Memorize Chapter 172

00172 Unexpected Meeting (2) —————————- —————————–=

By the time the kids had roughly put in all the gold coins and gems, it seemed like the wizards had also finished appraising the equipment. Eventually, the party members who read the equipment manual written on the appraisal order form let out an amazing exclamation. Above all, discovering a rare class again was truly impossible without a miracle.

I can’t deny that it’s a very encouraging thing, but I also felt skeptical as to why I couldn’t discover something like this during the first round. However, I immediately shook off that feeling and looked at the excitement of my companions with a happy heart. The first round was just the past, and what was important now was the second round, that is, the present.

Noisy words were exchanged for a while, but as time passed, everyone in the group began to look at each other with nervous expressions. Since so many good items were being released, it seemed like people were sensitive about who would take what equipment.

While I was mentally organizing how to distribute the equipment, I suddenly felt a little regret. The equipment released now clearly shows why I put so much emphasis on magical power among all abilities, and why I tremble at 1 point of magical ability.

Because there is a lot of equipment worn by melee-type equipment, especially tanks, then Anhyun could be considered the best among our group. However, most equipment has a condition attached to it: .

For example, even if Anhyun holds a shield called the Legend of Hopron, if he is hit by a user whose magic power exceeds his magical ability, the reflection effect is bound to be greatly reduced. Perhaps, if I hit it with a certain amount of force, it would not bounce back and just flop around. Of course, even if you receive additional corrections to your luck ability, it was right to think about it without considering the uncertain aspects in the first place. Anyway, there are some aspects that are disappointing right now, but what he meant was that these are equipment that can be more efficient as the children grow.

After roughly organizing it, we were just about to start distributing it. Jeong Ha-yeon, who had been quietly staring at me, suddenly took a step forward and opened her mouth.

“Su-hyun. “This time, I would like to make a suggestion on behalf of other users.”

I closed the mouth I was about to open and turned my gaze to Hayeon’s face. Her face was calm, but there was determination in her eyes. The word “representative” bothered me a little, but I decided to listen quietly for now.

“The achievements achieved so far have been achieved under the decisions of Suhyun, who is the leader. Of course, I know that it is the captain’s exclusive authority. But this time, I want to reflect the opinions of other users, including myself.”

“Yeah, that’s right, bro. This time, please let us reflect our opinions as well.”

The moment Hayeon finished speaking, Ahn Hyeon immediately expressed agreement. And soon after, An Sol, Lee Yu-jeong, Shin Sang-yong, and Vivien were seen nodding their heads, giving strength to Hayeon’s opinion.


I scratched my head for a moment and got lost in thought. In any case, these were issues that would have to be re-adjusted as the clan grew and aimed to become a small elite clan. It was surprising that it came out a little early. Still, I thought I had given as much as I could so far, but I did feel a little embarrassed. Still, I just shrugged my shoulders and took a step back as if to say something. I wanted to at least listen to the story first.

But the companions did not open their mouths again. The moment I gave permission, we looked at each other, and then each of us simultaneously picked up the equipment in front of us one by one. And as I looked at them, I furrowed my brows. You have to choose one that suits your individual class or ability, but looking at what I’ve picked up one by one, all of them are a mess. In particular, I couldn’t understand why Hayeon was holding a helmet, so I decided to ask her what she was doing. It was the moment when I slowly opened my mouth.


As I was about to open my mouth again, I was taken aback when I saw Yu-jeong running towards me, holding . When I came to my senses, everyone in the group except Go Yeon-ju had gathered around me and were groping me like crazy. I tried to resist, wondering what the heck was going on, but there were several hands holding me, and it was obvious that I would get hurt if I used too much force as I was at close range. Since I didn’t yet understand the situation, I couldn’t take too much action.

“What are you guys doing now? Hayeon. Put the helmet away! Why are you trying to force it… . Hey, won’t you take your hand off your chest?”

“Try to stay still. “I keep going astray.”

“That’s right, bro. And this time, I’m going to give it all to his brother.”

“No, what is that… .”

“If you leave it to your brother, he will give it to us.”

“Wow. Wow. Brother, take off your clothes. Hehehe.”

“Kim Soohyun! They say this increases stamina! Try it quickly! Oh~. Come on~”

In the midst of confusion, I turned my head and looked at Go Yeon-ju with eyes asking for help. However, she seemed to have finally grasped the situation and was only shedding a subtle smile. The smile made me anxious and I quickly tried to look away asking for help, but it seemed like it only stimulated Go Yeon-ju’s emotions.

“Ho Ho. Everyone, please step aside. Originally, men’s clothes were… .”

Soon, her new brother was seen shaking back and forth.

“This is how you take it off.”

The moment she finished speaking, I felt something passing through my body. Immediately after that, I could see that the simple top I was wearing was torn in half. The group cheered on Go Yeon-ju’s skills.

“Su-hyun. Head this way… .”

“brother. From this… .”

“Wow. Wow. Finally, my brother’s heart… .”

“Don’t be angry, just eat this… .”

The moment my clothes tore off and fell to the floor, my naked upper body was completely exposed. At the same time, I could hear the cheers of my companions gradually decreasing. I lowered my head with a bitter face and looked down at my body.

It was better than before as my endurance increased, but my whole body was still full of faint wounds. It seemed like the wounds suffered a long time ago would never go back to their original state. Even Ha-yeon had her eyes wide open with a surprised face. I had slept with her once before, and she didn’t seem to notice because we had s*x in her dark room. But now, under the light shining from the light stone hanging on the lobby ceiling, the countless wounds on my body were visible to my companions without filtering.

The group of people who had been talking excitedly suddenly fell silent as if they had died, and an awkward look began to appear on their faces. And a common feeling of regret appeared on their faces.

I silently put on , which was half draped by Yoo Jeong from behind. Then, he grabbed the that Vivien was holding and fastened it tightly with . The clothes fit very well, as if they were tailored to my body.

When I raised my head again and slowly looked at the faces of my companions, I could see their faces looking confused and not knowing what to do. Vivian was scratching her cheek and making an embarrassed face, and Go Yeon-ju was chewing his appetite. Soon, Shin Sang-yong sighed loudly, and Hayeon’s small voice was heard in his ears.

“Su-hyun. “I’m sorry.”

“… it’s okay.”

“Ah, when I went out to the city earlier, I kissed along with other users. If possible, let’s give Soo-hyeon all the equipment that comes out this time… . Since Su-hyeon always gave in, I wanted to give her somehow this time… .”

“I am grateful for that feeling. But I wonder if it was really necessary to do this. “I would have been able to understand even if you said it verbally.”

Hayeon listened to what I said and then took a small step back and slumped her shoulders. Looking at her biting her lip and seeing her eyes trembling, she looked like she was about to shed tears. I made her sigh and patted her shoulder a couple of times.

To be honest, I had an unpleasant feeling. However, showing hurt doesn’t make anyone big, and everyone did it with good intentions, so I thought it would be better to just overlook this one time. Shin Sang-yong, who was holding the gloves as if he noticed my expression, also looked at me and bent down at a right angle.

“Lee, leader. I’m really sorry. User Jeong Ha-yeon was just a representative and was not the first user to express this opinion. And I am also one of the users who approved. Some of us thought it was a good idea, but I think we were only thinking about our own position. I’m really sorry.”

After receiving this apology, I felt like a lot of the unpleasant feelings that had arisen had subsided. And just as he said, the group did what they did with me in mind. Although I didn’t like the behavior itself, I relaxed my expression and nodded.

Then, perhaps sensing that my mood had subsided a little, Yujeong, who seemed to be representing the kids, opened her mouth.

“I’m sorry, brother. Frankly, I am the first person to express this opinion. As Shin Sang-yong said, user Jeong Ha-yeon only represented us. So it was me who was most at fault. still… .”

Yujeong paused for a moment and looked cautious. As she stared at her filthy mouth, Yujeong swallowed her saliva once and continued her words, as if she understood this as her permission to continue.

“There are equipment and things like that that have been released so far. So far, I’ve never been to my brother except for a ring. So this time, I thought it would be a good idea to give it to my brother… . Sorry. But now, I hope that you don’t just take care of our own things too much, and that you have a few things too. “It’s always bothered me for a long time, and now seeing the scars on my brother’s body hurts me so much.”

Other users did not say anything different. However, everyone seemed to agree with Yujeong’s words by slightly nodding their heads.

“… … .”

It felt refreshing. During the first round, when I was a novice user, moving around in a caravan was a common occurrence in my daily life. Of course, at that time, when good equipment or goods came out, there were many cases of people watching and keeping each other in check to get them. And in the process, there were times when I received unequal distribution, knowingly or unknowingly. Of course, the situation back then and now are very different, but seeing these attitudes still gave me some unfamiliar feelings.

The companions didn’t make as much noise as before, but they were still pushing the items they were holding at me. I cleared my throat slightly and quietly began to put on the equipment they gave me, one by one.


After some time passed, I was finally able to finish distributing the equipment. This time, as a lot of melee equipment was released, most users were unable to receive it, but since they had received it so far, they did not particularly complain. The only user that bothered me was Shin Sang-yong, and I was planning on setting up a separate meeting with Vivian soon. I will listen carefully to the story, and if I decide that it is worth giving him , I will gift him a rare class as well.

This time I was able to distribute the largest number of equipment. As Yoo-jeong said, the group seemed to have made up their minds this time and showed concessions to each other without being greedy at all.

“wow. “Oppa, you’re really cool.”

“A jet black uniform with a red belt. It suits me quite well. Ho Ho.”

“Hey… . “Brother, you’re so cool.”

I smiled sheepishly at the compliments from female users chattering around me and opened the user information window. First, I thought it would be better to take a look at the changed abilities.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Kim Soo-hyun (0 years)

2. Class: Secret, Sword Specialist, Master

3. Nation: –

4. Organization (Clan): –

5. Jin name · Nationality: Master of the sword · Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Male (24)

7. Height/Weight: 181.5cm/75.5kg

8. Alignment: Lawful · Chaos

[Strength 96(+2)] [Durability 92] [Dexterity 98] [Stamina 72] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

(There are 12 ability points remaining.)

< Achievements (1) >

1. Rites of Passage Boss Monster

< Unique Ability (1/1) >

1. Third Eye (Rank: S Zero)

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. Shingeomhapil (Rank: EX)

< Potential Ability (4/4) > (There is 1 ability point remaining.)

1. Close combat (Rank: A Plus)

2. Cannot be defeated (Rank: A Plus)

3. Mind’s eye (Rank: A Plus)

4. Protection of the battlefield (Rank: EX)

Strictly speaking, the only users who benefited from Chaos Mimic this time were Ahn Hyun and me. A total of 16 items came out, and I ended up taking 8 of them, which is half of them. If you list them.

『A Four – Leaf Clover』

『TOPG (Twin Head Ogre Power Gauntlet)』

『Coat Of Plate』

『Glory Of Heaven』

『Glory Of Sun』

『Elixir (Stamina)』

『No Sword』

『Sun and Moon God Sword』

In this way, I was able to receive the right to use a total of 8 equipment and items.

Not all of the eight remaining pieces of equipment were returned to the party. Among them, I decided to keep three bottles of elixir, Pegasus’ egg, unicorn’s horn, rare class (Twilight Shaman), Phasa’s Bow, and Legend of Hoplon for management purposes. This is because there were no users who could use it right away.

In the end, only two items were returned to the other party members. These were Helm Of Courage and Mighty Sun.

I don’t know anything else, but I was a little greedy about . But in the end, I gave in to Ahn Hyeon. It’s not that my durability ability is as low as my stamina ability, and the clothes I’m wearing now are much more comfortable for working out. Above all, since she had decided to raise Ahn Hyeon as a Diltan, it seemed like the right answer would be to dress Ahn Hyun in rather than being needlessly greedy. In the end, Anhyeon was able to complete the distribution of all equipment by taking and .

After being lost in thought for a while, I raised my head and looked around at the strange gaze I had noticed earlier. And, I could see Ansol’s face smiling brightly while looking at me. It wasn’t just Ansol. Everyone seemed to be in such a good mood that they were smiling happily with a thin line drawn at the corner of their mouths. When I saw that even users who didn’t receive anything were smiling at me, I felt relieved.

To be honest, I couldn’t understand them. It got to the point where I couldn’t help but wonder if he was feeling sad inside, or if he was just naturally that way because everyone had good tendencies. I would have felt regretful if I didn’t have this good equipment, but everyone in my party seemed satisfied just because I had it.

I let out a meaningless sigh and shook my head excitedly. Then, I turned my gaze towards the stamina elixir held in my hand. If you eat it now, you can immediately increase your stamina to 76 points. It was an elixir equivalent to the reward for completing the user academy.

I didn’t swallow it right away and just stared at it. Some time ago, I obtained an elixir from the ruins laboratory that increases stamina by 2 points when taken by a user with an ability score of 70 points or less. However, before that, I lost the opportunity to increase my stamina by ingesting the elixir exclusively for stamina purchased from the GP. After using that incident as an example, I immediately avoided taking elixirs. The reason for not increasing the current remaining abilities and ability points was similar. Because I don’t want to repeat the same process.

So, I turned my attention to Vivien. I still had Vivien’s Spiritual Order, Belphegor’s Heart, 2 health elixirs (+2 below 70, +4 below 80), and Horens’ Magic Stone. At first glance, I thought that if I combined the ingredients above, I might come up with a better elixir. I thought it would be a good idea to bring it up later when I called Vivian about Shin Sang-yong’s problem.

It was then.

Shake! Sigh.

“excuse me… . “I heard that there is someone named Kim Soo-hyun, a user with 0 years of experience here.”

With the sound of the door opening, a slightly unfamiliar but familiar voice came through the inn’s entrance and into the lobby. A clear, soft voice. Everyone in my group, including me, reflexively turned our heads toward the place where the voice came from.

And where my eyes landed, I was able to see a user I never thought I would meet.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

haha. Many people are worried about nuisance women. We will never disappoint you in any areas you may be concerned about. She says Soohyun is not stupid, and she is not the kind of girl who would open her eyes and have her money or equipment taken away (I didn’t even think about that in the first place…).

Oh, I was writing this in a hurry yesterday, so I made a few edits to the previous episode. Just a few tweaks to one or two pieces of equipment, so not much has changed!

P.S. Thank you to everyone who submitted selections, recommendations, comments, and coupons. (__) Perhaps because of the success of the midnight series, the coupons were excellent… . Hwang Gong-ha. 🙂


1. Kurosion: Congratulations on first place. Congratulations on taking first place again. 🙂

2. Human life: I think you will be very sad. I hope you find strength. I have nothing to say other than this.

3. POWERED: Haha. You don’t have to worry too much. Those parts don’t appear in this chapter. 🙂

4. Hyeon-oh: No, you can hit my butt. Please fix it.

5. wooyu01: Suhyun received a lot this time. Still, there has to be one or two that fall on the kids, right? 🙂

6. Clumsy Huni: LOL. Maybe then Soohyun won’t be quiet. I will immediately swing my sword and take away all the equipment I have. lol.

7. Umwolmagun: NO. The sword is in the bag, and the luck is only effective for users below 90.

8. Serious Invincible Reader: Soohyun is not stupid. In the first episode, he killed a vagabond and took off his underwear and sold it. lol. Please don’t worry too much.

9. RoCheu: Originally, it was set at around 450 to 550 times. I think it will probably increase further.

10. hohokoya1: To conclude, you can use dual swords. However, when using dual swords, the efficiency can be considered lower than when using a one-handed sword. (Of course, it doesn’t mean much at Suhyeon’s level, but strictly speaking, you can see that there is a level of skill.) You may lightly use dual swords a few times in the future, but it is probably not. We plan to focus on one-handed swords.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode