Memorize Chapter 200

00200 Attention ———————————————— ————————=

“A little harder.”

“My head hurts.”

Despite my concerns, Soyoung Han closed her eyes tightly and did not respond. She was so close that her shiny hair and my chest were barely touching. If she leaned a little more, if I took just one step forward, I would definitely reach it. But I didn’t have the courage to act first. Just wait.

“… … .”

Was I breathing too hard? Perhaps because she was nervous, the hair on her stomach ruffled a little under my breath. I picked up the comb and combed her messy hair again. Every time she brushed her hair, I could see her white, slender neck trembling a little. There didn’t seem to be any change in her face, but if you look closely, you can see a happy expression on her face.

“How are you these days?”

After brushing for a while, a soft voice came from her mouth. I answered in a calm tone, still combing her hair.

“not too bad.”

“I hope you can come out to a brighter place now.”

“I like it now.”

“… … .”

It’s a question I’ve already heard a few times, and an answer I’ve repeated several times. Han So-young let out a thin sigh, and then she tilted her head slightly behind her. When I finally felt her head against my chest, I felt joy swelling inside me like a balloon.

“For some reason, when I’m with you like this, when you comb my hair, I don’t think about anything. I feel at ease and a lot of the words I have in my heart come out. “Why is this happening?”

“What if you ask me that?”

“cook. That’s right. “Maybe it’s because we have similar pain.”

she laughed It’s been a while since I saw her smile, so pure and so bright. Perhaps intoxicated by her scent filling her lungs and her brightly shining smile, she felt dizzy at that moment.

I slightly put my hand forward and covered her smooth forehead. She slightly opened her eyes and looked up at me, then closed her eyes again. I gently stroked her hair. I hope this happy time will last forever.


I wasn’t expecting anything special. The contents of the call-up request sent by the Golden Lion Clan had the appearance of being copied and pasted. Of course, all the basic details had been changed. For example, “Mr. Mercanary Clan Lord Kim Soo-hyun.” Or, “I respectfully request that <Queen of Shadows> Go Yeon-ju accompany me.” etc.

We had naturally expected Go Yeon-ju’s request to accompany us, but at the end of the record, we asked, “As the current situation is chaotic, we ask that you keep the number of accompanying people to a minimum.” That sentence made me laugh. After reading the contents roughly, I threw the record on the table. The kids, with their eyes sparkling, rushed towards me like a cat and soon started fighting over who could see each other first.

“What did it say?”

“User expectations of high performance were correct. “This is a summons request.”

“okay. “Was there anything special about it?”

“Maybe because I was dispatched, I got the feeling that they would rush in without giving me time to think. He told us to gather at the Golden Lion’s clan house, Geumhogwan, before dinner tonight. Other than that, all I have to do is ask you to accompany me.”

I deliberately did not mention minimizing the number of people coming with me. Because it was a story that didn’t really matter to me. Anyway, the most important person was the clan lord. Aside from the purpose of escorting, the accompanying personnel are merely for show. There was no need to drag anyone in, and the above objective could be achieved with just one high performance player. Well, clans without top 10 might have frowned a bit.

“It’s a request to accompany you. Just in case, I did it anyway. “What about the incident with the beech tree?”

At those words, the atmosphere among the clan members quieted down. Shin Sang-yong, who was calmly sipping his tea, Vivian and An Sol-do, who craned their heads to the side to look at Lee Yu-jeong’s record, and all the clan members focused their attention on me. I let out a small sigh and shook my head from side to side.

“That incident was not mentioned.”

“okay. Why are they doing such strange things? “It doesn’t matter if I mention it, though.”

“The proportion of beech trees does not seem to be that large. By now, you’re probably having a hard time coordinating all the things that are happening one after another. “It’s not bad for us.”

“Yes. In any case, the fact that we received a convocation request can be seen as very unusual. I would like to personally recommend attending.”

Go Yeon-ju again invited me to attend. I buried myself behind the soft chair and closed my eyes. A summons for the Golden Lion Clan. I simply knew that the clans refused to convene. However, the <Inn of Beginning> portal was opened and it became a variable, twisting the future one way or another. I was only thinking about the summons and had no idea that I would be included, so I couldn’t make a decision easily.

Go Yeon-ju said that most of the clans would respond to the summons. And that sounded quite credible. However, the reason they are coming is not to handle the Golden Lion Clan’s expedition, but to the <Inn of Beginning>. In other words, they were responding to the summons while embracing the growing conflict.

After thinking about this for a while, I was finally able to make up my mind. The reason I came to Barbara in the first place was to check out the flow of the hall plane. Although there was a bit of a departure at the end, it is too early to judge whether it is good or bad. What would happen as a result of this convening request had not yet been verified, but it was definitely a new opportunity.

“great. “I will comply with the summons.”

“It’s an excellent choice. Do not worry. “As long as I’m with you, no one will be able to ignore the load.”

When I spoke with wide eyes, Go Yeonju responded with a bright smile. After nodding her head once or twice, her thoughts suddenly turned to two users. It was likely that his older brother would not have received his summons. By now, he may be enjoying a splendid reputation in the east, but it was a little later that his brother founded the clan. Of course, it seemed possible if the Golden Lion Clan showed a little more flexibility, but just listening to the clan that has now been called up, it was clear that they had made huge concessions.

But Han So-young is different. She is in charge of the representative clan of the southern city of Monica. She said she had sent a summons to all the clans representing the city, so she could see that there was a high possibility that she would participate. As I recalled her memories of her for a moment, I felt a part of her heart become dizzy at the same time as her excitement.

After losing my brother, I literally became a blood-soaked lunatic. If things had stayed that way, he probably would have died in some way. At that time, the person who once again extended a helping hand to me was Han So-young. and… .

“… … .”

“Su-hyun? Su-hyun!”

“huh? yes.”

“What were you thinking? “I called her a few times but there was no response.”

In response to Hayeon’s question, he just smiled slightly and did not give a detailed answer. Once he had made up his mind, he was just about to raise his body to move. With a thought passing through my head, I turned to Hayeon and spoke to her.

“User Jeong Ha-yeon.”


“I have a favor to ask of you.”

“Don’t worry about other clan members. <Morning Sunlight> I’ll be waiting for you at the inn.”

Hayeon answered right away, but that wasn’t what I wanted to ask.

“ah. Of course, I also ask for that. by the way… . “Do you have a comb?”

“yes? “A comb?”

“yes. “It’s the comb you use to comb your hair.”

“Oh, no. I don’t have it. “Why are you looking for that all of a sudden?”

As if my question had come out of nowhere, Hayeon asked back with a look of incomprehension. I didn’t answer this time either. Suddenly, Han So-young’s beautifully flowing jet-black hair flashed before her eyes. I shook my head to get rid of that thought and got up. It must be just past noon now.

There is a little time left, but there is no harm in preparing in advance.

“Users would probably have fallen in by now. Let’s go back to the inn. “There are various things to prepare.”

Of course, the preparation process included buying a comb.


<Northern Continent Metropolis Barbara – Golden Lion Clan House>

“Are you saying the Golden Lion is going to bow down just because of that new clan?”

“Be careful what you say. “Who bends it?”

“Then why on earth haven’t you issued a notice? They are no better than vagabonds who committed crimes in Mule, but they are brazenly active in Barbara… Pfft!”

As if he couldn’t bear to listen, the middle-aged man with a handsome mustache stomped his foot. With a thud, the body of the young man standing opposite him rolled on the floor.

“Watch your mouth. You committed a crime? According to the report from the ranger you took, there were traces of a mutual battle. They also said that it was highly likely that the beech tree attacked first. “Don’t spread useless rumors.”

“shit! I can’t believe it. Hyuna, there’s no way Hyuna would do that… .”

“So, let’s hear the story first. “Why not just listen and judge?”

“under. What do I do just listen to those guys? Do you know what the status of Beech Clan Road is right now?”

The man lying on the floor raised his head with burning eyes despite being beaten. However, the answer that came back contained a cold chill.

“I heard. It’s unfortunate, but it can’t be helped. “I didn’t have high expectations from her to begin with.”

“What do you mean?”

He was lying on the floor and immediately got up. However, as the mustachioed man spoke, his eyes were shining brightly.

“Tsk tsk. Come to your senses, friend. “Did you really think you entrusted them with the leadership of the clan?”

“Boo, obviously the handover… .”

“That’s a formality. “I was planning to retrieve it as soon as I returned from the expedition anyway.”

“Well, what… !”

“Shin Taeseung.”

The moment the young man was about to open his mouth again, a middle-aged sharp voice interrupted him.

“Look at the situation calmly. Now that the expedition has failed, the portal has opened and a summons has been issued. There are more than one problem to deal with. There are more than one or two places where they show their teeth at us. However, the clan lord is not dead. “What I’m saying is that we don’t have time to worry about an incident that is nothing more than friction between clan members.”

“I will do it! “Isn’t that why you asked for permission to use <Edit of Truth>?”

“Say something that makes sense! The circumstances are not clear, and more than anything, the Shadow Queen is involved. Above all, there are two secrets and three rares! “Other clans are already drooling over us, so what if we go astray from the start?”

“Ugh… .”

“I know very well your romantic feelings, but distinguish between public and private life.”

A male user called Shin Taeseung gritted his teeth. He looked at the middle-aged man with hateful eyes, and then immediately kicked out the door. The middle-aged man looked at his back for a moment and then let out a long sigh. And he opened his mouth without even looking back.

“Whew. “It looked ugly.”

“… … .”

“It may not have much to do with you, but don’t talk nonsense about what happened just now.”

“All right.”

A cold voice echoed throughout the room. A female wizard was standing quietly next to her desk, as if she had been watching the entire situation from the beginning.

“good. Then just leave now. Several clans will be entering soon, so take care not to neglect your preparations. Well, the executives will take care of it.”


“Oh wait a minute. I heard from Seong Yu-bin, she said she knew that man, right? “I’m talking about the Lord of the recently founded Mercantile Clan.”

Another step that was about to leave the door stopped. The feet that had been pointing outwards turned towards the inside of the room again.

“… yes.”

“Did you say Kim Soo-hyun? That man’s value is very high. Please try to follow the instructions from above.”

“… “I’ll just leave now.”

“okay. “I’m sure you’ll be busy, so just leave now.”

The middle-aged man stretched out with a tired face.

Soon, the steps that had stopped in front of the door began to move again. However, those steps contained more power than necessary, to the extent that only he could tell. The female mage, who was walking with her feet pressed against the marble floor, quickly grabbed her hand tightly.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

phew. I almost had a problem with the midnight series because I was busy reading the novel I mentioned in the previous episode today. (__)

Ah, the novel I am currently reading is called <Beast> by author <Jabet>.

This is a novel that combines zombie survival and abilities. Although the level is a little high, the writing is refreshing and the writing is really refreshing. The protagonist’s actions are also very reassuring(?) and lively. ha ha ha. If you are not averse to high standards, I recommend that you read it. 😀

P.S. This is the 200th episode. I am thrilled and thrilled to be able to lead the show to episode 200. I think this is all thanks to the interest and support of our readers. I will continue to work harder and run harder. thank you!

P.S. To those who sent me coupons, thank you very much. _(__)_ I was surprised to see it, perhaps because it was just ahead of the 200th episode. ㅜ.ㅠ


1. Dark theory: Oh. Congratulations on first place. There’s a new person here again! A touching 200th episode. Oh, I’m currently writing the 199th episode. Ahaha. I was mistaken. Anyway, please enjoy this episode. 😀

2. hohokoya1: hohokoya1! First place! First place! First place! You always miss out on first place. ㅜ.ㅠ I have no doubt that one day, hohokoya1 will win first place several times.(?)

3. Boreas: Hehehe. Is that really the case? Please look forward to the next episode!

4. So Sim-seon: Thank you. (__) Thank you so much for reading. ha ha ha.

5. Siege Frere: Then I will call Siege Frere my sister! sister!!!! Oh, no. I guess I lost my mind for a moment because I was happy about the 200th episode. ㅜ.ㅠ

6. Blue Coral Forest: It has already been decided who is stronger. LOL. If you want to know! If you don’t mind spoilers! Please send me a message!

7. gkgngh: It’s a beast, it’s a beast! This is author Javet’s work, Beast! If you don’t mind the level, read it! it’s fun!

8. Shin B: It is possible. However, except for some occupations, it is not a trend!

9. Refill: The review has been revised. It is true that they did not completely adore each other. However, the relationship with your favorite clan member goes far beyond that. I would appreciate it if you could tell that I made a mistake in my review. ㅜ.ㅠ

10. Novel Conqueror: Thank you for the coupon! We will reward you with even better content in the future. (__)

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, ratings, criticism, and questions are always welcome.

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not work with dark mode