Memorize Chapter 180

00180 News ———————————————— ————————=

A messenger was sent from the place that applied for clan creation. They told me to come for an interview right away. Honestly, it was surprising. To be more picky, the second-highest-ranking residents were those who had been given the authority to create a clan. Naturally, I thought it would take a few days to review the documents, but this was no different from passing it as soon as I submitted it.

I tilted my head for a moment, but it wasn’t completely incomprehensible. We excavated three ruins in three months. In other words, we explored once a month. Since this is something that has never been done before, it seems that they applied their own special treatment. If I had to point out another possibility, it would be the pressure of Go Yeon-ju, who went to apply for a change of status, but in any case, the fact that the timing was brought forward was not a bad thing at all. So, I walked along with the messenger with a willing heart.

After arriving at the clan creation site, I was able to see one pot-bellied resident. It was a resident who was going to talk to me, and as soon as I saw it, I felt happy inside. Because it was a resident in my memory.

At first, “You are a 0-year user who excavated three ruins. Did you say Kim Soo-hyun? Come and sit down first.” I didn’t like it when people blurted out informal language like that. However, they are people who take great pride in having been given the authority in the first place. One way or another, there was no good in pretending that it could affect the . If you set it up properly and bake it properly, it will be quite helpful in the future.

“I was surprised when visited this place. Oh, tea. My name is Conrad Douglas. I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but I’m one of the few residents who have been granted authority by them. “Then, let’s end the self-introduction and get straight to the point.”

Conrad Douglas opened his mouth, stroking his protruding belly and his wild beard. Compared to when he created the clan during his first round, his current attitude can be seen as much better. I was able to once again feel the dignity of the user of . I answered politely and then quietly listened to what he said.

The most difficult hurdle was getting performance evaluated. As it was proudly included as one of the , it was not possible to create a clan like dogs or cows. But you don’t need to worry about that part. I have only reported on the exploration of , but the other two can sufficiently fulfill the required performance. However, there was one thing that bothered me about that part.

“It’s all good, but honestly, I can’t believe it’s true. Of course, I am not doubting the . But I can’t find her participation in the temporary certificate I received. Even if she can give in a hundred times and defeat a demon beast, it is completely unbelievable that she defeated a high-class demon. That’s also true for users with 0 years of experience. “Seeing as the temple hasn’t been investigated yet, I think there’s something a little ambiguous.”

“hmm. “Can I tell you something about that?”

“Try it.”

Enduring Douglas’s harsh tone, I opened my mouth in a calm voice.

All information is already included in the certificate based on the report. Still, the fact that it came out like that meant that there was some dissatisfaction. You shouldn’t try to resolve that complaint. No matter how much I expressed my opinion, it was obvious that I would end up holding the horse and going around in circles. In that case, all you had to do was direct your dissatisfaction elsewhere.

It wasn’t a long talk. After showing the evidence and showing that there was a barrier in the , I immediately turned my arrow towards the temple. Even though I asked them to process it as quickly as possible, they complained that it was difficult. I tried to highlight the fact that I, too, was a victim by passing the work over to the newly appointed representative clan and saying that I did not know.

And Douglas, who heard everything I said, reacted very strongly, as expected.

“what? Is that true? “You said it was difficult, handed the work over to the representative clan, and didn’t finish it properly?”

“That’s why I received a temporary certificate. Please understand the situation as much as possible… . “How dare you get a temporary certificate even though it’s just a day or two away?”

“Is that what an authorized resident can say! Huh. I’m so embarrassed. “Tsk, tsk.”

Not many residents are authorized. If I were to pick two representative settings, they would definitely be the temple and the creation of the clan, and the two did not get along very well. Or, to be more precise, the residents who had the authority to create a clan tended to unilaterally dislike the residents of the temple. It was hostility that resulted from differences in perception of what authority was granted.

Douglas began to complain freely about the temple residents, as if this was his chance. Although he had a status that allowed him to contact those people, he poured out all sorts of things, such as saying that he had no sense of responsibility and that he had never paid attention to them. From time to time, I would agree with what he said to make it even more exciting.

“Moreover, proving performance is something that has a huge impact on the creation of a clan. Even though they were divided, they were given equal authority, so I couldn’t help but be disappointed to see them handled so carelessly.”

“Hmm! Hehehe! I hope you don’t generalize too hastily. They were given equal authority, but this was entirely due to their laxity. Of course, I understand how you feel. “I waited for three weeks, but they couldn’t even form a proper investigation team, so I have nothing to say.”

He answered in a solemn voice and then nodded. Then he cleared his throat and turned his attention back to his performance certificate. The expression looked very solemn, but I could tell that it was some kind of .

In the first place, there were methods of scolding them, such as saying that this level of performance was enough, don’t find fault, and that there was a as a planned clan member. But that method is inefficient. There is a high possibility that it will be decided on hold, and even if it happens, you must be prepared to fight hard with residents who have been given permission to create a clan.

Therefore, rather than spreading out like that, it was much more efficient to delve into the subtle gaps between residents. In this way, they laid the groundwork and left room for them to prove that they were different. Now all that’s left to do is just wait and see how they get caught.

Conrad Douglas was going to great lengths to give me the impression that he was taking another look. Eventually, “Hmm. hmm.” He let out a meaningless exclamation, then turned his gaze towards me and opened his mouth.

“After reading it again, I can’t find any flaws. I’m a little concerned that it’s a temporary certificate, but I can’t help it considering that’s the case. But did you know? In the unlikely event that there is even a little bit of false information in the subsequent investigation… .”

“I know there is a penalty. If the severity is severe, the clan may be forcibly disbanded, and clan creation will not be possible for the time being. And I heard that there are many difficulties even if you try to re-establish it after that period.”

“Still, it looks like you have some understanding. Good. “If you can take all that into account, no one will object.”

I looked at him with an expression of surprise. Of course, it was just facial expressions. “what. “Are you different from those in the temple?” When he gave that look, a proud smile appeared on Douglas’ face.

“First of all, you know that you need 1,000 gold for the initial cost, right? “I’m going to pay for that this time too.”

“… What do you mean? no way.”

“What kind of nonsense is this?” As I said before, we are different from those in the temple. We will carry out the authority given to us by them based on strict principles. And if it conforms to that principle, what’s there to worry about? “This is the attitude of the chosen residents.”

Seeing him talk so loudly, I felt like I could rest assured. I thanked Douglas, and he waved his hand and reiterated that it was the right thing to do. I immediately handed over the 1,000 gold pieces I had prepared, and then put my hand into my arms once more. Although it wasn’t as much as 1,000 gold, I held a fairly heavy bag of gold coins in my hand.

“… “What is this?”

He took out a large scale and was just about to hang the bag. He glanced up when he saw the bag I had put out again. I answered with a calm face.

“Not much. “It costs about 200 gold.”

“Uh-huh, this user really! Why do you think of me like this? Even without this, the chosen residents always do things fairly. “Take it with you!”

Even as he said that, his eyes were glancing down. I really want it, but it seems to be bothering me because of the things I’ve said so far. It’s just an excuse anyway. I smiled to myself and shook my head with a natural look on my face. In order to enjoy the effect of early clan promotion, it was necessary to feed them to some extent as they had a large influence. Moreover, the gold coins are close to 100,000 gold. It was not the time to waste 200 gold.

“I didn’t give it that intention. “This is a donation.”

“donation? ah. You mean city development donations? “You just have to submit it to the temple.”

“It is, but I’ll be honest with you. “I feel more attracted to donating it here than to donating it to a temple.”

After saying that, I closed my mouth for a moment. And I took a quick look at Douglas’ face, and he had a blank expression on his face. However, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised. Only after seeing the reaction did I add one more word.

“Anyway, I plan to leave Mule soon after creating the clan. “You can use it in a good place, but I think it would be safer to manage it at the clan creation rather than at the temple.”

“haha. “You’re leaving Mule soon?”

“yes. However, given the achievements we have gained from Mule, wouldn’t it be right to give back to some extent, even if only in a small way?”

Actually, it wasn’t a little bit. Anyway, I’ve said this far, so you won’t fail to understand. A look of concern flashed across his face for a moment. But soon I could see him clearing his throat and reaching for his pocket. And when I saw that scene, I was able to smile inwardly.

“Well, if you say it that way. I understand. Since you’ve been treated like that, you can’t help but distrust it. “But I hope all the residents in power don’t think that way.”

“Is it possible? Anyway, let’s go now. “Please be kind to me regarding the creation of a clan.”

“Don’t worry. This time, I will completely wash away your disbelief. Let me show you what it means to get things done right. “I won’t go far.”

“ha ha ha.”

He and I shared a good laugh with each other.

After saying hello to each other, I was finally able to leave that place. I felt much lighter now that I really just had to wait for the right moment.


More than a day has passed since I applied to create a clan. That day, after seeing Yoo Hyeon-ah at the door, she was paying attention to her, not knowing what kind of trouble she would bring. However, since we had already requested a change of status and the clan had also applied in the form of free mercenaries, none of the provisions could hinder us.

Originally, I thought the work would be tied up no matter how fast it was, but thanks to this, I was able to shorten the time significantly. Since Douglas made a bold statement, the results will be released as soon as tomorrow.

“Then I roughly organized the work… . I guess I should see you once before I leave. Well, I don’t know how things will turn out for Hanbyeol, so I think it would be better to see how things progress for now.”

Although no one was there, I muttered to myself. And on the record in front of me, I crossed out and wrote “Pending” next to it. After taking a quick look at the things to do in the future, I was about to open the drawer to put the records in.

In one corner of the drawer, there was a dirty cloth lying around. It was an item that could be passed on to the rare class that had been stored away before being distributed. Now that I think about it, it seems like I haven’t even been able to check detailed information.

I slid the record to the other side and immediately reached into my pocket.


When the upper entrance was opened, a dark indigo-red gem was found inside. And at the same time, I quickly activated my third eye. There were a lot of setting messages that came to mind, but I planned to read at least simple information with my third eye first.

“ah. It was for archers. “It’s a little surprising.”

After reading the general information, I felt a little surprised. Since they said she was a shaman, I thought she was a wizard type, but she was a rare archer class. It’s not a pity. No, I actually thought it went well. I need to recruit archer users soon, and since I currently own the bow of Pasa (破邪), I thought I could make a good partner.

And this time, I raised my gaze into the air to read the messages that came up for setup purposes.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Finally, half of the 5 days a week has passed. Tomorrow is Thursday, so it looks like a fun weekend will come soon. (It’s not a fun weekend for me. ㅜ.ㅠ) Hahaha. I think many of our readers are tired from their day jobs, school, or other things. I would be really happy if you could rest your head for a while while reading my novel. The joy of being a writer lies in having people reading. :)

P.S. Thank you to those who selected, recommended, commented, rated, and provided coupons. I want to quickly build up my rating and see the tree grow. lol.

『Reripple (Episode 178)』

1. Hwieul: Congratulations on first place. It’s been a while since I saw you in first place. ha ha ha. These days, Kuroshion and Ashitamon are showing great power, and Hwieul is also a person who has risen to the ranks of the strong(?). :D

2. Giraffe painting: Huh. It’s not dad’s bedroom. ㅜ.ㅠ Suhyeon is a strong young man who is only 24 years old.

3. Human Life: Thank you for the coupon. (__) That friend was really good at math. In a way, I was jealous of her. I was so frustrated that I couldn’t bear it if I didn’t get an answer. ㅜ.ㅠ

4. Gahanna: Thank you for the supportive comment! There are many people who skip it, but next time we will try our best so that even those people can read it. :)

5. Demon Temple: Both are from the sister series. And if you think about Han So-young, now. Soohyun’s taste?! ha ha ha. It’s a joke. Actually, it’s my preference… . (Pukpuk!) @[email protected]


1. 破天魔痕: While writing the reply for episode 178, I was really curious about who won first place in episode 179. (I saw it, but forgot about it.) Congratulations on winning first place. Please tell me the secret to being number one!

2. Female life man!! : I offer my condolences. (__) I would really appreciate it and feel fortunate if my writing could be of help. I hope you will be able to go to a much better and wonderful place!

3. Broken fan: Actually, she is not my sister, but there is one person who is similar to her. He was a really nice person to make fun of. You should get scolded, you shouldn’t get scolded, that’s actually what I heard. Giggling.

4. Potato: No! True name and potential are not directly related! However, if we take the meaning of potential broadly, it cannot be said that it is completely non-existent. :)

5. Ludinia + Because I Love You: Where I got that from is because I remembered and applied it when I was receiving military recruit training or guerrilla training. Because when you answer yes? Instead, you answer with your official name, trainee, or owl. Of course, the meaning changed when applied to the whole plane, but the original setting was to receive it from the user academy. This is to imprint recognition as a of the whole plane rather than a modern or . Oh, and because I love you. Now that I think about it, I think calling it that in the bedroom can be a bit uncomfortable. The user part has been deleted. Thanks for the advice. (__)

6. Resite: I read the comments left in episodes 178 and 179. thank you. Yes. that’s right. I tried my best not to feel rejected, but I felt rewarded. ㅜ.ㅠ

7. Masterpiece: Thank you for your valuable support. I was able to gain a lot of strength from the supportive comments from Masterpiece and others. :) Of course, it will be difficult to satisfy everyone, but we will at least try to move in a better direction in the future.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, ratings, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode