Memorize Chapter 173

00173 Unexpected Meeting (2) —————————- —————————–=

“hello! “Is there someone named Kim Soo-hyun, a user with 0 years of experience, here?”

The moment I turned my head to where I heard the voice and confirmed its identity, my whole body froze. “Why on earth are you here now…” .” I almost spit out the words, but I could barely hold them in by keeping my mouth shut. However, once my head became dazed, it did not recover easily. The surprise was so great that it was difficult to maintain my usual cool-headedness.

“If it’s Kim Soo-hyun, it’s this person here. “Who is that?”

“Oh~. You are there as expected~. Thank goodness. ah. My name is Yoo Hyeon-ah, and I am the Lord of the Beech Clan, the newly appointed representative clan of small town Mule. I am a 3-year user. nice to meet you! And the male user next to me is Cha Seung-hyun, the user I trust and rely on the most.”

“nice to meet you. “This is Cha Seung-hyeon, a 3-year user.”

When Vivian pointed at me and said, Yoo Hyeon-ah sighed in relief, sweeping her heart. And the sad-looking man standing next to us also greeted us in a cool voice. And only then did I come to my senses. I wanted to break Vivien’s finger, which was still pointing at me, with a sharp stick, but as the situation was such, I quickly calmed down and turned my attention to Yoo Hyeon-ah.

The appearance of a neat girl with light brown hair and big, blinking eyes. Her face was so kind that it made me want to hug her and caress her. My uvula started to gurgle, but I continued to control my mind with the help of my mind’s eye. He probably seemed to have a unique ability, charisma.

Soon she said, “I want to come inside and talk for a moment. may I come in?” He said. And before she could even hear my answer, she walked quickly inside.

I could only stare endlessly at her smiling with a bright face.


Yoo Hyeon-ah. Cha Seung-hyun. Both of them were famous users that I remember. No, it is not just famous, but it can be evaluated as having marked a milestone in the history of Hall Plain. Of course, a very long time has passed, but Yoo Hyeon-ah can be seen as a major user who will later grow into the head of one of the three powers on a continent divided into many branches.

Due to her wealth, she had many talented users under her command, including Cha Seung-hyeon, also called , who is the only one who can compete with , that is, a user with a strength ability of 101, and Band Da-hee of , who has a magic power of 101. An example would be a user. Recruiting a user with a magic power of <101> took place a little later, and seeing as only Cha Seung-hyun was visible, it seemed like the Da-hee Band was not brought here.

To conclude, the two users in front of them ultimately did not see the end of the hole plane. Although they were active for a relatively long period of time, I remember them all dying miserably. Cha Seung-hyeon died in a siege due to a conflict with other allied forces, and Yoo Hyeon-ah, who left to subjugate her because she was blinded by her desire for revenge, was caught in the allied forces’ scheme and was defeated cruelly. I heard that she met a very miserable end. I remember that she probably committed suicide after being captured and unable to endure the constant gang rape.

At the time, they were at the peak of their power and were putting pressure on us with a magic power of 101, but there was a time when they suddenly returned while winning a series of games, which I thought was strange. And Han So-young, who soon grasped the situation, immediately formed a temporary alliance with the Allied Forces, and by joining forces, they were able to completely wipe out Yoo Hyeon-ah’s forces, which were left with nothing but empty cans.

This is roughly what I remember about Yoo Hyeon-ah.

Personally, if I were to comment on a user named Yoo Hyeon-ah, I can just describe it in one word. “You idiot.” That’s it. Simply put, it would be convenient to think of it as the final evolution beyond the upgraded version of Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms. A clan lord who is stupidly kind, swayed by recognition, and even when opportunities come his way, rather than seize them, he kicks them away and only does good things for others. From a colleague or subordinate’s point of view, he was a person who was upset.

Although it is said to be an extremely personal standard, it was difficult to say that he originally had the courage to lead a large power. User Hyeonah Yoo can’t do anything without capable subordinates. When I saw her and her subordinates’ actions before establishing her own faction, I felt pity for her and was on the verge of tears. As the day goes by, I get kicked here and there, being used here and there. In the meantime, she thinks it was brave of her to save her life.

The only advantage she had was that she had good fortune in the topic, and she probably would never have been able to build up a force if she hadn’t had so many users flocking under her command.

For now, I decided to completely give up thinking about why Yoo Hyeon-ah is in Mule. What is important now is not that, but that we must not somehow become involved with this mass of nuisance before our eyes. She absolutely needed to be avoided because of her ability to bring about a disaster that surpasses that of Kim Jeon-il and Conan, and because she goes one step further and goes in on her own. Perhaps, if Yoo Hyeon-ah were here, her vagabonds might turn around and attack Mule as a group.

“What are you thinking like that? Ah. Thank you.”

Yoo Hyeon-ah, who had been talking to me with a bright smile, bowed her head when Ko Yeon-ju brought her tea. Cha Seung-hyun was sitting behind Yoo Hyeon-ah, and behind me, her children and the rest of the group were forming a circle around the table. Soon, I took a sip of her tea and slowly activated my third eye towards her, her happy expression, and her admiring Cha Seung-hyun. First, I planned to check at least basic user information.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Yoo Hyeon-ah (3rd year)

2. Class: NorMal Sword Expert

3. Nation: Barbara

4. Clan: Beech Tree

5. Jinmyeong · Nationality: Tread a Thorny Path · Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Female (23)

7. Height/Weight: 168.8cm/46.2kg

8. Alignment: Lawful · Pure

[Strength 71] [Durability 75] [Dexterity 73] [Stamina 78] [Magic Power 80] [Luck 99]

< Comparison of abilities >

1. Kim Soo-hyun: 544/ 600~

[Strength 96(+2)] [Durability 92] [Dexterity 98] [Stamina 72] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

(There are 12 ability points remaining.)

2. Yoo Hyeon-ah: 476/ 600~

[Strength 71] [Durability 75] [Dexterity 73] [Stamina 78] [Magic Power 80] [Luck 99]

(There are no ability points remaining.)

This is why I call luck an unknown ability. There was no need to look at anything else, but one piece of luck caught my attention. However, when you think about what she went through during her first season, you can’t help but wonder. I don’t know what on earth she had done so far to create Jinmyeong, but the thought that maybe she would be able to make it through the thorny road that was unfolding in the future with great luck passed through her head. Of course, this is only from a relative perspective.

“lol. “It’s embarrassing if you look at me like that.”

As I stared at her, Yoo Hyeon-ah’s face turned red and she looked embarrassed. I slowly opened my mouth, repeating to myself, “I will endure.”

“no. Since I entered the city yesterday with my caravan group, there are still many things I don’t know. It seems like a lot of things happened. “I’m a little embarrassed because in the meantime, someone who claims to be the city’s representative clan suddenly comes to me.”

It was a somewhat meaningful statement, but it seems that the term ‘representative clan’ is something he really likes. Yoo Hyeon-ah, who was smiling brightly, soon bowed her head to me again. As she lowered her head, I could see her weight shifting downward along with her voluptuous breasts, but I quickly withdrew my gaze when I heard her clear voice that followed.

“Then I will formally greet you again. Two weeks ago, I officially took over Mule’s representative clan. I talked to the residents of the temple, and I heard that there are people who have excavated as many as two ruins. “As the person in charge of Mule’s representative clan, I am grateful and also have something I would like to ask, so I came to see you at the risk of being rude.”

I sighed inwardly as I listened to her sharp voice speaking as if she were reading a Korean textbook. “I practiced what I was going to say before I came here.” It was giving off a lot of that vibe.

For some reason, I felt like my chest was congested and it was difficult to breathe. I felt like I wanted to get out of this place quickly and relieve this frustrating feeling. I quietly took a deep breath and answered in a voice impersonating Taeyeon.

“I was just lucky. So, I guess you’ve seen the exploration report submitted to the temple… .”

“yes! I was really surprised. The exploration report submitted by user Kim Soo-hyun was so complete that even Seung-hyeon here was surprised. Thanks to you, I think I can do research easily. Thank you very much.”

It was quite annoying to have the words “thank you” and “thank you” added to the end of every word. However, once I heard that the investigation had been completed, I was able to relieve my heart… . No, wait a minute. You think you can do it?

“no. wait a minute. Apparently 3 weeks ago… .”

“however. “I would like to ask user Kim Soo-hyun an indecent question.”

When I saw Yoo Hyeon-ah changing the topic just as I was about to bring up an issue related to the investigation, I immediately wanted to punch her in the ear. She probably wouldn’t have done it if she didn’t have people around her and Cha Seung-hyun. Without even knowing what I was thinking inside, she continued her words with a bright smile on her face.

“User Kim Soo-hyun, what do you currently think of Small Town Mule?”

“… … .”

Suddenly, I looked around with a dumbfounded face at the random nonsense. And then I touched my forehead to the point where I could hear my jaw clicking. If you want to have a conversation with the other person, you must have a minimum of consistency, even putting aside logic. However, the words she blurted out recklessly, as if she had swallowed all these things, were confusing my mind one by one.

“I don’t think anything of it. I am only a 0-year user who has been lucky enough to discover a few ruins. “It may be a small city, but if you come to the prestigious representative clan, wouldn’t it be better to ask your colleagues or subordinates for opinions?”

“Of course it is. “It’s a shame, but Mule, and we, are currently in a very difficult situation.”

“… … .”

“Currently, due to the Golden Lion Clan’s expedition to the Steel Mountains, Mule, which is only a pioneer city, is not making progress. Of course, I’m not criticizing the Golden Lions. They believed in me, even though I was only in my third year, and entrusted me with the mid-career role. I am also upset about not being able to participate in the expedition, but since you trusted me and entrusted me with it, I plan to do my best until I return after the expedition ends. But we don’t know when it will end, and considering the current situation, Mule’s situation is very poor. Most skilled users have participated in the expedition, and the remaining users are not yet willing to come to Mule. I’m waiting to hear from them in Barbara, or in the southern city. As you said, I also have some power, but I feel like I am lacking a lot to lead a small city.”

No, then you didn’t take it? And rather than trusting them and entrusting it to me, I think they threw it away to ask me to take care of it for a while because I thought it would be easy to retrieve it later. While I was mentally refuting her words one by one, I raised my head with a blank expression on my face.

Come to think of it, there was a time when Yoo Hyeon-ah came as the representative clan of Mule. However, this was not the case now, but after the civil war that broke out after the expulsion of the vagabonds who had taken over Barbara. And around that time. To be precise, she remembers that before the start of the second civil war, Mule, which was somewhat outside the frontier city, was taken over by another clan. The period was so short that it was embarrassing to call her the representative clan of the city, and she didn’t seem to remember it right away because she wasn’t interested. Even though she was a little vague, she could tell why I was confused anyway. The future has not changed, but has been brought forward by slightly changing its form.

“As expected, you understand and sympathize!”

Seeing Yoo Hyeon-ah suddenly speaking in a powerful voice, I felt the need to come to my senses. Perhaps she decided that I was sympathizing with what she was saying when she raised her head with a blank expression on her face. I don’t know what on earth you want to say, why you’re spinning your words around like this, but anyway, nothing has changed in my mind.

“I’m sorry for suddenly saying such difficult things. But our situation right now is very desperate. But if you hold out until the end of the Iron Mountains expedition, good days will surely come. “I believe so.”

“Ah yes. I’m sure you’re having a hard time. By the way, the survey you mentioned earlier… .”

“User Kim Soo-hyun.”

Is the sun and moon sword sharper or the martial sword better? I also felt irritated by the way he interrupted me and came in. But what’s even more exciting is that the user in front of you is still smiling. It seemed like he probably didn’t know what he did wrong or how the other person might receive what he was saying.

Now that it was like this, I decided to stay silent and listen. After much effort, didn’t Liu Bei drag Zhuge Liang, who didn’t want to go, in tears? Since this type of person doesn’t listen to anything that is said in the middle, I thought it would be better for their mental health to listen to everything and then reject it outright.


She thought about something for a moment and then looked at me with eager eyes, as if she had made up her mind. She suddenly had an ominous thought. and. Soon, the words that came from her beautiful lips reached my ears, and my ominous prediction came true.

“If it is okay with you, I would like to borrow the help of user Kim Soo-hyun and his caravan members in this investigation.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Oh, of course I know it’s sudden. But listen. It’s not a bad story. If you have any thoughts… .”

“… … ?”

Yoo Hyeon-ah finally smiled softly, then slightly raised her head and slowly looked around at the people standing behind me. Soon after, she spoke in her confident voice.

“How about you all join the Beech Clan, the representative clan of the Mule?”

And the moment her words ended with a question, I immediately opened my mouth without any hesitation.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

I am telling you this out of anger, but considering the flow of the writing and the personality of the main character, the that readers are worried about will never appear. In fact, it could be seen as the opposite. So please don’t be too frustrated. 🙂

P.S. If there is someone who writes down Suhyun’s words in the comments the most vividly, I will put aside my preparations for the exam and upload another piece on Saturday. 😀

PS2. Information for those who misunderstand. 1. Both Mimics are currently released. 2. Strength 101 users and Cha Seung-hyun are different people. They are not the same person. (Cha Seung-hyun = Musin, 101 strength user = Invincible.)


1. Kuroshion: Congratulations on first place. 🙂 It seemed like you took a bit of a hiatus, but these days, you’re regaining first place again. lol.

2. Lonely Solo: After finishing this chapter, I plan to go to Barbara after collecting the rice cakes I scattered. Please wait a minute. haha.

3. salmon: Yes. Of course, there are such users. I think you can look forward to it as many users will experience it in the future.

4. Blamy: Ahaha. I’ll leave it to the readers’ imagination. 🙂 is a lie. I will explain the items that are not explained later. lol.

5. Brown ear piercing: Duplicate is possible. However, if you are restricted, taking it will not be effective.

6. GradeRown: NO. 101 is a qualification that can be used without difficulty, and 90 is a qualification that can be used to some extent.

7. Techno: Hmm. Yes. After the test is over, I will calmly organize and upload them one by one. It will probably be possible before episode 200. I will upload other settings as I go along.

8. CryingSword: ㄴㄴ. As I was writing this today, I found the character Yoo Hyeon-ah quite annoying. To be honest, I cut off his head with my sword. I almost wanted to write it like this. lol.

9. Mental arithmetic: I haven’t drank the elixir yet. I’m going to ask Vivien to podium. 🙂

10. Let’s defeat the monster: You guessed it correctly. This is the correct answer. He was the leader of Mule’s clan. haha.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode