Memorize Chapter 140

00140 End of Practice ———————————————– ————————–=

During the three days of marching, we did not fight a single monster. Although we encountered groups of monsters a few times, the distance was a bit far, and because our marching speed was so fast, we often just passed by.

What I’m teaching my kids now is rapid marching. When fast marching, you either avoid monsters you encounter along the way as much as possible or just pass by them. In other words, it was meaningful in ensuring that the target could be reached as quickly as possible.

The kids seemed to have a hard time on the first and second days, but were relatively stable on the third day. Instead of blindly following along, he learned how to breathe, walk, and use his magic power on his own.

When we crossed the three mountain peaks and stepped on flat ground again, the kids were all happy, but I again turned towards the mountain peak ahead. (As an aside, I felt like I heard a silent scream from behind me.)

During that time, due to rapid marching and some luck, they were able to avoid encountering monsters. (The party members were very suspicious of Ansol in this regard. Ansol responded by lowering his head.) However, there were monsters in the mountain village. There were many cases of construction, and since it passed through the mountain, it was inevitable that it would get caught on the route. And if those monsters recognized us as , battle was inevitable. Like right now.

“brother. What on earth are those ugly monkeys? “I think it’s my first time seeing you.”

“Isn’t it Mankey?”

I shook my head left and right as I looked at Yujeong and Anhyeon’s blank faces.

Currently, in front of our group’s eyes were monkeys showing off their fluffy fur. There are approximately twenty in number. They were a little over 2m tall and had strong muscles. If you put a monkey on a furry monkey, it would look slim.

Although they were quite powerful and knew how to use their brains, they were still nothing more than monkeys. I slowly drew my sword and answered.

“Hairy monkey. You can think of it as a higher-ranking species than Mankey. Although their fighting styles are similar, they are all superior to Mankey, so never let down your guard. The formation will be as described before departure. And Yujeong goes free.”

“Hurray. I love you brother.”

Sereung, sereungsereung.

Starting with the preparation signal, the sounds of weapons raising were heard from behind. A battle where the kids show off their skills for the first time. While listening to the muttering of orders, I showed them the motion of raising one finger and cutting it with the sword. Also, intentional ridicule.

Hairy monkeys were unusual in that there were significantly more females than males. And they didn’t have a very good reproductive rate. So, when males are born, they are strictly protected by females and never come out of the village. The guys inside who were just machines supplying seeds were male hairy monkeys.

Since the provocation was made to erect and cut off the genitals of such males, there is no way the females would remain silent. They immediately let out a loud scream, their eyes turned red, and they began breathing heavily. I just waved my sword with a nonchalant look on my face. This time, rather than taking action directly, I planned to take my time and appreciate the children’s skills.


Several furry monkeys let out a scream and jumped into the air. It looks like it will rise high into the air and perform a leaf attack. However, the monkeys that rose into the air soon stuck out their tongues and plummeted to the ground.

When I glanced back, I could see Go Yeon-ju twirling the dagger. There was no sign or sound. I smiled bitterly at that relaxed figure and turned my head back to the front. The monkeys also looked a little surprised, but their eyes seemed to burn even more. It seemed like he was angry at the death of his compatriot, but honestly, I didn’t think it was scary. And it seemed like the same was true for the kids.

thud. thud. thud.

Soon, the red blood that flowed from the monkeys who fell to the ground in harmony soaked the ground. That was the signal for the battle to begin.

“Kkkkkkkkk! “Kkakkkkkkkk!”

Hairy monkeys running screaming like crazy. In response, wizard users raised their voices in chanting spells even louder. It was at that time.

At the moment when the leader was about to block their path, Yujeong was seen jumping forward.

Yu-jeong glided through the exquisite gap as the furry monkeys rushed towards him with both hands raised. Before she knew it, she was holding a newly fitted katana in her left hand. While a monkey passing by her hesitated, she quickly burrowed behind her and hugged the hesitant monkey’s back.


The monkey, which was running towards me when something was hanging on its back, shook its head. However, after occupying the guy’s back, Yujeong held the guy’s head tightly with his free right hand and thrust the katana in his left hand towards his neck. The furry monkey also tried to twist its body, but Yujeong’s legs had already dug into the monkey’s body and thighs, preventing it from moving. Yujeong, who had completely taken over the guy’s back, soon smiled cruelly and slashed the katana that was against his neck.


A bloody fountain bursts out from its neck along with a pitiful scream. And only then did the other monkeys come to their senses, turned at an incredible speed and ran towards Yujeong. Yu-jeong slowly lowered his left hand to make sure the katana stuck in his neck would not fall out, and lightly tasted it with his tongue and unwrapped his legs and arms. However, if things continued like this, Yujeong would definitely be attacked from all directions. However, Yujeong’s eyes were not one of panic, but rather eyes that were quickly scanning the surroundings for an opportunity.

The origin of those eyes was soon apparent. A long arm emerged from Yujeong’s shadow, snatched a katana from the fallen monkey’s neck, and swung it in a wide semicircle. The quick-witted ones were quick to bite, but one or two received long stab wounds from the surprise attack. The ink-colored hand placed the katana in Yu-jeong’s hand again and quietly faded into the shadows, as if he had done his job.

“The little one is using his energy today, isn’t he? Ho Ho.”

Go Yeon-ju’s pleasant laughter was heard. As if in response, Yujeong immediately took out the magic sword Skurepp in her right hand. Once again, Yujeong took her posture as she saw the furry monkeys running towards her, and I looked at her posture with interest, thinking that I could finally see the two swords.

With the body slightly bent, the katana is held downward and the skurepp is held upward. In that state, she let out an obnoxious voice and waved her sword around. She wasn’t just sitting there, she was moving her feet on her own. The sword light flashed as she nudged the monkey running in front of her, and a long line of blood flowed from the monkey’s neck.

After successfully dispatching one, she began swinging her dagger as loudly as a windmill. Although she couldn’t take out the monkeys at once like before, she seemed intent on damaging several of them at once. She succeeded in making a scream come out of the mouths of the two monkeys, but she was struck by the monkey that rushed at her at lightning speed from a blind spot as she had not noticed before.

Pow! Her powerful fist hit Yujeong’s back with a sound, and her body was seen flying in the air.

“Oh f*ck.”

Yujeong, who was soon rolling towards us, stood up immediately, muttering a low curse. Ansol quickly tried to recite a healing spell, but Yujeong waved his hand once or twice to signal that he was okay. Well, no matter how expensive the equipment is, I guess I can just get over that level of damage.

Eventually, she came back inside the group and was smiling slightly. And she had her eyes on me. At her silent protest, I chuckled and turned my head.

Yujeong was kind of protesting to me. Yujeong dug into the men before the clash and offset their initial charge, and came back with the result of killing or injuring several of them. And his biggest achievement was that he gave the wizards time to chant spells while leaving a distance between them and the tanks at the front.

As expected, as soon as Yoo Jeong returned, Shin Sang-yong and Hayeon’s voices were heard echoing in the air.

“Gust Of Wind!”

“Land Of Aqua!”

A strong wind blew towards the furry monkeys, and Hayeon chanted a spell to pour water into the wind. Looking at the monkeys who were evenly sprayed with water all over their bodies thanks to the power of the wind, Hayeon once again memorized the spell she had prepared.

“Cone Of Ice!”

Damn it! Damn it!

Soon, long ice picks came out from the water on their bodies and dug straight into their insides. As they all fell to their knees, screaming in pain, Yu-jeong came up from behind and tapped An-hyeon on the shoulder.

“Why don’t you go and clean it up? Ahn Hyeon, a rare class Qigong lancer?”

I reflexively looked back at Anhyeon. However, Ahn Hyeon had a surprisingly calm face. There was a hidden desire to win in her boy’s eyes, but Ahn Hyeon accepted her provocation in a quiet voice.

“I’m a sub tank. “I can’t leave my seat yet.”

“joy. “It’s not fun.”

Yujeong took a quick look at me and then turned her gaze forward. Before we knew it, the area in front was filled with the corpses of furry monkeys, their bodies torn horribly. The caravan took care of the monsters without me, Vivien, and Hyun An taking action. Listening to Goyeonju’s whistle coming from behind, I lightly tapped Anhyun’s shoulder. This meant that there were still one or two of them left, so we should at least relax.


Before I knew it, complete darkness had fallen around me. After ordering my group to camp, I calmly looked at the map. At my normal speed, I had barely covered 10% of the distance, but I had already covered almost 30% of the distance.

There were no monster battles on the first and second days, and there were two battles on the third day alone. There were no major difficulties as Yujeong performed well against the hairy monkeys and Vivian performed well against the land malls. Yoo-jeong provoked An-hyeon several times as if she wanted to get rid of everything that happened to An-hyeon, but the guy didn’t budge. First of all, you may want to give priority to your order, but you may also be surprised by her rapid improvement in skill.

After securing a place and having a quick dinner, the group fell into a deep sleep. Perhaps the fatigue from the rapid march was greater than the fatigue of battle.

“leader. It’s shift time.”

I closed my eyes for a moment, then raised my head when I felt someone gently shaking my body. When I looked up, Shin Sang-yong was smiling. I calmly got out of my sleeping bag and craned my neck from side to side. I felt a pleasant crunching pain in my neck.

“Is there anything special going on?”

“yes. We installed mana detection and alarm magic, but no traces were detected.”

“Thank you for your effort. “I’ve definitely received the handover, so you can go to bed now.”

“Haam. yes. “Then I’ll go in first.”

Shin Sang-yong also yawned loudly as if he was tired and packed himself into his sleeping bag. Looking at that, I slowly looked around the lush surroundings. As expected from his sincere words, I could not sense the presence of any monsters. After turning my head back to the group, I checked Ansol’s location. And carefully shortened the distance between her and her.

Looking down from above, I saw Ansol burying his face in his sleeping bag and frowning slightly. As she listened a little more closely, she noticed that she was making a faint moaning sound. I put my hand in her arms and picked up a potion, then calmly placed my hands under both of her armpits and lifted it upward.

“Wow. yes? “Oh, father? (Brother?)”

Ansol slowly lifted his eyelids and immediately turned his head as if he was startled. But then I saw her eyes open again as if she saw my face. As I soothed her, she immediately laid down her body calmly as if relieved. She closed her eyes and automatically hugged me. I gently pulled her out, then lifted her slender legs and removed her socks.

“Tsk. “Maybe you should have used treatment.”

Her feet, which were white and spotless, were cracked here and there due to excessive marching. I clicked her tongue once, opened the potion I had prepared, and began to calmly apply it to her feet. As I watched her feet return to their original, pretty shape, I decided to work on them a little more.

I massaged her entire foot, focusing on the red stained areas in between. Even while Ansol was sleeping, she seemed to have felt my touch, and even though she was squirming, she put her feet even further into my arms. She had been sleeping in a warm sleeping bag and found it cold when she took it out.

After putting her back into the sleeping bag, I gently stroked her head. She rubbed her head against my hand while breathing softly, as if she was having a good dream.

If it had been like before, he would have cried and said he couldn’t follow me, but this time, it was admirable to see him persevere and follow me. Eventually, after checking that Ansol was breathing evenly again, I sighed deeply.

I felt like something was going very well. So much so.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

(I will take a break from Ripple today. Sorry.)

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

yes. I woke up this morning and felt refreshed for about 15 minutes, but then my fever rose again. I don’t think it’s normal for blood to come out of the phlegm. I didn’t want to move my body, so I crouched down, but because I was bored, I held the ultrabook down and quietly typed a novel. This is my first time writing a novel while lying down, and my back hurts surprisingly. I can’t do it again next time.

I tried to just endure it as much as possible, but I think I need to go to the hospital. Every time I cough, my throat keeps tingling. You should never catch a cold. This is really painful. ㅜ.ㅠ

P.S. I am writing this while speeding up the plot, but I am completely unsatisfied with the content. How do readers feel? I keep feeling like something is missing. Or maybe I feel that way for no reason because my head isn’t normal right now. -_-a


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not work with dark mode