Memorize Chapter 166

00166 Nightmare ———————————————— ————————=

Lee Hyeong-hwan-wi (移形換位). Simply put, it can be defined as a method of instantaneously changing location. When using this ability, an afterimage remains at the original location, but at the location after movement, it can appear before the opponent’s gaze or consciousness reaches it. And there were often cases where dull people were deceived by the afterimage without noticing that it was just an illusion.

Of course, the above words differ from person to person. If the other person has good senses and is more capable than the user, he or she can easily detect that a heterogeneous circle has been used. And if you have the ability, you can destroy it.

Nevertheless, the reason why this ability is highly regarded is because it is a destruction that is theoretically possible. It could be seen that only a few users literally said but could actually it. In the first place, there are not many users who can detect the abnormal position, but when you consider the users who can predict in advance where it will appear and attack, changes to . will change to

Therefore, most ways to respond to heterogeneous changes start with defense. Although I only used it as a life-saving tool, the user who taught me this often had great fun when dealing with users of a higher level than himself.

And this time, the skill I was going to use was Ability Heyunghwanwi.

Every time I think of Kim Yu-hyun and Han So-young, a part of my heart feels dizzy. Those two were like opposites to me. My chest was burning with blazing anger, but the murderous energy pouring through my head and into my eyes had turned cold. As I glared at Horrence with cold eyes, I took a step forward, instantly boosting the magic power in the circuits within my body. and… .


There is no sign of anything. All you can hear is the faint noise of the wind blowing by. The only difference is that my eyes are now seeing the back of Horrence, not the front, who was facing me at a certain distance. Without hesitation, I struck the guy’s back very hard with my sword.


At the same time as the sound of the ball exploding, the guy’s body leaned forward, and the darkness on the backboard shook violently. At the same time, the original afterimage he was watching distorted like a bad TV screen and then quickly faded away.


The guy hurriedly took a stance and immediately turned around, but I had already moved into his blind spot again.

Horrence swung his arm toward the remaining afterimage. However, the black sword just cut through the air and did not hit me at all. Because it was just an image that appeared as a result of continued sensory experience. And then, taking the back seat, I slashed my sword as hard as I could towards those who were in the gap.

Tuk. With a sound, the Doom Knight dropped his right arm. I see a neatly cut cross section of my days. Darkness immediately gathered around the severed section of the right arm, but the speed of recovery was not as fast as before. My left arm wasn’t fully regenerating yet, but when I split the darkness with my right arm, it seemed to slow down even more. It was proof that the absorbed darkness had almost reached its limit.

As a result, Horrence lost both arms. You can use the darkness to attack, but then you have to split the darkness that is trying to recover into thirds again. In return for breaking through Lee Yu-jeong, he suffered a blow that pushed him to his limit from me and Go Yeon-ju Vivian.

“purr… .”

Horrence was hesitatingly backing away, perhaps only now realizing what was going on. But it was too late. I had an overwhelming advantage in just two moves, and all that was left was to punish the provocation.

Horrence immediately created great darkness around him. When I glanced at both arms, they were now frozen to the point where I doubted whether the recovery was in progress. It seemed as if darkness had surrounded all directions with the intention of just surviving for now.

With a cruel smile on my face, I raised the magic power of my sword and left hand to , then spurted the ground forward and jumped forward. At that moment, a sharp spear that pierced Lee Yu-jeong rose out of the darkness, but I lightly stretched out my hand, grabbed the darkness, and ripped it away with all my might. Two dark, hollow eyes were seen in the darkness, torn apart like a sheet of paper. Towards the guy who was urgently withdrawing his body, I generated magic power for the effect of heteromorphic rotation along the circuit.

Spot, spot! once. Spot, spot! twice. Spot, spot! third time. Spot, spot! Four times. Spot, spot! Five times. Spot, spot! Six times. Spot, spot! Seven times. Spot, spot! Eight times. Spot, spot! Nine times. Spot, spot! Ten times.

So… . The moment I tried to use my sword for the eleventh time, I had no choice but to stop. I remember cutting off the head, torso, legs, and neck one after the other, but from then on there was no reaction so I just swung at whatever I saw. As a result, his body had become very grotesquely distorted. Although it barely maintained its shape, I could see the darkness melting here and there, like a statue with wet paint on a rainy day. I tilted my head for a moment, but still calmly pushed the sword into the right eye hole.

Slowly, there were signs that its body was falling apart. I forcefully reached out my hand and grabbed hold of the writhing guy’s head, then lifted his knees and pulled his head towards my thigh. Immediately after, a dull impact hit his knee, and at the same time, he felt something sinking into his knee. It was the moment when I threw him to the floor and tried to trample him with my foot.


“User Kim Soo-hyun. stop it.”


“Please stop it. “It doesn’t respond anymore.”

When I felt someone grabbing my shoulder, I turned my head and saw Go Yeon-ju standing there. I read Horrence’s condition with my third eye. As she said, the guy didn’t react at all from the middle. The darkness surrounding the body was slowly melting away and disappearing, and as a result, the body was also becoming translucent.

Perhaps the veil of darkness that had just been raised was the energy that had been saved until the end. The moment it was torn and erected, it would have received a blow that could not be recovered, and it was clear that it had died while attacking in a different form.

As a little time passed, the Doom Knight disappeared without a trace. There was only one fist-sized black sphere lying around. I bent down, picked it up, and quietly put it into my arms. For some reason, I felt at ease as emotions like hatred and resentment flowed into my heart. Go Yeon-joo looked at me like that, tilted his head and opened his mouth.

“You’re calmer than I thought?”

“What do you mean other than thinking?”

“Why is it like that in comics and novels? The protagonist explodes with anger when a beloved colleague is harmed! Oh, should I say it was a runaway?”

“There was no runaway. “Did it look like you were running away?”

The Shadow Queen immediately nodded at my words. I nodded her head slightly as if to ask her to speak again, and she continued immediately.

“It just seemed like I was overdoing it. Even though it was a little frustrating before the little kid got hit, we were steadily and safely attacking, right? But what should I say? “I suddenly felt like I was in a hurry?”


At her words, I smiled softly and turned around. It was because my heart was burning and I didn’t want to answer any more. However, Go Yeon-ju continued to talk even as he followed me. However, perhaps because he read the expression on my face, he shifted my focus to a slightly different topic.

“Anyway, the kid is okay. I used Recovery quickly, and the baby used Cure almost randomly. Well, there will be some aftereffects of shock.”

“You have to overcome it. “You may get hurt even more in the future, so it’s difficult to whine about just that much hurt.”

“Huh? Even if you say that, I don’t think that’s what you really mean? Your expression wasn’t funny earlier. It’s okay if you don’t do Wonho anymore. “It was like this, right?”

Go Yeon-ju laughed as she repeated what I said. She didn’t seem to care much about the fact that Horrence had now been defeated. In fact, if she and I had used our full power without leaving any room for the other party members to intervene in the first place, Yujeong would not have been hurt. To be honest, I felt a bit nervous when I opened the door due to my memories of her first session, but now I was sure of it. In the second round, I am strong.

When I didn’t respond in any way, Go Yeon-ju peeked her head to the side.

“Still, I feel like a part of my heart is hurting. Don’t worry too much. “It’s not surprising that the captain cares for the members of his caravan.”

At those words, I turned my attention to Go Yeon-ju. She was looking up at me with quiet gray eyes, unlike the playful look in her eyes until now. There was a deep look in those eyes as if they were searching for something. When I faced him without avoiding his gaze, she ended up turning her head first.

During the moment of silence, I was lost in thought. I was definitely as angry as she said. However, it was a matter to think about whether the reason I was angry was because Lee Yoo-jeong was attacked by Horrence, or because Han So-young overlapped with her. No, actually, the answer was already there. And just as those thoughts were about to connect with Go Yeon-ju’s eyes.



“Kim Soohyun!”

I heard voices calling to me from the front. For now, I stopped thinking about the look in Go Yeonju’s eyes just now and responded by lightly raising my hand.


“Yoojeong. “How are you feeling?”

“Yes… . It’s okay now, brother. Ugh!”

“I think there’s still a little bit left.”

“That’s because you pressed me hard… . But please hold my hand… .”

When Yoo-jeong mumbled with a deep red face, I sighed and took my hand away from her stomach. The visible wounds were completely healed. Looking at the several bottles of potion lying around, it seemed like excessive treatment had been used. However, the magical energy inside my body was greatly alarmed, so I needed to calm down for a while.

“hey. But your belly button is surprisingly pretty.”

“Ahn Hyeon. Shut up. “Do you know that that is a s*xually harassing remark?”

“f*ck. My brother touched me openly but he didn’t say anything. Are you just doing this to me? “Do you really care about people?”

“joy. Do you think your brother is a pervert like you? And don’t talk in that tone. “It’s painful to hear.”

Ahn Hyeon was giggling, making unusual jokes like usual. Lee Yu-jeong also seemed to have sensed that this was Ahn-hyeon’s own way of consoling, and she turned her head, lightly blowing her nose. At that time, someone came up behind her and immediately stood to the side and started talking to me.

“Su-hyun. sorry. I ended up retiring in the middle… .”

The user who spoke to me was Ha-yeon Jeong. Her face was so pale that no color could be seen, but she seemed to have improved as she was standing on her two legs. As she could not bear to continue speaking, I responded by shaking her head from side to side.

“no. it’s okay. I can’t see it as anyone’s fault. Rather, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the people in my group who did such a good job against the boss monster.”

I could see the complexions of my companions brightening slightly at my words. However, Ko Yeon-ju was staring at me quietly with her arms crossed on one side. I didn’t like that gaze from a while ago. However, with the completed, the time to decide whether to deal with her was approaching, so I decided to ignore the subtle change in atmosphere. Because it was something that would end in 10 days anyway.

I don’t know what Ko Yeon-ju was thinking while looking at me and my companions, but I took out the beads I had in my arms and showed them to everyone. A magic stone that was the backbone of the Doom Knight. Of course, there may still be undead wandering around the cave, but it is safe to say that everything that was left out of the Cave of Screams was taken out, and the strategy was achieved to some extent.

With everyone’s eyes focused on the magic stone, I opened my mouth in a powerful voice.

“As of this time, we declare the completion of the exploration of the . Thank you all for your hard work. But it’s not completely over yet, so don’t relax everyone. “Then, after some maintenance time, we will head back.”

Most of my companions responded to my declaration with clear exclamations. And only then did I see Go Yeon-ju’s eyes slightly narrow as he looked at the cheering companions.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

The chapter has finally been completed. hmm. Now I have to write about Soohyun’s group’s journey back to Mule. For example, Su-hyeon took a step. The companions also followed suit. Su-hyeon looked around for a moment, then nodded his head and carefully turned the sensor. Something like this. And then we leave the mountain range again, and the day-to-day journey is detailed in great detail. Mmmmm. I think I can go back to Mule after about 50 episodes!

is false. yes. ruler. Dear readers. Please put down the rock you are holding for a moment. I was wrong. I just had a friend who bought me food today, but I’m definitely not doing this because I couldn’t go out because of my annual salary. yes yes. Please calm down first. 😀 (Pukpuk! Kwaaak!) ㅜ.ㅠ You will be able to see the group returning to Mule in the next episode. Sobbing.

P.S. Is the reason why Soo-hyeon is so angry because Yoo-jeong is injured, or because Han So-young’s appearance overlaps? What do our readers think? ‘~’

PS2. Please participate in the survey! I thought 1,000 readers would participate… . ㅜ.ㅠ Please do me a favor. 🙂


1. Heavenly Blood God Heavenly Mujon: Oh my. So you won first place? Congratulations! Oh, but can Soohyun eat me? ha ha ha. How dare the Kim Soo-hyun character I created attack the author!

2. Kaihon: Let’s see. I will offer my gift here. So stop being angry. Hum hum.

3. ads123: I’m not sure what it is, but I hope it resonates with you even a little after watching this episode. It was a bit difficult to express it. ㅜ.ㅠ

4. Human Life: It is difficult to say that Soohyun gave her best this time. Because I didn’t bring up Hwajeong. However, it only revealed part of his true skills. It is difficult to dismiss heterogeneity as basic. I think you will understand a little more if you look at the explanation in this episode.

5. Hyeonoh: Hahahaha. I really want to show this comment to others. Oh my gosh haha. Ah, this comment completely matches my code. I keep laughing while watching it. LOL.

6. Blamy: Kaaaa! Soohyun cried! Horens is dead!

7. I like it: Hmm… . haha. Every time I see it, a part of my heart tingles. ㅜ.ㅠ

8. GradeRown: Ah haha. When I was talking about the Kingdom of the Winds, I remembered Geongondaenai and was surprised when I saw the end. LOL.

9. Broken fan: Yes, that’s right! Although it was not expressed separately in this episode, there was still room left. 🙂

10. Hmm;; : Anti-magic power is not created through unique abilities. Can be created with special abilities and potential abilities.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode