Memorize Chapter 195

00195 Start Inn ———————————————– ————————–=

“I will now conclude my report on your baby’s self-consolation.”

“… … .”

“ah. For reference, self-comfort can be shortened to masturbation, or in other words, masturbation or masterbation. A commonly used word is… . Ah, I think it would be better to say that a woman is a bitch.”

“You can stop.”

When I raised my hand and spoke, she immediately shut her mouth. She felt distraught and put her hand into her arms. A round piece of tobacco was caught on the tip of her finger. Go Yeon-ju also looked embarrassed. She joked that she tried to change the mood in her own way, but when she reacted with a straight face, it seemed like she did.

“hmm. “Can I tell you one more thing?”

“As long as it isn’t something strange.”

“Actually, I had a chance to look into her eyes while she was comforting me.”

I spit out the cigarette from my mouth again. Now that I think about it, Ko Yeon-ju always had a habit of looking at the pupils of people when evaluating them. She was worth listening to for her level of sense, so I concentrated on what she said next.

“Honestly, I did something similar once or twice when I was in high school. Ah, okay. Not once or twice. Anyway, in such cases, unless you have really unique tastes, you often think of something you like. For example, it could be a celebrity or an older brother you like.”

“yes. “I think I know what you mean.”

“But, if you look at that baby’s eyes… What can I say? “It seemed very affectionate.”

“The word ‘affectionate’ is used to mean that something is sad, regretful, or heartbreaking. “I don’t think it can be considered very strange.”

Go Yeon-ju paused for a moment and stared at me. I also didn’t avoid her gaze. But she didn’t open her mouth anymore. There was no need to spin it in a nice way, so it was a silent protest to tell it like it was.

Ko Yeon-ju must have read my eyes, sighed, and continued speaking.

“phew. great. I said it in a really nice way and that it was heartbreaking. To be honest… .”

“… … .”

“It seemed very desperate. She was often seen belittling herself and abusing herself. “If I tell you the truth, I couldn’t shake the feeling that he was mentally ill.”

“He’s mentally ill… .”

I buried myself deeply behind the chair. And then, I picked up the tobacco I had spit out again. I also vaguely sensed that she was not the normal person she was. Otherwise, there is no way she would act like a child even though she is twenty years old. Other than that, everything else just makes him look like a normal person.

Of course, at first I thought it was just a concept. But since then, her behavior has always been the same. It would be very difficult to do that in the hall plane where her life was at stake. If so, it really meant that there was a problem with her personality. All I could do was sigh.

“You seem very disturbed?”

“well. “I don’t think it’s something to be taken lightly.”

“Ho Ho. However, it is not good to think too seriously about it. “How can I help you, even if it’s just using my abilities?”

“I repeat, that ability is at the level of mental contamination. I don’t mind using it on my enemies. However, if used on allies, especially those with little immunity like Ansol, this ability is no different from poison. “It is absolutely impossible.”

As soon as Go Yeon-joo spoke up, I immediately refused. To be honest, I didn’t have any harsh feelings. Trauma can only be resolved if you have the will to resolve it. However, if you keep it tightly inside and try not to show it to the outside like An Hyun or An Sol, the situation becomes very difficult.

But no matter how much I thought about it, I didn’t want to use a method that affected my mind. Once a passage is opened, its traces remain on the body. What this meant was that the more it influenced the mind, the easier it would be to infiltrate later.

After hearing my answer, Go Yeon-ju nodded once and took a step back. However, looking at his lips slightly protruding, he seemed a little upset. It was only then that I softened my expression and said, “Ah.” Now that I see it, my expression and voice have become sharper than necessary. She worked hard to gather her information and came up with a story that might be helpful. She seemed to have vented her anger for no reason.

“hmm. Anyway, we will gradually think about the issue of Ansol.”

“yes. Please.”

“Thank you for your hard work. I will take my time reading the records you brought. “You can just go in and rest.”

“Hmm. “Can I really take a break?”

Go Yeon-ju let out a light snort and glanced at me. He nodded once and said, “Of course.” When she answered, her expression changed more subtly.

“Well, I’ve had a hard time over the past few days, so it’s time to recharge. So did you really give permission?”

“High user performance. “Why are you like this today?”

“No~. “Then I’ll go take a rest~.”

Go Yeon-ju responded by waving both hands. I took a sip of the lit tobacco and then exhaled hard. For now, I decided to be satisfied with having figured out Ansol’s problem. If I wanted to go any further, I had no choice but to wait for an opportunity to come in the future.

I was just about to organize my thoughts and look back at the record.

“phew. “Then I need to get some rest.”


Suddenly, something rose up next to me, and it burrowed into my arms. When I glanced down, I could see Go Yeon-ju sitting on the chair, pushing my butt halfway and burying his face in my chest. Even though I got the best room, the chair creaked and made an unsettling noise, perhaps because it was a cheap inn.

“What are you doing?”

“why. I told you to rest. I’m taking a break from this. iced coffee. “I feel like my whole body is energized.”

“… “You can also lie down in bed and rest.”

“oh. “I am always welcome.”

“… … .”

I was at a loss for words.


After tonight, six days will have passed out of the week I set my goal for. In addition, the rescue operation was almost completed. Of course, it is said that communication can still be heard occasionally, but it is safe to say that it is the end.

Barbara, or rather the Northern Continent, was currently in turmoil. It didn’t matter to the clan members, including me, so everything was safe and peaceful, but the clans that were actually affected were in an uproar.

The information that Go Yeon-ju brought included numerous details written in great detail. And most of them matched my expectations. Her report made me a little funny because she wrote it in the form of a letter to me.

Anyway, if we take a quick look at the current situation.

(Expedition participation status)

1. Golden Lion (Northern metropolis Barbara representative clan): About 1,000 people participated in the expedition.

* Special note: Three people participated in the 10th round. One of them is guaranteed to survive (for reference, he is the Lord of the Golden Lion Clan). However, she suffered very serious injuries and her life is said to be in danger. I think she’s out of her mind and receiving treatment now. Of the remaining two, one has been confirmed dead, and the other is said to be missing.

1. SSUN (Western Urban Halo Representative Clan): About 200 people participated in the expedition.

* Special note: It suffered the most damage from the previous vagabond extermination plan. The clan was almost cut in half. In the meantime, it is said that 200 people, almost half of the remaining strength, were forced to participate, which is really stupid. Anyway, one of them participated in the round of 10 and died.

2. Old Moon (representative clan of Dorothy, a small northwest city): About 380 people participated in the expedition.

3. Balhae (representative clan of Beth, a small southwestern city): About 400 people participated in the expedition.

* Special note: Two people participated in the top 10. And then he died. Tsk tsk.

1. North (Northern general city Pamela representative clan): About 500 people participated in the expedition.

2. Stella (former representative clan of Mule, a small northeastern town): About 290 people participated in the expedition.

* Special note: This is the clan that risked life and death on this expedition. This is the clan that took over from the Beech Clan. It is said that all clan members participated. According to the survivors’ testimony, most of them were mixed in with the advance team… . They are all presumed dead. In terms of personnel ratio, the damage suffered was almost second-to-none.

3. Myeolhwarang (a representative clan in small northwest Montana): About 330 people participated in the expedition.

(Status of other famous friendly clans)

1. Iris: About 150 people participated in the expedition.

2. Acros Byno: About 220 people participated in the expedition.

3. Sky Keeper: About 100 people participated in the expedition. As an unusual fact, it was confirmed that one person who participated in the 10th class died.

4. Jumunggarak: About 150 people participated in the expedition.

5. Mir: About 100 people participated in the expedition.

6. Hanul: About 150 people participated in the expedition.

7. Ihyang Acrobatic Dance Troupe: About 100 people participated in the expedition.

8. Magee Cloud: About 140 people participated in the expedition.

9. High Saebaram: About 190 people participated in the expedition.

10. Saul Abi: About 210 people participated in the expedition.

11. Starlight: About 90 people participated in the expedition.

This was the status of the clans participating in the Steel Mountains expedition brought by Go Yeon-ju. Although detailed damage could not be calculated, a rough estimate can be made by looking at the overall results.

In this way, the future is not distorted. The damage situation was roughly consistent with the first inning. Of course, it wasn’t exactly the same. Among them, the biggest change was that one of the top 10 players returned alive. According to my memory, I knew that out of the 10 participants, 3 people survived. However, this time, all but one person were declared dead or missing. If you think about it differently, it was quite possible, but one thing that bothered me was the fact that the user was a member of the Golden Lion Clan.

However, after seeing the unusual details that followed, I was able to understand. Although he came back alive, it is said that he was seriously injured. I looked into that part in more detail and found that one of his arms had been blown off and there were holes all over his body. It is said that the injuries were so severe that it would not be surprising if he died immediately. Once he entered Barbara, he would not lose his life, but he seemed to have lost his mind, so the shock he received from both internal and external sources seemed significant.

In this way, it could be seen that all work had been completed. It is said that since the 4th to 5th, there have been only two rescue requests. One interesting fact was that the current conflict between clans was escalating faster than expected.

The participating clans wanted the non-participating clans to search inside the Steel Mountains, but of course they would not allow it. It is said that the expedition team organized to attack Barbara four or five years ago numbered nearly 3,000 people. And this time, we organized a force of over 5,000 people, which was almost twice as many, but we were unable to attack the Steel Mountains. Not only was it not bad, but in less than a week, it suffered near-total damage and retreated.

Even though the purpose was for rescue, no one wanted to risk their lives by going in as long as the Steel Mountains were partially revealed. To that extent, non-participating clans say, “We have done enough. “Now that you have sorted things out to a certain extent, if you want to decide, you can go in yourself.” He responded with these words: Of course, the participating clans became dumbfounded by those words.

Everything was going as planned except for one thing: Seeing that Barbara was currently in an unusual state, it seemed likely that the Golden Lion Clan would be summoned sometime tomorrow. So now all we have to do is hear the summons tomorrow, see the first reaction, and then leave.

I folded up the record and twisted my neck in several ways. When I looked out the window, the dusk was shining through the window. I didn’t realize it because I was reading the report and thinking about many things, but it felt like dawn had arrived before I knew it.

Since it seemed like it would be a little busy tomorrow, I decided to go to bed early. This wasn’t Mule, and it was a hundred times better to force yourself to sleep than to go out and do gymnastics on a moonlit night. So I laid down on the bed and forced my eyes to close.

… … … . … … … . … … … .


I think I fell asleep for a moment, but I woke up to the sudden noise. Because it was a low-class inn, the soundproofing was not good, so the noise from outside was coming in.

When I opened the door to see what the hell was going on, I saw countless users running down the stairs making loud noises.

And all of them had a look of excitement on their faces.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

It is the beginning of a new month of May. Ah, it seems like time goes by so quickly. Suddenly, I remember the time when I was a soldier. Time really didn’t pass at that time, but I think it really depends on how the person feels. ha ha ha. So, please enjoy this episode as well. (__)


1. Miwolya: Oh. Congratulations on first place. Now, it seems so difficult to predict who will come in first place that it’s really eye-popping @[email protected]. 🙂

2. Kuroshion: Long time no see~. 🙂 Congratulations on canceling your Noble ticket again. haha. These days, people who are good at making first-class comments are appearing in droves. Kuroshion used to be a strong person, but now there are too many prominent people. ㅜ.ㅠ

3. [Elysium]: I want to try first place. During the midnight series. ㅜ.ㅠ Wow. I really put my mind to it, but I didn’t think I could do it. I really like it.

4. EyeSeeYou: Thank you for the coupon. (__) Oh, I thought you would have a mental breakdown, but somehow you seem happier… .

5. Holy Cross: Hahaha. yes I uploaded two parts! It’s Yeoncham! I kept my promise. 😀

6. Gamjatteot: Well, there are too many assignments. But. The fact is that now there is only one left. lol. If I can somehow survive this week, I will definitely be able to rest next week. very like a whale. Assuming there are no more assignments. ㅜ.ㅠ

7. Lancelot du Lac: No! How many people are watching this! Now that I think about it, the comments also have a slightly different feel. lol.

8. xornrdnjsrnr: I think I was mistaken for a moment. The flashback part has been deleted and edited. Thanks for the advice. (__)

9. Autumn King: Thank you for the first comment! Please leave more comments in the future! 🙂

10. Yeom-ok: ㅜ.ㅠ I’m sorry. It is difficult for me to write quickly and intentionally. Then, as I said, I have to write a lot, but as I wrote in the review of episode 110, it’s really hard to upload even one episode a day. Anyway, thank you for your valuable advice. To avoid stress as much as possible, I will try to get through the parts quickly and continue as soon as I can. _(__)_

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, ratings, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode