Memorize Chapter 162

00162 Process Of Growth ———————————————– ————————–=

I don’t know if I should say it was fortunate, but we didn’t have much trouble passing points <8 and 9>. Vivien had spent some time with me and the kids, so she knew roughly how I fought. Therefore, he did not play a major role in leading the battle, but rather drew a line and refrained from going further than that.

And it was the same for Go Yeon-ju.

Ko Yeon-joo was faithfully carrying out the role of keeper that I had asked from the beginning, and did not come to the front unless it was an extremely urgent situation. However, he occasionally helped the kids through the shadows, but that level of help was enough to turn a blind eye to.

In any case, the things they handle couldn’t help but be focused on the rest of the group.

What I meant by not having a hard time at points <8, 9> was that the undead Death Knights and Liches I had in mind did not appear in droves. I thought it would be a bit tricky if they had absorbed the evil energy as Go Yeon-ju said, but fortunately, something absurd like them appearing in droves did not happen.

The caravan was only able to find a Lich when it reached point <9>. I could tell intuitively that it was a guy who had absorbed evil energy from the dark smoke flowing out of his black, gaping pupils. He was not alone, but there were skeletons forming a line around him, and since he met a high-ranking undead, he had no choice but to change his fighting style a little.

The method I changed was to leave Vivien to coordinate the battlefield and I would dig in separately and deal with the Lich. I could never leave it to the kids, and I felt a bit uneasy about leaving it to the rest of the group. (Go Yeon-joo had to take on the role of Keeper, and since he was a temporary member, it was out of the question.) And if I were to step forward, I, who had the best chemistry with the wizard, would step in. It was the most appropriate thing to do.

Also, I was planning to reach point <10> soon, and this time I also wanted to experience a boss raid. Since is absolutely a formidable guy, it was necessary to keep his goal in front of him and reserve the strength of the party as much as possible.

As a swordsman, the way to defeat a long-range enemy is very simple. All you need is the means, that is, the power, to reduce the distance to the enemy so that he can come within the gap and kill the enemy. It may be an error to say that it is simple for other test users, but I now have the ability to implement the above method.

Clearly, the Lich who absorbed the evil energy was powerful. Compared to those who did not absorb it, Bae used powerful magic and fired magic at a much faster rate. However, when it comes to dealing with wizards, I literally had the potential to be more than a specialist.

The Lich fired magic like a madman, but eventually gave me space. I scanned his entire body sharply without missing a chance, and there was no need to look at the results. As if he didn’t even have time to use his body transformation, the body lay down on the cold ground.

Soon, clear flames bloomed all over the Lich, and I turned my back without hesitation. There was no time to find the life vessel, and it was more advantageous to deal with it clearly using fire, rather than leaving it like this and getting stabbed in the back.

Although we encountered a Lich at point <9>, strangely the Death Knight did not appear. She couldn’t shake the feeling that it was strange because she often met him when passing through the detour during the first round. Of course, I had already passed through the detour and came out through the central passage, but it was still possible that I would come out at least once, but even though I was passing through in a straight line, they had not even seen their noses.

While I was resuming my march, something suddenly occurred to me, so I called Ansol, who was walking briskly behind me, to the front.

“Sol. “Please come to the front for a moment.”

“Ugh? yes!”

When I saw Ansol answering in a cute voice and running towards me from time to time, a smile formed on my lips, but I didn’t show it. As expected, Ansol grabbed my collar as soon as she arrived. “Why on earth are you pulling your clothes like this, a ghost clinging to you because you couldn’t hold your clothes in your past life?” “Can’t you let go right now?” I wanted to say that, but I felt like I would burst into tears if I did so, so I held back and opened my mouth.

“Before we entered the vacant lot, I asked if you had any other good opinions. “Do you remember?”

“yes… . Ah~. “The place where there was that black smoke and the skeleton dolls?”

Black smoke and skeleton dolls. Someone behind Ansol must have heard what he said: “Foot.” A sound of laughter was heard. After barely calming down my flushed face, I spoke calmly.

“okay. At that time, did you want to go forward or take a detour? ah. Of course, I probably didn’t want to go with either of them, but if I had to choose one, I’d say.”

Immediately, “Neither of us wanted to go in.” Ansol, who looked like he was going to say this, immediately shut his mouth when I hit him. Eventually, she gently closed her eyes and frowned slightly, as if reliving her feelings from back then. Meanwhile, I scanned a 200-meter radius around Ansol and admired Ansol’s innocent face, her bulging dainty nose, and her small, cherry-like lips. Now that I think about it, when I return from this expedition, I will have to teach my kids multitasking.

As she continued to march, I could see her protruding lips slowly opening.

“It’s too ambiguous. However, if I had been forced to go, I think I would have gone into that vacant lot.”

“I didn’t push it. Anyway, why? “I know it’s just a feeling, but I’m curious, even if it’s just a rough feeling.”

“When I thought about just turning around and leaving, I felt very frustrated inside.”

Ansol spoke in a clear voice. And that answer alone was enough to resolve my question. It was only after I forcibly removed Ansol’s hand that was holding my collar and sent it back that I was finally able to calmly organize my thoughts.

Basically, living monsters roam around. I never stay still in one place. Although the undead cannot be defined as alive, they were people who had feelings of resentment or slaughter. However, after point <5>, I thought that perhaps someone had intentionally arranged the placement of the undead.

Place a skeleton army in the open space leading to the central passage, and place Death Knights in the detour. And the occasionally visible lichs. It wasn’t my place to say anything because placement varies from person to person. However, as time passed and the arrangement was gradually loosened, the scope of the undead’s roaming expanded.

Then almost all anglers will fit. During the first round, there were users who came in ahead of our caravan, and those users were unable to get past point <5>. If I take <5> as a standard, I can prove that my memory of is correct. The most sure way to check was to take a detour and find the Death Knight, but I had no desire to do that.

I am not confident that I can determine whether my guess is correct or not. Still, because I was able to come up with a hypothesis that was close to an answer, my steps walking through the cave felt much lighter.


, the final goal in , gained great notoriety at the time. Although the caravan I had at the time was not huge, there were users who had some level of skill. In any case, we were almost on the verge of conquering . However, with the appearance of , we lost many skilled users, including the captain. It was natural for the caravan consisting of the surviving members to disintegrate.

Anyway, the people who survived that way, including me, immediately reported our exploration to the temple, and upon hearing our report, the temple requested an investigation team from the city’s representative clan. Mul’s representative clan, which received the request at the time, did not listen to our opinions at all. He clearly emphasized the loss of many skilled users, but the only response he received was a snort.

So they created an investigation team and dispatched it, accompanied by about 30 ordinary users and residents from within the clan. And we lost 70% of the people we sent. The representative clan, amazed by the news, immediately invited a large investigation team of about 100 people and several famous users from other allied clans, and only then was it possible to receive a report that had been defeated.

At that time, the Northern Continent was divided between like-minded clans, and I clearly remember an incident in which the opposing clans laughed at them for having a hard time with only one small-town dungeon.

However, it was an undeniable fact that could not be ignored to that extent. The strength he displayed and his obsession with killing were deeply engraved in me, who was just an average user at the time. As such, catching this guy this time was an essential step for me in order to shake off these engraved feelings.

Suddenly, his image flashed through my head. Eyes with no end in sight. Jet-black armor wrapped around the entire body. And the thick life that was dripping from all over my body. The identity of who made Mule users shiver at the time was… .


“Stop for a moment.”

As I was turning hard, something caught my senses, so I stopped and felt a slight shock to my back. It seemed like someone was following me closely. When I slowly turned around, I saw Vivian rubbing her nose and crying. When she saw the calm expression on my face, she puffed out her cheeks as if her fever was rising.

“Well, say that quickly!”

“You weren’t just walking around without thinking?”

“Ugh… .”

“It’s not enough to be on guard while marching, so you shouldn’t be thinking about anything else.”

Vivien lowered her eyes as if she had nothing to say at my words. Meanwhile, “You always tell me in advance when danger arises.” I pursed my lips, but since what she had just said had made my heart sting quite a bit, she did not hold back her words anymore. And there were actually other things to talk about.

“There is no response within 200 meters. However, the most powerful and dangerous energies I have ever felt are coming in. “I wonder if there are any users who feel similar energy to me.”

Everyone in my group was looking at me with blank faces. As I calmly stared at them, the group’s gaze was soon split in half. Some turned to Goyeonju, while others turned their attention to Ansolo. However, Ansol instead answered by shaking his head. What she meant by shaking her head was, “I never wanted to come in here in the first place.” I’m sure I’m not the only one who accepts this.

Soon all eyes turned to Go Yeon-ju, and she tilted her head with an ambiguous expression.

“well. There’s nothing that feels like this yet. Still, after listening to user Kim Soo-hyun’s words, I feel like an unpleasant energy is rising.”

I nodded once or twice and turned around again. While I was thinking about this and that, it seemed like point <9> had already passed. So, it means that the boss of is just around the corner. Countless memories came to mind, but I quickly gathered them together and resumed the march again.

Everyone seemed to sense a strange sense of déjà vu from what I said, so they all followed me without saying a word. As I walked for another 10 minutes, I began to see a huge black door in the distance that I could see with my eyes.

As soon as the huge door came into view, a slight commotion was felt among the group. The iron door was certainly too large to be considered a simple room, and had the darkness of an abyss. And only after reading the door with my third eye did I understand why the other party members did not react in any way.

Before I know it, I can feel my body heating up little by little. As I approached the door, the fire that had been sleeping inside my body woke up on its own and started circling my body. However, this time, he did not intend to borrow the power of fire righteousness as much as possible. I decided to do a raid with my companions, and there was also a user, Goyeonju, who reached . I knew it would be a difficult battle, but I didn’t think I was going to lose.

Careful not to let my current confidence turn into arrogance, I stopped walking just a little too far from the door. When I saw the length of the door, which was almost 6 meters, and the width of both doors combined, which seemed to be 3 meters, I could hear Lee Yu-jeong gasping for air.

“hmm. “I don’t feel any special energy.”

After staring at the door for a moment, Go Yeon-ju stepped forward and held out his hand toward the pitch-black door. And the moment her hand lightly touched the door, Go Yeon-joo let out a low moan and shook off her arms with a startled look on her face.


“High user performance! Are you okay?”

“Don’t touch that door!”

When Go Yeon-ju shouted in a sharp voice, Shin Sang-yong was shocked and took a step back. She was biting her lip and repeatedly kneading her hand that had touched her door. All the other users looked at her with surprised faces, as if it was their first time seeing her react so violently.

After massaging her hands for a while, she seemed to have calmed down a little and soon got fed up and opened her mouth. However, her voice that came out was much more subdued than usual.

“Nonsense. What on earth is this feeling? Pain, resentment, murderous intent, venom, anger, sadness, frustration, curse, grief… . It seems like all the negative emotions in the world are concentrated there. What on earth is inside… .”

“You’ll find out when you go in.”

When Go Yeon-ju interrupted and answered in a calm voice, everyone in the group except Go Yeon-ju swallowed their saliva and stared at me. Ko Yeon-ju also had a worried expression on her face. He looked like he didn’t know if he could handle the guy inside.

However, she immediately made eye contact with me and nodded once or twice with a determined look on her face. Since her role would become very important from now on, she needed to prepare herself mentally before entering. As she ordered her companions to prepare for battle, they all looked nervous and began to prepare individually.

As I watched Hayeon preparing to Memorize, I also slowly drew my sword.

Now, only the final gateway, , remained. The identity of is the Doom Knight, who was called Nightmare in the first episode.

In other words, he was also called Horrence, the Knight of Destruction.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

I’m very busy these days. ha ha ha. I wish a day was 28 hours long instead of 30 hours. I think it would be much more relaxed if we had 4 more hours. I think there are probably quite a few readers who have similar thoughts as me. 🙂 Anyway, the end of is now in sight. We ask for your continued interest and support for Memorize. (__)


1. Lonely Solo: Congratulations on first place! You have ended Kuroshion’s streak of being number one. 🙂 Then, please enjoy this episode as well~.

2. Acleo: Haha. There is a lot of competition in the first place comments. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get first place if I upload it at midnight. -_-a

3. gkgngh: I would like to do that, but then the page would exceed 20 pages. I still don’t have that side of me, but I’m doing this because I want to reduce Page fishing as much as possible. ㅜ.ㅠ

4. Latina doll: Long time no see! And thank you for your valuable advice. haha. They were all nice people, so we had a lot of useful conversations with each other. We will publish an e-book with much upgraded content.

5. Roe Squirrel: I put it in my backpack in a mushy state. 🙂

6. Hawthorn: Right? You two seem to go well together, right? Ha ha ha ha ha. If you add the beads together, it’s a complete group of babies. 😀

7. hohokoya1: Haha. thank you. We will reward you with dramatically improved content and quality when it is released as an e-book. (__)

8. lkpoiio: Thank you for the coupon. There are a lot of people going to the military. Please come back healthy!

9. Broken fan: Oh no~. You are working really hard. You even read all the parts posted at midnight. I was really surprised.

10. Ramude: But not for Anhyeon. haha. The rare class value is so great… . Please look forward to the remaining two boxes coming in the future!

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode