Memorize Chapter 170

00170 Unexpected Meeting ———————————————- ————————–=

Should I say it with my true feelings? Hayeon looked up at me with her speechless face. I stared into her eyes, and at some point, I saw Hayeon’s entire face turn red as if it were going to explode. She kept her mouth shut, but then she opened her mouth and muttered in a voice as loud as a mosquito.

“I believe it. “I will believe it.”

“thank you. then… .”

I heard her answer, but I didn’t feel at ease. She didn’t have any of these things during the first round, so she just lived without paying attention to them in the first place. Of course, in Hall Plain, it was not a big problem for one man to have multiple women or, conversely, for one woman to have multiple men. The most important thing was the user’s ability. As mentioned earlier, beyond simply spending a night with like-minded users, it was not uncommon for users to sacrifice their bodies for the protection of a caravan or clan.

However, when I thought about it in reverse, I felt a part of my heart become dizzy for some reason. An unknown emotion was piercing her heart, and all she could think of was feeling sorry. As I was getting emotional over this unfamiliar feeling, a trembling voice rang in my ears once more.

“Oh, are you going to sleep in this room tonight?”

“yes. Yes.”

“Okay, then I’ll come to this room tonight. “Don’t go to bed too early.”

“hmm. I rarely go to bed early… yes?”

I questioned her somewhat out of focus, but I could no longer hear what she said. Because with those words, Hayeon grabbed her pocket that was in front of her and quickly left the room. I tilted my head with a blank expression, then brought the record I had pushed upwards back to the front.

At that moment, suddenly, “User Kim Soo-hyun. “You really don’t notice.” I remembered someone’s words: But he could shake it off with a shake of his head. From now on, you have to prepare to leave Mule, so it would be better to move quickly while you have time.

… … … . … … … . … … … .

How much time has passed? After finishing the exploration report I was writing, I looked up and could already see the window colored by the glow of the sunset. The exploration report regarding should be written in a little more detail. Although it is farther away than the previous two ruins, it is because it has not been completely cleaned. In addition to what we have experienced, we present possibilities including expectations as much as possible. Even trivial information is good. The more information you include, the less damage it will cause to the investigation team. Even if you are a little worried about the ban, participating in the investigation team will help your performance, so unless the representative clan takes the lead, many users will want to participate.

I had originally planned to stop by the temple today, but I thought it would be better to just postpone it until later. All I had to do was receive a performance certificate when submitting my exploration report, and then receive a performance certificate for at the temple in the next city I would visit. There was no need to stop by twice, once for the report and once for the certificate. Above all, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a quick look at the current atmosphere. Because you have to understand the current city situation to know how things are going.

So, most of the things that needed to be done on paper were able to be done today. Now all that remains is action. I layered the expedition report on top of the clan application form neatly placed on one side. As I thought about actually leaving Mule, I couldn’t stop feeling excited.

After finishing all the work, I got up with strength and thought about going to check on the condition of the Chaos Mimics that had been laid out on the second floor earlier. I carefully placed the sword and a bottle of elixir in my drawer. These were the things I brought back from the warehouse when I received the clan application form earlier.

Seeing these made me feel even more excited.


When I went down to the first floor, a fragrant and delicious smell filled the lobby. I decided to eat dinner a little early tonight. This is because, at the strong request of user Go Yeon-ju, we decided to hold a welcome party for him. She asked if she was going to have a grand welcome party, but she kept quiet when she talked about having to eat all the ingredients before leaving Mule and talking about vacation.

As I enter the kitchen on the other side of the inn door, I see Go Yeon-ju’s back humming and stirring the fire. As if she knew I had come in, she raised one of her hands and motioned for me to come here without even looking back. I moved closer next to her. Looking at the fire plate, I saw meat with spicy seasoning being roasted until golden brown.

“Have you gathered any information about the current situation in Hall Plain?”

“Who do you see me as? I already received a rough idea from the at lunch. “Like you said, I don’t think it’s very good.”

“A little more detail… town.”


Go Yeon-ju picked up a piece of meat and quickly stuffed it deep between my open lips.

“What’s so urgent? Sometimes I see that you don’t rest too much. It’s a vacation. When I rest, I rest. Otherwise, my body will become weak. “If you really want to know, come to my room tonight.”

I couldn’t answer anything. All I had to do was add meat, because my finger went almost all the way down my throat. I tried to spit it out somehow, but I reflexively closed my mouth when he touched my uvula with his fingernail. And only then did the late Yeonju laugh and gently pull out his finger.


Soft meat and her slender fingers. And the taste of the spicy seasoning on my skin came to me at the same time. She wanted to bite off her finger like this, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it because she thought it would do what Go Yeon-joo wanted. I let out a small sigh and slowly left the kitchen, leaving behind her words that food would soon be ready. From the looks of it, it didn’t seem like he really had any intention of giving out information today, but rather that he was planning to synthesize the information received last night.


When I came out to the first floor lobby again, I saw the group opening the inn door and entering, as if they had just finished exploring the city. The timing was good too. When the food was ready, the users (and one resident) who came in looked at my face and waved happily… didn’t

“brother. I’m home.”

“brother. “We’re here.”

“I’m back… .”

“Huh… .”

One by one, the four of them, Anhyeon, Yujeong, Ansol, and Vivien, fell face down on the table, making a sound of air being knocked out of them. When I tilted my head to see why, I saw Hayeon avoiding eye contact and Shin Sang-yong smiling awkwardly. It seemed like I explored every nook and cranny of the city for the purpose of gathering information rather than a vacation.

The children scattered around wrinkled their noses at the delicious smell wafting through the lobby, and everyone let out a small cheer when they heard that the welcome ceremony was about to follow. Seeing Hayeon come up to me and hand me back the bag that she barely even gave me, I was able to get a rough idea of ​​how hard the kids had worked today.

I grabbed Hayeon and led her to a table on one side. She also looked a little tired, but she couldn’t help but wonder what was going on outside. Even if I went out today, the only thing I did was stop by the user warehouse and pick up a clan application, so I had no idea what was going on outside. Fortunately, thanks to Hayeon’s faithfulness to the purpose of collecting information, she explained the situation in relatively detail.

“The atmosphere in Mule was, how can I say it, so depressing.”

“You’re depressed?”

“yes. First of all, the plan to eliminate vagrants was a success, as user Kim Soo-hyun said. Of all the battles against vagabonds that have taken place so far, I think it has caused the greatest amount of damage ever. However, it seems that the damage to users was significant. Rumor has it that SSUN, the representative clan of Halo, a city in the west, has suffered a blow that is close to annihilation. And it is said that all the remaining vagabonds fled to the West Continent.”


“And it is said that the Golden Lion Clan entered the Steel Mountains three days ago today. They say that as soon as they entered the Steel Mountains, all communication was cut off, so their current situation is unknown. but… .”

Hayeon stopped talking and turned her head to look at her surroundings. Shin Sang-yong was putting the tables together after hearing that there was a welcome party, and Ansol was also shakily standing up and making gestures to help him. An Hyeon asked her Yoo-jeong to go into her kitchen and carry her food, but she made no reply by slamming her head on the table.

After looking around for a moment, she tilted her head further and whispered in a soft voice.

“I think there’s a problem with the Golden Lion Clan’s expedition itself.”

“What if it is its own problem?”

“I couldn’t find out the details. However, I think the clans participating in the expedition were chosen quite according to one’s own taste. It seems that the representative clans of cities in the east were not included at all, and even , the representative clan of Monica, a small city in the south, was not included. Some say it was an arbitrary decision by the Golden Lion Clan, while others say the clans rejected it. The most certain thing is that the clan that participated in the expedition was the Golden Lion Clan. Even small town Mule has a new representative clan this time. Originally, the representative clan participated in the expedition. “We risked our lives on this expedition.”

I wiggled my eyebrows at her last words. The participation of the pro-Golden Lion Clan was the same as in the future, but the fact that the Mule’s representative clan was replaced at this time clearly did not match my memory. The most certain thing is that it was normal for Mule to be in Muju Gongsan. I asked her in her urgent voice.

“Do you know the name of the new representative clan?”

“sorry. I just figured this out too. There are very few users who are aware that it has been replaced like roasting beans in a flash of lightning. It seems to be a pro-Golden Lion Clan, but I heard that they were given compensation in exchange for not being able to participate in the expedition this time. I’m not sure though. but… . Considering that other famous clans were put aside and a relatively unknown clan was given the city representative clan position, I don’t think it is very credible. Above all, users are still very interested in the expedition… .”

I lowered my head at her words full of regret. When I wondered why there weren’t as many users as I thought, I realized that if they were still on an expedition, there was a high possibility that users would be concentrated in the center or south. Most of my questions were finally answered, but there was something that was nagging at the back of my mind. It is understandable that Mule’s representative clan has changed. Because it could happen. However, no matter how much one thought about it, establishing an obscure clan that users did not know about was unconvincing.

Hayeon must have read my worried face and looked like she didn’t know what to do. He was so restless that if he even said anything, he would go outside again and find out the name of the clan. I immediately regained my composure and comforted her. Even with just this amount of information, I have learned a lot. Go Yeon-ju probably knows the rest of the details, so you can just ask her. I gave up my thoughts. In my heart, I wanted to rush to the main clan castle or temple, but I thought it would be okay to just take it easy and observe the situation as Go Yeon-ju said. These were things that would be revealed gradually anyway.

As I gathered my thoughts and turned my gaze, all of my companions were standing up and helping prepare for the welcome party. Go Yeon-joo seemed to have finished most of the food and came out of the kitchen to give instructions here and there, and the users were moving tables or placing food accordingly. He seemed very determined today as he occasionally saw alcohol. I looked at them, thanked Hayeon, and then calmly opened my mouth.

“You worked hard today. “Then shall we stop and help?”

“What about the hardships? Sorry for not being more precise. Ho Ho. Then just wake up. “I feel like I’m being cautious for no reason.”

She and I smiled slightly at each other and stood up. Soon, Hayeon ran to help Ansol, who was moving the table by himself, and I walked towards Ko Yeonju, who had his arms crossed.

“I know what clan it is~.”

As if she had been eavesdropping on the conversation between me and Hayeon, she suddenly opened her mouth as soon as I approached her. But I smiled at her calm face. I still hadn’t forgotten the embarrassment she had caused me this morning. So, I opened her mouth to ask her for one favor.

“High user performance. I have a favor to ask.”

“oh. I’m so happy that user Kim Soo-hyun asked for a favor. “What kind of request is this?”

“There are Chaos Mimics lying around on the second floor. Could you please bring them over? I think it’s time to open it… .”

“I’ll come right away.”

She tilted her head at my words for a moment, but as if she really wanted to open it, she disappeared before my eyes at an invisible speed. When she stopped by earlier, she did some cleaning inside just in case, so there shouldn’t be any major danger. However, I wanted to show her how the room with the Chaos Mimics lying around on her second floor had changed.



As a few minutes passed, I heard Go Yeon-ju’s sharp, drawn-out voice calling me loudly from upstairs. Soon after, I saw her quickly coming down the stairs with her Chaos Mimics in hand, and I greeted her with a sly look on her face.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

ha. It was definitely supposed to be posted as a study, but it was a midnight series, so why did it have to be posted as a serial work? It’s driving me crazy. I have to finish my presentation assignment today. I made up my mind to write it from lunch time, but why am I on a day like this? ah;;;

『Reripple (Episode 168)』

1. 破天魔痕: Congratulations on first place… . ㅜ.ㅠ Ugh.

2. Office2Lub19: Kim Soo-hyun speaks. Whoever wants!

3. Defeat: No. There are also foreigners from different continents. They are Americans, British, and Japanese. (In that order: Western, Southern, and Eastern continents.)

4. Changgung Muhan: That part will be very fun too. Please look forward to the appearance of the Princess of Execution. Hehehe.

5. POWERED: Mimic opens next episode. ah. Since this is the 168th re-ripple, it will be held in the 171st. 🙂

『Reripple (Episode 169)』

1. 破天魔痕: Just in case, I checked 168 times. You took first place twice in a row. Congratulations. 😀

2. Dark Knight: It could be seen as a harem, but I don’t like having too many of them. I just plan to continue with as many people as possible.

3. juan: Haha. Go Yeon-joo and Eung-eung… . yes. It’ll probably come out soon. It might come out. ha ha ha.

4. GradeRown: Yes. I’m definitely planning to just give it a taste with Hayeon, but I still want to spend a little more time with Go Yeonju… . huh? What am I saying now?

5. Demon Temple: Giggles. We have roughly decided on the items that are likely to appear. Now all I have to do is flesh it out, but the problem is that I’m thinking about serializing it at midnight today. ha.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode