Memorize Chapter 155

00155 Go back to the beginning ———————————————- ————————–=

In a way, it could have been done by just calling him aside and telling him secretly. However, Ko Yeon-joo threw up a smokescreen by saying that she knew it and Kim Soo-hyun knew it, so it would be meaningless to hide it now. (She also said that other users should know so that they can fix such issues more quickly in the future and get help.)

The three people, Ahn Hyun, Lee Yu-jeong, and An Sol, looked troubled by Go Yeon-ju’s temptation. In the meantime, she sold her medicine, saying that it was something done by a weak mind, and that only by overcoming the weak mind could one become stronger. Kim Soo-hyun was not present at the time, and the three of them were caught up in the mood of self-reflection, and ended up nodding their heads. However, the nod felt quite reluctant.

Ko Yeon-joo caught Lee Yu-jeong as the first batter. However, since she was not the target in the first place, she said without adding or subtracting anything from what she actually heard, and Yu-jeong smiled bitterly after hearing her words. And it occurred to her that what she had heard about Ko was not lying.

In the past, I really didn’t have those feelings, and because of that, there were times when I became a bit tight-lipped, so there was definitely a difference in the atmosphere with my companions. “I thought I had it sorted out in my mind, but it seems I haven’t yet.” She admitted coolly and then looked at Anhyeon and nodded her head. Since I revealed it first, it was your turn next. An Hyeon, who received Yu-jeong’s signal, tilted her head and looked at Go Yeon-joo.

Go Yeon-ju looked thoughtful for a moment, then slightly narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth.

“Well, what did they say? Are you sorry for leaving Ansol behind? I have to save my younger brother somehow? I think I said something similar, but I’m not sure what it means. “Did something happen to you two?”

As soon as Anhyeon heard those words, his expression hardened. And then I reflexively turned my gaze to Ansol.

“brother… .”

“Ansol. “Don’t say anything.”

Ansol looked at Anhyeon with sad eyes. Ahn Hyeon couldn’t bear that gaze, so she immediately lowered her head. The companions sensed that there was something between the two and shook their heads excitedly at Go Yeon-ju. Go Yeon-joo widened her eyes, shrugged her shoulders and took a step back. This was because she did not want it, and Ahn Hyeon was not her target.

At that time, Ansol opened his mouth, taking a step forward just as Ko Yeon-ju had retreated.

“I want to know too.”

Ansol’s speech was not his usual slurred and drawn-out manner. No, he had a clear voice with a very sharp tone. An Hyun was startled and tried to stop her, but she had no choice but to stop her body as An Sol turned her head.

Even Ansol’s face had a sad look on it. Her pretty eyes were full of determination and her lips were pursed. Judging from the fact that her hands were also tightly clenched, it seemed like she had made up her mind when she spoke. At least she seemed that way. Anhyeon cried out for her in her pitiful voice, but Ansol firmly shook her head and answered.

“My sister and brother also said it, but I can’t help but say it. And Soohyun’s brother was always like that. He says that facing his own weaknesses can be the cornerstone of his development. He doesn’t want to be treated like a child anymore. “Me too, I want to become stronger.”

Her companions simultaneously gasped at her words. Usually, when I see Ansol on a daily basis, most people look at him as if he is coming or not. This was because she had a strong perception that Kim Soo-hyun was following her around. But now everyone is asking, “Did he have this side?” There were a lot of gazes that thought it was magnificent and special.

Go Yeon-ju stared at Ansol with a bored gaze, then slowly opened her mouth. And for the first time, she slightly raised Ansol’s name and words.

“You are very proud. It’s amazing. But I think it’s better not to say it. For your information, I remember what An Sol said relatively clearly. Do you know why? That’s because Ansol spoke the longest and for the longest time. And some of them were very shocking to hear.”

“are you okay. Listening to my brother, I was confident that he really listened. And I also have a guess. I want to know. I wonder if that still remains in my mind… .”

“It’s because I don’t want to talk. “Why not just listen to user Kim Soo-hyun separately later?”

“I am mentally prepared. Me too, just like my sister and brother, I want to hear it now. “I don’t want to be treated special anymore.”

Ansol continued to be stubborn. And as she placed her hand on her own chest and pleaded once more, Go Yeon-joo sighed softly. The atmosphere seemed a little strange, so I offered a compromise, but the person involved did not accept it.

She put a lot of saliva on her lips and immediately opened her mouth.

“I’m not good at lying by nature. When you really start talking, you will speak without a single lie. Although it is said to be unconscious, there will be many people who will be disappointed when they find out the true identity of Ms. Ansol. Is it okay though? “You won’t regret it, will you?”

Ansol did not immediately respond to Go Yeon-ju’s threat. No, I couldn’t do it. The companions were curious as to what he was talking about, but they were all holding their breath. This was Ansol’s personal problem, and what she said made sense. And since she was just one user on the hall plane, she needed to respect the party’s choices.

Ansol thought for a moment, but eventually shook off Anhyeon’s dissuading gaze and nodded.

“I won’t regret it. Tell me please… . However, to Brother Soo-hyeon… Please keep it a secret. “I will speak for myself when the time comes.”

Ko Yeon-ju was troubled by the words leaving room. At first, it was just a joke, but soon the atmosphere became more serious. She slowly raised her head and glanced at the facial expressions of the other party members.

Ahn Hyun was repeatedly opening and closing his lips again, and the eyes of the other party members were also filled with worry. Ansol also spoke bravely, but her eyes were starting to tremble little by little. She thought that perhaps it had something to do with an inner turmoil within her. Go Yeon-joo calmly organized her thoughts.

‘It doesn’t matter if I tell you, but… . I have no obligation or right to touch it yet. However, if it explodes clumsily, it may become truly impossible to control. That kid… . Or at least it would be better to leave it to him. Well then, since I don’t like the atmosphere, shall we have a little fun?’

For a moment, I wondered if I should really say it, but Go Yeon-ju immediately made up my mind. As she said, she may have truly prepared her heart, but the quick-witted Go Yeon-joon judged that Ansol was the one most caught up in the mood. Moreover, as she was a delicate nature, and since she was in the middle of exploring a cave, she was very strict and did not want to get caught in a storm. So, she decided to go ahead with her original plan(?).

Go Yeon-ju calmly took a deep breath and nodded. Judging by the reactions of Ahn Hyun and Lee Yu-jeong, her companions already had some credibility in her words. As her lips opened little by little, users’ nervous gazes focused on her lips.

Soon, Go Yeon-ju spoke her first words with a very serious voice and a very serious face.

“Kim Soo-hyun, you son of a bitch! “I don’t like it!”

Sometimes humans are not able to react right away to some surprising events. Those are the things that happen when you hear, experience, and come into contact with things that are beyond your imagination. It’s something the brain refuses to understand and accept. This was exactly the case with Ansol and his companions.

Before we knew it, Ansol’s solemn expression was slowly fading away and he was returning to his original innocent and blank expression. And her closed lips opened little by little, and soon a windy sound came out of them.

“… … … … to?”

“damn. I’m dying because I don’t like Kim Soo-hyun! Are you bragging about having some power? It’s annoying… . It’s really annoying to act like you’re showing off. This is why I can’t quit smoking. “Oh, I’m so angry.”

“… … Eh?!”

Ansol looked around with an awkward expression on his face. Everyone in the group was looking at Ansol and Go Yeonju with blank faces and wide eyes. Feeling so embarrassed, Ansol shook her head like crazy… Go Yeon-ju’s words did not stop.

“Jeong Ha-yeon, what on earth is that old man? I heard he’s really fussy about the fact that he also has some skills. Because I’m really dirty, hehe. Let’s wait and see later when I build up my skills. “I will pay you back.”

“Ah, Miss Ansol… ? Go, pay me back?”

After hearing Go Yeon-ju’s words, Jeong Ha-yeon made a face of disbelief, and eventually covered her mouth with her hand. Upon seeing her hurt expression, Ansol vehemently denied it, even waving his hand at her out of urgency.

“Eh? Oh, no. wait a minute. Oh, no. There’s no way I did that. “This is not it!”

“Shin Sang-yong, what on earth is that stupid guy? Why are you making such a fuss? You think you can become some kind of Buddha. I wonder what on earth they are here to gain. Oh, aren’t you obsessed with that bitch Vivien? “Giggle, giggle.”

“Uh, um. Hmm!”


“Oh, no! It’s a lie! Huh. “I mean no!”


Shin Sang-yong suddenly cleared his throat and Vivien screamed. Ansol’s inner self was now beyond panic and was sinking into darkness and chaos. Although I was denying it vehemently, somewhere I heard, “A strong denial is a strong affirmation.” The words were heard. Before I could even react to those words, Go Yeon-ju’s voice came in behind me, as if to say something.

“Oh, Vivien, I get so annoyed every time I see you. I feel really deeply upset. Why on earth does your character overlap with mine? It seems like my standing is shrinking! Stones that I had never heard or seen rolled in from somewhere. “Egh!”

“what!!!! I can’t hear or see!!!! This is so bad!!!! I knew that, huh? As expected, everything I’ve seen up until now has been a mask!”

“Ah, ah ah, ah.”

When Vivien stood up with an angry look on her face, Ansol, who had hesitated to retreat, tripped and fell on his butt. The moment she saw the wounded and angry faces of her companions, Ansol’s heart turned white and she could not think of anything. And soon after, Go Yeon-ju’s final blow came.

“Whew. This is the end. You said you would definitely regret it. I do not know.”

Go Yeon-ju sighed and shook her head. Rather than revealing that it was a lie, it was a euphemistic declaration of the truth. At the moment when her kill was over, there was only one action she could take.



“What on earth are you doing with your child, now that you’re a grown man? “Isn’t it shameful to be a user who is even in the top 10 of Holplane?”


Go Yeon-ju even whistled and avoided my gaze. She just sighed at her response. She was exploring the surrounding terrain to see if there were any changes in the terrain, when suddenly an audible cry entered her ears. She wondered what was going on and quickly returned to the clearing. All of her companions were surrounding Ansol, and Ansol in the center was sitting down and wailing loudly.

“Ugh… . Ugh… . Me, me, sssssssssssssssssssswp, no, ssssssssssssssssss, I didn’t do that Hssssssssssssssssssssssssssss… .”

After hearing a brief explanation of the situation from Jeong Ha-yeon, I glared sharply at Go Yeon-ju and held Ansol in my arms. As she lowered her head, Ansol saw tears streaming down her face with a truly sad look on her face. She had cried so loudly that her voice was hoarse.

“Okay, okay. I know you didn’t do that. User Go Yeon-ju lied to tease Sol-i. That’s good, our Sol. That’s right. “Stop now.”

“Huh… . Oh, my brother… . Oh my (brother)… .”

Ansol pressed his face further and snuggled into my arms. As I patted her back and comforted her, the sobbing seemed to subside a little.

I was very upset that I wasted so much time and wasted so much time, but I decided to let it go for now. She just said it was a lie, laughed softly, and didn’t say anything to apologize. It didn’t quite fit the personality of Go Yeon-joo that I knew, but I thought there must be a reason for it. Anyway, I decided to discuss this later and focused on stabilizing Ansol.

Eventually, other party members joined in to comfort him, and Ansol finally seemed to have calmed down a bit and finally stopped crying. Nevertheless, her face was full of tears and her eyes were swollen. Her lips were pouting, and her body was trembling intermittently, making her look really startled. Since I couldn’t continue exploring in this condition, I decided to take a long rest.

“… … .”

After resting for another 30 minutes, the group’s agitation calmed down a lot. I gently took Sol, who was still in my arms, and announced to the users who were meditating that I would resume exploring. At my words, the magic users’ eyes opened brightly, and the melee users twisted their arms and waists to warm up.

“Then the ranks… .”

The moment I was about to tell them to reorganize their ranks, I immediately closed my mouth. Now, without me having to say anything, they have formed their own ranks, led by the kids. It seemed like something strange had changed in the way everyone’s eyes were so sharp. As we entered the Blue Mountains, the heavy, subdued atmosphere lifted considerably, and the lively and sharp atmosphere of the beginning was felt. At that moment, Go Yeon-joo slowly turned his head, made eye contact with me, and squinted one of his eyes. The smile on her face seemed to be full of relaxation.

I walked ahead, wondering if she had done this on purpose. Anyway, I have work to do first. As I sensed the presence of Sol following behind me, holding onto my collar tightly, I simultaneously activated my third eye and magical energy detection.

Ugh! Ugh!

We added more magical power than ever before and expanded our senses to a wider range. From now on, I decided to think of as a dungeon I don’t know about. In fact, the lace statues at the entrance and the magic camp destroyed in the vacant lot were things I didn’t remember. I decided to stop letting my guard down and move forward with the mindset of conquering a dungeon I knew nothing about.

As I had raised my magical power to a certain extent, I felt Ansol twitching behind me, as if I could feel it a little bit now. After gathering myself once more, I went out to the front of the group.

And then he slowly led the group into the passage.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

We’ve been tightening things up for a while, so now we need to release it in a positive way. In many ways, Go Yeon-joo is my favorite character. -_-a And it’s not that S. I admit it’s Ero, but it’s not S. Why are you doing this? ㅜ.ㅠ


1. Railbrand: Congratulations on first place. Railbrandt, who is always steady and consistent. Please enjoy this episode as well. 🙂

2. dhios: Haha. Thank you. I can’t help but shrug my shoulders. Hehehe. 😀

3. Broken Fan: When I write a novel, I always imagine and try to express that imagination in writing. The personalities of the characters also go through a similar process. If I were like this, how would I act? If that person was like this, how would this character act? Like this. 🙂

4. kkt6954: Well, then please press Cora as well. ;blanket; (sorry. (__))

5. 虛虛空空無不在無不容: Thank you. Edit has been completed. (__)

6. らき☆すた: This was the best comment today. LOL. There are really people who take it in a direction I never thought possible. It’s really good. is it so. Ansol’s luck was activated to give Suhyeon a hug. LOL.

7. I don’t want to join: Oh no. So, what do you think of Soo-hyun and Shin Sang-yong’s ah-hi-hi-hi-hi? is not. It’s a joke. This is absolutely 100% a joke.

8. minicate: hehe. (Ro Yu-jin is asleep.) Ah. Really. That makes me really sleepy.

9. Popular reality: Thank you for the coupon. I was lucky! 😀

10. Passion: Yes. Here, let’s assume that stamina is A and durability is B. To put it simply, A = You can think of it as the body’s strength, endurance, and self-resilience to perform physical activities. And B = You can think of it as the body’s defense, hardness, tenacity, etc. Among them, can be seen as the intersection of A and B. Some abilities are independent, while others complement each other. Horsepower does not include intellect, i.e. brain smarts. 🙂

11. Lizaor: Haha. Suhyun decided to keep it for now. For now, it’s still worth holding on to, and since I don’t know when or in what situation it will be used in the future, I think it’s better to prepare for then.

12. Ebony Binghwa: Hehe. Then please pat me on the head! Come on… . Oh, no. Hmm. I lost my mind for a moment. ㅜ.ㅠ

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode