Memorize Chapter 136

00136 Meaningful ending ———————————————- ————————–=

Even when lunch came, Yujeong did not show up. There was only the occasional pounding noise coming from the first floor. I wanted to know what kind of training was going on inside, but I had no choice but to hold back.

It was around lunchtime that Go Yeon-ju reappeared. It seemed like she intended to teach her Yu-Jeong while maintaining what she had been doing all this time. She just didn’t eat with her anymore. She smiled and opened her mouth at Ahn Hyeon’s invitation to eat.

“The little boy is starving too. So, I have no intention of eating either.”

I declared that I had entrusted Yujeong to Go Yeon-ju. It was said that the whole matter would be left to Ko Yeon-ju. My companions also seemed very curious, but they didn’t ask any questions because I told them to stay still and just wait. Go Yeon-ju responded to me with a refreshing smile and then went straight into the kitchen. And, in the end, even when evening came, Yujeong did not come out.

It was just as dusk was falling on that Lee Yu-jeong left Ko Yeon-ju’s room. Wang Wang heard a commotion downstairs and went down to see three people, An Hyun, An Sol, and Vivien, surrounding one person.

As we got closer, Ansol was holding a staff and chanting a healing spell. And below, she could see Yu-jeong’s figure lying on the floor.

Yujeong’s appearance was very miserable. It was strange that no blood was shed. The only visible places were full of colorful bruises, and the body and clothes were soaked and sticking to each other. It’s hard to get that wet through sweat, so I guess I poured water on it a few times. What that means is that he fainted while training.

The kids kept raising their voices in worry, saying things like, “I’m going to die like this,” and “This is too much.” But I dismissed all their comments by simply telling her to take me to my room after treatment. Because I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to experience something like this at least once. And at the same time, I was able to guess Go Yeon-ju’s intentions to some extent.

Her and my attitude towards teaching children were almost completely opposite. Even considering the hole plane, it was difficult to say that both were normal. Anyway, even though there was no need to do this, Ko Yeon-joo declared herself a villain. It seemed like he was not just going to provide technical guidance, but was going to completely overhaul the mind. I felt grateful to Go Yeon-ju, who did what I really needed, and I also felt sorry.

However, the user who surprised me even more was Lee Yu-jeong. When Ansol used the treatment at a violent level, the woman who had fainted was seen opening her eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, her first words were “I’m hungry.” It was. At those words, Anhyeon, dumbfounded, hurriedly went down to the first floor to get food, and Yujeong woke up with a grunt and walked towards the room with her swollen face.

I didn’t ask if it was okay, and Yujeong didn’t whine that it was hard. All that remains is an expression of fatigue and venom. Ansol seemed to feel sorry for her as she walked unsteadily and supported her from the side.

“Sister. “Are you feeling well?”

“Do you look okay with this?”

“No… .”

“under… . I might really die in the future. So you. I’m waiting anytime, anywhere. “And cast a healing spell so I don’t die.”

Yujeong lightly flicked Ansol’s forehead with her finger and made no further reply. And seeing her like that, I turned around. Readiness and awareness of death. It was an answer that exceeded expectations.

In this way, the pain of Go Yeon-ju joining the group came to an end, and the caravan began to move forward again. During this time, I also did not stay still. Since I couldn’t hold on to problems that weren’t resolved right now, I needed to pay more attention to other things.

For me, training was like everyday life. Unless I felt like I was going to lose my mind or something was unavoidable, I took the time to meditate at least once a day. Now, I could see that my physical abilities had already reached their limit. A level that is difficult to reach through training. It may not be completely impossible, but I had no idea how much time it would take to raise one point.

I worried every day about the remaining ability increase points or ability points. In particular, concerns about ability scores were still unclear. Do you keep your current skills stable by focusing on physical strength, or do you aim to reach a higher level by raising other abilities to 101?

You may be able to gain additional ability points like this in the future, but they will only add up to 3 or 4 points. So I had no choice but to be more careful. So, for now, since I don’t know when and in what situation I will need which abilities, I decided to save them for that time. Right now, my current abilities are more than enough.

If we turn to exploration, the path to was just a matter of ruminating. I read other records just in case, but finding them again was a long way off. No matter how many variables there were in the hole plane, it was unrealistic to excavate a place that had not been discovered for 10 years. So, I decided to put these issues aside. Time was passing by, and for now, alone was enough.

And I was able to finish the issue about equipment that I had been worrying about for a while. I used the Gearco user store to withdraw 1000 more gold. As a result, the current caravan holdings exceeded 2300 gold. However, since I had to save money for clan application, I couldn’t use it all.

However, it was necessary to use enough funds to show Ko Yeon-ju to some extent.

This time, I was determined and targeted Yujeong. Strictly speaking, Yujeong’s current armor is the poorest. As much as I have invested in Anhyeon so far, I was planning to invest heavily in Yujeong this time. I was planning on giving it a solid push once I went with the flow and grew. Moreover, since Yujeong is a melee class, he must have strong armor, but there is also the irony that his activity will not be limited due to the nature of his class.

Yujeong is a close-range dealer. As long as he was holding a dagger, getting close to monsters was inevitable, and as he was a mercenary, he needed to specialize in melee combat techniques.

First, I took off all the equipment Yujeong was wearing. And I bought a top first, and a light beige shirt to wear. This shirt was the most expensive, even including all the equipment I bought later or so far. I gave 520 gold coins per suit.

I got it from a novice user at Mule’s Square, and it seemed like I got it from a deceased member of the group I was traveling with. The caravan we were traveling with was completely destroyed, and it seemed like we were in the midst of looking for a new caravan. I checked the seller’s information and gave up thinking about recruiting. It was an ability that made it understandable why other caravans did not accept it. Since I didn’t have any money, I thought I was raising money by selling equipment, but the moment I saw it, I bought it. It was a shirt that cost over 500 gold, but was worth more.

There are many ways to increase the magic of armor, which can be broadly divided into two. There was a way to apply the potion directly and a way to use the magic effect. In the case of magic, it was more expensive because a permanent spell had to be cast, and it was also much more efficient. In that respect, the shirt I purchased this time had a magical effect on physical defense.

The ogre’s tendons were spun into thread using magic, and the clothes made from that thread were very tough. He also used magic and potions to increase his physical defense, so he was not cut down by most attacks. Moreover, the novice user explained that although it is weak, it has a magic defense effect across all classes. When I looked at those words with my third eye, it was clear that they were effective. However, the effect was only too weak.

Additionally, the function to help activate the user’s mana was a basic option, and it also had the effect of making the body a little lighter. In addition, once again, the elasticity was greatly increased by treatment with expensive potions. It could be said to be the perfect equipment for Yujeong who values ​​defense and activity.

In addition, it has an automatic restoration function as a finishing touch, so it could be said that it is too much equipment for a novice user. I spent almost a quarter of the gold coins I had, but since this level of equipment can only be obtained by paying at least 700 gold, I quickly bought it.

The other equipment was not as good as the shirt above, but it was still much better than any equipment I had ever worn. One pair of matching leather pants with a top (Physical Defense Potion + Elasticity Potion.) A pair of leather long boots. One leather jacket (Physical Defense Potion + Elasticity Potion.) One women’s belt to hang a dagger.

And I decided to change one of Yujeong’s weapons at the request of a high performance. Yujeong originally used a double dagger, but from now on, she decided to change one of them to a skurepp and the other to a curved dagger. The original one used had a similar shape to a katana, but the width of the blade was made narrower and the length was asked to be slightly longer. It was a curved sword of such an awkward length that it was ambiguous to call it a long sword, and it could not even be called a short sword.

It seemed like I was trying to teach a full-fledged dual sword style, so I custom-made a new one without saying anything. Additionally, I requested magic treatment to increase cutting power. This equipment originally had to cost more than 300 gold, but I was able to negotiate for 207 gold by giving the ring mail and two daggers I already had.

I spent close to 1000 gold coins on one person, but it wasn’t a waste of anything. There was still room to withdraw more, and was also expected to make a profit soon. And even if you only advance to a regular city or a major city after leaving Mule, you will have more than 1,000 gold if you clear the remaining dungeons.

Even on the day when all the equipment was purchased, Yujeong finished training late at night. After getting a treatment spell for Sol, I caught her walking away and brought her to my room. As she took out the equipment she had purchased and put them on, she could clearly see that she looked different from before.

Her light red hair and the slightly tight but tight-fitting equipment went well with it. She looked like a middle-aged user with wings on her clothes. Yujeong, who was looking in the mirror with her two daggers hanging on her belt, eventually looked back at me with her sad face.

The moment I saw her expression, I tilted my head for a moment. Her attitude was completely different from when she was so excited when I bought her equipment before. As I stared at her quietly, wondering what was going on, her Yu-jeong opened her mouth in a cautious voice.

“… brother.”


“Can you give me a hug just once?”

“… Come on.”

Many thoughts crossed my mind for a moment, but I hugged her without saying a word. Yujeong, who was in my arms, pressed her face to me with a slightly relieved face, but then she fell out of my arms on her own. There seemed to be a lot of regret left on his face, but he seemed to be holding it in forcibly. Yujeong immediately said, “Oppa. Thanks for the equipment. “I will work really hard.” He said one word and left the room.

I found out later that Go Yeon-ju seemed to have told her that I was mainly purchasing Yu-jeong’s equipment. And I think he said that the reason I’m investing now is to give you one last chance, and that if you don’t perform better than expected in the next expedition, you might be abandoned in the future.

I have no intention of throwing it away if I try, but I didn’t give any explanation. The reality of Holplane was that users with poor skills were eliminated, and after that day, I heard that Yujeong was accelerating his training even more.

Even after Ahn Hyun saw me purchasing Yoo Jeong’s items, he didn’t say anything more. Although the guy also lacked armor a bit, he was planning to put the armor on hold for the time being as he was learning the martial arts skills of a Qigong spearman. And the Reduction Of Glove alone will be almost equivalent to the investment made on Yujeong so far.

When I was in the ruined laboratory, the thing I didn’t receive the most compensation for was oil wells, but this gave me some peace of mind.

Other than that, I occasionally asked Vivian about Shin Sang-yong’s current status. But each time, Vivien withheld her answer. It meant that the person was nice, but we still had to wait and see. Perhaps the contract written the other day seemed to have taken effect. As if she recognized the value I had for rare classes, she showed a more cautious attitude than ever.

The children’s skills were growing day by day, and I could see the group members also becoming more stable day by day. Ahn Hyeon went back to the beginning and practiced quietly. It seemed like he understood my warning right away. Ansol was no longer dragged along.

Shin Sang-yong and Hayeon were both doing well. In particular, Hayeon went to the extent of telling me to rest a little, but she silenced me by saying that if I rest, she will rest as well.

Unlike when I first led them one by one, I felt happy watching the caravan slowly settle into place. Gradually, the clan I was pursuing was being created. After exploring this time, if Ko Yeon-joo’s recruitment becomes certain, the first button will be completely sewn. I slowly got into bed, hoping that she would join our clan.

Before I knew it, the day was getting brighter and it seemed like morning was coming. Still, I gently closed my eyes, thinking that I could sleep for an hour.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

yes. Now it’s slowly approaching time to leave Mule again. I’ll probably go to when this chapter is over. haha. Today is Sunday. It’s time to end the week. Some people may be depressed because tomorrow is Monday, but I hope everyone has great strength. 🙂

P.S. I tried speeding up the development a little, but is this speed okay?


1. Refill: Congratulations on first place. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Please enjoy this episode as well. 🙂

2. Fighting Aby Hunter T: Haha. I will always eagerly await the next comment from Fighting Avi Hunter T. I hope the work ends well. (__)

3. Fritez: Yes. I’m going to tear my brain out and fix it. It was a necessary task for Yujeong. 🙂

4. masdf: Yes. Thank you. Hi-Hi. 🙂

5. In the name of legend: Haha. This is a phenomenon that occurred because the rivalry became overheated. As long as Soohyun is around, there won’t be any backstabbing.

6. Juary: Haha. As a user of the hole plane, it is true that I do not have the concept yet. They have been here for less than a year, so please be patient. If we spend a little more time together, our minds will mature.

7. Broken fan: Ha, Hanbyul is a good child too. I will do my best to create a good image for Hanbyul so that you can change when Hanbyul comes out later. . Cluck cluck.

8. Nice body: Haha. I tried raising it a little bit. How do you feel? I thought it was time to slowly increase it. Thank you for the coupon.(__)

9. Goksd: That is correct. Now that we’ve sorted out the assortment to some extent, all that’s left is to move forward again. 🙂

10. Tray beads: Ukeukkkkk. . I burst out laughing when I saw it. Hanbyul will be very happy too. lol.

11. hohokoya1: Haha. thank you Is the Mercenary King rare or secret? I’ll leave it to the readers’ imagination. It’s a long way off for Yu-jeong to become a mercenary king. Ha ha ha ha ha.

12. Toranoanal: Ah. I always keep this in mind, but I seem to forget about it. Since I’ve been using it unconsciously since I was young, it’s not easy to fix. ㅜ.ㅠ

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode