Memorize Chapter 192

00192 Start Inn ———————————————– ————————–=

Barbara is a large city located in the heart of the northern continent. And Mule is just a small town located in the north of the North Continent. Also, development was slow and it remained at the level of a pioneer city discovered in the early days.

large and small. In terms of words, it was a simple one-letter difference. However, if you could actually feel it, the difference you could feel was as distant as heaven and earth. Size, floating population, and level of active users. There was nothing that could be compared.

If you simply travel to and from two cities, users who see Barbara for the first time will have a very unfamiliar reaction to the scale.

Kids were no exception. Of course, I stayed at the User Academy for three months. However, during that period, he was locked inside, and after completing the course, he went straight to the warp gate and was unable to know the details of the city’s internal situation. Perhaps that’s why Anhyeon, Ansol, and Yujeong Lee were quite unfamiliar with the big city called Barbara.

Just looking at the surroundings surrounding the inn we were staying in, it seemed like it must have been quite a psychological shock for the kids. The inn was not chosen as a good place on purpose. The place where the rent was currently paid for a week was called Morning Sunshine, and in terms of grade, it could be considered low-class. Although I had enough money to stay at a high-end inn, I wanted to show my children the lives of ordinary people and let them experience them.

Users who mourn the loss of their companions after going on an expedition. Users who do not have money to eat and sleep go around begging. Users who have been kicked out of a caravan and wander around looking for companions. Users who do not have enough skills to explore and have no way to make a living right away, so they work part-time every day. Looking at such users, I hoped that the children would recognize their own situation in their own way.

Four days have already passed since I arrived in Barbara. As each day passed, some clans received news that was disappointing, while others found news that could be devastating. As communications came in one by one, the flow of the North Continent was changing day by day. I was closely checking those trends and matching them with the futures I remembered.

Of course, such external factors were not the only things to be concerned about. As mentioned earlier, unresolved issues within the clan and with the clan members were also being pointed out. I was planning on solving what I could now and at least find out the progress.

The week spent staying in Barbara could be a rest for some clan members, and an opportunity for others to solve problems and improve their abilities. It is said that the cohesion is good now, but from the clan lord’s perspective, there are some parts that have not yet been refined.

Would you say it feels like it’s not straight and is spreading out indiscriminately here and there? Among them, there may be things that need my hands, and there may be things that don’t. However, even if it was not necessary, it was my duty as a clan lord to be interested.

The first user to notice was Shin Sang-yong. He inherited a rare class right before leaving Mule, so he seemed to not know much about his class yet. Therefore, I needed time to understand my class and carefully consider what direction I would like to grow in the future. It would have been very difficult if I had been alone, but fortunately I had a good teacher, Vivian. Therefore, rather than telling them to do this or that, it seemed better to trust and leave it to them.

The next target was Ansol. Ansol was the most problematic user among the current clan members. She felt that the right answer was to slowly resolve things one by one, starting with what she could handle, rather than hastily touching on things.

So, I was thinking of talking about the luck stat that I’ve been working on for a while. I’ve thought a lot about her luck ability, and decided that it would be a good idea to raise it to 101. To be honest, although there were 4 reward points, I felt it was a waste to invest them in luck.

Let’s look at an example for a moment. Let’s assume that wizard A has 50 strength and 59 magic power, and that wizard B has 30 strength and 60 magic power. Assuming that all other variables, such as class and equipment, are set equally and the same magic is used, it could be seen that wizard B would win with a probability of more than 70%. The remaining 20% ​​was the probability that it would end in a draw, and 100% was the probability that wizard A would win.

Looking at the example above, it can be seen that the importance of magic power for wizards and priests is different from that of other classes. Perhaps, if Ansol’s luck stat had been less than 100, and if he had not obtained a ring that increased his magic stat by 1 point at the Ruined Research Institute, he would never have felt this way. The desire for 101 points made me wonder if anything could happen.

Although I thought so, I couldn’t help but worry about Amitabha Buddha. During the first round, I had never seen or heard of a luck score of 101. Unlike strength, durability, agility, stamina, and magic power, it seemed difficult to see immediate results in luck even if it reached 101. Because of that, there was a lot of hesitation when I actually wanted to speak up.

Luck was originally such an ability. In fact, even though I have been playing hole plane for over 10 years, I still define it as an unknown ability level. However, Ansol’s sense of direction and anxiety detection when exploring the small town of Mule really impressed me. The value of her two abilities was enormous, and the thought that she had the potential to develop further was a temptation that was difficult to resist.

Of course, this is just my opinion. No matter how clan lord he was, he couldn’t put his personal greed first. As long as she was a user who was her ally, respecting the rights of one person was a natural behavior that should be followed. In fact, Ansol’s opinion was the most important in this decision, and he intended to make it a top priority.

The kids didn’t know that I knew their user information. Since my days at the User Academy, I have always spoken out loud. Hide your abilities anytime, anywhere. And never reveal your information to other users. Even if it’s us. It was very subtle to change the subject now. If I make a mistake, it can give the impression that I know their abilities.

I was wondering how I could gently persuade Ansol. In the end, there was only one way. To induce her to express her opinion in a euphemistic way. However, asking her “her own” will was never easy. I was able to prepare myself and set the stage for a conversation with her, and I was able to experience her feelings of resignation for the first time in the second session.

“yes! “Sol, my luck level is 100!”

“… … .”

“And other abilities~. Let’s see~”

“Oh, no. Hey, no, Sol. “Wait a minute.”

okay. I had forgotten the most important fact: the person I was talking to was Ansol. The parts of her that I was worried about before her story were all covered up thanks to her own radical development.

“Hmm… .”


When he was interrupted mid-speech, Ansol pursed his lips tightly. She has round eyes and a smiling face. She must have been a sight to behold, but she suddenly felt dizzy in her head. Does it feel like I’m denying myself something?

In the end, I was only able to get to the main point (how about increasing the luck ability by 1 point) after a lecture on the security of my user information.

“I received a lot of help from you while exploring, knowingly or unknowingly. I think that ability is closely related to your high luck. As far as I know, there is no upper limit to ability levels, right? In other words, I thought about what would happen if I raised 1 point from 100 points.”

“yes! great!”

“… It’s a bit of a waste to spend the reward points like that, but you’re still wearing a ring that increases your magic power by 1. Anyway, these are my thoughts, but I also want to hear Sol’s thoughts.”

“yes! great!”

“under… . No, Sol. listen. Oppa, I, huh? Yes, I said I wanted to hear your thoughts. Don’t just say it’s good. It’s your abilities and your user information. Let’s do some thinking. please.”

In Mule, I just saw them as kids. However, since I joined Barbara, I decided to treat users in my own way. When she made up her mind to do so, she felt extremely frustrated in her conversation with her. Barely suppressing the heavy feeling in my stomach, I raised my voice, speaking one by one, as if I was playing staccato.

Ansol must have clearly heard what he said this time, as he tilted his head. Soon, she floated her question mark above her head, which soon turned into her exclamation mark. It seemed like he could tell what she was thinking just by looking at her expression.

“yes! “I think it’s a good idea to post it too!”

“hmm! “Okay, why do you think that?”

“Because my brother said it would be a good idea!”

“… … .”

When I saw Ansol answering with a bright smile, I felt shock and fear coming over me. Eventually, I let out a huge sigh and held my face in my hands. If it had been an enemy, I would have immediately pummeled its ears or cut off its head, but since it was an ally and a girl who followed me around because it liked me, I couldn’t think of what to do. (Of course, I didn’t even think that it was to some extent my fault.)

In the end, the problem regarding Ansol and luck ability was resolved very simply due to my proactive attitude. Ansol was a scary user. He was not only shocked and horrified, but also said, “A good thing is a good thing.” The famous saying made me feel proud.

Anyway, Ansol used 1 of the 4 points he got as an academy reward right then and there, and immediately told me that he had raised his luck stat to 101. Of course, things like suddenly getting hit with a lot of money or having a sharp increase in abilities didn’t happen. In the meantime, perhaps because he had learned only the bad things from Yu-jeong, Ansol suddenly stared at my face with innocent, innocent eyes. Then, under the pretext of being hot, he took off his robe and slightly exposed his shoulders. Of course, the unexpected things she expected from me didn’t happen either.

I gave her a hard squeeze on the head and threw her out. Once the dice were thrown, I had no intention of being impatient. From the beginning, I was expecting the ability to select direction and detect anxiety when exploring, so it was something I could check by going out of the city later.

Only after solving Ansol’s problem, which was considered the most difficult, was he able to turn his attention to other matters. If there was anything else, I could have brought up the issue of Lee Yoo-jeong and Vivien.

For now, Lee Yu-jeong decided to wait a little longer. When I thought about when I was exploring the Cave of Screams, I wanted to take the magic sword right away, but when I measured it including its external parts, there was no sense of ambiguity. More than anything, since he liked her so much, I thought it would be better to leave him alone at least while he was with Barbara.

Vivien has been spending a lot of time absentmindedly these days. Of course, he studied hard and served as Shin Sang-yong’s teacher properly. But other times, he often just stared into space with his blank face. He seemed to have gotten a clue about the elixir training.

From my perspective, it was something I would enjoy, but from her perspective, it was very stressful. Vivian told me she had potential early on. However, the more you research and the more you refine the process, the more details within it, that is, factors that run counter to your thoughts, begin to pop out.

+4 stamina elixir below 80, +2 stamina elixir below 70, Vivien’s Spiritual Order, Heart of Greater Demon Belphegor, Horens’ Magic Stone. All of the things that go into research materials have tremendous value. Regardless of her pride or the scarcity of the materials, failure was bound to be a blow. He must have thought that I was really looking forward to it, and he sighed occasionally and looked tired. I reassured myself that it was okay, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel pressured.

But there was nothing I could do but wait. In any case, she will only be able to enter the podium after taking her place and building her workshop, so until then, I will trust her and wait.

While I was watching the flow of the hall plane, I continued to refine and look inside the clan. For a clan, the first start is important. This is because the original members who first founded the clan must perform well in order to provide trust to new clan members who join in the future.

I inspected the interior roughly, but there was still one thing left to do. That was the ambiguous relationship between Go Yeon-ju and Ansol.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

everyone. I’m definitely done with my exams. But why are you sitting at your desk doing homework? There are also 4 of them. At all, I don’t feel like the exam is over. Friday and Saturday were just great, but when Sunday came, reality hit me. ha ha ha. Yes, the conclusion is that I will stay up all night again today. I guess I should cook some ramen for a late-night snack. It’s delicious to eat frozen dumplings together. 🙂

P.S. Messages are answered in order. ha ha ha. If you haven’t received it yet, please wait a little longer. 😀


1. It hurt: Congratulations on first place. oh. You did the early morning roll. I was also a Dawn LoL user at one time. There were people who were on the same team ranking. I enjoyed sitting in a PC room, playing games all night long, and eating a bowl of ramen. Now everyone is busy with their lives and have spread out, but sometimes I miss those days. ㅜ.ㅠ

2. Kim Min-seon’s teeth: Haha. I plan to conclude Part 1 after progressing a little further. If it ends like that, part 1 will end too quickly. 🙂

3. juan: Huhu. Just a little bit of information, but Hanbyeol was not part of the advance team. Although it is a secret class, it is difficult to enter the elite class as it is a user with 0 years of experience. So, is it the main unit or the rear guard?

4. EyeSeeYou: No! I am against this relationship! Instead of Ansol, how about Park Dong-geol? 🙂

5. Heavenly Blood God Heavenly Mujon: Hmm. It can be seen as very complex and subtle. It’s something I can’t even explain in words. ha ha ha.

6. letzgo02 : Yes. Currently, it can be broadly divided into 3 or 4 chapters. You can view it as a chapter or a wealth. 🙂

7. Myeongbakjjang’s Yangyang Unity: … … ! Oh, no. It’s not my first love. Not a lover. It’s unrequited love. Never, never. Oh my. What are you saying? ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Yes, absolutely not. 🙂

8. User Gandalf: Huh. You must have been very tired. I can’t believe you spent most of Sunday sleeping. I really do.

9. Humnya~~: Thank you for the coupon. (__) I will try to complete these tasks somehow and continue my training. Awakening! Kaaaaaa!

10. hohokoya1: Ahaha. In my mind, I was 100 years old, but in reality, I was only 2 years old. ㅜ.ㅠ My body is completely healed! Hehehe. I guess my body hasn’t died yet. 🙂

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, ratings, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode