Memorize Chapter 154

00154 Cave of Screams (2) ——————————————– —————————–=

Since when did it start? In some ways, I think it started when I became a senior at the user academy and received offers from several clans. He always taught his children and acted ahead of them as if he were proud, but beneath those things, arrogance was hidden in his heart, whether he knew it or not.

I have been an active user of Holplane for over 10 years. Because he is the only user who has seen the end.

In fact, as I achieved success in and , my arrogance grew even bigger, and it burst out when I reached , which I knew.

I gained a great power that was incomparable to the first time, and I handled it as I wanted based on that power. However, in reality, it was as if I had been manipulated rather than dealt with. I accepted Hwajeong, thinking that I could handle it, and even though I knew the burden that power would bring, I used my power to a degree that bordered on abuse. And he didn’t even listen to Seraph’s advice pointing that out.

I had been justifying my actions all along under the good excuse of saving Yoohyeon’s brother and Han Soyoung.

Before I knew it, there was no more smoke coming out of the beginning of the year. I stopped thinking and cleared my mind. In some ways, I felt fortunate to have fallen under the spell of Unconscious Reveal.

I needed to go back to basics.


As I dropped the tobacco I was holding in my mouth, a faint groan was heard in my ears. A short hair fluttering among the users who were lying down neatly raises the body. Clear eyes and neat features. She looked around her with blank eyes, then shook her head in surprise. Seeing Hayeon like that, I spoke to her in a quiet voice.

“it’s okay. The magic camp has been destroyed, and there are no undead monsters around. “You can rest a little longer.”

“Soo, Su-hyeon. Ha~ah. I’m surprised.”

Hayeon, who must have been startled by the sudden voice, shook her heart and shortened the distance between me with slightly unsteady steps. As she approached, she seemed to be at a loss for words as she noticed the companions lying here and there.

Soon, Hayeon, who was sitting slightly in front of me, was seen lightly tapping her forehead, as if there were still any aftereffects from the forced manifestation of her unconsciousness.

“sorry. I remember following them here, but I don’t remember anything after the white light flashed. However, I feel very sad and difficult. Same with the other party members… . “Can you tell me what happened?”

While Hayeon was talking, I felt like she glanced at Ko Yeon-ju, who was lying on my lap, but I thought it would be better to just ignore it. After nodding once or twice in response to her question, I slowly told her what I had experienced so far.

While listening to the story, I could feel that Hayeon was also a magic user. He was very interested in forgotten ancient magic, and when I told him that he had shattered the magic circle and that he wouldn’t be able to see it since it was on the ceiling anyway, he let out an exclamation of disappointment. Since there are many powerful ancient magics, it was obvious that if you could learn them, it would be a great help in improving your skills. The increase in my skill level increased my chances of survival in the hole plane, so it wasn’t really a problem.

After speaking like that, Hayeon cautiously opened her mouth with a slightly red face.

“if. “Can you hear what my subconscious was like?”

“I think it would be best not to listen.”

“no. I really want to hear it. It’s okay, so please tell me.”

Despite my warning, she persisted. I sighed and told her part of what she had said (I deliberately left out the part about asking her not to abandon me). But just by listening to it, I felt like I had a rough idea of ​​what she had said and what was going on. Because I could see a shadow suddenly falling on Hayeon’s face. It seemed like I wasn’t able to completely break away from what I had experienced while in the Golden Lion Clan.

There was an awkward silence between the two for a moment. As if she noticed that I was looking at her, she immediately erased her expression and smiled sadly. “sorry.” Listening to her say softly, I also said, “I’m sorry.” He answered with the words: Perhaps because my answer was unexpected, her eyes widened and slowly explored my expression.

It was the moment to take out the beginning of the year again. Hayeon, who had regained her calm expression, opened her beautiful lips and let out a clear voice.

“Su-hyun. “You feel guilty now.”

“… … .”

“There is no need for Su-hyeon to feel guilty. When exploring a dungeon, you can’t avoid falling into a trap. And in the end, Soohyun saved us all, right? “I feel grateful to Soo-hyeon.”

I didn’t respond to Hayeon’s words. It’s true that I felt guilty, but I felt a little out of focus. But perhaps she found my silence uncomfortable, and she spoke again.

“I had no choice. Before going down, Su-hyeon clearly gave a stop sign. I saw it. All of the companions followed the signal and stopped. But Sol Yang lost her footing, crashed, and fell down before she could control herself. “If we must ask her, her moral responsibility lies with her, not with her Su-hyeon.”

I thought about her words for a while. And slowly shook his head.

“no. I am leading a caravan. You can’t look at me and Ansol the same way. “If I had been a little more careful, if I had been a little more careful, I could have prevented it.”

“Suhyun’s class is not archer. Of course, you have done well so far, but seeing Soo-hyeon now makes my heart sore.”

“Then it was my fault for not bringing an archer.”

“really. “Then is it wrong to come to the ‘Cave of Screams’ in the first place?”

Hayeon glanced at me slightly and slowly stood up. However, I only responded with a faint smile and did not respond further. But I don’t think what I said was wrong. Whether it’s a caravan or a clan. Leading a group meant taking responsibility as the leader no matter when and how problems arose. It is true that Sol An tripped her up. I could warn you to be careful while exploring, but criticizing us like we fell into a trap because of you was not suited to my temperament.

Eventually, she slowly walked next to me (to be exact, on the other side of Go Yeon-ju’s knee where she was sleeping) and turned her head to look around at her companions. She was probably checking to see if he was sleeping. Since she had already confirmed with her third eye that everyone was sleeping, I stared at her with her calm face.

Eventually, she turned her head again and stretched out both arms to gently hug my head. I followed that lead and buried my face in her arms. Sometimes, I thought women were really amazing. Even though I explored and fought the same way, I felt like there was a good scent in her arms.

Hayeon carefully stroked my head and spoke in a low voice.

“Sometimes, I see Suhyeon has a tendency to try to do everything on her own. It’s okay not to feel too pressured. “We can fully help Su-hyeon.”

“… … .”

“And you’re still a zero-year user. Of course, he is too experienced to be considered 0 years old, but no user can be perfect all the time, right? Think of it as a good experience, and just be careful next time. So, just relax.”

As she finished speaking, she stopped stroking my head and immediately hugged my head tightly in her arms. I quietly closed my eyes, feeling the softness of her face. After doing that for a while, I felt like my stomach was calming down a bit. Eventually, she took me out of her arms and quietly got down on her knees. After making my gaze level with hers, she placed her lips on mine without saying a word.


A warm, soft touch is felt on the lips, and then falls. As I looked at her quietly, Hayeon smiled with a slightly embarrassed look on her face.

“It was meant to give strength. “I hope you don’t feel too bad.”

“No, it’s okay. “I don’t feel bad.”

I touched my lips for a moment. In the past, I probably would have said something like, “What’s your business?”, but not now. Rather, I felt truly comforted and even felt grateful. Suddenly, it occurred to me that the former was originally mentally ill and the latter was normal.

When I saw Hayeon quietly observing my gaze, I felt like laughing for some reason. So I carefully put down Go Yeon-ju’s head, which was resting on my knee, and calmly got up. There is no need to be discouraged like she said. Since my companions would probably wake up soon, I thought it would be better for me to do something as well.

This time it was the opposite, she looked up at me and I looked down at her.

“Hayeon. When your companions wake up soon, please explain the situation. Please try not to be too agitated. For now, we plan to rest here for a bit and then resume exploring. However, since there was a large tremor, I will check if there has been any change in the surrounding terrain and then come back.”

“Yes, got it. Bye. Instead, don’t go out too far and come in early.”

Listening to her words, which were similar to sending off my husband, I walked down the aisle in front of me.


“I think he probably thinks he has a lot of responsibility. The face that was always calm… .”

“If it’s that person’s personality, it might be like that. He seems like a perfectionist in some ways. In Hole Plain, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Anyway, since I am leading a caravan, I can sympathize with his feelings. Since he usually takes the most, he also has a lot of responsibility. Well, he doesn’t take the most, he gives the most, so maybe that doesn’t apply.”

“Ugh. “For no reason do we feel sorry for you.”

“Well, I think we too have passed on a lot of things to the leader, knowingly or unknowingly. “I need to reflect deeply.”

Ansol felt his senses coming back as he heard the stories coming back and forth. When she gently opened her eyes, she saw the ceiling of the clearing she had first come down from. She got up in shock when she saw that there was a large hole in the center of the ceiling.

“oh. “Miss Ansol is also awake.”

“Sol. “Is your head okay?”

Ansol shook his head while listening to the worried words surrounding him. Her mind was blank, and her heart was filled with some unknown embarrassment and shame. After entering the clearing, a white light flashed, and I remember the messages that appeared in the air after that, but after the light flashed once more, nothing came to mind. It’s as if the film was cut in the middle and the remaining parts were stitched together.

“How on earth did this happen… .”

As Ansol stuttered and opened his mouth, Hayeon quietly came over and sat next to her. As Soo-hyeon had requested, when her companions woke up and seemed confused, she approached them immediately and explained the situation. Hayeon’s words were coherent and logical, so everyone in the group who heard her spoke nodded at her. Of course, the slightly glorified part about Su-hyeon could be overlooked as cuteness. (Su-hyeon became a great leader who reflected on herself for not being able to prevent it in advance even after saving all of her companions.)

Ansol lowered his head while listening to Hayeon’s story. If you think about it, it was because her own fault was the biggest one. She thought that if she hadn’t tripped her then, she wouldn’t have fallen into the trap, and the fact that Soo-hyeon was in a bad mood was pricking her heart.

Looking at Ansol like that, Hayeon opened her mouth in a comforting voice.

“Lift your head. There is no one here who can say anything to Miss Ansol. If there was one, it would be only Suhyun. “If you show caution from next time, he will be satisfied with that.”

“Yes, Sol. It’s okay, so raise your head. And later, if you do something wrong to your brother, you can do it. And as user Jeong Ha-yeon said, you just have to be careful next time. “People can make mistakes, right?”

Ansol barely raised his head, perhaps gaining strength as even Anhyun stood by his side. Seeing them embracing each other like that, Go Yeon-joo immediately put his arms around her and smiled. The deep smile on her face clearly meant that she was thinking something sinister.

“Ah, anyway, being unconscious is scary. So, it means that everyone except the leader showed their unconsciousness, so maybe they said something unexpected… . “This really bothers me.”

The faces of everyone in the group hardened at the words of Shin Sang-yong, who had a somber expression on his face. The only users with calm faces were Jeong Ha-yeon and Ko Yeon-ju. There was an awkward silence among the group for a while, and anxious expressions appeared on their faces. Although they couldn’t remember their words and actions due to their unconsciousness, there was still an uneasy feeling in a corner of everyone’s mind.

It was then. Ko Yeon-ju, who was quietly enjoying this atmosphere, lightly raised her hand and opened her mouth.

“oh. “I heard that too.”


When Anhyun, Yujeong Lee, and Ansol asked at the same time, she nodded with a faint smile. Anhyeon closed her eyes and opened her mouth again with a slightly shaken face.

“Did you hear everything?”

“Not everything. I didn’t fall under the spell either. Of course, I wasn’t able to move like that, so I almost lost consciousness a few times later. First of all, I was so tired that I couldn’t hear everything, but I still remember the voices I heard from time to time. At least the three of you know… . Shall I tell you?”

Go Yeon-ju was smiling, but that smile gave off a very dangerous scent. And the three people who saw her smile all swallowed their saliva with shocked expressions on their faces.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Hehehe. I deceived my readers. Today at midnight, and made another surprise attack today. Hehehe. I’m sure there will be a few people who will be surprised. Why do I like it so much when readers are surprised? ha ha ha. 😀

No. I think some people might find it boring if I post like this at midnight, so I’m uploading more. If progress is slow, the amount needs to be increased. Ahem. Still, I did the training, so please praise me. You can also pat their head. Ahem ahem.

P.S. It was finally time to make Sol cry at least once. yes. sure.


1. Ryu Yeon-i: Haha. Congratulations on first place. You are one of the readers who harshly scolded Soohyun in episode 151 yesterday! 😀 Giggles.

2. Clumsy Huni: S, Strong Four? Is that really what I think it is? ;blanket;

3. Goksd: Hmm. Oh, no. I really like Soohyun. This envious protagonist! Leave it somewhere… . Ah, my words came out in vain. Hmm.

4. gkgngh: Oh, I’m sorry hahaha. I just laughed for no reason when I saw the question of how you can fall when your luck is so high. LOL. Yesterday, I kept laughing while going to bed. lol.

5. Like Yuun: Thank you for the coupon. (__) haha. Yeah, right? *-_-* Ah, Sol shouldn’t be too popular. ㅜ.ㅠ I’m sorry, Hanbyeol… .

6. ghdhddl: Ah hahahaha. ah. I think you write your comments really well. Ah, this is why I can’t quit Riripple. If you look at the comments, there are so many funny comments, really hahaha. It was the most insightful comment I’ve seen in a while. 🙂 Oh my gosh, it’s so funny to think of Soohyun attacking me because she’s so cool, really haha.

7. juan: to. Five Islands… . Is there anything you can do to destroy Suhyeon’s place? . Oh my god, Five Islands. I got goosebumps for a moment. Oh, anyway, don’t cry! You will escape someday. Oh, I already escaped. ;blanket;

8. Game Master: Of course. How hot can I write? Ahem ahem.

9. Demon Temple: Slight. Oh, no. How dare I make my readers giggle. Hahaha. (Giggles.)

10. Gyebaeksu: Yes~. There is a magic book~. However, it is a little different from the general way of reading and learning magic books. Some modern theories are added. However, you can think of it as adding and in the process. It would be convenient to think of the magic book as a kind of law. 🙂

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode