Memorize Chapter 167

00167 Unexpected meeting ———————————————- ————————–=

That’s how we were able to complete the story of the Screaming Cave, which was full of trouble and trouble. I didn’t completely clean the entire cave, but I killed the boss monster and made it to the end, so I could say I did what I could. It was decided to leave the cleaning of the undead that would still be wandering around the cave somewhere to be done by the investigation team that would be formed after the exploration report or other users.

Although a big job was accomplished, all exploration was not yet finished. The most important task of returning home remained. Crossing the green mountains infested with the undead was a task, and more than anything, returning safely to Mule would give meaning to what the caravan had done so far. There were users who worked hard to complete the exploration, but there were also some users who lost their lives due to inattention due to the feeling of fullness from having achieved their goal, so it was necessary to be careful.

The thing that became the most talked about topic on the way back was the talk about Chaos Mimic. According to Ansol, “Since the baby Mimic came out with such a big one, daddy Mimic and mommy Mimic will definitely give you something even bigger.” By saying this, she gained the sympathy of her companions. I couldn’t understand the detailed meaning of what the big deal was and what the companions sympathized with. However, it seemed like I knew what he wanted to say based on the context, so I didn’t say anything else. (However, I completely ignored the suggestion to open the box now.)

As I went, numerous thoughts came to mind, and I organized them. What I was most curious about was the outcome of the vagabond extermination plan and the Golden Lion Clan’s advance into the Steel Mountains. I wanted to quickly get back to the mule and see what the results were, so I didn’t know that I was making fun of my steps on the way back even faster.

However, the return time was very ambiguous. According to the future I know, the plan to exterminate the vagabonds would have been completed long ago, but it was unclear whether the march to the Iron Mountains would have had any results even after we had returned.

I decided to eat as leisurely as possible. It wasn’t that I didn’t feel anxious in a corner of my mind, but I didn’t want to rush and ruin things. There is a saying that the more urgent you are, the more you have to go back, so the right answer would be to calmly do the things that need to be done and move forward.

Anyway, there were a lot of things piled up right away. We also had to obtain performance certificates for and , and we also had to submit an exploration report for the newly explored . Processing and distribution of the results obtained from this expedition, as well as equipment upgrades, had to be kept in mind, and there was also an application to create a clan. And the most important thing was the disposal of user performance.

As I thought about the things I had to do in the future, I felt dizzy and could only sigh. However, if you deal with them calmly, one by one, as you decided earlier, you will definitely be able to resolve them in a good way. I consoled myself and hurried on my way back to the small town of Mulo.


It was only when the north gate of Mule began to be glimpsed in the distance that my group and I were able to breathe a sigh of relief. I turned my head for a moment and looked at my surroundings, and saw a dark mist of water and blades of grass covered in dew. There was silence everywhere, and only the sound of the wind passing by us occasionally disturbed our ears.

It took 10 days to reach and 1 day to explore. Up to this point, everything was as expected, but we ended up delaying our return by another day. He said he would come back as quickly as possible, but there was a problem with Yujeong. The aftereffects of the wound suffered by Horrence were still there, so if you increased your speed even a little, you would often fall behind in the ranks.

To be honest, I had no idea at first because I was preoccupied with other thoughts. For some reason, I felt like the march was a bit stuttering, but I was able to figure it out through Hayeon’s hint. (Surprisingly, Yoo-jeong didn’t show me at all. It seems like he was holding it in and walking along somehow.) But that said, the march’s movement was a bit slow. I didn’t slow down, but I decided to take my time and take my time to be considerate of Yujeong. When I saw the slightest sign of her struggling, I encouraged her by giving her a break, even if only for a moment.

The condition of the well got better as time went by, and by the 7th to 8th day, we were able to return to the normal cycle of marching and resting. And on the 10th day of our return, we decided to march all night. As we got closer to Mule, we judged that there was no major danger, and we were able to slightly accelerate the return time, which had been delayed due to the overnight march.

In this way, we succeeded in returning Mule to the small town in 11 days.

The paths we walk now are changing little by little. In the grassy plains, bumpy but somewhat human-made paths began to emerge. As I walked steadily like that, it wasn’t long before the shabby North Gate slowly came into view. If you calculate the total time taken, you will have returned to the small town of Mule in 22 days.

Since we left Mule before the first week of March had passed, we could say that the current date was almost the end of March. As the north gate slowly approached and I saw the guards standing alone, my heart started pounding and I felt excited.

“We welcome the return of users! Angel’s blessing… .”

Eventually, when we reached the north gate, the two guards, who were still stern, looked at us and saluted us vigorously. After giving a brief answer, I turned my head and saw the faces of my companions, each with a unified expression. I was very curious to see how they would react if I asked them to return to the inn and train. Of course, it was just my own foolish idea.

As we entered the north gate, a quiet street greeted us. It must be dawn now. Unless they were in an unavoidable situation like us or were crazy people, there were no users who would go out exploring in the wee hours of the morning.

“Ugh. “I’m finally back.”

“I feel like crying. “Ugh.”

“Wow. Wow.”

As it was the most difficult expedition we had ever experienced, the kids cheered as soon as they stepped into the city. Vivian was continuously yawning and tapping her mouth, and Shin Sang-yong was nodding his head with sleepy eyes. Hayeon also tried not to show it, but her face looked full of fatigue. And Go Yeon-ju… .

The moment she entered the mule, she was staring at me with a very intense look in her eyes that I had never seen before. When I calmly accepted his gaze, she squinted one of her eyes and sent a silent signal. And I was able to immediately understand the meaning of the signal. So, I quietly opened my mouth to the people who wanted to quickly enter the inn.

“User Jeong Ha-yeon.”


“Please lead the rest of the group. First, please return to the inn of .”

She turned around, brushing her hair past her ear, with a blank expression on her face at my words. The same was true for her other companions. Everyone looked curious as to why I suddenly acted like this, but I shook my head and continued speaking.

“I have something to check briefly. “It won’t take long.”

“But wouldn’t it be better to take a little rest? Unless it’s urgent… .”

“It’s urgent, so I think it would be better to handle it now.”

Hayeon tilted her head at my firm words. Her concerned gaze swept over me, but I signaled my intention to her by shaking her head slightly so that only she could see. Hayeon saw her signal and soon sighed slightly.

“all right. If there’s anything we can help with… .”

“I’ll help you, so don’t worry, just go in first.”

“Hey, is this a user performance?”

“is it so. “This is something that requires the reputation of .”

When Go Yeon-ju came in after interrupting her conversation, Hayeon was seen lost in thought. To be honest, I could force myself to see that there was urgent work to be done this early in the morning, but if I really looked into it, it wasn’t something that didn’t exist at all. Normally, she wouldn’t have understood it, but she seemed to think it had something to do with it, having already heard part of my plan. Or, since she was a temporary member in the first place, they may think she was related to Go Yeon-joo.

She looked back and forth between me and Ko Yeonju for a while, then lowered her head and pursed her mouth slightly in a direction that only I could see. I responded to her concerns with a soft smile, and upon receiving my reply, she soon led her sleepy companions towards her inn.

As their figures slowly disappeared beyond the streets of Mule, only me and Go Yeon-ju were left standing in front of the North Gate. She looked at me for a moment, then smiled prettily and opened her mouth.

“Shall we walk for a while? “Outside the north gate, of course.”

“It’s nothing bad, but it feels a bit like coming in and going out again.”

When I answered bluntly, she laughed and gently grabbed my arm and led me. So Yeonju and I left the north gate again and soon began walking, retracing the path her companions had taken. There was an awkward silence for a while, but eventually the first user to speak was Go Yeon-ju.

“You don’t like talking at length?”

“I don’t mind if it’s necessary, but I don’t like going around in circles.”

“Me too. Then, without talking about spinning, I will just throw a fastball. But it might still be a little long.”

“I know what you mean. This is what I wanted. “Let’s listen.”

The moment she said, , she stopped walking. Suddenly, I felt like I was experiencing a similar situation somewhere. Kim Han-byeol, Jeong Ha-yeon… . The faces of the two women appeared one after another, but were quickly erased by Go Yeon-ju’s voice.

“There are so many things about you that are unclear.”


I let out a sigh and tried to open my mouth, but she raised her hand and stopped me from speaking. I decided to continue listening to her for now.

“I’m not just talking about visible abilities. Of course, it’s also full of things I can’t understand. However, if you think about it, I am only a 5-year user, so it would be difficult to say that I know everything. Maybe she has special abilities like that girl… . Well, I like it. Being strong on the hole plane is not a problem at all. No matter what anyone says, it’s your own ability. “I have personal curiosity, but I probably don’t have the qualifications to delve into it.”

As she was clearly an experienced user, I felt that the things she said were different from Hayeon. But I didn’t let my guard down. The idea was that if you acknowledge your external abilities first, there is room to delve into other aspects.

As I expected, Go Yeon-ju narrowed his eyes and continued speaking.

“You did that in the special room on the third floor at that time. The goal is survival and return to Earth. Survival and return. These are things that any user on Holplane has probably thought about at least once. And your next words shook my heart. This wasn’t just a childish remark from a user with 0 years of experience, but he was really predicting the situation ahead and drawing a big picture. And this time, we showed that we have the ability to actually implement it. … I was worried. If you go into the city like this and see the situation tomorrow morning. And if what you said is proven to be correct, I thought the surprise would make any anxiety I have in my heart disappear.”

“I want to know the identity of that anxiety.”

“The source of my anxiety is nothing else. It’s you. Kim Soo-hyun, a user with 0 years of experience, is the cause of my anxiety.”

“… … .”

Sassasa… . Sassasa… .

The cold dawn wind blew, and the grass swayed gently. I lifted her head and looked at her with her hollow gaze. She wasn’t looking at me. She was just enjoying the wind blowing with her arms wide open. Her lips, which had been exposed to the wind for a while, gently open again.

“You can say it’s a feeling derived from experience, or you can say it’s a woman’s unique intuition. You are an unknown man. “The reason I allowed you to accompany me on this expedition was because I wanted to observe you, the user.”

Before I knew it, my heart was starting to feel a bit tight. I took a slow breath, trying to catch my breath. And then he opened his mouth in a calm voice.

“What did you think after observing it?”

“I said I didn’t know.”

She answered my question right away. Then she tilted her head slightly.

“At first glance, he was just a kind-hearted user who took care of children. However, there are scary users who sometimes try to kill me. Then, when you look again, you see a dedicated user who sacrifices himself for his companions. But sometimes… A user like a murderer soaked in blood and showing no mercy. In conclusion, the user cannot tell whether he or she is angry about his or her party being injured or simply provoked.”

“… … .”

As I listened to her last words, spoken one by one, I was able to guess why Go Yeon-ju was talking to me about various things right after dealing with Horrence. I felt that there was a searching light in her eyes, and it was clear that all her questions were words that were looking at me.

I couldn’t think of anything else to say. As I kept my mouth shut, the late Yeon-joo slowly approached me, turned his back, and popped his head out. The moment she glanced down, I could see her provocative eyes looking up at me. After making eye contact with me, she opened her mouth in a soft voice.

“Even if you think about it, it doesn’t make sense, does it?”

“There is no way for a person or user to have exactly one emotion.”

“I guess so. But your actions are lacking just one thing. Do you know what that is?”

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t act like a fool. It’s consistency. If you just change your face every time you do something, you’ll be recognized as a completely different person. “And it seems like you’re being pretentious, so I’m telling you in advance.”

She paused for a moment, then quickly pulled away and widened the distance between me. She smiled slightly as she looked at me standing there.

“Survival and return. great. I have no intention of denying it. But I hope you don’t try to cover up your anxiety with those nice words. “What I’m truly curious about is your inner self that is hidden deep down there.”

Suddenly the wind stopped. There is silence everywhere. I felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

“Then, can you stop answering now?”

At some point, the distance between her and me widened considerably. She lifted her right hand and spread her fingers, but then bent them slightly and placed them lightly against her own collarbone.

And I nodded my head once weakly. The moment she confirmed it, her beautiful lips slowly opened, and her soft voice rang lazily across the meadow.

“Even now… “Do you want to kill me?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

yes. The golden weekend is over and a new Monday has begun. ha ha ha. I’m finally back with Mule. And it looks like the decision on Go Yeon-joo’s disposition, which you’ve all been looking forward to, will be made in the next episode. 😀 Please, what choices and decisions will Kim Soo-hyun and Go Yeon-ju make? Please look forward to the next episode! 🙂

P.S. Thank you to everyone who submitted coupons. Today, I looked at the details without thinking much and was surprised. (–)(__).


1. Sereson: No! Congratulations on first place! This is my first time meeting you. Why have you been doing the inactive user course for so long? ㅜ.ㅠ Anyway, now that you have finally become an active user, I look forward to more comments from you in the future. ha ha ha. ‘~’

2. MT Bear: Yes! I checked the message. I also sent you a reply. Have you checked it? 🙂

3. juan: Hahaha. The Johnson Dojo? What is the Johnson seal? I’m not sure, so please explain in great detail. (__ )*

4. Dairin: Ah! :3 ← I like this look. This expression will be mine from now on. Adventure.

5. Blasphemy: Haha. Thank you for your valuable advice. Sometimes my head hurts when I think of new monsters, so I think this will be of great help. (__) Oh, but it’s in English. hmm. It would be great for improving your English skills.

6. Mecha Star: Ugh. tablet. I’m thinking about buying one, is that okay? I have an ultrabook, but I feel like I have to carry it around a bit for fear of burning my hands.

7. (魔皇笑)地獄音: It’s in the work settings! It’s still the same~. :3

8. hohokoya1: Hmm. With the current settings, I plan to hold off on increasing the remaining 12 points. but… . Huh. Spoiler alert! I was almost in big trouble. Hmm!

9. Cheonhwabaekbu: 1. No comment. 2. It is possible. 3. There are so many. (LOL.) I’ll probably organize most of number 3 in this Mule episode, so please wait a moment.

10. Office2Lub19: Oh my! I pressed the registration button without realizing it! lol. Thank you for the coupon. (__)

11. UrDREAM: Haha. Although there are such records, there is no need for Soo-hyeon and Ae, who are free mercenaries, to be involved. Even if we try, there is no use for it. (The kids only need equipment and gold and silver treasures…) All the headaches can be done by the kids from the investigation team that will be formed later. 🙂

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode