Memorize Chapter 145

00145 MenTal IllNess ———————————————– ————————–=

“I am indeed. Did you do that on purpose? “Are you going to kill me?”

“what. Anyway, it was really loud. I never thought I would do something like this… .”

“Are you disappointed? Um~. Is that really true? I was surprised because it suddenly showed a different appearance. I told you. “It’s the first time I’ve laughed since you went on an expedition.”

“Honest heart? Ho Ho… . is it so. To be honest, I think I’m a little excited. No, very much.”

“also. “He wasn’t a kind-hearted person who only showed off.”

“What are you going to do? I had a hard time sleeping tonight. “I just have fun alone.”

“I told you I was excited. “I’m going to keep making you say embarrassing things to the lady.”

“If you don’t believe me, why don’t you try feeling my underwear? “It feels like I’m soaking wet right now.”


There were two people in front of me. One wizard user and one ax warrior user were seen. Even though it was a sudden attack, the wizard took a step back and the ax warrior blocked the way, so they didn’t seem like they were really idiots.

“───. “Shield.”

At that moment, as the husky voice chanted, a translucent film was created on the warrior user’s body. I was confident that I would be able to reach it before using the magic, but it was unexpected. He probably seemed to have learned vag!nal chanting like Jeong Ha-yeon.


Certainly, if there is a spell that increases cutting force on the sword I am currently holding, it can be offset with the same magic effect, a shield. The ax warrior raised his ax with all his might, ignoring defense as if he trusted the wizard’s shield. The problem is that my sword is just an ordinary iron sword, and it is not a Cutting Force magic, but the .

Before the guy’s ax swung, I kicked the ground once more using the gunshin bullet technique. The ax warrior’s eyes widened as he saw me rapidly shortening the distance, but he seemed to respond by giving more force to the ax he was swinging.

As I got into close range, I felt the cold blade of the ax above me. At the same time, the tip of my sword touched the shield magic. The warrior smiled triumphantly and lowered his ax. and… .

Pakak! Pagagak!

The sword I stabbed tore through the shield magic and crushed me inside. A look of astonishment appeared in the guy’s eyes, as if he didn’t know that he would break the shield spell. That was the last facial expression he made while alive. The sharp tip of the sword pierced the ax warrior’s uvula cleanly.

“Keek. “Grrrrrrrr.”

Bubbling blood bubbled from the ax warrior’s mouth, and the ax, which was coming down as if splitting the body, lost its direction and ended up stuck in the ground.

“Holy Strike! You son of a bitch! die!”

Before the ax warrior’s body could even collapse, a heavy sound of a blast splitting the air was heard from behind. As I slowly turned my head, I saw a mace emitting white light and the grimly distorted face of a battle priest (Monk).

It certainly seemed like these guys were vagabonds. Except for Seungbeom Kim, the other users do not show any signs of disturbance despite the death of their colleague. Instead, they just take advantage of this opportunity and focus on defeating me. However, the ability was a specialized ability for me both in the first round and now in the second round. Even if you attack first, your agility ability can easily overturn it. I quickly placed the sword horizontally and strongly rotated my body.

Stone bank. The vivid feeling of cutting through soft meat and hard bones came through my sword body. You can see the top of the thing with its chest cut in half, falling to the ground with an expression of disbelief. My agility ability is almost at its peak of 98. Therefore, unless the short-range classes drastically increase the speed, greatly reduce the distance, do not defend first, or attack in various directions, there is no user who can take the initiative from me. In most cases, there won’t be any.

As a result, a total of five people, including Choi Joo-hyun, were dealt with for the first time. With this, two vagabonds remain. A wizard with a gloomy voice and a female archer wearing a hood. In less than 30 seconds after entering the full-scale battle, more than half of the people were killed. I just turned around, deciding to deal with the nearby wizard first.

“───. ───. ───.”

Before I knew it, the wizard had grown further away from me. He was sweating profusely, with beasts in both hands, as if he were preparing some great magic. I wasn’t really scared, but I wanted to avoid getting stabbed in the back while taking my time. So, the moment I was about to enter the palace barracks again, I saw the wizard’s eyes brighten. This is why I hate wizards who have learned vag!nal chanting.

“───. ───. ───. Flame Spear! “Rapid Fire!”

As soon as I recited the spell, an elongated spear-shaped magic with a blazing flame rushed towards me. One step, two steps, three steps, four steps, five steps, six steps. Ohh. Did you learn how to apply magic circuits? There’s a reason that guy looks like the leader. I raised the sword to the top with a brief exclamation, but then lowered it again. Because there was something I wanted to test.

The guy must have seen me give up my defense and went crazy.

“Hahaha! Okay, give up! “Stop dying!”

At the same time, a message floated into the air.

『Battlefield Protection (Rank: EX) is activated.』

pop! Puff!

Flame spears explode into my body with a roar. Thick foggy smoke bursts out here and there, and the grass around is charred by the flying sparks. Are you sure that the magic power you saw with your third eye was exactly 90? No, it was 89. Anyway, I felt a heavy shock shaking my body.

“Kkkkkkk. I finally got it done. It went in very well. Soyeon Ahn! Come on in and check it out! “Kkkkkkk.”

Would it be that good? Not wanting to hear his laughter any more, I took a step forward. As I walked through the thick fog, I heard the wizard’s excited laughter suddenly stop. Soon, various messages began to appear in the air.

『Lucky ability level 88… . Reduced defense judgment. Check the EX rank of Battlefield Protection. Some defense judgments are raised. Confirmed that the user’s magic power level is 96. The impact is reduced due to the absence of anti-magic abilities. It is a chloride type magic. The fire essence in the body reacts. The judgment is raised to full defense.』

also. Probably by now he’s saying, “Complete defense decision.” “It didn’t do any damage.” A message would appear saying: As expected, the wizard, who was staring blankly into space, soon opened his mouth in a stuttering tone.

“What the f*ck? Wow, totally defensive? crazy! Nonsense! How can a user with 0 years of experience achieve constant horsepower? No, even if I had it. uh. Oh, don’t come! “Ugh!”

“It’s not anti-horsepower.”

I sighed calmly and walked quickly. The wizard retreated, looking as if he had seen a ghost, but he was so shocked that he was quickly caught by me. Seeing him staring with a blank expression on his face with his mouth wide open, I lightly grabbed his collar and pulled him up.

“Uh, father.”

“what. Rape children in front of someone and kill someone by cutting off their limbs? ah. Did you say Ahn So-yeon? lower your bow The moment you shoot the arrow, it will rip off your arm like he did earlier. “If you stay quiet, I will kill you gracefully.”

I said this without even looking back, but I felt the female archer user retreating in surprise. I was about to raise the sword and cut off his head, but then a bright idea struck me and I swung the sword with both arms. I could see both of his arms falling down, spurting out blood as if he was cutting down a rotten log.

“Ugh! “Huh!”

The wizard screamed hoarsely and shook his head back and forth. It’s better now. When I was acting arrogant earlier, I really didn’t want to see it. I cut off the remaining two legs cleanly and then placed the collar on them. Between the arms and legs fluttering about on the ground, I could see the face of what was left of only the torso.

“Ahhhh! Argh! Save me! Aaaaaaaaaah!”

“Is the buzzing priest bitch mine? You think you’ll cry while doing this? Is the foul-mouthed bitch mine? “I wonder what kind of sound it will cry out?”

Of course, those aren’t what this guy said, but he was the one who provided the clue anyway. This feels really bad. I am gold and jade. How did I raise these children through hardships? I was so upset for no reason that I raised my foot and crushed his lips. I must have been a little emotional, so I felt like I was grumbling and my teeth were breaking.

“Eh! Ooooh (kill me)! Oooh (wrong)! “Uuuuuuu (kill me)!”

The frustration that filled my heart seemed to have subsided a little as I watched the guy crying like a child. It was then. I felt a cold, deadly sting coming from behind. I sighed and opened my mouth quietly.

“I clearly told you not to shoot an arrow… . huh?”



The arrow she shot passed me right through and pierced the neck of the wizard, who was howling in pain. It wasn’t targeting me from the beginning. I slowly turned around, feeling a little sad and dumbfounded. There, before I knew it, there was a cute girl with her hood removed and staring at me fiercely, aiming at me.

I don’t think he’s an adult. Her breasts had not yet disappeared from her face, and she looked quite young. Well, it wasn’t always the case that there were only adults in the hall plane. Still, being able to act with vagrants at such a young age means that he has a strong will and is quite capable. I became even more curious and spoke in a soft voice.

“Kid. “Put down your bow.”

“… … .”

There was no answer. Instead, it only seemed to inflame the hostility towards me and give even more strength to the bow of the protest. Soon, a magical power that could not be ignored gathered around her, and yellow light began to blink throughout the arrow shaft on the string. I laughed and immediately raised my sword to the top. This ability is definitely… .

“Fine Sight.”

A young voice came into my ears, and at the same time, the blinking yellow light gathered in a circle around the tip of the arrowhead. And Soyeon Ahn immediately threw out her protest. With a voice full of resentment.

“Collapse Arrow!”

I quickly generated magical power and looked at the arrow flying towards me, then moved my sword precisely and accurately calculated the point of contact between the tip of the arrowhead and my blade. I never dreamed that I would encounter the arrow of destruction here, one of the unique abilities of the archer class extinction. In addition, by aligning the aiming line, all that power is concentrated at one point. If it were me at the time during the first round, my entire body would have been shattered the moment the arrow grazed me.

Quad deuk. Quad deuk.


Kaga River! Kaga-ga-gang!

Eventually, the arrowhead and the tip of my sword came into contact, and an unpleasant clanking sound filled the clearing. It felt like the air around me was being torn apart. I felt like I understood a little why I had not participated in the battle until now. You can’t hit it with regular arrows, and you would have been worried that your surrounding colleagues would get caught up if you used the Collapse Arrow. Or maybe he was worried about losing his priest due to his own mistake in the beginning (actually it wasn’t a mistake). Either way, these were actions unbecoming of a vagabond.

But what’s surprising is surprising, and anyway, it wasn’t to the point where I felt that my life was in danger right now. I wouldn’t know if they stabbed me in the back without taking any action in the first place. The arrow, which seemed like it would collapse everything at first, gradually lost its strength as it collided with the sword filled with magical power, and soon, with the sound of an exploding firecracker, I lightly cut the arrow in half.

As I watched the arrow split in half and fall helplessly, I saw Ahn So-yeon sitting down with shaky legs. It may be hard to believe, but it seemed like he put all his strength into the strike he had just made. I activated my third eye with the intention of solving my curiosity. The abilities were so-so, but this time I thought I would look at them in more detail.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Soyeon Ahn (3rd year)

2. Class: Normal Archer Expert

3. Nation: Barbara

4. Clan: Middle Road

5. True name · Nationality: Pasa (破邪) – Person who received the fifth wing · Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Female (18)

7. Height/Weight: 165.8cm/47.2kg

8. Tendency: Neutral · Wander

[Strength 64] [Durability 62] [Dexterity 88] [Stamina 70] [Magic Power 78] [Luck 82]

< Achievements (0) >

< Unique Ability (1/1) >

1. Collapse Arrow (Rank: B Zero)

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. Aiming line alignment (Rank: A Zero)

< Potential (3/3) >

1. Insight (Rank: B Plus)

2. Tracking (Rank: A Zero)

3. Clairvoyance (Rank: C Zero)

Although there are some errors in strength and durability, it can be compensated for by high agility as an archer user. And above all, the harmony between classes, special abilities, and potential abilities was very good. Although the rank of Arrow of Collapse is disappointing, the significance must be placed on the fact that it has unique abilities.

Anyway, it is said that in the third year, she came to Hall Plain at the age of 15, but there was a reason why the girl survived at such a young age. His abilities cannot be said to be extremely good, but overall, he was not a commonly seen user, even if exaggerated.

I whistled and walked towards her. Ahn So-yeon’s confident face from earlier was gone, and she was backing away, pushing her feet to the ground with a scared look on her face.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

haha. I thought I was going to die today. It was 7pm when I got home, and it was very difficult. Why are there so many people at Gangnam Station? I went to eat spaghetti, but I had to wait for 40 minutes. Well, it was delicious, but it was an enjoyable day in its own way.

With this, the incident with the tramps is almost over. And thank you for your many comments. The answer will be revealed in Riripple. This time, four people gave similar answers. There are similar people, but I chose the one who wrote in as much detail as possible. thank you 🙂

P.S. The reason why I don’t vote for female character popularity right now. I was planning on having Hanbyul appear. If I do it now, I think Hanbyeol will be the least popular… . ㅜ.ㅠ

『Reripple (Episode 143)』

1. MT Gom: Congratulations on first place. It’s been such a long time since I last saw you. I couldn’t reply to the message you sent because I had a backlog of messages. As of now, we have sent about half of our replies, so we will reply soon. thank you!

2. Gahanna: Haha. thank you. I am also happiest when readers read my work and leave recommendations and comments. Go Yeon-ju is awesome. Please wait a minute. We will decide on disposition after the part is over.

3. Conceited Cat: LOL. It was just one line, but it was a very powerful comment. that’s right. Just stab it hard and that’s it.

4. This is Magul: That’s right, that’s right. It’s not good to wear these guys around. It’s easier to kill cleanly. 🙂

5. Pacasari: Happy birthday! Did you eat a lot of delicious food? I’m jealous that your birthday is on Saturday. My birthday almost never falls on the weekend. ㅜ.ㅠ

『Reripple (Episode 144)』

1. Kazimath: Congratulations on first place. ha ha ha. Rather than going about this and that, I think it will be taken for granted as the other person is the other person. (Spoiler alert!) The person will appear in the next episode, so please wait a little longer. 🙂

2. juan: There is a slight difference between mental illness and heavy drinking, but you are not entirely wrong. And it is the correct answer. If I express it a little more mildly, I think it would be better as “Heart Frustrated.” 🙂 and . This part. However, the moment it determines that the other person is an enemy, it will trample on it very thoroughly, regardless of whether it is strong or weak. By any means possible. 🙂 Oh, and the work. hmm. You can think of it as reading almost everything in Noble Best. Except for one or two. ^^ And I am replying to messages sequentially! Please wait a minute! lol

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode