Memorize Chapter 153

00153 Cave of Screams (2) —————————- —————————–=


White light colored the vacant lot for a very brief moment. My eyes lit up as if a camera flash was going off. Ansol also seemed unable to avoid the aftermath, dropping the staff she was holding and pressing her forehead with both hands. In the meantime, I could hear her gently frowning eyes moving along the air and muttering to herself in a dazed voice.

“Hmm, luck correction? Some defense rolls? Wow, what on earth is this… .”

Papad! Papad!

Before Ansol could even relax his frown, the white light flashed in the clearing again, and this time, the group members could be heard groaning as they were also in range. Some were even sitting down in their seats.

Although I couldn’t avoid the aftermath, I felt like I was somehow holding on with my own abilities. I suppressed the feeling of dizziness and this time activated my third eye with my will. First of all, the priority was to identify and destroy the mental spells being cast at me and my companions.

『Unconscious Reveal. This magic is an ancient magic in the form of a magic circle with mental attack magic added. It has the property of forcibly returning the user’s consciousness to an unconscious state and allowing the emotions sleeping inside to come to the surface. The emergence of emotions is based on the weakest human memory, that is, weakness, but which emotions are revealed and how they are revealed are related to the desires latent inside each user, so they can be considered random. Unconscious Reveal can be classified as a high-level spell even in the ancient Hall Plane, and ranks high among them. The magic in question is so vast in its formula and magical power that it is virtually impossible to use it alone. Dozens of high-ranking wizards invoked the power of the magic circle… .』

High-rank anti-magic ability, and extreme magical ability. Without either one, there is little chance of complete defense. Sometimes, with extreme luck, you may receive some defense checks, but only once or twice at most. Even users with strong mental immunity may be able to endure it a few times, but since the magic circle has a continuous effect rather than a single effect, it is difficult to endure it continuously.

“What… .”

The information that my third eye came up with was becoming more and more spectacular as I read it. It was at this moment that I was left speechless in bewilderment by this ridiculous content.

Papad! Papad!

Once again, the white light flashes and my vision blinks. She could barely read to the end, although she felt the dizziness growing in her head. When she came to her senses and looked around, her companions were all collapsed in their seats, writhing in pain. Only Go Yeon-joo is pulling his own hair and biting his lip until it bleeds.

As meaningless time passed, the screams of the group began to subside little by little as time passed. Finally, the unconsciousness began to manifest itself forcibly. Unconsciousness can be seen as a type of action that does not allow one to realize one’s own words, actions, or current state. As such, emotions were soon appearing one by one on everyone’s blank faces.

The first user to react was Ha-yeon Jeong.

“Si, I hate it! I hate it! don’t do it! Ah ah ah ah ah!”

She was digging around on the floor, letting out an unusually rough voice. At that desperate cry, I took a step back without realizing it. Jeong Ha-yeon looked at me like that and stretched out her hand to me with a sad expression.

“Go, don’t go. Don’t throw it away! Su-hyun! Help me, Soohyun! “Help me, Jebaaal!”


“Su-hyun! Su-hyun! help! Do not go! Bur, you said you wouldn’t throw it away!”

Excited. My heart is pounding.

The moment I heard her mournful cry, I could feel my heart pounding loudly. The fire that had always been quietly sleeping inside my heart suddenly wakes up and begins to rage around my body. When I first gained Hwajeong, the process of forcing my body to open, and the heat that felt like my brain was melting. Although there wasn’t as much pain as back then, I still felt like my whole body was melting, and at the same time, I felt like something was about to explode inside me and it was fading away a little.


I was finally able to sigh loudly. And I calmly gathered my inner self. Meanwhile, the light flashed once more, and my body stumbled, but I went straight away and began to look at the overall situation of the group. This was not the time to just sit back and watch. The mind controlled by the mind’s eye (Jeong) was very helpful in being able to calmly see the current state of the caravan.

“So, Sol. Sorry. I’m sorry for leaving you like that. I’m sorry brother. Somehow, you have to survive. “We have to save Sol’s life somehow.”

“Oppa, Ahn Hyun, and Kim Han-byeol all got it, so why am I the only one Lee Ji-kyung? I don’t want to be abandoned. Why, why am I the only one like this! brother. brother? Please don’t abandon me… . please… .”

“Lord, I don’t want to die. I want to buy, buy, live. Me, I want to come back alive. Aaaaaaaaaah!”

I bit my lip as I looked at Ahn Hyeon, Lee Yu-jeong, and Shin Sang-yong. The unconsciousness they had been suppressing deep inside their hearts was bursting out. and… .

“Oh, brother.”

When I turned my head to the voice calling me, I saw Ansol with a different expression than usual. At first she seemed to have put up some resistance, but in the end she couldn’t continue to resist the successive spells and her eyes looked blank in one place. And she was slowly coming towards me with an expression on her face that I couldn’t normally imagine.


“S-sorry. So, this is Sol. What a naughty boy. I always cause trouble and become a burden to my sisters and brothers… .”

“Sol. That’s definitely not a bad thing. So come to your senses.”

“Really? no. Like me, a piece of nuisance like me. On this topic, I always think about you every night, and I just think about being hugged by you. Yes. I think of you every night. Hmm, but if your brother finds out about me like this, he will definitely despise me. So I have no choice but to be patient. But I like my brother. I keep wanting to be touched by my brother, to smell his scent, and to burrow into him and make fun of him. Because you are my brother… “Hmm.”

I immediately put out my hand and covered Ansol’s mouth. But she didn’t look surprised at all and instead stuck out her tongue and started licking my hand. I quickly took her hand away, and she pursed her lips with her hurt puppy-dog eyes.

Ahn Hyun and Shin Sang-yong were frustrated, and the female users except Ko Yeon-ju were slowly approaching me. In other words, whether they knew it or not, the female users of the caravan depended on me, and that was a big part of it. I thought it was a series of mistakes, but I decided to think about it later. Solving the problem was a priority rather than blaming myself for something that had already happened.

Moreover, although I was somehow holding on with my various abilities, Hwajeong’s help, and mental strength, I couldn’t guarantee whether I would be able to hold on like this forever. In that case, there must be a part that forms the center, or core, of the magic circle somewhere here, and exploding that place was an urgent priority. I activated my third eye again and quickly scanned the entire clearing.

Fortunately, the third eye demonstrated its abilities to the fullest. As I was quickly but meticulously analyzing the vacant lot, I immediately looked up at the ceiling. At that moment, I could feel the flash of light about to explode again. Without any delay, I drew my sword and strongly raised my right arm upward. It doesn’t contain any stance or magic power, but with my strength ability, I should be able to dig through the ceiling and inflict a blow.

Immediately afterwards, the powerful sword soared in a straight line with a force that seemed to tear the air.

Tootong! Kaang!


It was just before we reached our target point. In an instant, a hazy film appeared at the bottom of the ceiling, and the sword’s penetration was easily deflected. As I grabbed the falling sword again, I let out a low curse. What on earth are you doing now? Kim Soohyun.

The flash light exploded once again, and I felt the unpleasant things that had been dormant in my mind awaken. This is a situation where there is no time to measure this and that. So, I greatly increased my magic power and threw the sword into the air again. After entering the cave, I tried not to use it until I met , but I had no choice.


A clear flame engulfed the sword floating in the air, and soon began to emit a light flame. I raised my magical power even further, giving even more strength to the flame that had just begun to burn. Then, the flames that rose up went up the body of the sword, creating a model of a giant sword, and then spewed out a large flame that looked like it was about to explode. When I thought I had grown to a certain size, I shot the sword into the air without delay. For some reason, I had a feeling that if I got hit with a few more spells, I would get hit too.

See! Sigh!

The blazing flame rose again in a straight line, making a harsh sound. Accordingly, a white protective shield was created on the ceiling this time, and soon the tip of the sword and the white shield collided violently, making a loud noise.

Coo goo goo, coo goo goo!

One side was trying to break through somehow, and the other side was trying to push it out somehow. I clenched my fists as I watched the two clash against each other without even an inch of retreat.

“Drill through, please…” !”

Did my earnest prayers come through? The two had been competing for a while, but it soon ended when a large hole opened in the membrane. The sword gently dug into the ceiling with all the remaining power, and soon I could feel a vibration that seemed to shake the cave.


Time passed and passed again. The cave, which had been shaking for a while as if it was about to break, became a little quieter, and there was no longer any noise. I gently raised my hand into the air. Suddenly, a few grains of dirt fell on my head and I soon saw a sword sticking out from the ceiling. After retrieving the sword with a hollow object, I turned my third eye to check the destruction of the magic circle. As expected, no matter what the ancient top level spell was, it was inevitable in the face of the power of fire essence, and I was able to read the center that was burned without a trace.

However, even after breaking the magic circle, the party did not return right away. Although I flinched for a moment, it seemed like it would take a little longer for my consciousness to surface again. Although most of the group’s unconsciousness was still emerging, I could feel it gradually fading away as time passed, so I was able to let go for a while.

Jeong Ha-yeon, who was the first to reveal unconsciousness, was lying on the floor, sleeping peacefully. I didn’t really wake her up. Because there was nothing better for her to switch between conscious and unconscious than her sleep.

Most of the group was sleeping as part of their unconsciousness returning. However, the two users who were still unconscious were completely clinging to me.

“Why on earth aren’t you touching me? What I’m saying is, quickly pat her head and touch her cheek. Otherwise, it’s okay to touch somewhere else… .”

“Hit me. Bully me. I want to get my butt slapped by Kim Soo-hyun. Please. huh?”

“… Stop sleeping. I’m asking you a favor. huh?”

Today was a day where I learned and confirmed many things. I smiled bitterly and lowered my head. The two of them were whining back and forth in my arms. Vivien said, “How could you do this? “You are the one who made me like this.” Ansol was talking nonsense, and Ansol was nodding her head as if her unconsciousness was gradually returning to its original state.

It didn’t take that long to get the two unconscious. Soon, Ansol’s eyelids closed and at the same time, she put her head first on my thigh, and Vivien, who was talking to herself, was also seen closing her eyes, leaning her head on her shoulder.

I wanted to sigh with relief at the thought that it was over, but the shadow covering my body once again reminded me that it was still too early. The shadow kicked the two women who were lying on my body, and then quickly collapsed. And only then was I able to remember one user I had forgotten about.

The shadow hugged me like a child and opened its mouth in a nose-blind voice.

“Aiing. “Yeonju also wants to be touched and spanked by her brother.”

“… … .”

“What is it. “Those contemptuous eyes.”

“… … ?”


She made a snorting noise with a drained face, and then moved to rest her head on her thigh. The identity of the shadow was none other than user Go Yeon-joo. It was a great spell in its own way, but I felt like I could endure it somehow, perhaps because I was a user. Of course, the red marks of her teeth were clearly visible on her lips.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Does this look okay? I couldn’t move and just curled up. The feeling of her head shaking was really dirty. oh my god. “I almost lost consciousness five times.”

Go Yeon-ju started grumbling and complaining as if she had been waiting for me to talk to her. He heard the rapid-fire words through one ear and out the other, and slowly lifted her hand and closed her eyes. Her face was extremely tired as she played, and her clothes were also damp with sweat. Her main body’s ability was her ability, but she literally resisted her spell with just her incredible mental power, so much so that I wanted to pay tribute to her inner self.

“I will be on guard. I think it would be better to close your eyes for now. “I will give you a detailed explanation after the group comes to their senses.”

“Honestly, I’m more curious about the fact that you moved under that spell and destroyed Jin than this… town.”

“For now, please sleep.”

I covered Go Yeon-ju’s chattering lips with my hand and gently pressed my palm. I felt lips pursed against my palm, but then I calmly closed my eyes as if I had given up. Her comfortable breathing seemed to tickle my palm.

… .

… … .

… … … .

“… Ugh.”

The moment I confirmed that all my companions were asleep, I suddenly felt nauseous. The discomfort in my heart did not go away; in fact, it grew even bigger, and it felt like a wave of self-loathing was washing over me. Was it so? Did I get caught in the end too?

“What is a 10-year user, and what is a user who has reached the end? Without the third eye, Hwajeong, I can’t do anything. “You idiot.”

After muttering self-deprecating words to myself, I took out a pack of tobacco to soothe my constantly bitter stomach. I wanted to forget this crazy feeling of self-destruction, even just for a moment.

I lit a candle and took a sip. Suddenly, I thought it would be nice if I could spit out what was inside me with smoke.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Me, “This guy. “How does it feel to be scolded by readers, and then you get scolded too?”

Kim Soohyun “… … .”

Hyeon Ahn, Yu-jeong Lee, Sol An “Giggle, giggle, giggle.”

Me, “Don’t fuss just because you’ve gained some strength, do your best. okay?”

Kim Soo-hyun “I understand, so let me escape…” .”

(Ro Yu-jin has left.)

Kim Soo-hyun “ㅜ.ㅠ… .”

P.S. I will surprise my readers soon. 😀 Then I’ll just leave. Have a great Saturday everyone, and I’ll see you at midnight on Sunday! (__)


1. Kuroshion: Congratulations on first place. Um, the place where all the doujinshi in the world are located? Such a good thing, ah, no. Hmm. I will send you a message soon. Hmm.

2. Pacasari: You are doing very well to be in the top 5. Yes. Because first place is truly Hell itself. If you ask me to be the number one commenter, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do it. ㅜ.ㅠ

3. GradeRown: Defense is possible, but continuous defense is difficult. Luck is not omnipotent. 🙂

4. Nothing but luck: Luck is not omnipotent. If you think about it that way, you wouldn’t have been killed by Deadman in the beginning. The least studied ability in Holplane so far is luck. No one knows where, how or what impact it will have. 🙂

5. Koya: No. LOL. Luck is not that kind of ability. It’s true that it has some effect in dungeon exploration when combined with Sol’s , but it doesn’t take care of everything. 🙂

6. Mecha Star: I will say it again, luck is not omnipotent. No matter how good your luck is, if you have the power to surpass it (in many ways…), you can ignore it. 😀

7. hohokoya1: Ugh. I’m scared of colds during the change of seasons. ㅜ.ㅠ Get some rest and shake off your cold!

8. Warrior: You did exactly what you planned for this chapter. In the past, it was occasionally revealed when dealing with monsters or vagabonds. For example, in , I once appealed to my strong self-esteem. I have nothing more to explain. This is the correct answer. 🙂

9. rikuru: No! I see you always trying to rank in the comments rankings. ㅜ.ㅠ Instead of playing the lottery, why not buy some ice cream and eat it!

10. Miwolya: That’s right. Stupid protagonist. I’ve been scolded by my readers, so I’m going to come to my senses now. 🙂

11. gkgngh: Hahahaha. Oh, sorry. A moment of laughter. yes. Even though you have 100 Luck, it is possible to fall, burn your food, and even die. 🙂

12. Carpe Diem 1: Huh. Thank you for the coupon. (__) I hope you can watch it during your short break at work and relieve some of the stress from work. And have a happy weekend!

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode