Memorize Chapter 183

00183 The downfall of Golden Lion ———————————————————– —————————-=


“… … .”

“brother? brother!”

“huh? huh.”

At the same time as a sharp voice, someone grabbed my shoulder and shook it. When I turned my head to the side, I saw Yujeong’s face.

“What were you thinking? Even when I called from the side, there was no answer.”

“Nothing. “But why did you call me?”

“When we entered Hall Plain, the Golden Lion Clan came.”


When I agreed, she patted her left breast and continued speaking.

“Didn’t those users have a golden lion symbol on their chests at that time? “I don’t think we have anything like that.”

“I did register the pattern. However, in such cases, it does not happen automatically; you have to draw it separately on your own equipment.”

“Oh~. I see~. I thought it would happen on its own again. By the way, is something bad happening to you? “The expression on your face looks really bad.”

“It’s not good. “I just wanted to think about it for a moment.”

Suddenly, the information that Conrad Douglas had just given me came to mind.

I don’t know exactly what Yoo Hyeon-ah was thinking, but I had absolutely no intention of staying in Mule. After glancing at in the user information window, I gave up my thoughts. I always acted like I was being chased. I was always anxious because I thought that if I couldn’t go with the flow, I would be left out.

“User Go Yeon-ju, user Jeong Ha-yeon.”

When I calmed down and called for Jeong Ha-yeon and Ko Yeon-ju, I could immediately see the two users approaching me.

“yes. Su-hyun.”

“Did you call me?”

“yes. Now, you two, please lead the rest of the party and return to the inn immediately. You just need to clean up the inn and prepare to leave Mule.”

“Are you planning on leaving right away?”

At Hayeon’s question, I shook my head excitedly.

“no. There is one thing left to finish. Still, please prepare as quickly as possible. We may leave as early as this evening. How will user Go Yeonju organize the inn? Do you need some time?”

“No~. I’ve thought about that too, but I’m just going to keep it. I think I might be able to add a new shadow here if I settle down in another city. So, all you have to do is pack your bags.”

Ko Yeon-ju’s judgment is correct. In the future, if a civil war breaks out between users of the North Continent, a situation will arise where the warp gates connecting the feuding cities will be cut off. Of course, she may be speaking purely for the purpose of gathering information, but just in case, having under her command who can obtain internal information would be of great help. I nodded my head thinking that if I could play well, I would be able to handle it.

“I will finish the last work now. After all preparations are complete, gather your group in the lobby on the first floor. Let me tell you a simple plan for the future. “It’s after that that I leave Mule.”

“Please leave it to me.”

“I follow the Lord’s orders.”

Ha-yeon Jeong answered with a clear voice, and Yeon-ju Ko answered with a playful voice. Eventually, as I watched the two of them walking towards their companions, I also started walking. The place I’m heading to is a dense shopping area. Among them, I was thinking of stopping by .


When I opened the door of and entered, I saw the old man looking at a deep blue jewel. He still had gray hair and a wrinkled face. As soon as I entered, he glanced at me and then opened his mouth in a brusque voice.

“It seems like it’s been a while since I last saw you.”

“It was heightened. During that time, have you been in perfect harmony with one body after another?”

“joy. I guess I heard that somewhere. Buy or sell?”

He must have found my words quite funny and burst out laughing. He was a little older, so I tried using a greeting I knew before, but it seemed to work for him unintentionally. I also smiled softly and took out a pocket from my arms. He took my pocket with familiar movements and carefully shook it over the table. Eventually, I felt a flow of magical power in the old man’s eyes as he picked up one of the fifteen jewels that came out.

As I watched the old man handing over the jewels one by one, I fell into deep thought. The reason I came here now is because the old man in front of me was of rare class. Rare class gem appraiser. I don’t know the details of what kind of power it has, but honestly, from my standards, it’s okay to have it or not. However, considering Hanbyeol’s class, it seemed like the two would be a good match.

Originally, we had planned to completely recruit him, but now our thoughts have changed and we have put it on hold. If I had originally planned to recruit him completely, I would have come back after bringing in Kim Han-byul. However, he wanted to end his life quietly, and I had no right or intention to drag him along even though it was not necessary for his future actions. Moreover, Kim Han-byeol’s position was ambiguous, so he visited as if he was just trying to stab a persimmon that he couldn’t eat.


While he was thinking about this and that, it seemed like he had already completed the jewelry appraisal. He gathered the jewels with both hands and spoke in an admiring voice.

“It’s nothing compared to the things you brought before. To say this is the best product is not enough. The color is bright, and the inside is full, so the magic concentration is very high. Even if you don’t do it, it’s over 200 gold each. Are you thinking of selling everything?”


“huh? what?”

He asked back with wide eyes, wondering if what I said was unexpected. However, his expression soon became stiff, as if he was feeling uncomfortable for some reason. The sudden recruitment offer is correct. However, the user in front of me doesn’t like to spin around, so I thought it would be better to be honest from the beginning. Still, there was a need to continue speaking quickly.

“I’m on my way after having just founded a clan.”

“You founded a clan?”

“yes. And I’m planning to leave Mule soon.”

“Hmm. Right. okay. “Then what exactly was the reason for saying that?”

I could see the old man’s expression softening a little. I breathed a sigh of relief and opened my mouth in a calm voice.

“Did you know that a secret class appeared in the Golden Lion Clan some time ago?”

“I heard. They were putting out advertisements like that, and it was enough to make my ears tingle. Well, it’s a class that I’m personally curious about.”

“I know that person. Since I will mainly be using gems, I think it will be more helpful in the future with your help. Of course, we cannot guarantee that the user will join our clan. “But before I left Mule, I wanted to ask you one question.”

“Tsk. So are these jewels given as a down payment?”

“You may think what you think. “Even if it’s a new clan, it’s enough to give that amount of gems.”

There were some ways to aim. Considering common sense, unless Kim Han-byeol’s recruitment was certain, recruiting a senior executive candidate from the Golden Lion Clan was nothing short of nonsense. And that’s something I can’t help with now. Still, the reason I showed the gem was that I wanted to show that even though the clan was just launched, it was capable of this level.

“I will refuse.”

And as expected, user Manseong Lee flatly rejected my offer. I also didn’t think he would allow it. Of course, I knew him to some extent, but from your point of view, it was just a user you saw once who suddenly came to you and asked you to join the clan. If such a case comes, I will reject it.

But what he said next exceeded my expectations.

“Still, I don’t feel bad. There are users who keep an eye on older users and even recommend them to join. “He is an unusual young man.”

“haha. I’ve heard so many good things from the users who recommended this place. “I did it just in case.”

“Thank you for the offer. However, it is okay to have that secret class, or even not to have it. It’s just a matter of personal curiosity, but that’s not why I declined the invitation to join. Well, I won’t say any more. I just want to spend the rest of my life quietly here. “Aren’t you past the age where you can move around?”

“I understand. “I’m actually sorry that you said such a rude request in a nice way.”

User Lee Man-seong let out a long sigh and put the jewels back into his pocket. Just as I was about to reach out to take the bag again, his voice struck my ear.

“But if you happen to recruit that user, please stop by whenever you remember. I won’t make you upset. Well, it doesn’t matter if you come even if we don’t recruit you.”

The old man’s voice seemed to have some kind of loneliness in it. I bowed my head, took the bag, and put it away in my arms.

“You must be busy if you founded the God Clan. Let’s go now. “I hope I live to see you again.”

“haha. Thank you. “I will definitely survive and come by again.”

So the old man and I exchanged formal words and said goodbye. I left with a light heart. Now it was time to return to the inn.


When we returned to the inn, the clan members were steadily packing up their belongings. I could see that everyone was excited to hear that they were leaving Mule. I also went into the office and separated the equipment I had been storing. There was quite a bit of gold coins, gems, and equipment, but when I put them inside the three Chaos Mimics and put them in the magic backpack, the volume was greatly reduced.

As I took care of what needed to be taken care of and organized what needed to be organized, the sun was about to set.

We finished our meal simply at Go Yeon-ju’s suggestion. Everyone was looking forward to it as it was the last meal at Mule, but since most of the ingredients had been consumed, it wasn’t as plentiful as before. Still, since the food was prepared by Go Yeon-ju, who has good cooking skills, everyone ate the food with expressions of deliciousness on their faces.

I thought I wanted to go to the warp gate right away. However, since he was now a clan lord in name and name, and he was a clan member, it was not a good idea to drag him around like a fist. It was my duty as a clan lord to give at least a brief explanation of what to do next. So, I gathered my companions for tea after dinner and opened my mouth.

“Then, let me briefly explain our future plans.”

Unlike when I first came to Mule, the number of users had doubled. Hyeon Ahn, Sol An, Lee Yu-jeong, Vivien, Ha-yeon Jeong, Sang-yong Shin, Yeon-ju Ko and me. Now, they were more than just a group of people, they were members of the clan I led. While receiving their focused attention, I calmly continued speaking.

“Finally, today, we founded a clan. Fortunately, I think I nailed the first button. But it’s literally just the first step.”

I paused for a moment and took a sip of the tea in front of me. The spicy aroma spread throughout my mouth.

“The Mercenaries are a free mercenary clan. Of course, there are times when I move arbitrarily, but I will increase my power by receiving requests and carrying out those requests. However, with the current reputation of Mercantile, it is difficult to operate based on the above requests. As such, there are two things we need now. One is a clan house that can be used as a base. The other way is to increase your reputation. Of course, I am considering recruiting new colleagues, but I will leave this aside for a moment.”

“Assuming that the Clan House has a lot of money, what are some ways to increase its reputation?”

To Go Yeon-ju’s question, I nodded once and answered.

“First of all, we are looking forward to the promotional effect. I think this level of power will attract the attention of users. And as interest increases, many places will naturally contact you. However, it does not belong to another clan. The only thing we have to take advantage of is when there is interest, we have to go up with the flow.”

This is probably the place where most people inquire about mergers. The important thing is that we must act according to our own will. I wanted to refuse to move according to someone else’s needs or as if I was forced to do so. In order to do that, you must have enough strength not to be underestimated.

“The question then becomes how and in what way to ride that trend. We’ve already made plans for that. Probably soon golden… .”


“I consider the first beginning to be after the Golden Lion Clan finished its expedition to the Iron Mountains.” He tried to say, but a sudden noise silenced him. All the clan members also looked towards the entrance with surprised faces. And there, there was one user breathing heavily. That user was none other than Yoo Hyeon-ah.

Soon after, two users appeared. One was Cha Seung-hyun from , and the other was Da-hee Band from . Eventually, she looked at us at the table on the first floor and the luggage arranged next to us and frowned slightly.

For a moment, Yoo Hyeon-ah and I made eye contact. There was some strange desire in her eyes. Eventually, she shortened the distance between us and softly opened her mouth.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

hmm. I often see people who have already finished their exams. envious. I haven’t even started yet. ㅜ.ㅠ I need to study quickly, but I can’t stop reading this series. Anyway, I will try my best. We ask for your support. 🙂


1. God of Heaven and Blood: Congratulations on first place. It seems like you are taking first place for the first time in a long time. haha. Then, please enjoy this episode as well. (But wouldn’t she be pretty if she were a doll? ㄷㄷ)

2. Like Soju: Ah. I made a mistake. Edit has been completed. thank you. (__)

3. Lancelot du Lac: Hmm. okay. The average appearance is far superior. I wasn’t aware of that fact. @[email protected]

4. New Mother: NO. Ansol is a child who will later become a Priest of Radiance. Sure, her future may change, but she did get Secret Class in the first episode.

5. Techno: Right? I think so. When I was young, I went to do volunteer work, and I really liked the kid who worked hard and quietly on his own. 😀

6. Broken fan: Giant Jjangjjangman haha. It would be so strange if you really put it that way. This is Soohyun Kim, the Giant Jjangjjangman Clan Lord. LOL.

7. Human life: No. 1. Hot. No.2. Hot, hot. number 3. hmm? Number 4. ha… . Number 5. Ohh. Number 6. Well, I like being thin. Number 7. yes. Number 8. Yes. Number 9. hmm. I think so.(?) 10. … … .

8. Like Yuun: Ansol Ver. Wow! Wow! Thank you so much. lol. Eugenie is so grateful to Yuun. Wow. Wow. I’m sorry if I offended you. (__)

9. Repil: I agree with what you said: Above all, other clans have also been active in the Hall Plain for several years, so there are achievements they have achieved during that time. This time, Soohyun narrowed the gap to some extent with Chaos Mimic. 🙂

10. hohokoya1: Haha. sorry. I’m busy preparing for the exam next week. ㅜ.ㅠ After the exam is over, I will try to study from time to time!

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, ratings, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode