Memorize Chapter 131

00131 Become more mature ——————————————— —————————=

“brother Brother. At that inn before… . Oh, where was it? Oh right. Mule’s Inn. When I was still a user for 0 years. “My brother gave me a dagger.”

“ah. “When did you do it all by yourself?”

“Ugh… . Don’t be so specific. It’s so embarrassing. Anyway, I think I’ve probably changed since then.”

“okay? “What has changed?”

“I didn’t know either… Who would have thought it would turn out like this? What a bloody crazy bitch… Ah yes. “Wait a minute, let me say more, ugh.”

“Ohh. The sound is very soothing today. I can’t believe the infamous Lord of Mercenary of the Northern Continent let out such a shameful groan. “Male mercenaries who consider you synonymous with fear will faint when they see you.”

“Aiing. Hey, don’t say things like that. I don’t just do this to my brother, I think I do this to other people too… ? Phew. Touching it like this… Wow, just my brother… Hmm, I’m yours… “Huh!”


“Oh, brother! really… . “Why are you acting like this today?”

“I like it.”

“Joe, that’s good. Wow! Now, wait a minute!”


Whether it’s a small caravan or a large clan, everyone is cautious when accepting new members. This tendency was especially strong in the hole plane where life was at stake. Considering those aspects, Ko Yeon-joo’s recruitment could be seen as the best choice, even though it was labeled as temporary.

She was accomplishing twice as much on her own, even though no one asked her to. She basically created a place for her children to practice and was responsible for the meals of her group. That wasn’t all. By the time I woke up in the morning, fragrant tea was always steaming hot on my work table. And looking at the neatly organized documents, the current operation of the hole plane was written in sharp and sophisticated writing.

In short, Go Yeon-ju made me feel like I was really running the clan.

However, these favors from her were not all good. Since we confirmed each other’s intentions a little that night, it was safe to say that Go Yeon-ju was appealing herself to me. In that case, I also needed to respond accordingly.

Simply saying, “I’m working hard” doesn’t work for her. If you work hard and get no results, there will be nothing so miserable. In that case, there was an obligation to work hard and at the same time show results commensurate with it. And the first step toward that achievement was to be .

Still, I found myself reading the records a little more. In addition to the , I began to keep in mind explorations that might not have been discovered in the first round. Of course, the probability has now changed from picking a star in the sky to picking an asteroid in the sky, but there may be cases where you don’t know.

Aside from the external achievements, what was more important was the internal circumstances of the clan. What is the financial situation like, what is the relationship between the party members, and what is everyone doing? Judging from his actions, it seems that Go Yeon-ju was also in a certain clan for a while, but since he is now inside, he will judge based on everything he sees.

Hyeon Ahn was truly following the standard of the elite course. He compensated for his slightly lower magical abilities during his time as a regular class player by becoming a Qigong Spearman. He was worried that he might be distracted by Go Yeon-joo, but still, he was happy to see him disciplined himself and practicing hard during practice.

Ansol and Hayeon were also keeping up their daily routine. Hayeon, even though I didn’t have anything to touch on, it was very surprising that Ansol followed Hayeon’s schedule (of course, he groaned every time he saw me.) As each class is different, it is difficult to expect a variety of divine spells. It was difficult, but if we could just improve horsepower management, that alone would be a great achievement. Since he is a user with very good abilities, just using Bind, Heal, and Protection will be of great help.

Vivien and Shin Sang-yong also showed their hard work. In particular, Vivien also began to lead a busy daily life of her own after recruiting Ko Yeon-joo. He deciphered Ahn Hyeon’s records, taught Shin Sang-yong, and at the same time significantly increased his personal training time. Perhaps, upon seeing Go Yeon-ju, the spirit of victory arose within him.

Shin Sang-yong was also working harder than anyone else behind the scenes. To begin with, he didn’t like to step forward because he liked to be quiet, but when something came up that he didn’t want to do, he raised his hand before anyone else. These users could be said to be the clan’s hidden power. That’s why I always smiled gently when I met him.

It seemed like everything was going well, but if you look a little deeper, there weren’t any problems. And the biggest problem among them was the oil well. In fact, even though the group maintained a good flow, there were times when there was an awkward atmosphere. And the main character of that atmosphere was Yujeong.

Yujeong, who always showed a bright rhythm, was looking more depressed these days. When he was talking, he seemed to interrupt like a licorice, but he often stayed quiet and went up alone. For now, I listened to what the other group members said and left it alone, but I couldn’t help but feel frustrated every time I saw it.

If it had been me during the first round, I would have immediately thrown it away, and if it had been me during the rite of passage, I would have cursed it for being an asshole. It’s not that I still don’t have those feelings, but at the same time, I feel a little more sad. It wasn’t what you call affection. During our time together, I knew that Yoo-jeong followed me well and thought of me a lot. But more than that, it was because I was able to sympathize with what Yu-jeong was currently feeling inside.

From the very beginning, when Ahn Hyeon got the rare class, there were signs of it. However, as it was aimed at being a gathering of the top 1% of users, the users who continued to accept it were all very capable. Ahn Hyun, who was thought of as a rival, went one step further and inherited the class. In other words, Yu-jeong was currently struggling due to a kind of lack of entitlement and mannerism.

Can I really do it? Even if I do, will I be able to keep up?

Strictly speaking, it could be said that Yujeong’s activity after the exploration was almost insignificant compared to other users. But it was natural to do so. Of course, I admit that I wanted to develop Ahn Hyeon’s skills because they were better, and that I gave him more opportunities. But Yujeong is different from Anhyeon. Due to the nature of his class and weapon, the moment he entered combat, he was almost risking his life to fight.

The act of trying to save Yu-jeong came back as a poisonous boomerang. Then, there were two ways for her to overcome her current situation. One is to get the same rare class. The other thing is to accept the current situation and move forward further. In other words, it was a way to realize it on your own. The former was realistically difficult, and Ko Yeon-joo advised him to wait until he accepted it himself.

In Go Yeon-ju’s opinion, Yoo-jeong’s behavior may be quite funny. Although she obtained the Secret Class herself and her abilities are good, she must have put in the effort to cut her blood and flesh to reach . The reason why the late Yeonju spoke so coldly was because, in her view, all the efforts Yujeong had made so far were nothing more than child’s play.

But my perspective is very different from hers. Yujeong looks strong and rough on the outside, but inside she is a very soft woman. And no matter how right she was, she couldn’t see that it applied equally to everyone.

The users below have feelings that only they feel. Yoo-jeong was facing the same problems I had been worrying about in the first episode. Originally, the harder it was, the harder it was to do it, but the human mind wasn’t that simple. Therefore, I thought my judgment would be more correct now.

I closed my eyes and recalled the words she said one by one.

I sighed and touched my forehead. Although there was no conflict, I decided to embrace Yujeong one more time.

However, this time I was planning to draw a clear line.


Late at night. I couldn’t go to bed early today either. It was because I had a lot to think about as I was thinking about the kids’ equipment. Last time, I forgot to bring extra gold coins, but I thought I needed more money to buy better equipment. There is still room for GP, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to spend some extra money and look at equipment.

I tapped the table while taking a sip of warm tea. Suddenly, I remember what she said as she left the car.

“ha? “I was just joking, but did you really think that?”

“no… . That’s not it. haha.”

“Oh my, it’s amazing. User Kim Soo-hyun? From tomorrow onwards, don’t even dream of drinking the tea I’m giving you. “It’s really weird.”

I took the tea that Go Yeon-ju brought me and activated my third eye. Rather than saying I did it intentionally, it was a habit I did often during the first round. Go Yeon-ju looked at me holding the teacup and looking around and laughed, wondering if I might have been poisoned. But when I was startled by those words, she immediately narrowed her eyes and glared at me strongly.

After threatening me like that, she left, slamming the door behind her. Anyway, tomorrow morning there will be a cup of hot tea and a report on the table again. I chuckled at her protest and took another sip of tea. It felt refreshing and felt like it had herbs that are good for recovering from fatigue.

As I was slowly looking at the equipment the kids had, I heard someone knocking on the door. When she opened her mouth to come in, Ahn Hyun, drenched in sweat, opened the door and barged in.

“brother. This is Ahn Hyeon. “I’m going in.”

“I don’t think I have anything to say even though I’ve already come in. Anyway, come and sit down.”

I smiled bitterly and pointed to a chair. Ahn Hyun approached with great strides, placed his spear neatly on one side, and sat down with his butt on the chair. Even though there was a bit of a distance, it felt like I was practicing hard as I felt the intense heat overwhelm me.

As expected, the reason for his visit was a question. After I began the process of learning the records in earnest, the number of visits to me increased significantly. I was planning on just organizing the equipment list and heading down right away, but I decided to just help Anhyun for now. I was willing to work hard and try my best to do anything.

After listening in detail to Ahn Hyun’s concerns, I began to calmly explain.

“Qigong lancers have their own unique movements. It’s hard to see it as just an attack. Rather, if you look at the overall flow… hmm. It can be said that it is a method of using defense and checks at the same time to turn and cut down the opponent, and finally counter. Therefore, a Qigong lancer is a class that focuses on defensive skills.”

“I think what you said is right. When I read the record, it was completely different from what I thought. “I thought it was a class that attacks fiercely because it’s called Qigong, but I don’t know why there are so many defense explanations.”

Looking at Ahn Hyun grumbling, I smiled and continued speaking.

“The essence of the class is to dramatically increase the efficiency of Qigong, that is, the use of magical power in the body, and sublimate it into martial arts. In particular, learning defensive skills using a spear can never be considered a bad thing. Spear techniques that look for gaps like this will definitely create opportunities. And if you can seize that opportunity, it creates a flow that allows you to win even if the user is one or two levels stronger than you. If the compatibility is good, you can aim for more than that. And it’s not like there’s no one shot at all, right?”

“Hmm. brother… . I’m sorry. I still can’t quite figure it out. “Can you explain it in a little more detail?”

Why not? After receiving Ahn Hyeon’s request, I lowered my head and took a moment to organize my thoughts. After finishing off the last sip of tea, I began a more detailed explanation.

“According to the contents of that record, Qigong Spearmanship is a very logical combat technique. So there are a lot of things you need to catch before going into battle. First, by searching, you can find out how far away the other user is, what class they have, what abilities they are specialized in while exchanging attacks, what weapons they have and how they will use them, etc. Not only that, but you have to always use optimal martial arts skills by judging the situation at a moment’s notice, so you have to have a very good sense of vision. No one knows when and what situation will come. However, it is up to you to assemble something and come up with an answer according to the situation.”

“Uuuuuu. It’s hard.”

“ha ha ha. “Then you thought rare classes would be easy?”

Anhyeon grabbed his head and screamed at my explanation. When I smiled slightly, he sighed and picked up the record and the spear. The drooping of his shoulders didn’t work as expected and he seemed to be in quite a bit of trouble. Ahn Hyeon probably imagined a rosy future when he first obtained a rare class, but the reality was anything but rosy.

The reason why I did not choose the magic talent type secret class even though I had mid to late 90s abilities was similar to the above. I had already reached the level of success as a swordsman, a , and was able to bring back that experience intact. In other words, it was a path I had already traveled once, and I chose to deepen that path even further. This was because I thought this was better than pioneering new territory with a clumsy idea.

In any case, it was still a long way before Ahn Hyun could completely control the power of a Qigong lancer. Just as he bowed with a helpless expression and was about to turn away, Ahn Hyun turned around again with a blank expression on his face.

“Oh right… . brother. “I have something to tell you.”

“huh? What.”

When I immediately asked a question, Ahn Hyeon looked worried for a moment, but then his face hardened and he immediately opened his mouth.

“It’s Lee Yoo-jeong.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

haha. A lot happened today. To conclude, I will never stop serializing just because I got caught. Not only that, it will not have any effect on the content (even if it means going back to being a eunuch or being a eunuch).

Although it may be a little uncomfortable, I have no intention of deleting the content that has been released so far, and I plan to write the content that will be released in the future as planned. In the first place, Memorize was created with those H aspects in mind. (Of course, I’m not talking about rampant H.)

I will continue to write faithfully according to my convictions. I love my work and am grateful to the readers who support my work. Today’s readers’ comments and ’s illustrations gave me the momentum to move forward again. Mental recovery is 100%. Alright!

P.S. If you come to my yard, is frequently uploading fan art of Memorise characters. I would appreciate it if you could come by at least once and leave a comment. 🙂

PS2. Today’s conversation.

“Looking at the comments, it seems like Go Yoo-jin is very popular. Was it Vivien again?”

“(Thinking it was Eugene, the eunuch.) Oh, yes. “It must be a high performance.”

“okay. Go Yeonju is right. “People say I have great charm.”

“I originally thought about setting him up for murder.”

“Don’t kill me.”

“… … .”


1. audwodi12: Nice to meet you. nice to meet you Congratulations on first place! 🙂

2. hohokoya1: Haha. no. When I thought about it, it wasn’t something to be embarrassed about. I decided to go out with confidence. Thank you for your valuable advice. 🙂

3. Shining Kuma: I see. This is your first time commenting! Thank you for your hard work driving for two days. Please leave comments often in the future!

4. Techno: NO. NO. NO. That will never happen. Never, never, never. I declared myself a complete defector.

5. Dongpa: That’s right. I don’t know when the kids will grow up.(?!)

6. Like Yuun: Long time no see! It’s really nice to see the original commenter(?). lol. Please don’t hate Hanbyul too much. This kid is going through a hard time right now.

7. Broken fan: Hahaha. sorry. I was definitely going to close my eyes for just a moment and wake up, but when I opened my eyes, it was 4 in the morning… . yes There will never be any restrictions on expression. I decided to leave with the original settings. Confidently. 🙂 I always appreciate fan art. Whenever I have time, I watch bugs. ah. This time, I also showed the fan art to my father. lol.

8. rhkdel2: Your mother says she is considering it. I’m in big trouble now… . 🙂

9. Heeyama Mom: Thank you! I will take good care of my body. My mentality has returned to normal! ha ha ha. Heeya Mom, please be careful of catching a cold during the change of seasons. 😀

10. sdaas: Hahahahaha. Hahahahaha. 22:49 minutes. I checked it secretly while I was sleeping. LOL.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode