Memorize Chapter 175

00175 Ecstasy ———————————————— ————————=

When I thought about it, I realized that Go Yeon-ju was truly a versatile user. It wasn’t just about your abilities as a user. Even though she was the last to join, she gently entered into us and settled down steadily. Even though he is a member of the , he is not shown to be arrogant enough to make his allies frown, and he does not display unnecessary arrogance. Although he was bossy when necessary, he knew how to stop within a reasonable range.

Just yesterday, two users who were bragging about being the were put to rest by lightly revealing that they were the . When I saw Go Yeon-ju, who stepped up whenever necessary, even I felt quite fond of him.

I quietly closed the door and came down the stairs holding the completed documents and a teacup. When I went down to the first floor lobby, the tables had already been restored to their original state. Now that I think about it, her welcoming party yesterday ended in vain, and I felt a little sorry. I opened the door to the inn, taking a sip of the still steaming hot tea. For now, I was thinking of smoking one at the beginning of the year.

“… … .”

But the moment I took a step outside, I stopped. Outside the inn, there was another small staircase leading to the ground, and a long-haired user with narrow shoulders was crouching on the staircase. Judging from the light gray hair, it seemed like I could tell who it was even without looking. So, rather than talking to her from behind, she sat down next to her and opened her mouth.

“good morning. “You woke up early.”

Since I was thinking about her as I came, I couldn’t help but say something nice. Go Yeon-joo glanced at me with helpless eyes at my greeting, then buried her face again and accepted my greeting.

“Good morning. But I didn’t wake up early because I wanted to.”

“hmm. Is something wrong?”

“I waited. I knew that you would wake up in the morning and there was a high probability that you would burn cigarettes here. Oh, why don’t I give it to you? “Despicably.”

After she finished speaking, she snatched the tobacco she had just put in her mouth. Since it wasn’t something she would get hit with once or twice anyway, she decided to do it and took out another piece of her tobacco.

Cheeik. Chi profit.

They lit each other at the same time and smoked at the same time. When the smoke she had spit out was about to dissolve into thin air, I spoke to her again.

“Now that I think about it, yesterday’s welcome party went off the rails. “Did they go well?”

“yes. He begged me to meet him again and clung to me, but I just kicked him out. I guess I was quite sad. “He kept wiping away tears as he went.”

“okay. Thank you for your hard work.”

“It was nothing.”

There was awkward silence again. It was the first time I felt awkward while talking when the two of us were together. Perhaps then it seemed like she was dissatisfied with me for something. No, should I call it complaining rather than dissatisfaction? When I thought about her complaining about me, I felt refreshed. It occurred to me that her complaints weren’t all that unpleasant.

“Why are you laughing.”

She must have seen me sneezing, and she spoke with a fresh expression on her face. “No, just.” When I answered, Go Yeon-joo glanced at me with her disapproving face, and then she finally revealed her true feelings.

“I fed him as much as I could to help him use his strength.”


“What if I use that to be strict? Oh, stop laughing, really. Ho Ho.”

As she spoke, she found herself laughing and ended up bursting out laughing. We laughed at each other for a while and then dropped the tobacco on the ground.

“But what if you come in like that? “I locked the door and put a silence spell on it.”

“Heh. Things like that are just helpless in front of the .”

“That’s not the problem, so wouldn’t it be natural to pretend not to notice?”

“under. Who is it that has so innocently stolen all the energy I saved up? I couldn’t do that because it was unfair. Oh, but the female user’s moaning was very tickling, wasn’t it? He acts differently than he looks. Aang~ Suhyun~ Aang~.”

As I watched Go Yeon-ju imitate Hayeon’s moans last night, I was troubled for a moment. I thought she must have seen me in the morning when I opened the door and put down the car, but listening to her words, it seems like she knew before that.

I cleared my throat and cut off the moan she was making. She kept making noises until I cut her off, then laughed and poked my side.

“Don’t listen too closely. Even though it was a welcome party, I prepared good drinks and wore skimpy clothes and waited until dawn, but I was alone in the middle of the night, listening to moaning. So please understand this amount of teasing.”

“I will ask for your understanding. “Still, I feel uneasy that you saw it.”

“Oh, why? “I’ve never seen such beautiful s*x.”

“Cough! “What?”

This time, I didn’t just clear my throat, I actually started coughing. When I turned my head to see if there was another joke, I unexpectedly saw Go Yeonju with a serious face. She had a somewhat envious look on her face, and overall she felt like she looked very lonely. I felt embarrassed and decided to change the topic.

“hmm. I feel strange when you say that. Anyway, I understand. “Anyway, I want to listen to it now.”

“huh? What do you want to hear? Three sizes? 3… .”

“I was wondering why they came to Mule now. “I’m also curious to see how other aspects are progressing.”

Go Yeon-ju tilted her head at what I said and pursed her lips. However, to my eyes, it only seemed like he was shaking his head.

“Hmm~. “I can’t remember?”


“What is ehei? Normally, I don’t remember much about places like this. “I think I might remember it when I go into my room late at night.”

Seeing her maintaining the same attitude, I took a deep breath and got up. I felt like if I stayed here any longer, I would be caught up in her pace, so I thought it would be better to avoid the place. And since they were like that yesterday, it didn’t seem like they would stay still. It was possible that Banda-hee might attack.

Go Yeon-ju quickly grabbed my hand and spoke in a mournful tone.

“Black. Sir, sir. Do not go. “The girl did something wrong.”

“I’m going to work. “Put this down.”

“Oh, I see. Then, West, please make a lot of money. “I’ll make something delicious and wait for you.”

“… “I’ll leave the teacup behind.”

Ko Yeon-joo must have seen the document in my hand and quickly recovered her expression before changing her words. It occurred to me that she was truly an unknown woman. Why is she sticking around like this today? Suddenly, the image of her lonely face just moments ago appeared in her mind.

I felt dizzy, but anyway, I walked towards the temple, leaving behind her who stood up and saw me off, holding the teacup I had left there. I guess I really should stop by her room tonight. Of course, I wasn’t expecting anything else, it was purely for the purpose of hearing information. really.


When I entered the Dajjagojja Temple, I literally turned the temple upside down since morning. Of course, it wasn’t a riot. When I asked him to let me meet Seraph and told him a little about what I had experienced yesterday and that he would get some advice, the priest sweated profusely and begged for my apology.

In fact, the priest did something wrong, but he also knew that it could not be helped, so he did not push him too hard. However, the fact that a temporary certificate was issued through intimidation rather than intimidation could be seen as a clear achievement.

A temporary certificate can literally be seen as a certificate issued temporarily. It was a certificate issued in advance when it was difficult to form an investigation team before proving performance due to distance or difficulty, and of course, it was very difficult to obtain it unless you were a clan with a certain level of reputation.

However, they were able to get it issued quickly because they had Vivian’s Spiritual Order and Belphegor’s Heart that they had shown earlier, and above all, because they had clearly made their own mistake this time. Of course, in the future, the moment our exploration is revealed to be false, everything will turn blank and we will be penalized, but that will never happen, so it was none of our business.

And I immediately stopped by the clan application place and submitted the documents and temporary certificate I had filled out so far. Additionally, a change in status for the person concerned was requested as a top priority. Since the Clan was the representative clan and could attract unreasonable elements, the way to prevent this in advance was to change the status to a free mercenary. My kids and I were no longer affiliated, and Vivien belonged to an ancient, extinct nation, so even if there was no impact, Go Yeon-joo, Jeong Ha-yeon, and Shin Sang-yong definitely needed to be changed.

Changing your status can also be seen as having quite strict restrictions, but since the reason is to create a free mercenary clan and become a member of that clan, there is nothing to worry about. First of all, I have done everything I can, so all that is left is for each of the relevant people to stop by and apply for changes individually, and once they are all confirmed and pass the document screening, I just have to wait for the news to come to me. Then, you will be interviewed again under the leadership of the resident in charge, and only if you pass the interview will your final clan application be approved.

It was a system that could be considered simple if it was simple, and complicated if it was complex, but the gist of it was that a clan could not be created by merit as it required its own performance.

Having put up a smoke screen for the future, I had some peace of mind and was able to return to the inn at a leisurely pace. Since all the kids had already woken up and eaten breakfast, I had no choice but to eat a late breakfast and lunch alone. After such a lonely meal, after explaining the situation to the users who had to change their status, I called the rest of the staff and briefly instructed them on what to do (even though the only things to do were training or free).

Finally, after calling Vivien to come to my room when she had time, I ended the meeting and went straight back up to my room to start organizing my equipment.

He already had over 80,000 gold coins and the number of jewels exceeded 1,000. But I didn’t want to waste it just because I had a lot. So, while I was rummaging through the equipment I had removed from the vagabonds with the intention of selling it, I came across some equipment that I had not noticed at the time. Among them, the one I was particularly interested in was the Ilwolshingeom, and I had high expectations because it seemed like it could replace the martial sword, which can be cumbersome to take out.

『Sunwolshingeom (日月神劍)』

Description: This is a sword that has received the power of the sun and moon for a long time. When the sun is up, it receives sunlight and generates high heat in the gums, taking on chloride-based properties. And when the moon is up, you can feel the moonlight and feel a chill on the sword body, which increases cutting power. Also, due to the process by which the sword was created, it contains the wish to destroy bad and wrong energy. It can produce power that exceeds the average when it comes to energy related to demons, but the degree is weak compared to .


I uttered one simple word and then raised the Sun and Moon God Sword towards the ceiling. Then I lifted my gaze and looked slowly. When the sword was pulled out of its sheath shining in jet black light, the smooth body of the sword, reflecting a sharp, sharp light, shyly revealed itself with a clanging sound. My first impression was that it was quite clean.

The inside of the double-edged sword had antique patterns engraved on the front and back, showing off the beauty of a high-quality crafted item. When I swung it as a test, I could hear the sound of the wind cutting cleanly and felt it fit comfortably in my hand. Thinking that this was enough to carry around, I burst into a satisfied smile and neatly placed it back in its sheath. It was then.

“Kim Soohyun! “I’m going in!”

I heard someone’s sonorous voice calling me from outside. I probably called him briefly while eating breakfast and lunch, and he seemed to have come in after completing his errands. “come in.” As soon as I answered, the door burst open and I saw a lively woman.

As expected, the resident who opened the door and came in was Vivian. And she was breathing weakly, her cheeks stained red, as if something had rushed her.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Oh, I guess I should smoke a cigarette after all. I tried changing it to something else for a while, but why didn’t it suit my taste? ha ha ha. It’s a burning Friday and Saturday. But it’s okay. There’s still Sunday left. Have a happy weekend, readers! 🙂


1. Bird with folded wings: Oh my! Congratulations on first place. I am quite impressed to be first place for Naljeopsae. ha ha ha.

2. Shapiron: Thank you. Sobbing. Still, when I write, I’m happy and don’t feel like I’m having a hard time. lol. 🙂

3. Blamy: Hehe. I think there are many people who are looking forward to a response from Go Yeon-joo. Perhaps, when I woke up, the morning was bright. If I write it like this, I’ll be fooled, right?

4. Heavenly Blood God Cheonmujon: Eh. Oh, I’m scared. Please don’t do this. ㅜ.ㅠ It’s scary. Sobbing.

5. Office2Lup19: Hahaha. I added my nickname as a bit of a joke. 🙂

6. Hyeonoh: Haha. There is one reason why talented people flock to Yoo Hyeon-ah. To give you a hint, just think of the first time you saw Kim Han-byeol. There is a reason why Soo-hyeon was surprised at that time, and it is the same. (I enjoyed the later comment. You were right as expected.)

7. qklcnw: Yes. Actually, it was Ryo Yujin, not Ro Yujin. It’s definitely not me. Hehehe.

8. Begemil: Yes, Sir! Nice to meet you. 🙂 It feels like it’s been a long time since I last saw you. ha ha ha.

9. UrDREAM: That is the correct answer. Now that I think about it, the ability to manipulate shadows is really convenient. There are no secrets. ㅜ.ㅠ

10. Like Yuun: Yeo! ruler! friend! nine! It’s time. female! ruler! friend! nine! yo. this. Ahahahaha! Yes, I’m kidding. I absolutely envy you. Ahahahahaha. under… … … … … … … … . ㅜ.ㅠ

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode