Memorize Chapter 138

00138 Meaningful ending ———————————————- ————————–=

Yujeong’s face was surprisingly calm. The way he spoke also had the tone that it was no big deal.

However, I was able to recognize that it was a made-up expression and voice. Her eyes were quietly burning with an unknown desire. Blood-soaked heart. Anhyeon and Ansol are so surprised, but Yujeong is probably not without emotions. I just bury it in my heart.

Yujeong looked at my face, smiled slightly, and opened her mouth.

“When did I get Secret Class? When you were with us? Or after joining the Golden Lion Clan?”

“From what I know, I understand that he was awakened before entering the User Academy. I’m not sure. “Only you will know the details.”

When Go Yeon-ju subtly added additional information, Yu-jeong snorted. And I looked at Go Yeon-ju and shook my head excitedly. Sometimes, I thought that high performance was also in bad taste.

“I see. I was wondering what on earth they could believe and go to the Golden Lion Clan, but there was a part of them that believed in everything. I really didn’t even dream about it. “A nasty bitch.”

“I know. Still, I feel a little disappointed since we’ve been together since our rite of passage.”

An Hyeon also helped Yu-jeong. Judging by the sharpness in his tone of voice, he must have been having a stomach ache. I don’t know why I was so greedy after obtaining the rare class, but I felt the need to protect Kim Han-byeol for now. There could have been a situation where he recruited her later. If her perception is solidified the way she is now, there will be tremendous pain on her part when she accepts it.

“Don’t look at it too much. If you look at the situation calmly at that time, Kim Han-byeol’s choice was natural. It’s an offer between us, who are starting from the bottom, and the Golden Lion Clan, who has already established himself as the best clan. I feel sad too. But stop nitpicking.”

“brother. Are you siding with him now?”

“I’m not saying I’m taking sides, I’m just saying that we need to respect individual choices. There’s no need to react too emotionally. “The important thing now is us.”

“Hmm… .”

I comforted the children in a quiet voice. Yujeong tilted her head with a stern look on her face, and then she nodded her head with a weak snort. Also, from the side, Ansol said, “If your brother says that… .” When I heard the voice, I felt a part of my heart become anxious. I never thought even Ansol would say something like that. Why on earth do kids not look at Kim Han-byeol so kindly?

To be honest, I also felt a little betrayed at the time. When she realized she got her secret class, she did and she stopped following me. However, as time passed and she thought about it carefully, there was no reason to curse her. Kim Han-byul reflected her situation at the time and made her own rational choices. She had no reason to reject her clan’s offer and follow me.

If you look at it rationally and objectively, it was true. However, the children were still unable to escape the emotional part. In the end, like I did, time will tell. If the kids think deeper and learn a little more about the hole plane. I decided to change the topic for now, hoping that her feelings for him would subside in the future.

“Anyway, there will soon be a storm of blood in the Hall Plain, centered around Halo, the western city. There will be a massive battle between users and vagabonds. Mule, a small town in the far north, is unlikely to be affected, but the atmosphere is likely to be quite hectic for some time. So, we plan to explore outside the city for a while. “It is not good to go with this trend.”

“okay. Since the warp gate is active, it is difficult to say that it is very safe. Still, if it were a large-scale battle, it would likely take quite some time. “Can I know where your next destination is?”

I nodded in response to Hayeon’s appropriate question and immediately opened my mouth.

“This destination is . As a result of reading through the records in the library, I decided that there was a high possibility that actually existed. The direction is to advance from Mul’s North Gate to the plains and then proceed east. This exploration is going to take quite some time. “The distance is not easy.”

It took about 10 days just to go to . Even if it doesn’t take much to conquer the cave, it would take at least 3 weeks if you add the time it takes to get there. Two months have passed since I joined Mule, so I was planning to leave before the first week of the third month passed. There was also a calculation that the plan to exterminate vagabonds would probably be over even if they did not return.

The faces of everyone in the group changed subtly when they heard that the round trip would take three weeks. I was worried that everyone would be reluctant because the duration was several times longer than the dungeons I had explored so far. But unexpectedly, all the children expressed excited anticipation.

Could it be that I was feeling a little sore without knowing it during the relatively long maintenance period? Well, since everyone’s skills had improved to some extent, they probably wanted to check their own skills. After hearing the kids’ reactions, I calmed down and continued speaking calmly.

“As such, I hope to complete all current tasks within three days. You never know how things might change. It is safe to say that the western city has already entered a state of war. “I think it would be better to make quick preparations so that we can leave as soon as tomorrow.”

At that time, Go Yeon-ju raised her hand and opened her mouth with a drowsy face. And I couldn’t help but stick my tongue out at her coyness. Has no one noticed now?

“User Kim Soo-hyun. “I have a question.”

“yes. “Let’s do it.”

“You said the round trip would take three weeks. It’s a bit odd to call it an expedition, but in terms of duration, it’s similar to a small-scale expedition. If you listen to user Kim Soo-hyun’s words, it is assumed that the cave will be discovered there. What will you do if you don’t find the cave?”

Hayeon and Shin Sang-yong made sympathetic faces at her words. There was certainly validity to what she said. I was the only one who discovered the locations of dungeons that I knew about in the future and how to access them with my third eye, but it was something that other users could not even dream of.

However, all the kids were putting question marks around her question. As she had been working with me so far, she didn’t seem to think that finding the dungeon was very difficult. Anyway, here and now, “I know the location of the dungeon, so trust me and follow me.” Since saying it would lose credibility, she decided to euphemize it.

“What user Goyeonju said is correct, but the primary goal of the caravan is to escape the city to avoid the actions of the Golden Lion Clan. I also don’t like being swept up in a meaningless atmosphere. Of course, this does not mean that I am giving up on , which I am currently visiting. We investigated with the intention of killing two birds with one stone, and also excavated and using a similar method. And is much more likely to be real than the previous two dungeons.”

“Hmm. It’s the primary goal. That aside, are you asking me to believe it first?”

“yes. and… .”

I paused for a moment and looked at Ansol. She was wriggling her hands and playing with her hands. After laughing at his innocent appearance, she continued her words in a quiet voice.

“Because there is a lot of luck in preparing for just one emergency.”

“yes? “Lots of luck?”


Go Yeon-ju asked a question with a slightly raised eyebrow, and An Sol, who was in the middle of playing with his hands, suddenly raised his head in response to the word ‘lucky’. Eventually, I let out a subtle laugh as I saw Ansol tilting her head with her bright eyes. And at the same time, the other party members began to look at Ansol with subtle eyes. Everyone seemed to have some expectations about her, as they had greatly benefited from her in discovering the ruined laboratory.

As the eyes of users focused on him, Ansol pouted his mouth, and Go Yeonju narrowed his eyebrows with an expression that did not make sense.

“Whew. I do not know. “If anything goes wrong, I will definitely reimburse you for the profit and maintenance costs of the inn, so take care of it.”

“Is that true? “Are there any other questions?”

“yes. “There is another one.”

Why on earth are there so many questions? Just as I was about to think about it, I could see Go Yeon-ju with a slight smile on her lips. At that moment, I felt Hayeon’s gaze on her and turned her head, and I could see her smiling bitterly at me. It seemed like she and I were probably the only users among her group that noticed.

I nodded my head as if to allow the question, and Go Yeon-ju slowly stood up.

“Why am I here?”

… .

… … .

… … … .


All users except Hayeon and I opened their eyes wide at Go Yeon-ju’s words, and then I could see them opening their mouths one by one. Ko Yeon-joo, who was preparing breakfast, had already slipped in between us and was talking and asking questions. He intervened so cleverly that it seemed like the only people in the group who noticed was me and Hayeon.

“Ho Ho. “Then I’ll bring breakfast.”

Leaving the wandering companions behind, Ko Yeon-ju quietly walked towards the kitchen.


It was the night before the expedition set off. After announcing the end of maintenance to my companions three days ago, I also completed various tasks. Rather than dealing with various external issues, it would be more correct to say that the clan was reorganized internally. Check the status of each party member and prevent any problems or conflicts in advance. This is because it would be much better to explode now or resolve the issue rather than explode after going out of the city to explore.

And I was able to discover a new conflict. The conflict between Go Yeon-ju and An Sol. No, it was a bit subtle to see it as a conflict.

I also learned this to be true only recently, but Ansol had a tendency to be reluctant to perform well. In particular, they seemed to extremely avoid situations where only the two of them were alone. When Hayeon was by her side, she seemed calm, but whenever Goyeon came even a little closer, she tended to avoid her place, regardless of the reason. In the meantime, she left it to Ha-yeon and didn’t pay attention to it, and from the outside, it wasn’t that big of a problem for her. However, there was something uneasy about leaving like this.

I held onto Ansol and asked him several times, but each time he blushed, shook his head, and refused to answer. They just keep repeating that it’s nothing so don’t worry. Rather than avoiding it because I didn’t like it, it seemed like there was another reason. I wanted to resolve it if possible, but since the person concerned refused, I decided to just wait and see for now.

And, Yujeong decided to receive training under Go Yeonju even the day before the expedition. I advised him to take a rest today because tomorrow is the start of the expedition, but at Yujeong’s strong request, he agreed to continue training until the end.

Go Yeon-ju readily accepted her request, and smiled and said that he would handle it a little gently as it was still a day. She said she would do that, and she also knew how much Yu-jeong had grown. In addition, as Ko Yeon-joo came out like this, she couldn’t think of anything in particular to say. Tomorrow’s expedition is important, but with Go Yeon-ju and me, it will rarely be dangerous. In the end, I agreed to Yujeong’s request.

However, since I could not quite believe Go Yeon-ju’s boasts, I waited in the corner of the first floor for Yu-jeong to come out. If you wait on the first floor, you will be able to naturally contact Ansol as he comes down to treat Yujeong. You can also check the condition of the oil well.

After waiting in the dark lobby for a while, I heard Ansol trudging down the stairs. She carefully looked around her with an anxious look on her face, then gently placed her butt on the table across from her kitchen. She Ansol and she didn’t seem to notice that I was in her corner.

As a little more time passed, I could soon hear the kitchen door open. And the user who showed up was Go Yeon-ju.

She was wearing a oil tablet on her shoulder, and from the looks of it, it looked like she had fainted again. I don’t know where I was, but I sighed to myself. Since I expected today to be the same anyway, I had prepared a high-quality healing potion. I fumbled with the potion I had in my pocket and then quietly stared at the two.

Go Yeon-ju was looking at Ansol with a drowsy face. She threw her Yujeong next to her Ansol and opened her mouth in a soft tone.

“Your baby has arrived. It was late at night too. “Are you here to treat this little boy again today?”

“Yes, yes…” .”

As Ansol nodded with a very timid look on his face, Go Yeonju smiled softly, covering her lips.

“Ho Ho. I won’t eat it, so don’t do that too much. And since I did it in moderation today, there is no need for treatment. There won’t be any problem waking up tomorrow. Just throw it on the bed in the dorm.”

“yes… . “Then I’ll just take you.”

“oh. It’s so sad when you’re already trying to go. Now, come here for a moment. I felt sorry for her sister back then. She was so shocked. But she understands everything.”

Go Yeon-ju walked closer to Ansol with a charming smile. I couldn’t understand what on earth the two of them had done to make Go Yeon-ju do that.

And Ansol ran away screaming.

“… … .”

Go Yeon-ju looked at Ansol running up the stairs with a blank expression. I sighed and slowly emerged from the corner. It was a more intense reaction than expected.

“We’ll hear what happened later.”

I picked up the unconscious Yoo-jeong and carried her on her back, and spoke to Go Yeon-ju, who was looking back at me blankly. She just shrugged her shoulders with a look of chagrin on her face.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

This completes the maintenance part. In the next episode, the group finally leaves Mule and begins exploring toward the . We’ve been living in peace so far, so now we need to calm down the atmosphere. Well, I wonder if there is any danger since there is such a high level of performance. ha ha ha.

And we laid out a new foreshadowing for Ansol. What on earth happened between Ansol and Go Yeonju to make them do that? This is something that even the main character doesn’t know about. Cough. The answer will be revealed after is over, but I wonder if there will be anyone who guesses it before then. If anyone can guess it, their imagination must be truly amazing. ah. For your information, I am not a lily or a red. I’m afraid there may be some people who are possessed by the devil of obscenity. 🙂


1. Love Like: Congratulations on first place. We also congratulate the new number one commentator. Clap clap clap! You are the best commentator I haven’t seen in a really long time.(?) Hahaha. Please continue to comment often.

2. Kurosion: Wow. Kurosion, who once had a reputation as a famous commentator, announced his decision to give up. It seems like the competition for first place is fierce these days. ㅜ.ㅠ

3. Larry Honey: You can get more stat points. However, it is difficult to obtain and the numbers are not large. Soohyun wouldn’t have to worry about this even if she were sure she could only get 20 points in the future. Poor protagonist. ㅜ.ㅠ

4. Ramude: Among Ansol’s initial stats, his magic power was abnormally high, he was taught well, and he is still in his 0th year, so he has high growth potential. As the number goes up, the growth rate decreases, but the limit is still open. However, this does not apply to Ansol as the main character.

5. Office2Lub19: Thank you. But it’s that guy. I never thought that this forbidden love would begin. Hehehe. Come here. (sigh.) I’m sorry. (__)

6. gkgngh: Sosin Ro Yu-jin, I ask you to apologize for not being able to practice. Please relieve your anger in episode 137.

7. Brown Bear Liz: First of all, I have captured all the important characters, but if you still give it to me, I will be grateful. You can include them in other supporting roles, or combine them with similar characters. 🙂

8. zjekfksqlc: The growth that occurs by obtaining rare and secret classes is greatly influenced by your limitations. It will probably be covered in more detail later, but you should know that this does not apply to Su-hyeon.

9. Broken fan: Thank you! From now on, I will describe Hanbyeol in as much detail as possible. Hehehe.

10. Hmm;; : yes. The main character advised me never to use it. If you look at the text, there are 4 points remaining. You will see the phrase: 🙂

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode