MEMORIZE Chapter 202

00202 Attention ———————————————— ————————=

Following Seong Yu-bin’s guidance, we were able to pass through the main gate.

The moment you enter the main gate, the Golden Lion’s Clan House finally reveals its grandeur inside. As I took a quick look at the scenery coming into view, I felt a little sad. Of course, the future cannot be guaranteed anymore, but it was a bit of a shame that such a good facility might be trampled under the feet of vagabonds.

We walked at an appropriate pace along the smooth path in the center of the several sidewalks. Meanwhile, I was able to take a closer look at the interior as I walked towards the Geumho Hall.

There is a main building standing in the center, an annex with only a portion of it peeking out behind it, and other buildings that appear to be barracks, lodgings, training centers, etc. Certainly, each and every facility was well-equipped to the point where it could be called top-class.

But that was all. The interior was clearly splendid enough to arouse admiration, but it somehow gave off a dull and boring feeling. After observing my surroundings for a while, I was soon able to find the reason. It was the loneliness caused by the number of users.

It is said that there are currently about 400 users belonging to the Golden Lion Clan. Of course, the number of 400 cannot be considered low. However, compared to the number of 1,400 people it had at its peak, it was a number that was inevitably inferior. As a clear example, the procession of luxurious users who created a stir during the expedition launch ceremony was nowhere to be found.

The sense of loss brought about by the absence of 1,000 people was beyond imagination. It wasn’t just that there was no one there, it felt like the pain of losing a colleague was deeply felt. I feel this way when I just joined the clan, but how much loss do the Golden Lion Clan members actually feel? Even in the midst of all this, I felt sorry for them as they tried to show off their health somehow. I clicked my tongue inwardly and sighed quietly.

“Merchionary Lord Kim Soo-hyun. “If you don’t mind, may I ask you a question?”

While I was walking in silence, Seong Yu-bin, who was walking close next to me, started talking. Turning her head, I saw her face with a cautious expression on her face. When she saw the expression on her face, an unexpected pleasure surged deep inside her. As she observed the feeling closely, she soon discovered what constituted her pleasure.

It was filled with a sense of superiority and a desire to conquer that only men can feel. In other words, Seong Yu-bin made that facial expression on purpose. She was a woman who knew how to handle men’s emotions quite well.

Looking at it objectively, it was a pretty pretty face. However, he seemed a bit temperamental (actually, a lot), and above all, his skinny body wasn’t my taste. Thinking about her tendencies that I saw with my third eye, I quickly calmed down. Then, he nodded slightly with a calm face.

“yes. “Tell me.”

“Thank you for your permission. “No other than Mercenary Lord, didn’t you complete the User Academy six months ago?”

“yes. By the way.”

“Ho Ho. I remember that he definitely graduated at the top of his class. If I had known this would happen, I would have caught it somehow, but boy. “I’m so sorry.”

According to Go Yeon-ju, publicity about the clan was spread early in the morning. Or maybe he knew about it from the time he investigated what happened with the Beech Clan. Of course, what Seong Yu-bin said was not great information. At that time, the rejection of the Golden Lion Clan’s offer could be seen as an issue in its own right, so there might have been one or two users who remembered it.

Anyway, one thing is certain: there is some movement within the Golden Lion Clan as well. As I listened to her question, I could feel that some of their focus was on me.

After exchanging well-wishes a few times, the atmosphere naturally became smoother. Perhaps aiming for this atmosphere, Seong Yu-bin changed the topic during the conversation and said something unexpected.

“Ho Ho. I was impressed by the promotional records. You said it was a secret class, right? congratulations. Oh, by the way, the kid walking behind me right now is also in Year 0 and is in Secret Class. As far as I know, he came to Hall Plain at the same time as Mercenary Lord… .”

After she finished speaking, she glanced back. A moment of silence passed. No reaction was heard from behind. Although it was only a split second, I could clearly see that Seong Yu-bin’s face was distorted.

Soon, a quiet voice flew into my ear from behind.

“… yes. hi… do… .”

“hmm. Yes, Hanbyeol. A long time.”

“… … … … yes.”

I slowed down my steps slightly and turned my head back. However, Kim Han-byeol still did not make eye contact with me. She was biting her lip, just looking at the ground.

It was indeed Hanbyul’s voice that I had not heard in a long time. However, perhaps because she had been through a lot of mental hardship, there was no liveliness in her tone. Compared to the past, when she was criticized clearly and sharply, it made me doubt whether it was really Kim Han-byeol.

As an awkward conversation continued between her and me, Seong Yu-bin quickly intervened.

“Ho, ho, ho. Please understand. “He still seems awkward.”

“Ah yes. it’s okay.”

She quickly adjusted her expression and fawned. I smiled and put on a good-natured face on the outside, but on the inside, I snorted. The subtle feelings I felt from the first time I saw them could be roughly guessed by the actions of Seong Yu-bin and Kim Han-byeol just moments ago. A better excuse would have been that it happened because of the shock of participating in the expedition.

It seems that Golden Lion does not know the details of the relationship between Kim Han-byeol and me. It seemed like there was something Hanbyul was hiding. Well, if I had known all the circumstances, I wouldn’t have done something like this.

While experiencing minor incidents, we were finally able to arrive at Geumhogwan. On the roof of the ivory building, a statue shaped like a pointed spear boasted a majestic figure that looked as if it would soar through the sky. As I climbed the stone-carved stairs, opened the door, and entered, a large hall appeared. And on the other side across the hall, I saw a large door made of shiny wood. Perhaps if you open that door and go in, you will be able to reach the conference room where the meeting was held.

As we walked among the light emitted from the light stones densely embedded in the wall, we gradually shortened the distance from the door. As I saw the door getting closer and closer, I opened my mouth in a low voice.

“Are we by any chance the first clan to respond to the summons?”

“yes? ah. no. It’s exactly the second time. First of all, there are other clan members who arrived earlier.”

I was wondering if it was possible, but an unexpected answer came back. I tilted my head slightly. I wanted to ask which clan it was, but while I was wondering for a moment, I arrived at the door.

“Then we will go back to the main gate. I also need to guide those who will be coming soon. When you go inside, there are seats assigned to each clan, so we would appreciate it if you could sit there.”

“all right. Thank you for your guidance.”

Seong Yu-bin politely bowed her head at my words and then opened the door herself. The crack in the large wooden door slowly opened, and then I saw it wide open in an instant. The conference room visible through the open door was so large that it could easily fit the first floor of Go Yeon-ju’s inn.

It was the moment when I was about to take a step into the door. At that moment, I caught a glimpse of a complicated gaze looking at me anxiously. When I reflexively turned my head towards that place, I could see the blue-black hair flowing and turning. He probably looked away as soon as he saw me looking away.

Before we knew it, the people who guided us had completely retreated. While watching her back as she walked away with weak steps, I tried to look inside the open door. however.

“now. “Don’t just stand there, let’s go in.”

“Now, just a moment.”

Before I could take a closer look, Go Yeon-ju pushed me inside. As she entered the conference room, she noticed two long tables on either side. And, two users could be seen sitting quietly at the end of one table.

Those two people didn’t look at me. What I saw was just a profile, but I was able to recognize their identities right away. And the moment I recognized it, I felt like my breath had stopped.

“… … .”

Eventually, I saw someone’s head slowly turn towards me, as if they sensed that I had entered. As if in slow motion, as my head slowly turned in the direction I was in, my breathing became heavier, and the speed of my heart was accelerating unstoppably.

She was Han So-young, whom I had longed for and whom I desperately wanted to see again.


I felt something throbbing in my throat, and I felt dizzy.

As I barely managed to hold on to the sense of reason that was becoming increasingly distant, I suddenly felt my eyes begin to tremble. An exhilarating shiver flows through my entire body without stopping. I scanned the table with shaking eyes. Coincidentally, the seat assigned to the Mercenary Clan was across from Han So-young.

It was then. There was a finger poking my back. When I turned around, Go Yeon-ju’s face showed an expression that asked why. She was trying to act calm, but it seemed like she noticed the change in me as she was nearby.

Trembling lips and irregular breathing. The more I tried to suppress it, the more my heart responded by pounding, as if it was rebelling against my will. I walked towards the table with slightly unsteady steps.

Even after I finally sat down, I couldn’t calm down my current situation. It may seem peaceful at first glance, but anyone with even the slightest sense will be able to tell my current condition right away.

But I couldn’t help the trembling in my heart that got worse the more I looked at her. The girl I thought I would never see, the girl who died so miserably, was now standing before my eyes again. And not in the form of a final scream, but in a pure and innocent form.

Before I knew it, Han So-young’s eyes were focused on me and Go Yeon-ju. And the moment she met his gaze, she felt as if her entire body was filled with ice.

Eventually, her lips slowly opened.

“It’s been a while. “Shadow Queen, Go Yeon-ju.”

A soft voice flowed through the air, soon shaking the hall gently. I was once again lost in her voice after hearing it for the first time in a long time. I reflexively bit my tongue. Although it was a little bit, I felt like my mind was clearer.

“yes~. long time no see. Istantel Low Road, Soyoung Han.”

As soon as Go Yeon-ju spoke, a light snort was heard from next to him. At that moment, an intense murderous spirit poured out from Go Yeon-ju’s eyes as she turned her gaze.

“Yeon Hye-rim.”

Han Soyoung quickly turned her head and glared at the woman sitting next to her. Yeon Hye-rim… ? Ah, the princess of execution. He was there too. Yeon Hye-rim turned her head, pouting her lips at Han So-young’s point.

“… … .”

There was silence for a moment, but soon I could feel Go Yeon-ju’s fierceness subsiding. Only then did Han So-young let out a small sigh and continued her words in a calm voice.

“Your presence here means that the Mercenary Clan was also invited. “Then, is the person next to you the Lord of the Mercenary Clan?”

“that’s right. “You know very well.”

“I saw the PR record today. “Then I’d like to ask you to introduce yourself.”

“Well, it won’t be difficult. Su-hyun?”

“… … .”

I heard Go Yeon-ju’s voice, but I stayed still. Go Yeon-ju nudged my side with a subtle hand gesture. I took a deep breath and sucked in all the air around me. And I swallowed the saliva that had accumulated in my mouth.

I had no intention of having a wonderful reunion. But at least I didn’t want to see them again like this. I calmly organized my messed up brain. And, the potential power of the Mind’s Eye was activated.

My mind, which had been racing here and there, suddenly quieted down. Only then was I able to look straight at her face. I could also feel the gaze of the person presumed to be the princess of execution next to me, but right now my attention was all on Han So-young.

I remembered the first time I met Han So-young. The days she spent with her flashed through her mind simultaneously. As I savored them one by one, I opened my mouth with a clear voice. At the same time, I also activated my third eye.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

I wanted to express the meeting between the two in some dramatic way, but when I thought about it, there was no reason why Han So-young should feel affection for Soo-hyeon. Soohyun, there is a good reason. I don’t know how many lines were erased and rewritten, but I don’t know how Soo-hyeon’s inner self was conveyed to readers. ㅜ.ㅠ

I would like to hear what readers think about this part. I think it will be very helpful in correcting the parts that seem to be lacking in future e-book work. I would like to ask for your valuable advice. (__)

1. Sensitive: Congratulations on first place. That’s right. 1st place is always chewy. And it tastes savory too. LOL. Well, please enjoy this episode as well.

2. Gahanna: No! Where did you hit! Gahanna is so great!(?!)

3. KKKranuse: Hahaha. Thank you. I would have been happier if the word “gox” had not been included at the beginning.

4. Kurosion: Thank you. This is probably a phenomenon that many people think are aiming for the number one spot, eh, hyporamune. Hehehe. >3<5. Sairulou: Argh, argh. I told you to hit it hard, but it's too much. ㅜ.ㅠ Thank you for the coupon. (__)6. Refill: Actually, I felt it a lot while writing it. Oh, it's frustrating. However, this part was something I couldn't get over that quickly, so I was really pulling out my hair. First of all, as Repil said, it would be better to proceed from the main character's point of view for the time being (until the Golden Lion Summoning Order ends). We will try our best. thank you7. Yuun [流Cloud]: Yuun [流Cloud] seems to have very similar thoughts about to me. Of course, it’s good for characters to be consistent. ha ha ha.

8. Pumpkin Octopus: Haha. This may be true if you look at the simple abilities, but Hanbyeol has the rarity of a secret class. In the future, we will explain the details about Hanbyeol in as much detail as possible for your understanding.

9. Brickio: That’s right. First of all, there is a slightly different class called Alchemist, and the Chimera Alchemist is an evolved form of it. If the two of them fight only with orthodox magic, there is a high possibility that Seong Yu-bin will win depending on the general wizard battle settings. (Vivian has a low orthodox magic rank.) However, if she uses the abilities she learned as a rare class, she can win even against two Seong Yu-bins. You can. I think rare and secret should have that level of merit. ha ha ha.

10. Masterpiece: Hmm, I see. This certainly makes sense. In that situation, Hanbyeol’s choice can be seen as somewhat reasonable. 🙂 By the way, Masterpiece. Could you please elaborate on the meaning of the last words you said? (__ )*

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, ratings, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode