Memorize Chapter 187

00187 One moment, Barbara ———————————————– ————————–=

Cha Seung-hyun’s eyes were wide open. His mouth was open letting out his screams. And when I saw that expression, his strange excitement enveloped me. Cha Seung-hyun, a martial artist, was in a position where he couldn’t even look at his opponent during his first inning. Of course, there are many things that are lacking to call him a martial god, but I still felt an unfamiliar feeling about killing such a strong person one on one.

It was quite strong. Because we fought some fierce battles. But that was all. He couldn’t be my current partner as he hadn’t achieved all of his growth yet. All of his abilities except his stamina are lacking. Compared to me, who has high-quality weapons and armor, his equipment is very poor. Not to mention his special abilities and potential abilities. Even if I achieved all of the above conditions equally, I was hiding useful abilities and secret weapons influenced by the Tanay perk. If I had made up my mind and used Hwajeong from the beginning, I would have won more easily.


It was blocked, and suddenly a heartbreaking cry was heard that seemed to have been vomited in an instant. Without even looking back, it would be Yoo Hyeon-ah’s scream. However, I did not stop using the Sun and Moon Sword. He cut with all his might towards the nape of Cha Seung-hyun’s neck, who was leaning forward due to his severed right arm. and.


Along with the scream of death, the eerie sensation of the flesh being cut was felt at the ridge of the sword. At the same time, one user’s head rises high into the air. The neck was neatly detached and floating in the air, but soon fell to the ground in a curved line.

Tap, tap, tap, tap. dump.

Soon, a headless body was seen falling helplessly to the floor of the inn. And coincidentally, Cha Seung-hyeon’s neck rolled a little on the inn floor and stopped near Yoo Hyeon-ah. Hot-looking blood was gushing out intermittently like a small fountain from the cross section of his severed neck.

Yoo Hyeon-ah’s appearance was worth seeing. She was only raising her upper body with her hands on the floor, and she was making an expression that was difficult to describe in words. If she had to express it, she would have an expression of disbelief. However, “Ah… . ah… .” It kept letting out these moans, and it felt like it would scream at any moment if I even touched it.

For now, I plan to keep Yoo Hyeon-ah alive. Cha Seung-hyun and Band Da-hee may be younger siblings who are more important to Yoo Hyeon-ah than anyone else, but to other users, they are just some clan members who make up the clan. But if she even touches her, then things get a little tiring. She may have pulled out her sword and attacked her in the first place, but otherwise, ending it here was her act of protecting the line. Looking at Yoo Hyeon-ah, who looked like she was about to faint at any moment, I was lost in thought for a moment.

How will her future change? As I said before, the reason Yoo Hyeon-ah was able to rise to the status of was because there were many truly useful users under her. In fact, when Beech was at her peak, 4 of the 10 strongmen were under her command.

However, since Cha Seung-hyun and Band Da-hee, who were in charge of Yoo Hyun-ah’s limbs in the beginning, were cut off, I was very curious about what would happen in the future. It was one of two things. Either you cannot overcome their deaths and become broken, or you overcome them and rise again.

It didn’t matter which option was given. I would like it to be the former if possible, but a way to distort the latter was already included in my plan. I planned to intercept or secretly kill most of the users she would meet and recruit in the future. Of course, that thought has not changed even now.


I sighed lightly and turned around. There was nothing more to see here, and I had no desire to deal with Yoo Hyeon-ah, who seemed to have already lost her mind. And when I looked at the clan members, I was able to see unexpected reactions.

Go Yeon-ju was clapping silently, and Vivien had a calm face. Jeong Ha-yeon was staring at me with her calm eyes, and Shin Sang-yong was looking at Yoo Hyeon-ah with her pitiful face, but when her eyes met mine, she slightly lowered her head.

And, the kids’ reactions made my sharpened mind relax a little. Ahn Hyun was shaking slightly, but her eyes were shining. This was proof that she was not avoiding this whole situation, but was looking straight at it. Lee Yu-jeong was holding the magic sword Sku Lepp in her right hand, and she was staring at me with a mysterious face. The twiddling of her delicate fingers seemed to be influenced by the magic sword and blood-soaked heart. Now that I think about it, I also need to solve the problem of Yujeong and the Demon Sword, but I’ve been forgetting about it. But looking at the reactions now, I can say that sometimes I really like it, and sometimes I don’t like it.

Anyway, getting out of here quickly was my priority right now. I can’t be held captive by the Mule any longer. Even if you receive an investigation, it would be better to do so after leaving for another city. Seeing Ansol swallowing his saliva with a very nervous face, I slowly shortened the distance between me and my clan members.

“Thanks for your efforts.”

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

Ko Yeon-ju and Jeong Ha-yeon spoke in turn and welcomed me. I nodded slightly.

“Although there was an unfortunate incident, there is no change in the plan. “Then let’s leave Mule right now.”

“I… “Brother.”

“huh. why?”

“That person… .”

Ansol bit his fingernails and blurted out his words. I glanced at Yoo Hyeon-ah, who was still dazed, and then shook her head. There was a possibility that the matter could escalate and there was a lack of justification. Also, at best, the situation has been made to her advantage, but if she is killed now, the meaning of her justification for killing Cha Seung-hyeon and Band Da-hee will fade. I would have been able to catch it if I had to, but I wanted to avoid doing something that was tiring as there was a high possibility that it would affect my future actions.

“Let’s go.”

After urging my companions once more, I immediately left the inn. The clan members followed me quietly, and the kids came out hurriedly, looking a little embarrassed. And Ahn Hyeon came forward with quick steps, stood next to me, and walked and talked to me.

“brother. Still, this is what happened in the city… . Would it be okay?”

“are you okay. No matter how representative a clan is, there are lines that must be followed. Looking at the situation just now, it was a situation that could easily be established. “It’s to our advantage, so we won’t be wanted separately.”

The answer came from Jeong Ha-yeon, not me. Even though he heard her answer, Ahn Hyun’s expression was shocked. It seemed like there was something bothering me. Perhaps reading his expression, Go Yeon-ju opened her mouth this time.


“Yes, four.”

“Who do you think I am?”

“yes? That’s it… .”

Ahn Hyeon couldn’t continue speaking and kept his mouth shut. He seemed taken aback by Go Yeon-ju’s unexpected question. She giggled for a moment and stroked his head gently. Then she gently pushed her face towards him and whispered something in his ear. Seeing Ahn Hyeon’s face quickly harden, I quickly heightened my hearing.

“The reason I always smile at you is because you are Soohyun’s colleagues and his beloved younger siblings.”

“… … .”

“And now we are members of the same clan. But before that, I am the Shadow Queen. I don’t think you will understand this now. Perhaps, the more I experience, the more I will understand. So don’t worry about anything now, just keep your head straight. “Hey kid.”

“Oh, I understand.”

After saying those words, Go Yeon-ju came next to me, and Ahn Hyeon relaxed his stiff expression. And he sighed with relief. The expression on his face was clearly one of relief. In that case, it seemed like I was more worried about what might happen in the future by killing Cha Seung-hyun and Band Da-hee than about killing them. For example, being wanted, becoming a vagabond, etc.

Suddenly, the thought of meeting children for the first time and the rite of passage came to mind. They were kids who were scared because they had fired an arrow at Woo Jeong-min and his group. Compared to that, it has improved a lot. Of course, looking at Lee Yu-jeong, it is difficult to say that he has developed in a good direction.

“Su-hyun. Did you hate them that much?”


Suddenly, I heard a soft whisper next to me. When I turned my head to her side, I realized that Go Yeon-joo was staring at me with a subtle smile. She glanced behind her slightly and then continued her words in a quiet voice.

“No, it looks too light-hearted.”

Because he is single. Certainly, from Go Yeon-ju’s point of view, both the kids and I are users with 0 years of experience. She says she manages her facial expressions, but it looks like she got caught.

As a brief aside, when I was still in modern times, there were a few things I did not understand when I read novels or comics. There were many situations, but to put it simply, it was the main character playing hero. I didn’t like that. It was a situation in which I could easily kill the enemy, but I couldn’t understand why people were putting themselves in danger, even though it was a situation I could easily overcome. I always clicked my tongue when I saw them and often left doubts about the main character’s actions.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I want to be the type of person who goes out as he pleases without weighing everything. Even if he was an enemy in the first round, I will wait and see if there is a possibility of recruiting him. Woo Jung-min and his group or user Go Yeon-ju could be good examples. Still, isn’t it better to do as little as possible as the situation allows?

Why did I finish the first round and start the second round again? Because you want to be a hero? Do you want to increase your reputation and show off your power? no. I definitely didn’t come here just to play games like punishing those kids. The reason I truly turned back time was because there were things I couldn’t accomplish in the first round. And I really wanted to achieve that this time.

Therefore, I was confident that I would be crueler than anyone else to achieve that goal. okay. What Ko Yeon-ju said was not wrong. As she said, I felt relieved now. As Cha Seung-hyun said, he did not have the slightest sense of guilt about betraying his morals as a human being. My heart was filled with relief at having easily dealt with a difficult enemy that could have been difficult to deal with in the future.

I responded to Go Yeon-ju’s question with a faint smile and shrugged my shoulders. And without giving any further answer, he quickly walked towards the warp gate. Although I stayed for about 3 months, I experienced so many things in Mule that it felt like I stayed for half a year. Maybe that was why I felt excited about leaving Mule.


they left In the inn’s courteous lady, there was suddenly only quiet silence. And the tragedy that occurred inside the inn was a contrast to the quiet atmosphere. There were two pools of blood, and a corpse lay on top of each pool.

“Huh… .”

Yoo Hyeon-ah raised her head and let out a voice that was difficult to understand. There were clear traces of dry tears on her cheeks, and her lips were dry. With her red and bloodshot eyes she slowly turned her head. Before she knew it, her eyes had caught her eye, a cold corpse lying face down, and a corpse lying on the floor with her head and body separated.

“Huh… . Ugh… . Ugh… .”

Every time Yuhyeonah opened her mouth, a hoarse sound continued to flow out of her throat. She lowered her head again, either because she couldn’t bear to continue facing that scene, or because she didn’t want to admit it was reality.

… . … … . … … … . … … … … . … … … … … .

How much time has passed? Suddenly, a subtle sound began to flow from her, who was only looking at her floor.

“Heh, heh. Hehehe. Hehehehe. Haha. “Huh, huh.”

It was a sound that was hard to tell whether it was crying or laughing. She sounded like someone who had lost her mind for a while, and then she said, “Crrrrrrr.” She made a sound and threw her body down. White foam was bubbling out of her mouth.

However, in the meantime, the corners of her mouth were dry and hoarse, windy sounds were constantly flowing out. Her eyes were half-closed, and the glimpses of her pupils seemed to have lost focus. Little white foam was flowing from her mouth. The look on her face seemed like she was someone who wanted to forget everything. Like a girl who wakes up and believes it was all a dream.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

ah. Today I have something to say to my readers. It’s no different, I’ve been getting a lot of messages lately. Normally, I would like to reply quickly, but as you know, I am very busy as I have not finished my exam yet. I may have received one or two messages, but many messages have accumulated, and among them, there are many messages that require lengthy responses. So, I would like to answer all messages one by one starting next week after the exam is over. I hope for the same understanding from the readers, and I hope you enjoy reading it today as well. 🙂

P.S. Tomorrow’s test will probably produce the worst results. Kkkkkkk. Hehehe. ㅜ.ㅠ

PS2. Thank you to everyone who submitted selections, recommendations, comments, ratings, coupons, and messages. 😀


1. 破天魔痕: You broke Sensitive’s 4th consecutive 1st place win. ha ha ha. Congratulations on first place. These days, there seems to be a fixed number of people who come in first place. Sometimes, I wonder who will come out on top when people who have shown brilliant records in the past and people who are newly emerging compete against each other. 🙂

2. GradeRown: Absolutely not. Of course you can do that, but there is a very good item called . 🙂 Yoo Hyeon-ah survived. It wasn’t thanks to luck, it was thanks to Kim Soo-hyun’s benevolence. Hehehe. What will happen to her in the future? Also, you don’t have to worry(?) It’s a pitiful concept, so… . Hmm.

3. dddfaaaf: Yes. Some continents are like that, and others are not like that . For example, in the West Continent, the severity is very severe. In the initial explanation, there is a part that says Now, the Golden Lion Clan is about to fall. It hasn’t fallen . So, what will happen to the Northern Continent in the future? 🙂

4. Masterpiece: In the beginning, it was set as external/internal setting. However, as we changed to add other tendencies in the middle, it became a little more complicated. You can look at the big picture that way, but the changes can be based on the users themselves, as Lobelyan said. This is because if you set it according to the initial settings, the tendency will be too one-sided. I wanted to send it a little more multidirectionally.

5. Refill: When I read Refill’s comments, I always think a lot. It allows you to think in a different direction. 🙂 Thank you for your comment. Please continue to give us many kind words.

6. New Mother: I came here to ask for help. He accompanied the investigation team and was looking to recruit them while doing so. They probably also wanted to find out the ability to excavate three ruins in three months. 🙂 As the representative clan, I read the expedition report.

7. open: If you are talking about my setting from the beginning, I planned to keep Yoo Hyeon-ah alive and kill the other two. You don’t have to worry too much because she saved Yoo Hyeon-ah’s life. She won’t disappoint you or anything like that. The reason she was kept alive was to minimize her damage to her target, as you said. It’s not that she didn’t think about killing her outright, but she felt it was right to proceed with the initial setting. 🙂

8. Elf Kai: Hahahaha. Oh, you can’t do that. LOL. Still, I burst out laughing because it was something I hadn’t thought about! 😀

9. Wi-tae-wi-tae: Wi-tae-wi-tae. thank you. In particular, This part gave me goosebumps. There is nothing more to add or take away. This is the perfect answer to Suhyun’s behavior.

10. Happy day: Hehe. Sure. You need a proper enemy. And regarding that part, it will be released indefinitely(?) in the future, so please wait a little longer! 😀

11. juan: Hahaha. In the beginning, many people were curious about that. That part was not clearly revealed in the flow of the novel. However, I was consistent with one answer. It is not simply because of his brother’s will, but there is a reason why he could not be saved. That part is related to the ending, so if you know it now… . You will probably lose more than half of the fun you will have in the future. I don’t know about the other parts, but since it is related to the ending, I plan to keep that part completely secret. It’s not a settings conflict, so don’t worry too much and stay tuned for future progress. 🙂

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, ratings, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode