Memorize Chapter 193

00193 Start Inn ———————————————– ————————–=

The relationship between the two was seen by chance in Mule. Honestly, looking at the relationship itself, there wasn’t much of a problem. It’s not that they hate each other to death, it’s just a relationship where one side just avoids the other.

however. Although he was not intentionally avoiding it as much as he did back then, Ansol was still having difficulty performing at a high level.

Sometimes, among the clan members, there were users who viewed Ansol as a child. No, it can be said that it is the majority, including me. However, Ansol was clearly a 20-year-old adult. She was only guessing and not 100% sure, but it seemed like digging into this case might help her catch Ansol’s lead on her childish behavior.

In the meantime, I have sneakily tried my luck with Anhyeon and Ansol several times. However, both of them never opened their mouths about that, as if they had made a promise. Most of the kids listened to what I was saying, but it seemed like there was a reason they didn’t know what I was saying. If it was related to trauma, touching it hastily was not a good choice. That’s why I haven’t looked into it deeply until now.

But we can’t just leave it like that forever. Since I was taking a breather for full-scale activities, I didn’t like leaving it like this. So, I was thinking of slowly rising to the surface, little by little. If possible, it would have been better to hear it from the parties involved, but looking at their reactions, it seemed difficult to hope for that.

So, I decided to figure out the initial direction by asking Go Yeon-ju directly. She was now busy gathering the information I requested. Rather than catching someone in the middle of a busy day, she thought it would be better to ask him the question the next time he came to report.

Finally, with that thought in mind, I was able to take a general look at the elements of anxiety within the Mercantile Clan. There were a few things that had not yet been resolved, but they were things that we would look at over time.

Now let’s turn our gaze to the outside again.

The reason I came to Barbara was to see the flow of the hall plane from the most sensitive location. But to get a little more specific, there were two things I was currently looking forward to. One was a publicity message entrusted to the residents of Mul’s Clan Founding Hall, and the other was a call-up order for the Golden Lion Clan.

First of all, when it comes to clan promotion, there was no need to worry too much. It was obviously taking longer than expected. However, they must have heard the news of the failure of the Steel Mountains expedition by now. That made me think that the residents were probably biding their time.

From an overall perspective, the failure of the Golden Lion’s expedition was regrettable. But it can be frustrating for others. And from the perspective of the pioneer city of Mule, it could have been an opportunity. By promoting the achievements of our Mule on a large scale, we can lift the overall mood and attract user interest at the same time.

It wasn’t that bad from my perspective either. Would you rather say that we welcome you with open arms? In the first round, he worked in the shadows for most of 10 years. However, in the second round, I planned to come out thoroughly sunny. When something comes out to the sun, some of the information will inevitably be revealed. As they waited for their time, it was obvious that our activities would stand out as soon as full-fledged promotion began.

The next thing to note was the summons of the Golden Lion Clan. Meanwhile, the Golden Lion has been serving as the leader of the Northern Continent clan. Of course, it has not been officially announced. However, as a single force, they had the strongest military power, and an atmosphere of tacit recognition was created because they had a tradition that was older than that of any other clan and the achievements they had achieved so far. In fact, you can guess that fact just by looking at how they lead the treatment of the user academy.

There were more than one clan that were dissatisfied with their arbitrary actions. However, since it is rare for users to fight with each other, it has not been displayed in a large scale on the outside. Perhaps the relationship began to deteriorate in earnest when the plan to exterminate vagabonds and the expedition to the Steel Mountains was announced.

As long as they could cross the Steel Mountains and clear a path to Atlanta, the clans participating in the expedition were guaranteed a rosy future. The North Continent is already reaching a saturation point, and when a new continent with so many things to do is discovered, priority for entry and activities naturally goes to the clans that participated in the expedition.

There would be no way for them to be unaware of that fact, but the Golden Lion Clan filled the main axis of these plans with friendly clans. Before the lid was opened, the more the atmosphere of guaranteeing success flowed, the more dissatisfied the clans that could not participate inevitably increased.

But now the situation has become just the opposite. The sluggish attitude shown in response to rescue requests from users who barely escaped from the Steel Mountains can be seen as an action for the above reasons. The emotional rift was already becoming uncontrollably deep.

This is exactly why I took the convocation order as an important turning point. Depending on how this summons goes, we can know whether the future will proceed as intended or move in a different direction.

After the failure of the Steel Mountains expedition became official, the Golden Lion Clan probably did not want to give up the initiative they had held so far. So, to make an announcement and to boost the mood, a summons for the city’s representative clan was announced, but less than half of the clans responded to the call.

I should have figured it out by then. But what kind of pride is that guy? Despite losing many of the elite users who could be seen as their main force, did the glory of the past blind them? The Golden Lion, who lost his face for not complying with the summons, committed the atrocity of issuing a strong warning to the clans that did not comply.

In a word, the intense warning issued by the Golden Lion became a catalyst for the discontent that had been building up to explode.

Of course, the clans who received the warning snorted. In the past, clans that would have been lying flat on their faces like they were dead finally began to express their dissatisfaction to the outside world. In some places, there were even clans that were openly sarcastic. Maybe the Rivers Clan did that?

As their feelings for each other deepened, the tramps’ movement finally began. Since they were vagabonds who originally settled in the northern continent, they would have had some understanding of the internal situation. Then, with the help of the Western Continent users, they advance to the big city of Barbara via the western cities.

The tramps’ target is the Golden Lion. Having suffered great damage from the plan to exterminate vagabonds, they were desperate and burning with a desire for revenge. The western city of Halo fell without much resistance, and with the momentum, they immediately invaded Barbara.

The surprised Golden Lion Clan urgently requested support. However, most of the friendly clans that participated in the expedition had lost their leaders. There was no way the convening could take place properly in that situation. Rather, it was a situation where users were fleeing to other cities or, on the contrary, leaving the service altogether and saying they didn’t know what to do.

The clans that were in conflict with the Golden Lion ignored their requests for support. And they proceeded to declare independence one after another, as if they had made a promise. In other words, from that moment on, all warp gates leading to Barbara were blocked. It was an extreme measure that literally hoped for the downfall of the Golden Lion.

Maybe it’s just my opinion, but it seems like the tramps were closely aware of such circumstances. It cannot be said to be collusion, but as a result, the independent clans simply watched their downfall by crossing the river and watching their downfall.

The desire for revenge that vagabonds have. Conflict between independent clans over the golden lion and greed for Barbara. It could be seen that these desires came together and their interests aligned. The establishment of an implicit relationship in which vagabonds do not touch other cities and independent clans do not step forward.

In the end, the Golden Lion Clan, who remained in the city and resisted until the end, was completely exterminated. If the warp gate had been open, they would have been able to escape, but the cities that accepted the fall of Barbara as an established fact closed their gates to Barbara.

After that, the division between the more greedy users of the Western Continent and the vagabonds, and the formation of a punitive force followed, but that was still a work in progress. Right now, the top priority was to use the summons as a turning point and gauge what direction the events that followed would take.

I sighed heavily and organized the thoughts in my head.

Four days have passed since the first rescue request was received. In the end, a rescue team was dispatched, but it could be seen as just a show of condescension. Friendly clans, including the Golden Lion, wanted to form a proper rescue team, saying there would be survivors inside the mountain range, but the proposal was flatly rejected. With this, the spark was ignited.

The atmosphere of the big city we were in now was as if cold water had been poured on it. However, inside, the fireball that would later change the landscape of the Northern Continent was gradually growing in size.


It was six days after arriving in Barbara that Go Yeon-ju brought information about the expedition to the Steel Mountains. No matter how much of a master she was at gathering information, her request this time did not feel a little unreasonable. This is because she was forcibly collected through the Golden Lion Clan’s efforts to reduce it.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“phew. no. Anyway, I really don’t understand them. “This will soon be revealed anyway, and the clans that dispatched the rescue team will probably have a rough understanding of the situation.”

“It appears to be a struggle not to give up the initiative.”

“Tsk tsk.”

Leaving behind Go Yeonju, who was clicking his tongue, I lowered my gaze. In my hands, I held more than ten sheets of records filled with elegant handwriting. It would have been nice to just investigate the big things, but it seemed like they had investigated even the smallest details.

After briefly looking through the records, I shook my head slightly. The amount was too much. Even if I read them one by one, I still needed time to think about them. I wanted to let the Shadow Queen rest like this, but as I had decided before, I had one thing to ask about Ansol. So I decided to read the record slowly later and raised my head again.

Go Yeon-ju was yawning prettily, but when I looked at her, she quickly covered her lips with her hand. And he looked at me with a look of injustice. I smiled brightly and looked around. It’s a bit hard to call it an office, but even in the morning light at Barbara’s Inn, I had a separate room for my own use.

“Have you read it all already?”

“no. I think I need to spend some time reading it. Before that, there was something I wanted to ask user Go Yeon-ju. ah. Please note that this is not a size 3.”


Go Yeon-ju pouted her lips. After appreciating her unusual cuteness for a moment, he calmly continued speaking to her.

“It’s about the lady I met a while ago. “Didn’t Ansol run away when he saw Go Yeon-ju?”

“iced coffee. yes. There was. I screamed like that and ran away, but I couldn’t forget it. “I was hurt in some way.”

“After that, Ansol seemed to avoid high performance by users. To put it bluntly, I want to know what happened between the two.”

“hmm… .”

Go Yeon-ju showed an unexpected reaction. She always saw her cool appearance, but seeing her troubled attitude gave her a different feeling.

“Well, it’s not that big of a deal… .”

She rolled her eyes here and there and licked her lips. She is probably reminiscing about what happened back then. Then she immediately turned to me and said, “Do you really need to hear it?” He gave me a look. At that gaze, I said, “Yes. “I will definitely listen to it.” He responded by giving me a look.

Go Yeon-ju sighed deeply, as if she had clearly received my will. Between those sighs, “I was asked to never say anything…” .” A voice was heard at first glance. Soon she continued speaking in a very casual voice.

“all right. In return, promise me that you will never show off to that baby. “I’m the only one who knows.”

I nodded and accepted her request. Nevertheless, Ko Yeon-ju seemed a little hesitant. What on earth happened between them to make her react like that? Curiosity slowly rose inside me.

After some time has passed. Soon, Go Yeon-ju’s lips slowly opened.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Until now, I thought it was ‘a bit scary,’ but it was ‘a bit scary.’ Or ‘It’s not worth it.’ That was correct. ha ha ha. Thank you to both people for providing this information. (__) yes. I’ve finally finished the general description of the new episode. Since Memorize is a regression, I felt that some background explanation was necessary before developing a new chapter. Since most of the work has been completed for this session, I think we will be able to proceed again from the next episode. 🙂

P.S. Thank you to everyone who selected, recommended, rated, commented, and provided coupons. I was surprised when I saw the coupon that arrived today. I always seem to be surprised like this a few times a month. _(__)_


1. Sensitive: Oh. It’s been a while since you won first place. haha. This midnight, I plan to aim for first place. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to take first place at midnight. -_-a Then, please enjoy reading this episode. 😀

2. MT Bear: Ah. long time no see. Did you do well on the test? I am overwhelmed with homework after exams. Giggling. How. When will leisurely days come again? ㅜ.ㅠ

3. EyeSeeYou: Hahaha. Sol already has an owner. Ha ha ha ha ha. I am against this relationship! Eh hum.

4. ads123: Wow. I read lomeaes’ comment and re-read it, and I burst out laughing. LOL.

5. Pacasari: Yes. I still remember the first time I played Team Lang. I was literally torn apart. ㅜ.ㅠ

6. Storm Demon Ship: Oh. That’s a very good idea. I hadn’t even thought about it. Let’s consider it. Ho… .

7. Id + Id is a dream: Thank you for the coupon. We will strive to repay you with better content in the future. _(__)_

8. Sardin: Oh. Bibimmyeon. I really like it too. If you buy Paldo bibim noodles, rinse them in cold water, add half an egg, put some ice on it, and slurp it down, it’s paradise. My mouth is already watering. Hehehe.

9. I want to play: It is possible. However, we are currently putting it on hold due to the main character’s physical strength and other issues. If you develop further from your current abilities, the burden on your body will be maximized. 🙂

10. User Gandalf: We will make no comment on this matter. It seems like you want an answer that focuses on Kim Soo-hyun, but the answer contains spoilers regarding Soo-hyun’s future growth. 🙂 User Gandalf, thank you for your understanding! However, to the question , I can answer that it is not necessary. You can approach it from a probabilistic perspective. Class 10 is just a title, and does not represent the class or user’s information status or settings. 🙂

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, ratings, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode