Memorize Chapter 150

00150 Cave of Screams (1) ——————————————– —————————–=

Normal weapons do not work against undead type monsters. The best way to deal with them is to receive a priest’s blessing or use a sacred weapon (a typical example is a silver weapon). Next, weapons containing magical power also deal a certain amount of damage. possible.

There was a quiet silence inside the blue mountains. The only sound that can be heard is the sound of grass that my companions and I step on. Occasionally, we could hear faint cries intermittently ringing in our ears, but with the advice of Go Yeon-ju and I, everyone was intentionally listening. The moment you are drawn to the sound of crying, it is inevitable to meet a banshee.

“ha… . ha… .”

Ansol was already breathing heavily. Seeing this despite deliberately slowing down the marching speed, it seemed like he was affected by morale more than other users. And he sometimes stopped walking, and he seemed to feel some unexplainable anxiety.

“I can’t believe it. Is it really the blue mountain range we saw outside earlier where we are now? “How can the mood change in an instant like this?”

“You can roughly guess just from the fact that there are undead. These green mountains are a cursed land. Every time I take a step, I feel as if resentment and malice are pouring in to the point that it gives me goosebumps. “It’s ominous.”

Vivien licked her lips as if she didn’t like Go Yeon-ju’s answer. Since there are at least two of us, we can at least exchange conversations like this. The other party members are probably going through a similar situation to Ansol. Because the atmosphere was completely different from that of the dead in the .

1st round time. The caravan I was in at the time was able to enter based on the sacrifice of the archer leading the way. I remember the user who was the captain of the caravan at the time as a user with decent skills, except that he had a hot-blooded temperament. Thanks to the user’s activities, the caravan was able to enter the to the very end.

however. The moment we entered the room at the end of the cave, we encountered a nightmare. By that nightmare, the captain who had always led us with enthusiasm was torn to pieces, and the remaining caravan members ran away as if they were being chased, not daring to resist. Only after nearly half of the people were torn apart by ‘s pursuit were the remaining people able to come out of the cave. Well, it wasn’t safe outside the cave.

“Brother. “It’s dangerous.”

Ansol, who had been following the path from the mountain range, stopped with a nervous look on his face. Surprisingly, Ansol was almost able to predict the good or bad news that would happen to her based on her premonitions alone. I stroked her quivering hair once, and then calmly lifted her right hand. It was a signal to prepare for battle.

“User Kim Soo-hyun. It’s not good. “It’s not a banshee, but I can hear the ground periodically shaking and rustling at the same time.”

“Death Knight. Or Richie. “In the worst case scenario, both of them could come.”

“I hope not. Liches are more difficult to deal with than Banshee. Named monsters have already appeared. “What on earth happened to this mountain range?”

“This is my first time here too. “Do you think I know everything?”

“Ugh. “I really can’t live.”

At my words, Go Yeon-ju looked stern and shook her head. I made a little fuss and slowly lost in thought. There are two options. Confront it. Avoid. Fighting back is not a problem, but the real problem is the noise that will occur during battle. As usual, after we came in, we were caught by those who were sending out sensitive signals, and if we made loud explosions like in the previous battles, there was a possibility that we would be immediately surrounded that way. And among them, there will be some guys you don’t want to deal with, like Banshee.

However, I didn’t want to avoid it even more. We had to keep all possibilities open, but it was rare for two guys to appear at once. And even if it does appear… .

I soon made up my mind and slowly began to move forward. He could be more dangerous than any of the guys he had ever fought with. If the Death Knight and Lich appeared as Go Yeon-ju expected, he couldn’t just relax. Then there was only one answer. Quickly subdue the undead and escape the scene before others flock in.

After walking cautiously for about 5 minutes, I could soon hear the sound of Sol taking in vain air.

Up ahead, between the thick trees, a long line of people radiating a gloomy aura was approaching us. After looking at their power for a while, I was able to confirm that my prediction was only half correct. There was no death knight in sight, but there was a skinny skeleton in robes riding a ghostly horse and a crown on its head. It was Rich. And around him, skeleton soldiers wearing their own armor were guarding the lich, their teeth chattering.

Their number was about twelve, but their ranks were orderly and a solemn aura radiated from them. As if they had spotted us on that side, they were coming in a straight line, and eventually they stopped marching, leaving a certain distance between them. Even as they stopped, their bones rang intermittently, and Ansol swallowed his saliva and raised his staff a little forward.

Richie also seemed to recognize that I was the leader. I felt a blue flame staring at me through the hollow eye sockets. At that moment, I could see Richie’s bony mouth slowly opening.

I couldn’t understand what was said, but I was sure it wasn’t good. This is because all the heavily armed skeleton soldiers around us raised their weapons and showed their hostility towards us. Well, since we had our weapons drawn in the first place, there is nothing to say, but the atmosphere was definitely not going in a good direction. And I absolutely wanted to refuse to start after hesitating like this. So, I raised my sword to the middle point and calmly opened my mouth.

“I am a high-level undead, a lich. Since I don’t have much time, I’ll just explain the tactics right away. As for the formation, melee users will take the lead with Bong Si-jin, and ranged users will support the rear. However, I will leave user Ko Yeon-ju as the keeper. “I will take charge of the lich, and the rest of the skeleton soldiers will be good opponents for the kids.”

When I opened my mouth in a quick voice, Richie didn’t stay still either. When I saw the old staff in my hand slowly rising, I gave the command to rush without delay.

“Ahn Hyeon and Yu Jeong, run to the left and right respectively. “Then let’s go.”

After speaking, I ran straight towards Richie. Then, the surrounding skeleton soldiers became more alert, and at the same time, I saw the lich’s other hand, which was not holding a staff, aimed at me.

Susssut. Paang! Paang! Paang!

Black spheres gathered in a circle in the palm he held out, and then they were fired repeatedly towards me. It’s Dark Canon. His best method was to dodge, but since it could cause harm to other party members, he lightly swung his sword and blasted it away. He couldn’t read his expression, as all that remained was his skeleton, but he had a feeling that he was scared.

Since I rushed in first, it was only natural that I would reach there first. As I jumped up and stomped away at the skeleton soldiers blocking my path, I could see the lich aiming his staff at me. Should I use Lee Hyung-hwan-wi, or should I step into the air once more?

The time to choose wasn’t very long. Immediately after seeing the lumpy black energy shot from the tip of his staff attack me, I immediately pumped my magic power into my feet and kicked up into the air. As I did a somersault and turned around to get behind Richie, I heard an exclamation from behind that I presumed to be Go Yeon-ju’s. She would know the class of what I just did.

I spun around in a circle and, using centrifugal force, lowered my sword in a straight line toward the top of his head. At that moment, the lich’s body became translucent as if he had been waiting, and his mouth could be seen opening. I also smiled and used more force to lower the sword.


My sword cut the lich’s body in two at once, and his body scattered left and right like smoke. Normally, it would have just passed through the sword or even if it split, it would have been reattached, but the lich’s body could not be reattached. Because he cut down the body of the ghost demon in his efforts, the lich quickly destroyed his body.

Liches never die. Unless the life vessel is destroyed, it will respawn after a few days. But that didn’t apply to me.

The guy’s body was currently in chaos. He tried to dodge my physical attack with body transformation magic, but was cut off without any chance. I lightly snapped my fingers as I looked at the guy who was torn in half and unable to do anything. Immediately upon seeing Richie’s entire body engulfed in clear flame, a light whistle naturally came out.

It took me less than 8 seconds to deal with the lich. When I saw my companions looking at me blankly, I clicked my tongue and pointed my sword at the skeleton soldiers.

With the lich gone, the skeleton soldiers were no longer our enemies. Although they were quite heavily armed, they could not defeat the guys who were supported by wizards. The reason the undead we faced just now were so difficult was because they were based on the premise that the lich would fire powerful magic while protecting his soldiers. However, by catching the lich first in the first place, I was able to easily catch the remaining skeleton soldiers.

After finishing that, I immediately left the place, but I had to look at Go Yeon-ju the whole time I went. She was looking at me with a slightly fed up look on her face, and I felt like I could empathize with her feelings a little.

Although I dealt with him a bit seriously this time, I also had no idea I could catch the lich so easily. Suddenly, it occurred to me that each ability in my body was really a cheat. Anyway, through this battle, I was certain of one thing. I am confident that I did a good job choosing rather than , which I was worried about at the beginning of the second round. Wizard users are no match for me.

That was also the reason why Go Yeon-ju was glancing at me right now. My battle just now was no different from losing more than half of the value of the magicians existing in the Hall Plane. Unless the wizards attack in droves at the level of an army, will there really be a wizard user who can catch me one-on-one?

The children’s mood had become lighter, albeit slightly. They were secretly unsure at first, but they seem to have regained their confidence after I killed the lich and they themselves took care of the skeleton soldiers.

I met a lich at the beginning, but the two groups of undead I met afterwards did not include such high-level monsters. At best, it would have been an Abyss Knight.

So we continued entering the mountain range in the direction Ansol and I agreed upon.

The more we went inside, the more undead there were, and we repeatedly left the place as soon as we dealt with them. After marching for more than two hours in a battle that felt like thin ice, we were soon able to cross the second mountain peak. In other words, it meant that the point had been reached. I immediately activated my third eye and began to calmly explore my surroundings.

The first place to find was a valley with flowing water. The location of was adjacent to a valley with flowing water, that is, a valley within a mountain range. As you follow the steep cliff-shaped valley, you come across a wetland, and around the cave, various trees and bushes form a circular colony.

After reminiscing about my past, I went down a slightly sloping slope and began to hear the faint sound of water flowing in my ears. I followed the sound and put my head down, and as expected, a long, hollow terrain came into view at the bottom of the mountain. Now all I had to do was find an oval-shaped narrow passage somewhere at the bottom of the valley.

“We will now enter the valley. “We have reached our goal, so everyone please stay alert.”

I spoke to my companions in a quiet voice and then turned my head to Ansol. She also seemed to have no complaints about entering the valley, and she carefully took a step down the slope.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

(Today, with the announcement of the intermediate rankings, we will move on to the next round of re-ripples. We ask for the readers’ understanding, and we will combine the 150th re-ripples with the 151st.)

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Ah, the long-awaited has arrived. In the next part, you will enter a cave. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to those who have been waiting to enter the . The process of defeating monsters, obtaining items, and obtaining gold and silver treasures seems to be very enjoyable. 😀 What kind of monsters and treasures are waiting for the group in ? 🙂

And here are the results of the popular vote. I excluded Go Yeon-ju, but there were still many people who voted for Ko Yeon-joo. Cheer up, Hanbyeol! When Dad votes for a real character later, I will push him to get a lot of votes. ㅜ.ㅠ

Ansol: 21 votes

Vivien: 15 votes

Go Yeon-ju: 7 votes

Hanbyeol Kim: 6 votes

Yujeong Lee: 5 votes

Jeong Ha-yeon: 5 votes

Seraph: 2 votes

Female monkey: 1 vote

This is the ranking. The interim tally is like this, but there will probably be a service for the character who wins first place in the character vote later on. For example, something that some readers always say is . ha ha ha.

P.S. Well, I didn’t really participate for the sake of the readers. This is so. yes. that’s right. I did it because I wanted to quickly enter the Cave of Screams. Heh, heh!

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode