on a calm face on the outside, and soon I was calming her insides dozens of times.

From now on, there was a need to focus on the original goal, “Save and return.” If you can’t control your personal emotions like before, there is a high possibility that you will do things wrong in the future. Then, based on the above premise, I needed to come forward and reestablish my relationship with her. And the reestablished relationship will look different from the first time.

Soyoung Han didn’t know anything about me. Fortunately, she was a user who was greedy for talent. As long as I don’t deviate too much, and the more favorable I show, the better relationship I will be able to build. In that case, as soon as you see it, “Just trust it and follow me.” Instead, I thought the right answer was to build trust step by step from the first meeting with her.

I turned my activated third eye to Han So-young. First, we wanted to find out her user information in detail. Han So-young will also have unusual abilities as she is a user who will reach level 10 in the future.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Soyoung Han (4th year)

2. Class: Maestro Of BattleField Master

3. Nation: Barbara

4. Clan: Istantel Row

5. Jinmyeong · Nationality: Queen of Blood and Iron · Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Female (27)

7. Height/Weight: 174.8cm/55.8kg

8. Alignment: Belief · Blood And Iron

[Strength 78] [Durability 84] [Dexterity 94 (+2)] [Stamina 86] [Magic Power 98 (+2)] [Luck 88]

< Achievements (3▼) >

< Unique Ability (1/1) >

1. Charisma (Rank: A Plus)

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. c*cked Pistol: Queen’s Army (Rank: S Plus)

< Potential (4/4) >

1. Extrasensory (Rank: EX)

2. Battlefield Command (Rank: S Plus)

3. Great Magic (Rank: A Plus Plus Plus)

4. Resistant horsepower (Rank: B Plus)

< Comparison of abilities >

1. Kim Soo-hyun: 542/ 600~

[Strength 96(+2)] [Durability 92] [Dexterity 98] [Stamina 72] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

(There are 12 ability points remaining.)

2. Soyoung Han: 528/ 600~

[Strength 78] [Durability 84] [Dexterity 94 (+2)] [Stamina 86] [Magic Power 98 (+2)] [Luck 88]

(There are no ability points remaining.)

Her abilities did not betray my expectations. There were some things I knew to some extent, but when I saw them in action, I was amazed. Certainly, with this level of ability, it is safe to say that she is already at the top 10 level. However, it was a little later that she entered the ranks of her ten lecturers.

What this meant was that she, like me before, was lying face down, waiting for her time. If there was something to be said about her, she would have raised her reputation by featuring Yeon Hye-rim from , who was in the same secret class.

She is extremely bold when it comes to being bold, but she is basically a very thorough and cautious person. Although it is impossible to guess Han So-young’s exact thoughts right now, she certainly has her own thoughts.

Only after reading Soyoung Han’s user information was I able to completely put my mind to rest. I felt like I had found a small thread that could unravel a tangled thread. okay. I didn’t come back to her to make a fool of her, but I had a goal that she must achieve. As I thought like that, the surrounding situation began to come into view little by little.

Han So-young, who had been silent at that moment, spoke to me again.

“Merchantry Lord. “I’d like to talk to you for a moment, is that okay?”

“of course.”

“yes. Then, let me get straight to the point. I read the promotional record and it said that the Mercenary Clan is a free mercenary clan. Why did you set up the clan like that?”

“I thought about the meaning of free mercenaries, and I thought that it was better in many ways than the existing clan format. Of course, this is a very personal judgment.”

I deliberately turned my words around. Of course, he could have given a detailed explanation as to why he created that type of clan. But from now on, I also have to consider my position. I was no longer a clan member under her command, but had the status of a lord leading a clan.

As I said before, I plan to establish a new relationship with Han So-young in the future. If so, it was necessary to show appropriate words and actions. In other words, it could be seen as a preparatory process to lay the foundation for two-way communication, rather than a unilateral opening from one side.

After hearing my clear answer, Soyoung Han nodded once or twice as if she understood the meaning contained in it.

“Well, the value each user places may be different. It’s not for me to argue. However, since you have become a free mercenary, you have to give up many benefits. Don’t you regret that?”

“Of course it’s unfortunate. But I think it can’t be helped. “If you can’t choose two things at the same time, you have to give up the other as much as you choose one.”

“is it so. But if you look for it, there isn’t really a solution.”


I felt strength coming into my eyes. For a split second, Han So-young could see his eyes turning to the tightly closed door. For some reason, she seemed to be moving the story along quickly, but it seemed like she was planning to suggest something to me before that, as she didn’t know when other clans would respond to the summons.

“What I want to say is that even though the Mercenary Clan has a free mercenary type, there is a way to receive similar benefits to existing users.”

“hmm. I don’t know much about that part. “Can you please tell me what the method is?”

“It’s simple. “It is a way for the representative clan that manages the city to directly provide convenience to the clan in question.”

“… … .”

“For your information, I am the representative clan of the southern city of Monica.”

Han So-young opened her mouth in a quiet voice. And, as I listened to her words, I smiled bitterly at her. She said this much, and unless she was a very dull person, it would be impossible not to notice her. What she meant was to come to the southern city of Monica.

In the past, I would have readily answered that I would go right away, but now I felt a little hesitant. She did not make a direct recruitment offer. For now, it seemed like she was planning to call us Monica and then have us settle down. In this short time, it was clear that we had figured out the personality of our clan.

The bait she offered was very tempting to ordinary small clans. She was said to be given various conveniences by the representative clan simply by entering the city, so she was definitely tempted.

I decided to give it a try for now.

I repeat, Mercenary is a free mercenary clan. Freedom from being restricted by anything was seen as the greatest value. If I had gone to Monica in the same condition as before, there was a high possibility that I would have been tied to her city. Because right now I was the only one anxious.

I shouldn’t be the only one who frets. She must fret with her, and consequently fret with each other. Only then can a level, two-way relationship be achieved without either side being unilaterally biased. I wanted to create that connection with her. I wanted to stand on equal footing and move forward side by side.

I tilted my head for a moment and then made a slightly reluctant expression on my face. Then she slowly opened her mouth towards me, making her stare at me.

“well. First of all, I plan to listen to the call for the Golden Lion Clan. “I think it would be better to revise the action guidelines later.”

“You said it was a modification, but it sounds like there was an original plan.”

“yes. that… .”

Despite my reservations, Soyoung Han did not show any unpleasant expression at all. She just said her next words in a curious tone. She was just about to answer her question. When I heard the door softly opening, I reflexively closed my mouth.

When I turned my head, I could see a group of users rushing in. And after that, Seong Yu-bin was briefly seen with a disappointed look on her face. I gave a blank look at the sudden crowd of users.


The moment other users entered the conference room, Soyoung Han and I stopped talking to each other as if we had made an appointment. It wasn’t just one or two people. What seemed like 10 users entered at once. Considering that the minimum number of people brought per clan is two and the maximum is four, it means that two or three clans came together. In some ways, it was possible, but considering the importance of the summons, it was a difficult action to simply accept.

Soon, other users began to come in one by one, led by them. And as users entered the empty conference room, an atmosphere of anxiety was slowly rising. The atmosphere was cold, like an operating room about to undergo surgery. Of course, there were users who said simple hellos and glanced at me and Go Yeon-ju, but that was it. As it was an important event where representative clans gathered in one place, everyone seemed nervous.

I secretly looked at the people who came in at once. Among them, there were faces I remembered, and there were also users I had never seen but had at least heard their names. One interesting fact was that the users who entered all at once were clan members of the representative clans in the east. Looking at the symbols drawn on the equipment each was wearing, I could see that they were Goryeo, Moonlit Night, and Han clans.

I heard the door open once again. This time, she wore an old moon symbol on her right shoulder. The Old Moon Clan, one of the Golden Lion’s friendly clans. They also looked horrified when they saw the non-participating clans occupying the right table. Currently, the number of clans that responded to the summons showed an overwhelmingly high percentage of non-participating clans.

As time passed, more users came in, and before we knew it, the empty tables were filled with users. The more the number increased, the more the whispering voices gathered together to create one buzzing noise. One thing that was certain was that the antagonism between participating and non-participating clans was clear. When I saw that he didn’t even pretend to know, I laughed a little inside.

It was then.

“Tsk tsk. “What’s so loud?”

A hoarse voice echoed throughout the conference room. That voice was full of magical power, so it must have been clearly heard by the users inside the conference room. Soon, the user who raised the voice appeared, and the noise of the users who confirmed it stopped immediately.

The female user, who had a slightly chubby and pale face, had a shiny golden lion symbol on her right chest. She sat down at the head of the table as if it was natural with her shaky steps, and Park Hyun-woo and Seong Yu-bin, who followed her, sat quietly behind the head of the table.

Finally, the representative of the Golden Lion who will preside over this meeting has arrived.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

(I will skip the re-ripple just for today. This re-ripple will be combined with the next one. We ask for the readers’ understanding.)

Oh, sorry everyone. It’s late today because I returned from reserve force training, and I’m in terrible shape. I went with a loose mind and got hit hard in the back. I had no idea that he would climb a mountain and march alone as a single commander. Since it was a two hour round trip, I was exhausted when I got home. I was so envious of the people who were discharged early.

I think I fell asleep five times while writing this episode. I wrote a one-day closure notice once, but I still remembered the readers who left a lot of advice for me yesterday, so I gritted my teeth and wrote it. ㅜ.ㅠ Well, have a nice night everyone! I will quickly go to sleep. snoring.

P.S. Charisma is a unique ability, but there are cases where it is an exception. If it is an factor rather than an factor caused by another factor, it does not consume one space of potential ability.


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not work with dark mode