Memorize Chapter 197

00197 Opportunity to Come ———————————————– ————————–=

Although little by little, the city was regaining calm. Of course, we were only on the way to get it back. The noise on the street still remained.

As we pass by the bar at the end of the street, people gathered in groups of twos and threes clink their drinks together. As I watched the heated discussion taking place, I felt like I knew what they were talking about without even having to listen. In the past, I would have clicked my tongue thinking that it would be more beneficial to just sleep, but now I couldn’t even think about anything else. Only one fact filled my whole body.

The portal to the was opened.

In Hall Plain, the importance of the is so high that it hurts to say the least. Whether viewed from the perspective of the continent as a whole or within the clan, the emergence of new users was a very sensitive issue. This is because among the users who come in large numbers or in small numbers, at least one has the potential to develop to a high level.

There is a saying that is sometimes said as a small joke in the Northern Continent. “I don’t envy one well-cultivated user or ten users.” Of course, volume can be a key strategy, but one proper user is much better than ten half-baked users.

It may be a slightly different and extreme example, but you don’t have to look far to use me as an example. When she had just left the inn, she met a female user with pigtails. Did she say her name was Dahye Kim? Even if she has 100 users like that, she can’t beat me. Recruiting new users with high potential had that meaning.

This is just something I heard, but it is said that Hall Plain existed in the distant past, even before the User Academy was established. And, they said that at that time, there were so many users that it couldn’t be compared to now. It is said that there was a time when there was no rite of passage, but it is said that there were times when there were 1,000 or 2,000 people, which is unimaginable today.

Of course, we can only assume that it was like that in the early days of Hall Plain, but these were stories passed down orally without any living witnesses.

However, as time passed, the portal opening cycle became longer, and the number of incoming users was rapidly declining. As such, the value of new users is bound to be high. Even if they were a little stricter in the beginning to help you get used to it, there was a reason why they treated you better towards the end.


“… … .”

Suddenly, I raised my head and the gentle night wind gently swept my hair. As I was hit by the wind, the dizziness that had filled my head seemed to be swept away a little. I let out a long sigh and then increased my walking speed. I passed between the streetlights lined up in a straight line, and passed the bridge I had been running on earlier. As the wind blew, I forced myself to calm down. Then, I felt like I had found some of the reason I had lost for a while.

As I walked along Barbara’s night streets at a slow pace, I reflected on the information about the that I had just seen with my third eye.

『Start Inn』

Number of participants in rite of passage: 587 people

Rite of Passage Survivors: 252 (currently on day 7)

Rite of Passage Deaths: 335 (currently on the 7th day)

Number of people currently completing: 2 (Completed on the 5th day.)

Let’s think about it. There are a total of 5 . And it was common for each house to have an average of ten to thirty survivors. That means, based on recent figures, approximately 100 new users were coming to Hall Plain.

This time, let’s turn our attention to rites of passage. The conditions for passing the rite of passage can be divided into two types. Either arrive at the warp gate within 7 days, or hold out for 7 days. The rite of passage, in which a total of 587 people participated, had now passed 7 days, and the number of survivors was 252. There were a whopping 252 people, two of whom passed through the warp gate on the fifth day.

It’s been over 7 days, so at least 200 people will come in. Above all, 2 people proved their user credentials in 5 days. It was truly surprising.

Then, here, the situation can be divided into two depending on whether the boss monster is revived or not. Seraph did that. Originally, the boss monster in Rites of Passage was said to be something that could not be caught. It is said that it can only be broken through by escaping at the expense of users with a minimum lifespan.

There are no boss monsters. If you think about it that way, you can understand that 252 people survived. If there is no boss monster, the difficulty of the rite of passage becomes very low. The fact that two people completed it on the 5th day is also understandable. However, if you think about it the other way around, the fact that only two people passed through the warp gate after 7 days bothered me a little.

If you think it exists, it becomes full of doubts. It must have been difficult for 252 people to survive, but there were also users who completed it on the 5th day. Of course, I could think of a case where I ran away at the cost of sacrifice, but I couldn’t help but tilt my head. Or maybe there was some way to deal with the boss monster… .

The moment I thought about it, I shook my head vigorously. No matter how much I thought about it, it wasn’t realistic.

I thought about it in all directions, but there were one or two flaws that stuck in either direction. A complete answer was not found. In addition, as the flow of the hole plane came together, my mind began to become complicated again. The anxiety that I had tried to calm down reoccurred. My obsessive-compulsive disorder has subsided.

I really like making plans. Although it is unavoidable when it is unavoidable, you can maintain peace of mind by preparing for all possible situations and taking action. However, when unpredictable events like this occur, I become irritated and anxious for no reason. But as of now, there is no obvious solution. That may be why it’s even more frustrating.

In the end, we have no choice but to prepare with insufficient information. When a twisted future approaches, I have to somehow change that twist to my benefit. It wasn’t easy.

As I walked, thinking about various things, I arrived at the inn . I was wondering whether I should smoke a smoke and go in, or just go in. Putting my hand in my arms and rummaging around, I steadily shortened the distance to the inn. It was then. A familiar user was found in front of the inn’s entrance.

After barely catching it at the beginning of the year, I further shortened the distance. There, I saw a woman with short hair wearing a thin gown and walking around with her arms wrapped around her. The woman’s identity was Jeong Ha-yeon.


When he raised his hand and called out, Hayeon turned around with a surprised face. Immediately after seeing her face, she let out a thin breath and opened her mouth.

“oh… . Su-hyun. You are here now. “Have you been outside?”

“yes. “Have you been waiting?”

“just… . “I couldn’t see you, and I was a little worried.”

It’s not a military number I should worry about. However, the feeling of being worried about someone was surprisingly not that bad.

“There was a brief commotion. “I came to check the situation.”

“ah. I heard it too. “They say the portal to the Inn of Beginning has opened.”

“yes. You also heard Hayeon. Phew.”

“… … .”

It was just a meaningless sigh. It could be said that it came out of a complicated state of mind. However, she seemed to have taken it in a different meaning, raising her head and staring at me with bored eyes. Then, with shaky steps, he approached me.



“Your face doesn’t look good again.”

“huh? Well, nothing in particular… .”

While answering, I automatically avoided eye contact. Go Yeon-ju and Jeong Ha-yeon had a talent for recognizing my current mood like ghosts. When I looked at those clear eyes that were worried and worried for me, I unconsciously felt guilty. What is the identity of this guilt?

“I told you this last time. “Soohyun has a tendency to push herself too far.”

“Ha, Hayeon. That’s not true. “It’s a misunderstanding.”

“It seemed like things were a little better these days, but today, it looks like he’s doing well again. “What on earth are you so anxious about?”

“It’s just that my mind is a little complicated. “I’m not anxious.”

I quickly calmed down and spoke in a soft voice, but she didn’t seem to believe me. He narrowed his eyes at my answer, then smiled sweetly and grabbed my hand.

“Go in. “Go in and get some sleep.”

“is it so. Hayeon, come in quickly.”

I answered her words calmly. Because I didn’t want to worry her anymore.

After being led by Hayeon’s hand into the inn, we went straight up the stairs. It’s a bit of a privilege, but I had a separate room. So after I arrived in front of her room she was about to say goodnight to her. As if it was obvious, she opened the door herself and dragged me in.

“Ha, Hayeon?”

Hayeon didn’t respond to what I said. I gently let go of the hand I was holding on his behalf, then climbed onto the bed and gently knelt down on his knees.

“Hayeon. “This is my room.”

“Oh, I know. “Quickly come to the bed and lie down here.”

When I turned my gaze in the direction pointed by a thin finger, I saw Hayeon’s modest thighs. As soon as her eyes were blank with her blank face, her words flew out.

“Boo, I’m sure you won’t sleep much if you’re alone. Well, I’ll give you a pillow for your knees, so… . “Sleep here for a week.”

Hayeon stuttered here and there and was barely able to finish her sentence. Soon she closed her eyes and pouted her lower lip. As she looked closely at the figure, her thin eyelids were trembling slightly and her earlobes were glowing a light red.

“hmm… .”

After scratching my head in embarrassment, I calmly walked closer to her. I wonder if that will work, but I say, “I don’t want it.” It was because I felt like she would be really hurt if I answered that. Even though she was pretending, Hayeon was also quite embarrassed.

“Even if you don’t do this, I can sleep well.”

“Don’t lie. “It’s not like we slept together once or twice.”

“uh. Wasn’t it once or twice?”

“Hehe. “If you include the lab, it’s three times.”

When I placed my head on Hayeon’s thigh and muttered, as Hayeon had requested, the clear voice returned. As she cut into her thighs, the back of her neck felt very comfortable.

“great. “Close your eyes too.”

The clear voice soon changed into a calm voice. Her soft hands cover my eyes. In that state, she blinked her eyes a few times on purpose, and her palms twitched a few times. It looks like it tickles.

After lying down like that for a while, I immediately felt a hand gently stroking my head. I laughed a little inside. It was definitely comfortable, but I wasn’t a kid. There’s no way you can fall asleep if you do this.

Still, I felt grateful. My mind has been very unstable since I just saw . It was complicated, I forced myself to calm down, and then I became anxious again. But when she gave me a pillow for her knees, I felt like her disheveled insides were melting little by little. My overcrowded mind becomes empty and my mind naturally becomes at ease. and… .

… … … . … … … . … … … .

After being lost in thoughtlessness for a while, I suddenly felt that my body had calmed down significantly. The hands covering my eyes and stroking my hair felt like a dream. It felt like I was floating in the very center of the ocean, and then slowly sinking downwards. Yeah, to be honest, it felt good.

But it couldn’t stay like this forever. Because she needs to sleep too. She was about to open her eyes to tell him she could stop. As soon as I woke up, I felt a strange sensation near my head. When I gently opened my eyes, I saw that the focus was very blurry.

Surprised, I kept blinking in that state. Every time I blinked, my blurry vision returned to normal. Eventually, I regained all my vision, but for a moment I was caught in a daze.


I called her, but there was no answer. No, I couldn’t see Hayeon’s face above my head in the first place. I suddenly got up and looked around, and the blanket covering my body fell down.

I felt very embarrassed, but I calmed down and slowly looked around again. And the moment my eyes landed on the window, I could see the bright sunlight shining through the window.

“… … .”

no way… . me… . Are you really asleep?

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Today I have something to say to announce a change in settings.

1) Change in order: From summoning order → western continent → declaration of independence, it changed to summoning → declaration of independence → western continent calling. There is no major relationship between the two parts, but I thought it would be better to announce it just in case. (Currently, all modifications have been made to that part. For reference, the part that is currently included and the part that contains the protagonist’s predictions. This is in a modified state. In other words, various parts may be added or changed due to future discrepancies in future developments.)

2) Change class: I plan to change Soyoung Han’s class, which is set as the basic setting. Of course, the internal settings will remain the same and only the name will be changed by one letter, so there will be no major changes. I mentioned this once, but I’m currently trying to find out what episode it was in. 🙂


1. Sensitive: Congratulations on first place. You have ended Kuroshion’s winning streak. It’s not that easy either. ha ha ha.

2. Broken fan: pat. pat. I can’t even get first place. I gave up. It’s easier if you give up. Yes. ㅜ.ㅠ

3. Repil: It is expected that Hanbyeol’s process will be very difficult. 🙂 Will they eventually be recruited, or will they clash and fall through? Please look forward to!

4. Flame Four Seam: NO. Neither user. As a side note, one of them is currently in Hall Plane. ha ha ha. We just don’t have enough fame yet.

5. Hawthorn: Ahn Hyun’s Fiancé currently has a scheduled character. And, he hasn’t appeared yet. ha ha ha. Please wait a minute. 🙂

6. Rapir and Jint: I think many people are probably curious. What is certain is that no one has guessed it perfectly yet. Hehehe. I feel proud(?).

7. Gamjatteot: Good luck! Good. After today, I will be able to turn off all urgent tasks. I’ll try to give it a try over the weekend. (__)

8. Gag: Hahahaha. wow. You might think so. I was intrigued! But unfortunately not. 🙂

9. sch6469: Thank you for the coupon. (__) I think the action will probably begin in earnest tomorrow. Please look forward to the next episode! Soohyun and his group finally begin a full-fledged emergency… . ha ha ha.

10. Sunsets: Oho. You guessed Soo-hyeon’s agony in the next episode exactly. You are amazing. 😀

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, ratings, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode