Memorize Chapter 137

00137 Meaningful ending ———————————————- ————————–=

A day where similar daily routines are repeated. Maintenance is not just a word that means simple rest. It literally means organizing a disorganized system and putting it into proper order. In that sense, everyone in the party was steadily carrying out maintenance.

When I opened my eyes to the faint sound of someone coming, I felt the cool dawn air surrounding my bed. As soon as I took a breath of cold air, I felt like my head was clearing up a bit. I reflexively looked at the table and saw a steaming cup of tea as usual and some documents. I got up right away.


I used magic to gently loosen the stiff body and twisted it lightly. Crump, crunch. The rhythmic sound of bones bursts out. After shaking with the cool yet painful thrill for a moment, I walked to the table with great strides. And first, I picked up a teacup with pure white steam rising out of it.


When I saw the contents of the teacup, I burst out laughing. This is because the color of the tea was very dark black. I once gave it a ride in a car, but it seemed like it was because I suspected it was poisoned. I never thought I would still have the regret from that time. I smiled and took a sip of the tea, and a refreshing feeling of pleasure entered my throat. As I felt her head becoming clearer and her body feeling refreshed, I spoke to her next to her table.

“It’s a good LaBin car. “It was boiled well.”

“… joy. It is a rare tea that also contains Rekl. “If you do that again this time, I really wasn’t going to let you ride in the future, but it looks like you’ve reflected a bit.”

A soft voice echoed throughout the room, and a remnant came from next to the table. As Ko Yeon-ju finally fully revealed herself, I responded calmly.

“is it so. “Why is it that the person who always left behind is still here today?”

“I’m a bit in a hurry. First, read the record in front of you.”


I took a sip of tea while listening to the record. It was because the taste was so great. Go Yeon-ju must have known that I liked the car, and a soft smile appeared on her lips. It’s just a matter of behavior, but if you were a little more discreet, you would really be the best bride. She has a pretty face, nice body, cooks well, and seems like she would be good at it… No, anyway, I heard the record before my eyes.

『… So, the Golden Lion Clan’s actions began in earnest. The participating clans are largely the Golden Lion Clan and SSUN, the representative clan of the western general city of Halo. (Including other affiliated clans.) The departure of 12 reconnaissance search teams composed of skilled users was confirmed in the early morning of the same day. In particular, morale was further boosted by the announcement of the appearance of the secret class Jewel Mage. In particular, the information control of the Golden Lion Clan can be noted in this section. All affiliated clan members were in a celebratory mood, but did not show any signs of agitation. Judging from the reactions, I guess they knew about it in advance. On the contrary, the vagabonds who settled in the Eurokia Mountains are greatly disturbed by the appearance of a new secret class… .』


I felt my eyes narrowing as I read the record. Damn golden lions. Are they going to use Kim Han-byeol like this? It was obvious that if he did this, he would not make a nice sound when he brought Kim Han-byeol later. Of course I still don’t know if I will receive her or if she will come to her clan. Later, when the Golden Lion Clan was destroyed and I visited Barbara, I had plans to meet her, but things got a little complicated. I sighed and closed the record. It seemed like the time had come.

“It’s enough if it’s there, it’s enough if it’s not there.”

“Is it okay if I have something, or is it okay if I don’t have it?”

Seeing Ko Yeonju suddenly barging in from the side, I asked one question.

“High user performance. “What if this jewel wizard joins our group in the future?”

“That would be good. But I think it’s better not to drink kimchi soup.”

I was left speechless as she answered clearly. “Then what about the rare class?” I wanted to ask again, but it seemed like a play on words so I decided to stop. Instead, she had one more favor to ask of her.

“I’m planning to make an important announcement today. “Please tell everyone to join breakfast on time.”

“oh. “So are you leaving soon?”

I responded by nodding my head to Ko Yeon-ju, who asked with a smile.


“Hey. exciting. “See you in the lobby then.”

Go Yeon-ju left my room with a really excited look on her face.

Suddenly, that cold yet haughty face comes to mind. A female user who was bold for a user with 0 years of experience. She’s probably struggling a lot with the Golden Lion Clan by now. For a moment she pondered her memories, then picked up her tea and took a gulp.

After drinking the sweet yet slightly bitter Labin tea, I took off my clothes. First of all, I wanted to wash up.


“Wow. Sister. “It’s so cool.”

“Isn’t it pretty?”

“It’s not only pretty, but also cool. Wow… .”

Lee Yu-jeong came down wearing all the new equipment I had purchased, as if she had been notified in advance by Go Yeon-ju. The leather set was definitely worth the money. Although practicality is a priority at Holplane, it does not mean that we do not pay too much attention to appearance. And it was true that it was difficult to find equipment that looked pretty and performed well.

“Brother. How is Yujeong? Pretty, right? huh?”

“Uh, huh? Hehe, hehe. There is a saying that clothes are wings. “It’s exactly like that.”

Ahn Hyeon was mesmerized by the feminine appearance of Yoo Jeong, whom he saw for the first time. And his gaze was focused on Yujeong’s chest. This is because her tight shirt exposed her plump breasts without filtering. She took her gaze there, but when she heard Ahn Sol calling, Ahn Hyeon hurriedly turned her gaze away. I had a suspicion that Ahn Hyun might choose women based on their breasts when she looks at them.

Meanwhile, Anhyeon glanced at her chest. And, Yujeong noticed this and drew a deep smile on her lips. In the past, she would have been called a pervert, a pervert, and a vulgar person, but she had clearly changed since learning from Go Yeon-joo.

“What about Vivien?”

“He will come down soon.”

“I see. Ah… . I should have just left my jacket behind. Did you dress up for no reason? “It’s a little hot.”

Yujeong stretched out on purpose to show off her breasts, then took off her jacket and hung it on a chair. Then, she crossed her arms under her chest and gently rested her elbows on the table. It was a little subtle, but I could tell that Yu-Jeong used the scaling feature. Even though it was only a little, I could see that her clothes overall had shrunk. Those clothes are really tight. Because of this, her breasts stood out even more, and the buttons on her shirt became wider.

“after. hot. “Why on earth is it so hot?”

Not stopping there, Yujeong smiled seductively and unbuttoned one of the top buttons. When her upper breasts were exposed, Ahn Hyeon and Shin Sang-yong turned their heads at the same time. Her face turned red, and she kept clearing her throat. Looking at those scenes, Lee Yoo-jeong chuckled.

“Ugh. “But he’s still a man.”

“Ho Ho.”

Go Yeon-ju burst into a pleasant smile. She had a proud look on her face, as if her teaching had been worthwhile. At this moment, she wanted to grab her neck and shake her, asking her what on earth she had taught her, but she could barely hold back.

While Vivian was coming down, I activated my third eye focusing on the kids. As the most important thing is the children, it was necessary to at least check their growth.

< User Information (Player Status) >

Name: Hyeon Ahn (Year 0)

Class: Rare Energy SpearMan Runner

Tendency: Amity · Moderation

(There are 4 ability points remaining.)

[Strength 62] [Durability 60] [Dexterity 75] [Stamina 63] [Magic Power 59] [Luck 61]

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. Spear Master (Rank: C Zero)

< Potential (1/4) >

1. Self-defense skills (Rank: E Plus)

< Comparison of recent abilities >

Before: [Strength 61] [Durability 58] [Dexterity 74] [Stamina 63] [Magic Power 58] [Luck 61]

After: [Strength 62] [Durability 60] [Dexterity 75] [Stamina 63] [Magic Power 59] [Luck 61]


< User Information (Player Status) >

Name: Yujeong Lee (Year 0)

Class: Normal Mercenary Runner

Tendency: Moderation · Desire (True · Desire)

(There are 4 ability points remaining.)

[Strength 57] [Durability 58] [Dexterity 76] [Stamina 55] [Magic Power 70] [Luck 53]

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. Blood-soaked heart (Rank: D Minus)

『A heart soaked in blood. A blood-stained heart sometimes arouses unintentional killing intent and desires. Sometimes it becomes cold and hard, but other times it burns like an active volcano and cannot be controlled. However, that feeling comes from the source of It has the effect of preventing interference with the five senses and blocking vision, but its rank is not high, so the effect is only weak.』

< Comparison of recent abilities >

Before: [Strength 48] [Durability 52] [Dexterity 64] [Stamina 50] [Magic Power 68] [Luck 56]

After: [Strength 57] [Durability 58] [Dexterity 76] [Stamina 55] [Magic Power 70] [Luck 53]


< User Information (Player Status) >

Name: Ansol (Year 0)

Class: Normal Priest Runner

Alignment: Lawful · Good

(There are 4 ability points remaining.)

[Strength 21] [Durability 22] [Dexterity 24] [Stamina 31] [Magic Power 87 (+1)] [Luck 100]

< Comparison of recent abilities & abilities >

Before: [Strength 20] [Durability 22] [Dexterity 24] [Stamina 30] [Magic Power 86(+1)] [Luck 100]

After: [Strength 21] [Durability 22] [Dexterity 24] [Stamina 31] [Magic Power 87(+1)] [Luck 100]

I felt happy when I saw the children’s growth. Anhyeon was clearly climbing the stairs step by step. Her strength, durability, agility, and magic power increased evenly, so it seemed like she was training steadily with all of her parts in mind. I thought it would be difficult to increase agility, but it seemed like it was influenced by learning the martial arts of a Qigong lancer.

Yujeong’s information was based on the time when he had just entered Mule. But even taking that into account, her growth was definitely noteworthy. Even though her strength, durability, and stamina were lacking compared to Ahn Hyeon, her agility and magical power exceeded 70. In particular, as a melee type, it was definitely encouraging that her magic power exceeded 70 points and that her special ability had blossomed. Her special ability is currently at D- rank, but it was a fairly useful ability even if it was raised to B rank or higher.

If you only look at their specialized abilities, you could never think of them as zero-year users. However, I was a little concerned about Yujeong’s decrease in luck and change in personality. It seemed like this was probably what happened when both of them became users of the magic sword Skurepp. True And Desire. Moderation cannot be seen as such a bad thing. If that’s the case, the problem is different, and we had no choice but to control our desires and hope for a synergy effect. So, I decided to wait and see for now. I next turned my attention to Ansol.

Ansol showed the slowest growth among the three. That’s not to say she didn’t try her hardest. Although she received a +1 correction due to the ring, her magical abilities were now on par with Hayeon’s. Even though her physical abilities were very low, she knew that wizards and her priests invested a lot of effort into raising her magical abilities by even one point, which was at 80.

As I was assessing the children’s abilities, I heard the sound of footsteps. It seemed like Vivien had come down. She came running up to the table in her huff, and slapped her ass down, running a hand through her wet hair.

“Sorry sorry. It’s a little late. “But what about breakfast?”

“I was waiting. I’ll bring it now. “If you serve it in advance, it gets cold.”


When Vivien liked it, Go Yeon-ju smiled and stood up. Watching her give me a quick glance and go to her kitchen, I calmly cleared her throat.


“Su-hyun. “Do you have anything to say?”

When I cleared my throat once, the eyes of my companions naturally focused on me. Hayeon, who is quick-witted, quickly made a mat for her. After lowering my head once, I looked at everyone and opened my mouth.

“I think it’s time to finish the maintenance.”

“… … .”

So far, everyone had the same expression on their faces. Originally, I was going to leave after two months and about halfway, but I thought it would be better to move it up a little. Since the processing of the expedition report and the creation of the clan have been delayed a bit, it would be better to come back, pick up the maintenance, and take action immediately after leaving Mule.

Looking at my companions waiting for me to speak, I spoke quietly.

“We have received information that the Golden Lion Clan has finally entered into full swing.”

At this declaration, each party member showed different expressions. Hayeon and Shin Sang-yong’s faces hardened, while the kids still looked relaxed. It seemed like they just knew that they were going on their next expedition. And Vivien… I was looking around the kitchen and quenching my appetite. I sighed and continued speaking again.

“Before that, let me tell you one piece of information. This time, a new secret class has appeared in the Golden Lion Clan. And, that user is someone I and the kids know very well.”

“brother. “Who are you?”

Anhyeon tilted his head and opened his mouth. I looked at Yujeong’s face for a moment and then spoke immediately.

“You said you were a known user. “Just think about who it is.”

“Eh. If we know users… . “I don’t know.”

“Me too. Brother. “Who are you?”

I was just about to answer the siblings’ question. While Ahn Hyun was scratching her head, her harsh voice flew into my ear.

“It’s Hanbyeol Kim.”

The person who answered was not Ahn Hyeon. I slowly turned my head towards where I heard the sound.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

yes. It’s the start of another new week, Monday. My heart is pounding, I’m already excited. When I woke up this morning, my tonsils felt a little swollen, but they’re much better now. I think my body is still in good shape. ha ha ha.

Although some people may be depressed or have a hard time at the start of a new Monday (I know that feeling all too well), I hope everyone will cheer up. And I would be very happy if you could relieve your depression even for a moment by reading my novel.

yes. As soon as this chapter is finished, I plan to go to . And I don’t plan on taking that long. (Of course, there are parts that need to be pointed out, but it takes 10 days to get there. I won’t describe all of those 10 days. Hahaha.) Kim Soo-hyun alone is enough of a fraud character. , Ko Yeon-ju has joined and the kids have improved overall, so it will be all smooth sailing.

Well then, please enjoy it comfortably today. 🙂

P.S. A lot of coupons came in today. We sincerely thank everyone who gave us coupons. (__) We will work harder. (☞☜)


1. MT Bear: Oh. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you at number one. Congratulations on first place. I will give you midnight healing. Treatment! (sigh.) Sorry. ha ha ha. I hope you enjoy this episode as well. 🙂

2. Ramude & Blamy: People who always leave comments. thank you (__) Ramude won first place last time, but I couldn’t give it to her because I had to leave at 12 o’clock. ㅜ.ㅠ Blamy, thank you for your always supportive comments!

3. Game Master: Yes. Since you already know the way and have a third eye, you will be able to find it easier than any other dungeon. And, Su-hyeon has a secret Ansol. haha.

4. EyeSeeYou: Oh. Now that I think about it, it seems like it’s been a long time since I’ve seen Ansol’s fans. Because of the high performance, the overall popularity of other female users has decreased. ㅜ.ㅠ

5. SanIkerJIN: Haha. If you have spare time, you can participate. I’m still writing it somehow. If there is a break, we will notify you in advance. 🙂

6. Broken fan: LOL. Go Yeon-ju laughed for a moment at the slap. lol. that’s right. Soo-hyeon is an adult, and Yeon-joo is a slap in the face. Thank you for always drawing fan art! I watch it two or three times a day. 🙂 I… Also, I’m sorry, but if you have some free time later, can I ask Hanbyul a favor? Hanbyeol is still the character I have the most affection for… . ☞☜

7. Demon Temple: Tteum, tsk. Sometimes, I see that Demon Temple is really sharp… . Hmm. Well, given the strength of my companions, I think we can overcome quite a few hardships. ha ha ha.

8. What’s fun? : ha ha ha. Thank you for your question. Would you hit me with my spear at that time? This is what happened in the first episode. It is safe to say that it has nothing to do with the second episode. And Ansol’s work… . yes. We will retrieve the rice cake soon. Maybe I’ll retrieve it when I get back to Mule. However, that’s because it’s a service-related piece of cake, not a serious piece of cake. Hmm. Thank you for the coupon. (__)

9. Kazimath: Ughhhhhhh. You are possessed by the same adulterous devil as me!

10. I want to play: Yes. It is true that you become stronger when you learn it, but since you have already developed all of your special and potential abilities, you cannot learn the abilities essential for summoning. So, you will not be able to fully utilize this power. The protagonist decided that rather than losing the power he originally had, it would be better to give it to a user who would become his family. 🙂

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode