Memorize Chapter 186

00186 The downfall of Golden Lion ———————————————————– —————————-=

Cha Seung-hyun and Band Da-hee are in the same third year. A colleague with whom I had shared hardships for three years was murdered. The friendship between Yoo Hyeon-ah, Cha Seung-hyun, and Band Da-hee was famous even in the first episode. I could see him trying to remain as calm as possible, but his colleague was killed right in front of his eyes. He had a reputation as the protector of his allies, and there was no way he would remain still due to his personality.

The clan members, including me, stopped walking out of the entrance and looked at Cha Seung-hyun. After that, Yoo Hyeon-ah was seen staring at Ban Da-hee’s corpse with her blank face. She looked like she was in a huge shock as she opened her mouth every now and then. I also had a strange feeling. Of course, Banda-hee had not yet developed all of her growth potential. However, considering her stature, she literally ran through the battlefield like a crazy bitch, and it was hard to believe that she was killed so easily.


Something long was aimed at me. When I put aside my thoughts and raised my gaze, I saw a short spear held in Cha Seung-hyeon’s right hand. I couldn’t find anything particularly unusual. It was a commonly seen short spear with a pointed end and a short handle. However, the cold anticipation coming from the tip of the spear could never be ignored. Perhaps because he was a user who would gain the reputation of a martial god in the future, he was already showing his side of earning 100 per day.

“Do you realize the meaning of your actions now?”

“bloke. “Shut your mouth.”

“Clean the window. I don’t want to expand things any further.”

“You’ve done the work and don’t want to expand? Cut out the nonsense. “It really shows the end of hypocrisy.”

Cha Seung-hyun’s voice was low. However, the words he spoke pierced through our ears with a deep, murderous spirit. Seeing him speaking informally, I thought about letting go as well, but decided to just keep raising the tone. This is because even the slightest justification can be secured from even the smallest of details. So I opened my mouth in a calm voice.

“I think you forgot who did it first. hypocrisy? “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“So you’re saying that Dahee was absolutely at fault? So you killed her?”

“I hope you don’t speak in such a clumsy way. It’s a hole plane. Regardless of who was at fault or not, it was a situation where mutual murder could well be established. “If we are to be specific about her, we can say that she is the user who directly contributed to the cause.”

“No matter how much Dahee attacked first, there is a basic moral that humans have. I killed someone, my own brother, just because he was annoying, but are you telling me to understand it and just watch it like this? All we had to do was give one step to the other!”

It is the basic moral to have as a human being. To me, it sounded like a dog eating grass. And I could definitely feel the difference between them in the first round and them now. It was a little hard to believe, but these people were still closer to people than users.

“Couldn’t you hold back just a little bit? We were in a position where we could make concessions to each other! “I was wrong when I thought I was lucky, even if only for a moment, and that I wasn’t an unlucky guy!”

If there is one more thing that is disappointing for Yoo Hyeon-ah and her group, it is that there are no users who know how to use their heads. At the very least, if a situation like this came up, you had to somehow lead it to your advantage, but you were putting your emotions first. I thought it was very brave of her to have survived so far despite having lived like this for three years under Yoo Hyeon-ah.

I tilted my head slightly and opened my mouth.

“Did I not make any concessions?”

“… … .”

Cha Seung-hyun did not respond immediately to what I said. He opened his mouth, but paused, seemingly unable to think of anything to say. Soon his face began to turn red and blue. I decided to take this momentum and push it a little further.

“I didn’t ask you to kneel, nor did I want you to do anything else. “I just wanted a word from her, a word from her heart. What did she say?”

“Tsk… .”

“I gave you a chance. “She was the one who kicked that opportunity away.”


Cha Seung-hyun shouted loudly for the first time. He didn’t just raise his voice. Yoo Hyeon-ah, who had been staring at her dead body in a daze, slowly turned her head as she heard the loud sound. But she doesn’t seem to have come to her senses. It seemed like she still couldn’t get over her shock when she saw the empty looking eyes.

“still? So, was the scope of the concession you wanted an unconditional concession on our part? As they say, the people who are the representative clan threatened the lives of the Year 0 kids, intentionally provoked the Top 10, and even actually attacked them. And when I told him not to escalate the situation further, he spat in my face and cursed that he would kill me no matter what. Considering all of this, should we have stepped down?”

“Us too! “We also tried to stop Dahee.”

“I also stopped Go Yeonju once. To be precise, I think the word control would be more accurate. “Then it means that you were unable to control your clan members.”

“… … .”

I finally felt the bites starting to come. She certainly could have gotten away with it without having to kill her, given the situation. However, as Cha Seung-hyun said, it is only a moral issue. If we look at each detail in detail, we had a cause. Currently, his heart is probably filled with frustration that feels like it might explode. You must be angry. Even though he lost his beloved colleague, he can’t say a word properly.

The sound of teeth grinding is heard. The corners of her eyes were curled upward, and her once sad expression had become distorted with anger. Nevertheless, he managed to take a deep breath and then opened his mouth in a voice that seemed to be strained.

“exaggeration… Don’t interpret. It’s true that he made a threat, but… Hee probably didn’t even intend to kill those kids.”

That’s just what they say. I let out a sneer that showed a hint of humor. His face, which he had barely managed to calm down when he saw me like that, crumpled. When he turned his head, he saw Go Yeon-joo yawning next to him, as if the conversation was quite boring. Of course, Ko Yeon-ju was also acting with facial expressions. If you pretend, you pretend. As soon as she saw my signal, I guessed what was inside her, and she looked even prettier today.

“There would have been no intention to kill. So what about the thing that provoked the Shadow Queen and attacked her? “I guess you didn’t intend to kill him either?”

“… … .”

He didn’t answer. However, I could see that the tip of the spear began to tremble slightly, as if I was applying more strength to the hand holding the spear.

“Even nonsense is at this level.”


“I’ll tell you why it’s nonsense. In fact, we had no intention of killing the female user named Bandahee.”

I paused for a moment. Then, Go Yeon-ju, who was next to me, nodded once or twice, as if saying yes, and accepted my words.

“is it so. Actually, I had no intention of killing that boar bitch. Of course, I stuck a dagger in his throat, but I never intended to kill him. “It was just to threaten me.”


Go Yeon-ju’s voice was melodious. Immediately, “This is proof that what you said was nonsense.” I wanted to say that, but I had no choice but to hastily pull out the Sun and Moon God Sword. Perhaps the conversation just now was the final blow. The moment Ko Yeon-ju finished speaking, Cha Seung-hyun let out a harsh roar and immediately stabbed the spear. And before the tip of the spear reached me, a blade emitting a cool silver light flowed smoothly like water from my waist.


The ridge of the sword blocks the tip of the spear. A shock so strong that it made my hands tingle came through the Sun and Moon God Sword. The blade of his spear had bluish magical energy.

“What are you doing?”

“Shut up! You… What do you know! To say that they killed Dahee… !”

It seems like everything I had been suppressing until now exploded all at once. Compared to his proud and solemn appearance during the first round, I felt a bit of a disconnect. Still, I was able to understand. At that time, he had gained some ground and was in the position of 10th lecturer. Of course, 3-year users cannot be considered novice users, but compared to then, they are probably less mature both physically and mentally. And even more so if he was under Yoo Hyeon-ah during that time. I was in no position to curse others in the first place. When I lost my brother and Han So-young, I went crazy for several months.


As his anger rose to the top of his head and consumed his reason, he shouted in an indignant voice and swung his spear sideways. I intentionally caught the wave of magic coming from the end. Of course, there was a part of me that believed it.

“Shield Of Reflect!”

And as if responding to my trust, Ha-yeon Jeong’s spell came out right away. I don’t know the details of her situation, but it was clear that she also made her own preparations. She was worried about what would happen to her if she used offensive magic, but fortunately she used defensive magic. When this incident comes to light later, the fact that she was playing defense rather than offense will be of great help.

At the same time that a pale yellow-golden shield was placed in front of the clan members, the magic power poured out by Cha Seung-hyeon was blocked by the reflect shield. Eventually, as I saw the waves coming out and returning, I also jumped forward. By receiving Cha Seung-hyun’s preemptive attack, I now have a reason to kill him.


visor! visor! visor! visor!

Yoo Hyeon-ah suddenly came to her senses at the sudden sound of metal screeching. When she turned her head towards the sound, she could see Kim Soo-hyun and Cha Seung-hyun fighting. She didn’t understand how this was happening. She tried to raise her voice, but all that came out was a hoarse sound of wind. She felt that her throat was very dry.

visor! visor! visor! visor! visor! visor! visor! visor!

A small piece of spear sticking out briefly grazed Yu Hyeon-ah’s face. She reflexively turned her head, and soon saw the neatly cut section lying on the floor. As the wind entered her dry mouth, she felt her uvula drying out. She quickly swallowed her saliva and then let out her shaky breath.

“ha… . ha… .”

Cha Seung-hyun was sweating profusely, wondering how long he had been fighting. He was desperately swinging a spear with its top cut off. His magical energy was rising from the tip of the spear, and he was attacking it brilliantly, playing with it in many ways, but surprisingly, all of his attacks were in vain.

Mercenary Clan Lord user Soohyun Kim. Every time his sword swung, Cha Seung-hyun’s desperate attack was defeated without any chance. Her vision was a little blurry so she couldn’t see much, but she could tell that Cha Seung-hyun was at a disadvantage.

‘no. Seunghyun, just as much as Seunghyun oppa.’

I didn’t think anything of it. Now, only the thought of stopping this battle was taking over her whole body. She had an ominous feeling that if she continued like this, she would lose it too. Yoo Hyeon-ah desperately tried to move her body. However, her exhausted body betrayed her owner’s expectations. With a thud, Yoo Hyeon-ah’s body fell to the floor. The moment she quickly got off her feet and raised her upper body, Yoo Hyeon-ah was able to see a new sight.


Cha Seung-hyeon suddenly twisted his body and violently rotated his spear. Kim Soo-hyun, who penetrated at close range, was unable to avoid the spear. Soon, the sharp blade of the spear aimed at the blind spot in Kim Soo-hyun’s path and cut through his body without a chance. Yoo Hyeon-ah’s eyes widened when she saw that. however… .

“ah… .”

Kim Soo-hyun’s body was clearly split in half. However, no reaction was seen from the cracked area. He spills neither blood nor intestines. Soon, Kim Soo-hyun’s body slowly melted into thin air, and Cha Seung-hyun, who only then realized something was strange, looked around at him with a puzzled face. And Yoo Hyeon-ah could see it. Kim Soo-hyun suddenly appears behind him, raising a sword emitting silver light.

“ah… . ah… . Ah ah ah ah ah!”

Finally, Yoo Hyeon-ah’s voice burst out. As if reacting to that voice, Cha Seung-hyun also quickly tried to move the window backwards.


Soon, Cha Seung-hyeon’s screams of pain were heard, and at the same time, an arm holding the spear rose into the air. And then, a silver ray of light once again rushed towards Cha Seung-hyun’s neck as his body staggered greatly. Yu Hyeon-ah cried loudly when she saw the stem.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

It came late today, and I really didn’t write anything, so the review update was late. ㅜ.ㅠ My whole body is tired. I took the test today, and I made a mistake. That’s a very simple mistake too. I always heard things like that from people around me and thought I wouldn’t do that, but today I finally caught one. I couldn’t change the sign because I looked in the wrong direction. After releasing everything, at the end… . The funny thing is, I even reviewed it and it was like that. Huh. I need to keep my head straight for the remaining exams!


1. Sensitive: Congratulations on winning first place 3 times in a row! We also congratulate you on the emergence of a new powerhouse. However, since I’ve already seen the comments for this episode for a while, I see you failed 4 times in a row. ㅜ.ㅠ It’s a pity. (It’s rare to see 4 in a row.) Well, please enjoy this episode as well!

2. Koya: Haha. Since it was already in the text, I didn’t think it was a spoiler, so I put it in the re-ripple. If you kill Yoo Hyeon-ah, things will really get worse. 🙂

3. Mecha Star: Yes. That’s exactly what Soohyun was aiming for.

4. Game: Ah! Thank you for the coupon. ㅜ.ㅠ I couldn’t check the comment when I posted the reply. Black.

5. Lancelot du Lac: Haha. So, what you’re saying is that the Lancelot du Lac I’ve met so far was a number of readers! I suddenly feel fresh. 🙂

6. Blamy: Indeed! Will Cha Seung-hyun die or survive? Please look forward to the next episode!

7. Kazumi: Wish. Of course there is. It’s 1 million points. It may not be possible to collect it beyond the mid to late stages, but it can be considered very difficult to collect in the early stages. You have to regularly participate in achievements that give you GP, but below-average users will find it difficult to collect even 1 million. 🙂

8. Prandil: Yes. I got a lot of questions about that part. I plan to upload the settings once I have some free time after the exam, and I will also organize the settings for that part little by little. 🙂

9. Let’s take a nap: Thank you for your hard work driving! It’s just amazing that you can see it all in one day. ㄷㄷㄷㄷ. (I really like the nickname. I want to take a nap too. ㅜ.ㅠ)

10. James Dean: Hmm! Well, it’s a secret. However, it was truly an unavoidable situation. It’s a bit harsh to say so… . 😀

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, ratings, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode