Memorize Chapter 196

00196 Opportunity to Come ———————————————– ————————–=

“Hey, did you hear? “I heard it opened again this time?”

“really? Wow, this is really awesome. I can’t believe it. “Isn’t that too fast?”

“therefore. hmm. Has it been about 6 months since then? “I think this is the first time I’ve seen it open so quickly since I came to Hall Plain two years ago.”

“me too. Anyway, what should I do? It’s already a bit chaotic these days, but it’s really ambiguous. yes?”

The moment I left the inn, I couldn’t help but be surprised by the scenery I saw. Barbara’s street was overflowing with users even though it was the middle of the night. The meaning of sleep in Holplane is very important. Because it was one of the most effective factors in restoring the body exhausted from exploration to its original state. It was quite rare for this many users to gather at this time.

After gathering my thoughts for a moment, I turned my attention to the two users who were talking loudly next to me. Both of them had average-looking faces, but they were wearing shabby-looking equipment, as if their skills were not very good. Still, seeing as he had combat equipment, he didn’t seem to be a subsistence user.

I approached with cautious steps and spoke to the user who had his hair braided into two pigtails.

“Can I ask you something for a moment?”

“Oh, surprise. Oh what is it? Suddenly from behind… .”

The two-faced woman literally turned around with a startled look on her face, but then stopped talking when she saw me. Soon her eyes looked up and down me, and her eyes narrowed slightly. A little time passed. As her gaze lingered on my face, I could see her narrowed eyebrows slowly loosening again.

“yes. “What are you curious about?”

“Hey, over there. I’ll give you the answer. “Ask me.”

“Hey girl. You asked me. A little salty… “Can you please stay still?”

The two-pronged woman spoke in a friendly voice to me, and in a sharp voice to the woman she was talking to. Then he came next to me and gently grabbed my arm. I reflexively activated my third eye.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Dahye Kim (2nd year)

2. Class: Normal Sword Runner

3. Nation: Barbara

4. Organization (Clan): –

5. True name · Nationality: Dead fish · Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Female (27)

7. Height/Weight: 161.3cm/58.7kg

8. Tendency: Neutral · Obscene

[Strength 51] [Durability 56] [Dexterity 47] [Stamina 49] [Magic Power 61] [Luck 37]

It was an unremarkable ability. She closed the information window without any hesitation, and before I knew it, I could see Dahye Kim gently stroking my clothes. Her mood was neither good nor bad. She touched her belt for a moment with her ecstatic face, and then opened her mouth with a voice of her own.

“and. It’s very soft. Where did you get this? Just by looking at it, it looks really good. “I think your skills are very good.”

“… … .”

“Oh, look at my mind. You said you wanted to ask something, right? Ho Ho.”

Suddenly, it occurred to me that female users generally seem to have better insight than male users in Holplane. The equipment I was currently wearing was , , and . All three had their own style, giving off an aura that low-quality equipment could never produce.

I nudged her hand, which was still holding onto my belt, and opened my mouth to ask a question.

“It’s nothing else, I’m just curious what happened to cause such a fuss.”

“Oh~. yes. “The portal opened.”

“A portal?”

“yes. They say a portal has opened at the Inn of Beginning. Also, the intensity this time is very strong, so I think I’ll be able to overcome it quite a bit. “The last time it was held was six months ago, so if you look at the last few years, it has opened very quickly.”

Intensity seemed to refer to the thickness and color of the blue film. “The number of people, thickness and color have little to do with it.” I wanted to say that, but I immediately turned away as the thoughts suddenly took over my head. She said from behind, “Wait a minute!” I heard a voice shouting and grabbing me. But she couldn’t afford to answer the call.

I ran. The moment I heard that the portal had opened, I suddenly felt urgent.

After squeezing through the crowd of users filling the streets, I raced down the main street of the downtown area. As I passed between the street lamps with light stones and swung around the bridge, I saw a square filled with users.

Looking at that place, I clicked my tongue and immediately turned around. There was nothing she couldn’t force herself to dig into, but right now, she felt like running quickly would be the only way to alleviate this urgency.

Soon, Barbara’s bright street disappeared, and the scene of a dark street without light came in. Compared to the downtown area, which is relatively crowded with users, this place was relatively quiet. Even if there was light, it was only the obscene-looking lights that occasionally came from buildings that looked like stores. The surrounding air was full of a disgusting stench that stung your nose, and the ground was dirty.

Even while running, the smell of people, beer, dry and wet straw, mud, and the smell of men’s and women’s flesh mixed together to stimulate my sense of smell. The number of users was much reduced, so there were fewer interruptions to my path, but I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

Although I wasn’t running using all my agility ability, the surrounding scenery still passed me by very quickly. Even though I kept running, perhaps due to the size of the city, there was still some distance left to the Inn of Beginning. I accelerated my running speed as I searched through my memories.

The portal to the Inn of Beginning opened. If you look at the matter itself, it was definitely not a big deal. But the reason my heart is so anxious is because the future has become so twisted. Originally, the portal to the Inn of Beginning did not open during this period. If you think about it carefully, the next wave of new users should have been after the end of the first civil war.

Why is the portal open now? Numerous thoughts swirled around in my head.

How long did it run? Soon, the unpleasant smell began to disappear little by little. It was proof that we were gradually escaping from the streets of darkness. And only after completely leaving the dark streets, I was able to take the cool night air deep into my lungs. I felt like I could breathe a little easier. At the same time, the silence of the night street was once again broken by a murmur coming from afar.


“Everyone, don’t go inside! “Don’t cross the line!”

“Who are you to do this or that?”

“I beg your pardon? Now in Barbara I dare you… .”

“Be quiet! The portal has just opened! There is still time for the blue curtain to lift… !”

Before my eyes, there was an inn of beginning. And just as the two female users said, the inn was surrounded by a blue curtain. I looked at the inn with blank eyes and then turned my attention to the surroundings. It was crowded with users who seemed to have a certain level of class and who were not seen in the inn or the surrounding streets.

“dare? hey. How dare you say that now? and. So absurd. Fuha.”

“I can’t ignore what you just said. Are you saying that you are going to be hostile to the Golden Lion Clan in Barbara now?”

“I’m playing. To the main culprit of the expedition’s failure. Do you think you can achieve anything even now? “Are you the ones who were whining for rescue until yesterday?”

“I beg your pardon? this… .”

As the man’s gruff voice burst out, users nearby burst into loud laughter. In contrast, the complexions of the woman wearing the golden lion symbol on her left chest and the users nearby were stiff. Looking at them like that, I could clearly see that the conflict was escalating faster than expected.

I put the reason behind the death in Lecture 10. The presence of the 10 rivers in Hole Plain, especially in the North Continent, is greater than you might think. There was a very good reason why I attached great importance to recruiting Go Yeon-ju and killing Cha Seung-hyun and Band Da-hee, who would become top 10 players.

Lecture 10 has great significance in symbolism, aside from the power of the individual. Just because you have good abilities or good classes doesn’t mean you can become a top 10 player. Those two are just necessary elements. Personally, I think the most important factor in becoming a Top 10 player is reputation. Only when users sympathize with and acknowledge what achievements the user has achieved and what difficulties they have overcome can they finally join the ranks of the top 10 lecturers.

Of course, I have seen cases where a player showed tremendous performance in a short period of time with bizarre abilities from the beginning and pushed out the existing top 10, but that was rare. During the first round, the number of users who reached the top 10 that way could be counted on one hand.

A total of seven people participated in this expedition. All but one of them were confirmed dead or missing. And it was said that one of them was almost dead and unconscious, so it was unclear whether he was alive or dead. So, there were a total of three people left in the top 10, and since I had the high performance, the remaining two were from non-participating clans.

There were three people in the top 10 who returned alive from the first round. In other words, the participating clans were still ahead in terms of the number of top 10 players, and the symbolism was still alive, which seems to have acted as a deterrent to some extent. However, in the second round, that symbolism was completely shattered. In addition, as they are clearly ahead in basic power, they will gradually reveal the dissatisfied teeth they have been hiding inside.

The atmosphere was becoming more and more bloody. Although nothing extreme like swinging weapons at each other occurred, deep murderous feelings were flowing from the exchanged glances. After looking at them for a moment, I turned my attention to the inn.

I couldn’t believe it so I ran in a huff, but there was nothing I could do here. All you have to do is confirm and accept what really happened. I was already distraught because of Ansol, but it seemed to be becoming even more complicated.

I bit my lip slightly, then let out a long sigh. She habitually groped in her arms, but it didn’t take the time it normally did. Her mood became more depressed. Still, just in case, I dug my hand further into the inside, and fortunately, a few thin sticks caught in my hand. I breathed a sigh of relief and immediately put the tobacco in my mouth.

Some users were having a heated discussion about the portal at the Inn of Beginning lighting up for the first time in six months. Meanwhile, voices criticizing the participating clans could occasionally be heard, saying that this was to make up for the lack of users due to the failed expedition.

To be honest, it wasn’t that surprising that the portal light came on after 6 months. I’ve experienced something like that a few times during my 10 years of activity. Perhaps the shortest cycle in history was 3 months?

The center of my confusion now was the ambiguity of the timing. The Golden Lion’s summons may be issued tomorrow, and the portal has been opened to the point where it can be considered appropriate. I couldn’t even guess what impact this would have on the future. This is because the importance of the Inn of Beginning in the Hall Plain is very high.

After sucking down the innocent tobacco for a while, I decided to go back. The conflict between users was gradually fading away thanks to someone’s mediation, and there was nothing to do if they stayed here any longer.

I was just about to compose myself and turn around. The moment I happened to see the blue film that caught my eye, a thought flashed into my head. Third eye. In fact, nothing in this world can fool the third eye, so maybe you can find out information about the Inn of Beginning.

I took a deep breath and calmed my breathing. It was good at least a little bit. Knowing just a little bit of information will be of great help in preparing for any unexpected disaster that may occur in the future. I stared at the blue membrane with my third eye activated. And at that moment, I was able to see a message rising into the air.

『Start Inn』

Number of participants in rite of passage: 587 people

Rite of Passage Survivors: 252 (currently on day 7)

Rite of Passage Deaths: 335 (currently on the 7th day)

Number of people currently completing: 2 (Completed on the 5th day.)

The moment I read the information about the number of survivors and the completion of day 5, I felt like my breath had stopped. At the same time, I felt the tobacco I was biting slip out of my mouth.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Hehehe. It took some time to decide on the subheading. I thought a lot about how I could best utilize the meaning of this chapter and future chapters. ㅜ.ㅠ Oh and. We would like to apologize to those who were offended after seeing Ansol’s inner self in episode 193. It was definitely a part that could have been skipped over quickly, but I think it was very annoying because of the detailed expressions. However, there are many people who are looking forward to that part, and I also had a promise to write a review in the past, so it was a bit difficult to pass over it like that. (However, I originally planned to point out the details of the act itself!) Thank you to the readers. I ask for your understanding. _(__)_

P.S. Those who made selections, recommended, commented, rated, and sent coupons. Thank you all so much. 😀


1. Kurosion: Oh my. These days, many strong people have appeared, but Kurosion-sama seems to be showing off his majesty. It’s like I’m the original number one! It seems like this. LOL! Congratulations on first place. 🙂

2. Blue and Red Flame: Oh, I made a promise. I promised that if I don’t get first place in the comments, I’ll take a year’s training. Hehehe. I will never behave like that again.

3. juan: Oh, no. The two have a spiritual connection and a platonic relationship, so it’s a hypothesis. They must have felt great satisfaction just by holding each other! yes. Obviously(?)

4. dbgkgus: Thank you for the coupon. (__) I need to activate the practice mode soon. Hehehe. I think I’ve mastered the cutting magic skill to a certain degree, so I’ll try to learn the new sword technique soon. 🙂

5. hohokoya1: Thank you. ha ha ha. ah. Hanbyul is coming out soon. Soon. I’m probably going to clash with the main character a lot in the upcoming chapters. haha.

6. Flute: If you watched this episode, I think you would have gotten a feel for it. What is clear is that we will definitely meet Hanbyeol. In any form. 🙂

7. Hansel and That: Thank you for the coupon. (__) I will respond to the summons of the Yeoncham this weekend. LOL. 😀

8. Lancelot du Lac: No! Another ego! How many people are using it? One person seems to be very sharp, but I don’t know which one it is. ㅜ.ㅠ

9. Heukseonpung Lee Gyu 2: I’m glad you had a pleasant afternoon. I hope you can have a comfortable night this time.

10. Kasin M: Yes. it’s possible. For example, think about when you first got Vivien. At that time, her magic power and other abilities were -(minus).

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, ratings, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode