Memorize Chapter 135

00135 Meaningful ending ———————————————- ————————–=

“Hmph. Hehehehe. Hehehe. Hehehehe.”

The next morning. The group was sitting at the table waiting for breakfast. Normally, everyone would be chatting about various things, but today everyone was silent. And they were all looking at Ko Yeonju with strange eyes.

However, regardless of those gazes, Go Yeon-ju continued to carry the food diligently.

“Hehehe. Hehehe. Hehehehe. Hehehe.”

Go Yeon-ju was humming with a smile on her face. I somehow felt like I knew the reason, so I looked away and pretended not to know anything.

“The meal is here~.”

Go Yeon-ju spoke in a softer voice than usual and began putting food on the table. She brought out her delicious dishes one after another, and soon her companions exclaimed when they saw the food all set on her table. That’s why the food Go Yeon-ju served today was completely different from usual.

Originally, the breakfast we ate was an A-course meal. Course A was a course with a simple menu including bread, soup, and stew. I made sure to order Course A every morning. This is because if you are too full, it may interfere with morning activities that signal the start of the day.

But today the food was much richer and more sumptuous. In fact, the food served now felt even better than the C course. Eventually, when the steak was served with hot steam rising, Shin Sang-yong spoke to Ko Yeon-ju with an awkward smile.

“High user performance. “You seem to be in a good mood today.”

“oh. is it so? Hehehe. Hehehehe.”

“It’s amazing that you made this by yourself. Thanks to you, I feel like I ate a really big meal this morning. haha.”

“Ho Ho. It doesn’t come every day. Especially male users, take this opportunity to drink a lot. I also added a lot of things that are good for stamina. “If I eat a lot, I’ll probably be able to make more progress next time, right?”

“Hum hum. Such embarrassing words… . By the way, is it Jindo? What is that… .”


Shin Sang-yong scratched his head with a shocked expression on Go Yeon-ju’s kind words. When I cleared my throat, she narrowed her eyes and sat down in her chair. Suddenly, the kiss she shared last night came to her mind. The first thing I remember is the feel of her warm, soft lips. I touched my lips once and then lifted the spoon. (As an aside, I couldn’t fix the fact that I started eating first and my companions picked up their spoons after me.)

Just as I was about to take a spoonful of soup, the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs flowed over the railing.

Bruises… . Bruises… . Bruises… . Bruises… .

The moment I heard Yujeong’s steps, I smiled slightly. If you listen closely, there is a tempo break between each step, and you don’t step on the ground as quickly as you used to. There was room to spare. Even though I gave him time to think, he seemed to catch Skurepp right after I left.

Everyone’s eyes turned to the stairs, as if they had also heard footsteps. And as expected, the user coming down the stairs was Lee Yu-jeong.

Yujeong, who appeared last, had a drowsy face. Her always sharp eyes softened a little, and her hair seemed to have a light red tint. I secretly smiled while looking at Yujeong like that. It felt like I made a bold decision because I couldn’t just sit still like this. When I slowly turned my attention to her performance, she also had an expression of surprise and a different look in her eyes.

Eventually, Yujeong came to the table where we were, looked around at everyone, and then quietly sat down at the empty seat. Her companions also seemed to have sensed her slightly changed mood and were all looking at Yujeong with unfamiliar faces. If the previous Yu-jeong was like a tomboy and a good-looking woman, the current Yu-jeong had a strong feeling that she was a woman with a hazy and subtle lust.

After a while, Ansol, who was carefully observing her, opened his mouth in a stuttering voice.

“Uh, sister. Good morning.”

“Oh yeah. “Did you sleep well too?”

“yes… .”

Yujeong responded in a calm voice. It is rare for a person’s personality to change drastically after capturing the original magic sword. Saying it was rare meant that it did happen in some cases. And Yujeong was showing signs of becoming the same. Could it be that Skurepp really accepted Lee Yu-jeong as his current user? ?

Ansol tilted his head with a strange expression on her face. If she was a female user, she would normally act like that, but she couldn’t understand it when the Yu-jeong she had seen all this time behaved like that. And it was the same for Ahn Hyun. The guy stared at Yu-jeong with a blank face for a while, then started arguing in a forced voice.

“Huh. How did you come out on time like this? It’s not like I’m a kid, but I’m stuck. okay. I feel relieved now… .”


“Uh, huh? why. what.”

Yu-jeong, who cut off An-hyeon’s conversation midway, glared at him. Anhyeon also flinched for a moment under Yujeong’s gaze. It definitely seems like something is different from usual, but I can’t pinpoint exactly what’s different. However, one thing is certain: In the past, Yu-jeong, who would have immediately started swearing, has become more careful about what she says. That fact alone made everyone in the group feel awkward.

Finally, Yujeong slowly opened her mouth.

“Why don’t you just shut up and eat something? “Don’t make people feel bad in the morning.”


“brother. “Did you hear the spoon?”

Anhyeon asked back in a puzzled voice, but Yujeong ignored him and turned her head towards me. I smiled bitterly at her reaction and lowered my head.

“hmm. “Do you want to finish your meal?”

“huh. and. It’s a feast today. It sounds delicious. “You enjoy it too, oppa.”

“Okay, okay. Now, let’s all eat.”

After declaring while looking at the kids who still had blank faces, I cut a piece of steak and put it in my mouth. I felt satisfied as I felt the chewy meat filling my mouth. The two probably talked a lot last night.

I really couldn’t believe it. Even though I was there, I was still a demon by nature, so there was no need to worry about whether sentient beings would turn into something more strange. However, as if they were laughing at my worries, the two seemed to be a much better match than I thought. Of course, we will have to wait and see what direction it will change in the future, but it wasn’t a bad start.

“brother. “Try this.”

I smiled in satisfaction as I watched Yujeong place beautifully cut meat on my plate.


“lol. I’m full. happy.”

“I think I ate too much this morning. “Master.”

“It’s okay~ It’s okay~.”

Vivien patted her slightly protruding belly and smiled happily. ah. I want to harass you, no. Anyway (?!) Shin Sang-yong was next to her, laughing and taking a sip of her tea.

There were a total of four users sitting at the table, including me. After breakfast, everyone in the group acted according to the orders I gave, but today there were some who were a little hesitant.

The user I liked the most was definitely Hayeon. After breakfast, Hayeon dragged Ansol up the stairs like always. She must have felt a difference in Yu-jeong, too, but she seemed to think it was a positive change. So she went up with Ansol without any other questions. It could be said that she made a decision like Ha-yeon’s, putting reason first.

And when Go Yeon-ju and his companions all finished eating, he began to clean up the dishes as if it were natural. As she entered her kitchen carrying some of her utensils, Yu-jeong, who was deep in thought, followed her into her kitchen carrying the utensils she had eaten with. All the users were shocked and looked at Yujeong, but I just had a calm face.

After that, Yoo-jeong didn’t come out of the kitchen, and I didn’t know what happened. (Of course, I could have seen it if I wanted to, but I didn’t want to.)

However, I was able to see Yujeong’s face once as she entered the kitchen, and there was a light red color in her eyes. It was a faster process than expected. A little time passed, and Go Yeon-ju came back to pick up the remaining dishes. Go Yeon-ju, who left the kitchen, had a smile that was noticeably brighter than before.

Some of my companions tried to catch Go Yeonju out of curiosity, but I raised my hand each time to silence them. Now that it was like this, I was planning to let Goyeonju show off to his heart’s content.

“cadet… . I don’t know what happened. brother. Lee Yu-jeong, why are you acting like that all of a sudden?”

Anhyun, who had been tilting her head for a while, soon scratched her head and grumbled. Vivien, who was looking at this, gave a long yawn and responded.

“Hmm. Yum Yum. it’s good. What do you think? It looks like things have changed for the better. “Isn’t good something good?”

“Yes, but… . cadet. You don’t know. I’ve been watching him since the beginning, what can I say? Today was the first time I felt like Lee Yu-jeong was a woman. It’s so awkward I feel like I’m dying. “Ugh.”

sniffling. I took a sip of tea and looked at them. Now it was necessary to quickly organize the place. I didn’t know when Yujeong would come out, but I couldn’t sit around and wait for a thousand years.

“Ahn Hyeon. “I don’t think I have time to do this now.”

I looked at Anhyeon and spoke in a relaxed voice. He suddenly raised his head at the sound of my voice, swallowed his saliva, and asked a question.

“Your brother? “Why don’t you have time?”

“You know why Yu-jeong followed Go Yeon-ju in, right?”

“That’s what… . It’s probably because of what my brother asked me to do last time. They say they do that a long time ago. It just ruins the atmosphere for no reason and makes you say things that are regrettable. “Tsk, tsk.”

Anhyeon was shaking his head as he spoke, but underneath his tone of voice, he had a strong sense of pride in being a Qigong lancer. He said that it is good to be proud, but if you go too far, it becomes arrogance, and arrogance brings about the fatal mind of carelessness. It seemed like Anhyun needed to wake him up a little.

“Hehe. Anyway, the important thing is that Yoo-jeong was venomous enough to act like that. Ko Yeon-ju is a skilled user recognized by others. Also, I gave Yujeong a powerful weapon last night. You work hard too. “If you take your time like this, you will soon catch up.”

Ahn Hyun had a sour face at first, but as the conversation went on, his expression changed to become more serious. She looked at me with a very aggrieved expression, especially when she heard the words “powerful weapon.”

“brother. It’s too much. “Why do you only favor Yujeong?”

“… what? This guy really. “It’s said that you can eat spear and rare classes.”

“ah. Come to think of it, I overdid it a bit. But since my brother said that, I suddenly feel anxious. “He felt like he was still trying, but we need to increase it.”

“It’s not bad. Adequate rest is necessary, but since it is still year 0, no amount of training is enough. “There’s also a good guidebook called Records.”

“Ouch. I saw the interpretation yesterday. It just worked out well. Vivien?”


Anhyeon called Vivien, and she immediately started crying. She was probably feeling full right now, but being disturbed made her feel grumpy. Anhyun looked back at me, and I cast my gaze at Vivien. Vivian pouted his mouth at my bored gaze and stood up helplessly. And when she stood up, she could be seen standing up according to her identity.

I gathered everyone’s tea cups and opened my mouth.

“Just leave the teacup alone. I’ll bring it to the kitchen. There will be a meeting soon to discuss new goals. Even though it’s a maintenance period, I hope everyone doesn’t relax too much. So, I hope you have a rewarding day today.”

“Your brother.”

“Yes, leader. I will do my best.”

Ahn Hyun and Shin Sang-yong answered coolly, but Vivien just nodded with a sullen expression. It seemed like he thought I was talking about him. Anyway, after sending my companions off, I picked up the teacup and went into the kitchen.

“hmm. Still, it has a good assortment.”

After entering the kitchen, I looked around and muttered to myself. Now that I think about it, it felt like it was my first time entering Go Yeon-ju’s kitchen. Dishes were piled up and not even washed yet. I was just about to place the teacup, thinking that if I just put these on top of the dishes, they would be cleaned up automatically.



There was a door in the kitchen. As far as I know, Go Yeon-ju was living in that room. And now, there was a loud crashing sound inside the door. I could intuitively feel that Yujeong and Go Yeonju had already started training.

“I’m not going to get up right away. Do I look like Kim Soo-hyun? “Get up in one second.”

“Off… . Haaaaaaa!”

“I told you not to swing around like that.”

puck! bang!

“Cough! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

“… … .”

Go Yeon-joo’s voice and Lee Yu-jeong’s screams of pain were heard at the same time. And then the sound of vomiting followed. The sound of someone hitting and being hit was already a bonus. Although he said he would teach, I felt a little embarrassed because I had no idea he would teach like this.

Let’s start by defeating it. I was in awe of such an ignorant method. Still, it suddenly occurred to me that Ko Yeon-ju was also teaching with his own passion. Also, it was funny that I was telling him to do this and that even though he was clearly a user of . I had a lot of worries for a moment, but in the end, I decided to keep my original intention.

I stared at the door from which the sound came from for a moment, then quietly put down the teacup and left the kitchen.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Are you all having a nice weekend? I was so sleepy while writing today that I lay down for a bit. It was probably 10:41 or so. And fortunately, I was able to wake up at 11:01. I almost forgot and fell asleep, but I somehow managed to wake up. ha ha ha.

I always feel this way, but it would be nice to have three bodies, or even two. Then I would have more freedom. 🙂


1. Hmm;; : oh. Congratulations on first place. This is my first time knowing that <;;> can be included in a nickname. ha ha ha.

2. obscura: My high performance is also getting better. Originally it was Hanbyeol. 🙂

3. Arrival: I’ve been there!

4. Haneru: I laughed so hard after watching it. If you really think about it, is that true? Oh, I really feel sorry for Soo-hyun. What should I do if the woman refuses to kiss me because she is tired and dirty? lol.

5. Broken Fan: Thank you for today’s Seraph update. I, too, could feel how much care was taken just by looking at the pictures. I always appreciate fan art. thank you! 🙂

6. Dawn Blade: Yes. Hanbyul is the best.

7. Heavenly Blood Shincheon Mujon: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Hahahahaha. Hahahahahahahahahahaha.

8. Infernius: Suhyeon is not a eunuch. lol. I verified it last time, but why are the rumors of eunuch spreading again? lol

9. Trickstar: Oh. I think that would be fun too. Hanbyeol’s treatment will probably be up to the readers.(?!)

10. zjekfksqlc: Haha. Please wait a moment. I also want to meet Hanbyeol quickly. I miss you, Hanbyeol. ㅜ.ㅠ

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode