Memorize Chapter 190

00190 One moment, Barbara ———————————————– ————————–=

There is an old saying like this: Birds listen to day words, and mice listen to night words. This means that you should be careful what you say even when no one is listening. People living in modern times may not take it seriously and just laugh it off, but they must always watch their mouths, at least within the hall plane. In particular, there was a need to be more careful in places crowded with users.

Most users have magical power within their bodies. These magical powers move along the magical circuit set within the user’s internal settings, and this circuit spreads throughout the entire body. Of course, there are individual differences depending on the user, such as thickness, hardness, cleanliness, and penetration of fine acupuncture points. However, from a basic perspective, it is naturally connected to the eyes and ears. And, if you send magical energy to that part and perform amplification activities, you can temporarily significantly improve the function of that part.

What this means is that in a place with so many users, there are cases where people secretly use magic to their ears and listen to the words we exchange. In reality, it is mainly used when exploring ruins or in group battles, but there were quite a few users who used it in other ways. Anyone with a certain amount of magical power can do it. As such, I can’t help but feel even more anxious. Because if I can do it, other users can too.

There is a magic that is mainly used to relieve such anxiety and prevent leakage of important information in advance. It was a spatial range type magic named Block Field.

The block field forms an intangible membrane that randomly blocks the space from other spaces within the range specified by the user. As a result, the possibility of what they say being leaked is significantly reduced, thereby ensuring greater security. However, since it blocks not only the speech coming from inside but also the speech coming from the outside at the same time, it was a bit awkward to use in a bar or restaurant.

In any case, if it is a table with a block field, wouldn’t there be a higher probability that words of a certain level of importance will be exchanged than other tables? Of course, it is a long way to break through the block field simply by enhancing your hearing. However, it was not that there was no way. So, I was thinking of using my third eye to search to see if there was a table with a block field spread out.

“Su-hyun. The price is too high… .”

“are you okay. “It’s good to save gold coins, but sometimes you have to indulge in luxury like this.”

Of course, just in words. From the beginning, since I entered a high-end bar, I was planning on getting as much food as I could. The reason I activated my third eye now was with the intention of getting as much information as possible. If you happen to be able to get one piece of good information, that was a profitable business.

I quietly closed my eyes without even looking at Hayeon. She must have noticed that I was concentrating on something, so she gently let go of her arm. And I began to carefully look through the entire first floor.

“… … .”

I knew it. It was confirmed that there was an intangible membrane on a total of two tables. One was at a relatively close side table. It seemed like they weren’t very high-level users, as the block field was just so-so. However, the other one was noticeably different from the previous block field. It was at the opposite end, diagonally across the table, and the membrane was quite thick.

If the block field was expanded to this extent, the simple amount of magical power would be roughly similar to Vivien’s. I was very curious about who it might be, but I decided to put off finding out for later. So, first, I quietly created magical power and then let it flow towards the floor of the tavern. Eventually, the magical power that flowed through the floor formed a single stream, which then split into two branches and spread out towards their respective targets.

From now on, the action I will take using magical power is Occupy. Stage 2 of magical energy release. To put it simply, my plan was to make my magic melt into the field they had laid out and take over their territory. The moment my magic mixes and takes over the area, a kind of passage is created in the block field. In other words, if I can break through the passage, only I can hear the stories coming and going within it.

Of course, for this to happen, two major conditions are required. First, my magical power must be significantly higher than that of the user who performed the magic. Second, horsepower control must be very good. It must be mixed secretly without disrupting the flow of the magic. However, if you approached cautiously and messed around, there was a high possibility that the opposing wizard would notice. In other words, it was necessary to be caught up in an instant without even having time to notice the strangeness.

During the first round, I was able to reach the level of a sword master with a magic power of 48. Of course, there is no set limit to becoming a sword master based on ability, but there is still an average. Considering that the average is in the low 70s, I was definitely in the exception group. At that time, I eventually gave up on increasing my magical power, which did not increase no matter how hard I tried, and practiced the control as the next best option.

I can currently handle the magic power level of 96 without difficulty. And thanks to his efforts during his first inning, Pina had the ability to put into practice what he had always thought about in his head.

I calmed my mind and focused all my attention on the spreading magic power. The first place the stem touched was the table next to it. It secretly digs inward toward the lightly surrounded block field. And at that moment, the flow of magic power was adjusted as I had read it in advance with my third eye, and it melted into the intangible membrane. and… .

“… Nope. “It’s an open secret anyway.”

“That’s right.”

Soon I was able to follow the flow of magical power without much trouble. When I glanced sideways, I saw users still talking with serious faces. Now that the passage has been opened, all you have to do is listen. Even though it still sounds small, I quickly pulled the magic power towards my ears.

“I don’t think it’s anything serious. “I think there were a lot of things they had been repressing, knowingly or unknowingly.”

“Oh, I’m going crazy. What should I do? It’s a big problem. “It was only yesterday that I boasted that it would be successful, and I still can’t believe it.”

“under. My friend also participated in the expedition, but I don’t know what happened. Oh, you know what? “There have been only three calls requesting rescue right now.”

“Excluding redundant communication?”

“huh. “I heard a high-ranking official of our clan say that they were almost completely wiped out?”

“no way. It couldn’t possibly be like that. The annihilation is severe. In a clan that is said to be the best, only the elites were selected, but in vain? “Not even a week has passed.”

“I don’t know either. “I just listened.”

After listening to the stories for a while, I immediately withdrew my magic from the area. I heard some stories about the expedition, but they were not very nutritious. So this time, I decided to pay attention to the table across from me. I felt a little nervous because it was very thick, but the stem subtly wrapped the membrane like a Venus flytrap catching insects.

Since it was quite far away, I sharpened my hearing even more towards where the table was. Several sounds came simultaneously and a sharp voice struck my ears. In addition, there was a cold female voice and a low male voice.

“Where did you hear that?”

“This is what the user who sent the first distress call said. We also barely got it. Of course, it would be difficult to take it literally because it is just gibberish. Still, if you put the pieces together, it seems like the advance team never got any news.”

“okay? So you’re saying she was completely exterminated? “Without a single one left behind?”

“That is highly likely. Was it Park Hyun-woo who led the advance team? Tsk tsk. “He made fun of me for being an executive and was hooked in an instant.”

“Park Hyun-woo? iced coffee. But I think he will be able to come back alive. “Then what about the main unit and the supply unit?”

“I don’t know that much. “I don’t understand why they separated the main unit and the supply unit in the first place.”

“Isn’t it so that we can pioneer a safe path as a leader? “I heard that the main unit cleaned up the remaining debris and dropped the supply unit for the purpose of securing passage.”

“That’s why you’re stupid. How much confidence did they have to have to form such a perfect death-defying formation? “Giggle.”

“you… . “I think I like it a lot.”

“Giggle. Why~? It looks good. Phew.”

“Then I guess I’ll have to make you feel better.”

“What is it? say it.”

“This is truly top secret. I think there was a user in the main unit among the communications that sent a rescue request. However, at the main unit, the Golden Lion Clan… .”

“for a moment. Lee Chan-woo. “You shut up.”


“hey. Now block field… .”

While I was listening intently, the conversation suddenly stopped. I reflexively recovered the magic power I had been holding. Apparently, there was one wizard user whose magic ability was in the late 80s or over 90s. If it’s over 90, there’s no way I wouldn’t know. I tilted my head for a moment, but soon let out a regretful sigh.

I was really looking forward to it since it was said to be top secret information, but it seemed like one savvy user noticed it. However, since we know the future anyway, it would only be a simple confirmation of the details. I decided to cut off the lingering attachment. Since I had confirmed the information I wanted to confirm, there were no major regrets.


“Kim Soohyun. “Why are you sighing?”

“Because I’m hungry.”

“hmm. Now that I think about it, I’m hungry too. “I hope the food comes out quickly.”

Vivien nodded with a solemn face. He wanted to ask how the study was going, but he decided to just quit. He had been focused on research until now, but when I saw him react to my sighs, I felt like he was watching me knowingly or unknowingly.

“What is your order?”

“huh. brother. “I decided to just keep it simple.”

Yujeong’s voice had a strange thorn in it. Seeing her secretly sighing, it seemed like her frugal spirit was showing again. A meaningful sigh flowed from her mouth once again. Of course, her sigh was not towards Ha-yeon, but towards her children.

Just as the food was ready, a new waitress approached the table with gentle steps. I think they probably saw us and took our order because they thought they could get a big tip. This kind of tyranny happened everywhere. The waitress who first guided us was probably in tears by now.

“Brothers~. Sisters~. “The food you ordered has arrived~.”

At the topic of stealing our order, the waitress smiled brightly and placed the tray on the table. I realized once again that what expensive restaurants have in common is that the portion sizes are very small. On the tray in front of me were eight sandwiches and eight pieces of cookies the size of a woman’s palm. There are eight people, so whose nose should I put it on?

I licked my lips and lightly snapped my fingers. I didn’t want to give it away as a shame, but it wasn’t my business anyway. The waitress caught the coin that popped up with a familiar hand. And when she saw her palm, her face immediately brightened up. Her tip I gave her was 1 silver. When I saw her smiling brightly, I suddenly remembered Ahn Hyeon kicking away her gold coins and jewels. Was that during the Chaos Mimic era?

“Handsome brother! Thank you! thank you! Enjoy your meal, and if you need anything else, please call me!”

With an excited look on her face, she bowed her waist sharply and ran with flying steps. Even though her tray was brought out, she didn’t raise anyone’s hand. I wish you would stop this habit. I said this once before, but everyone just smiled subtly and no one followed suit. According to Shin Sang-yong’s secret tip, whenever the female users in the clan start eating, they want to see me strangely at a loss.

Hayeon picked up a fork and took a bite of the sandwich. Because she was so small, she stood upright without any sign of sagging. She held it up and opened her mouth, slowly reducing the distance between her mouth and mine.

“I won’t be around for long anyway. “I think it would be better to just have a quick bite here and have dinner separately at the inn.”

“hmm? Ah yes. okay.”

“I heard the honey meat sandwiches here are really good. I haven’t tried it, but as the name suggests, it tastes quite similar to honey found on Earth. Now, try it.”

“““… … .”””

Lately, since Ko Yeon-ju’s recruitment was confirmed, Hayeon has been acting a little bolder. And, seeing that, Go Yeon-joo suddenly broke his neck. She saw the corners of Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes curl up slightly. Ansol took out an improved shield of protection and held it tightly, fearing it would break immediately. Vivien drooled as she looked at the sandwich.

“Okay, I’ll eat it. “Give me the fork.”

After taking the fork from her, I was barely able to suppress my actions and looks. And as Shin Sang-yong watched this scene, it seemed like a large bead of sweat could be seen on his head.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Dear readers. If there are any people who have been waiting for Saturday’s participation, I ask you to forgive Ro Yu-jin. _(__)_ I can make many excuses, but my body was a little tired. ㅜ.ㅠ I will definitely try to practice on Sunday. To whip myself, I’ll upload it at 4am. After uploading, I will go straight to writing the next episode. Wow!

P.S. We will reply to your messages one by one starting Sunday morning. 🙂


1. GradeRown: Congratulations on first place. Oh oh. Is this your first time winning first place? 🙂 haha. It can be said that there is no user who can do it alone. Except for one person. (I don’t know who that one person is~.)

2. User Gandalf: Oh, you’re an expert! Hmm. All right. Now that I have received some recognition for my cutting skills, it is time to get recognition for my new skills. Hehehe.

3. zjekfksqlc: I would like to express my deepest regret for not responding to the summons. Big mud. ㅜ.ㅠ Thank you for the ticket. (__)

4. ]Radiere[: In the first round, the jewel wizard did not appear. Hehehe. And Hanbyeol failed to prove her qualifications in the rite of passage. There is a foreshadowing for that part in the trap point section. 🙂

5. EyeSeeYou: No, it doesn’t work. ruler. Go ahead and pick just one! Is it Ansol or Vivien?!

6. Let’s take a nap: Come to think of it, I thought for a moment about making a rose knife appear. Of course, I gave up that idea. Hahaha.

7. Biunrok: NO. It hasn’t come out yet. However, I had a little bit of luck, just a little bit. But in some ways, it is either a big deal or not. I think readers will take it differently. 🙂

8. Toranoanal: Aha. okay. ha ha ha. In the past, I also received recommendations for many works from readers. Among them, the memorable works are Desire and Struggle (I still remember the scene where he receives the blessing), Abu Pig’s Military Life (I remember once enjoying watching a cartoon depicting military life), and Going to Church. . I recommend the three works above!

9. Idriyan: Hahaha. This is Hanbyeol Kim. Please don’t hate Hanbyul too much. ㅜ.ㅠ No, I will personally change Kim Han-byeol’s image. Hehehe. Please look forward to!

10. gkgngh: Umm. A deserted island or a secret room. I’m not sure about the secret room, and I’m not sure about the uninhabited island. @[email protected] It seems like there were works on the uninhabited island that I enjoyed watching in the past. I really don’t know about the secret room. ;blanket;

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, ratings, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode