Memorize Chapter 13

00013 Split in half. ————————————————– ———————-=

Ahn Hyeon seemed very conflicted about Park Dong-geol’s suggestion. Perhaps, if someone other than Park Dong-geol had formed the team, I wouldn’t have worried this much. Ahn Hyeon intuitively did not trust Park Dong-geol. No matter how much he spoke, he smelled something dark and indescribable.

In any case, Park Dong-geol has the cause. No matter what he said, he ended up embracing two of the Three Musketeers (Ahn Sol, Lee Shin-woo, and Lee Bo-rim).

Anhyeon’s anxiety had already grown. Although he cannot abandon his younger brother, the consequences of his younger brother’s actions have already been answered through the incident in the vacant lot. To make matters worse, Ahn Hyeon’s choice was gone. Park Dong-geol left room for her, so it was a difficult situation where she couldn’t do either this or that.

If things go a little more in Park Dong-geol’s favor here, there is a strong possibility that An Hyun, An Sol, and Yu-jeong Lee will be left behind. And Park Dong-geol didn’t know that he was digging his own grave. My perspective and that of everyone else here are very different. I judged people who could survive by looking at their tendencies and abilities. But Park Dong-geol neither had that ability nor wanted it.

In the first place, Park Dong-geol and I had different standards for the team we wanted. I wanted teammates who would help me after entering Hall Plain, and Park Dong-geol wants a team where he can control things to his liking.

In other words, this situation was probably good news for me.

Anyway, which side is more powerful depends on the choice of Kim Han-byeol and me. Since I wasn’t there, people’s attention was naturally focused on Kim Han-byul. While she was thinking calmly, she looked around for a moment and stood up. But she still seemed undecided as she bit her lip slightly.

“I think we should also bring the person who is watching the lookout.”

Eventually, after thinking about it for a while, the words that came out were not a choice. The people who had been waiting for Kim Han-byeol’s choice with tense faces let out a deep breath that they had been holding.

Park Dong-geol said as if he were something, “Ah. “That’s right,” he said, then said in a tone of approval.

“what… . Bring it. On the way there, give him a brief talk and ask him to make a choice. We don’t have a lot of time, so you can stop wearing shorts when you come. ah. wait for a sec.”

Park Dong-geol’s words caught the feet of Kim Han-byeol, who was just turning around. He continued his words with the most impressive smile he could muster.

“You or him could be of help. So please speak nicely to each other as you come. I won’t make you feel bad. Well anyway… .”

While he was talking, he glanced at Anhyeon and intentionally blurted out his words.

“Anyway, you two are welcome. “I hope you make a good choice.”

Park Dong-geol’s acting was at its peak and reaching its peak. Lee Shin-woo, already feeling confident in Park Dong-geol, sent a small fighting signal to Kim Han-byeol. First of all, Park Dong-geol was already the winner of this game. Even though he doesn’t want to admit it, he has already achieved his goal.

It may have started out wrong, but it seems that age was not an asshole. Lee Shin-woo and Lee Bo-rim did not know that they could be played as bait or s*emen receivers. Or, even though he knew it, did he give in to the value of his life?

I slowly closed my eyes as I saw Kim Han-byul approaching. His head hurt, but at the same time he felt refreshed. I could have interfered with Park Dong-geol if I wanted to, but there was no point in deliberately leaving. Above all, this version may be a win-win for me and him, even if it wasn’t intended.

Park Dong-geol eliminated Ahn Hyeon and Yu-jeong Lee, who were intrusive in taking the lead, and I was able to secure three of the four people I had in mind. It’s been so annoying since a while ago, wouldn’t it be foolish to prevent it from disappearing on its own? It was frustrating that talented people were stopped by flashy words, but it was a personal matter anyway and I had nothing to do with it. I had a feeling that if I could just get the one remaining person involved, things would work out faster than expected.

Beat, beat, beat.

While I was closing my eyes, I heard the sound of grass rustling behind me. I knew who it was without even looking around. I quickly got up and mounted the crossbow on my left arm. Whenever I looked at Kim Han-byeol, I was reminded of the ‘her’ from before, and for some reason, I had a strange feeling that I didn’t even know existed. As I was pretending to look around intently with my crossbow aimed straight ahead, I heard a low voice calling, as if it had spotted me.

“excuse me… .”


When I turned around with a surprised face, Kim Han-byeol was looking at me with calm eyes. I deliberately massaged my left arm, made an expression that it hurt, and opened my mouth.

“I heard crying once or twice, but I don’t think there’s anyone around yet.”

“Thank you for your hard work. “We’re almost done reconciling our opinions, so I think you should stop coming now.”

“Then let’s go right away.”

I was just about to turn around with a virtuous expression on my face. As expected, Hanbyul Kim caught me.

“wait a minute.”

When Kim Han-byeol turned around again, he opened his mouth with a hesitant look on his face.

“that is… . “The conversation took a strange turn.”

“Strange direction?”

“yes. What happens… .”

Hanbyeol Kim nodded in response to my question and began to tell me what happened so far. I honestly wanted to guess what she was thinking by listening to the story, but Kim Han-byeol summarized only the key points from a very objective point of view. Normally in situations like this, her story would be biased towards one side, whether I liked it or not, but I was purely impressed by her.

“So this is what it is now. I… . “What are you going to do?”

After the conversation was over, Kim Han-byeol asked immediately if he was curious about which side I would be on. Although I had already made up my mind, I tilted my head with a worried look on my face.

“I didn’t know it would be talked about like that. “I can’t decide yet.”

“Me too.”

“What do you think of what he said?”

In response to my question, Hanbyeol Kim looked into my eyes for a moment and answered in a quieter voice than usual.

“I don’t think it’s wrong. but… .”

“Don’t you like something?”

“… yes. Just looking at that guy makes me feel uncomfortable. But strangely, at that time, I couldn’t find anything wrong with what he said.”

Lee Shin-woo and Lee Bo-rim passed. Looking at them, Kim Han-byeol must have felt worried.

And I finally understood why she had decided to bring me in person. I wanted to say more, but a lot of time had passed, so I walked away and stayed quiet for a moment. Since you have confirmed at least part of her feelings, you just need to take turns adding seasoning.

Although we didn’t say anything, it was clear that Kim Han-byul was following me. When I felt like I had calmed down a bit, I immediately opened my mouth.

“I don’t like what he said.”

“… … .”

“From the beginning, he cleverly mixed the strengths and weaknesses of his logic. So, there can be no mistake. “He turned his words to his advantage by packaging the weaknesses with strengths.”

There was no answer, but I felt an unspoken gaze asking me to explain further. Park Dong-geol tried his best, but I couldn’t miss Kim Han-byeol. That’s why she decided to explain her answers to her concerns one by one.

“Not lying and being honest must have one condition. Can you keep your words? “Does that guy seem like a person who keeps his word?”


Kim Han-byeol responded immediately.

“From our first meeting until now, he has not made a good impression and his behavior is destroying the harmony of the team. Rather than trusting his uncertain words and joining the team, I think it would be better to just stay with the people I already have. So, I will stay with the existing people.”

When I glanced back, I saw Kim Han-byeol deep in thought, pondering my words. And not even a minute had passed before she saw people in the distance and I could hear her talking in a whisper behind me, behind her.

“I’m worried about the two people who went in first.”

These words were no different from saying that Kim Han-byeol had made up his mind. I thought it was a good idea to say it in as euphemistic a way as possible rather than directly saying it. From the beginning, “Park Dong-geol, that f*cking bastard did it to eat Lee Bo-rim and Lee Shin-woo. So don’t go. If I had said something like, “If you go, you too will be taken advantage of,” she would have distrusted me too. He seems to be able to turn his head rather quickly, so even if you poke him just a little bit, he will be able to get a rough idea of ​​what I mean.

Eventually, the distance shortened to the point where the two groups of people on the hill could clearly be seen. Nothing has changed since the last time I saw it.

On the one hand, Ansol and Yujeong Lee, including Anhyeon. And on the other side were Lee Shin-woo and Lee Bo-rim, who featured Park Dong-geol.

And the moment I came up the hill, I saw six pairs of eyes focused on Kim Han-byeol and me.


“You’re coming now. Anyway, it was a lot of work watching.”

Seeing Park Dong-geol acting like something had already happened, an unpleasant feeling arose, but I suppressed it. Ahn Hyun’s silent eyes. Ansol has anxious eyes. Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes are tense. Lee Shin-woo’s trembling eyes. Lee Bo-rim’s helpless eyes. The variety of eyes makes me feel strange. I stopped walking and didn’t go right into them. Then Kim Han-byeol, who was following me, also stopped.

“I thought it would come soon. Anyway, you heard the general story on the way here, right?”

“I heard.”

“It somehow ended up like this. It may be difficult, but please understand. “This is all about living.”

As soon as Park Dong-geol finished speaking, Lee Yu-jeong could be heard swearing softly. Anyway, Park Dong-geol approached me with long strides and immediately held out a large hand.

“Join our team. We can be friends with each other. “I would welcome you and the girl behind you.”

The tension in the surrounding air reaches its peak and everyone waits for my answer. Since I was not unaware of other people’s anxious feelings, I turned away from his hand and answered in a cold voice.

“You can decide for yourself who you can be friends with. “Thank you for the invitation, but I decline.”

Park Dong-geol didn’t even blink an eye. And he still didn’t lift his hand and asked Kim Han-byeol.

“… “Then what about you?”

“I can’t trust you.”

Of course, Kim Han-byeol also ignored him. As soon as he saw the two of us passing by, Park Dong-geol opened his mouth in a mocking voice.

“Ha~. It will come out like that. “I don’t know what I heard from that fox on the way, but I’m sure I’ll regret it.”

“If you know that your own life is precious, I hope you know that other people’s lives are also precious.”

“You are talking nonsense. I thought about it for a long time, but… . Do whatever you want. I also have no intention of forcing people who don’t like me into it. “Don’t just beg to be put back on the team later.”

“That won’t happen.”

“CNU. Borim. Let’s stop! “If we stay with people full of such hypocrisy, our lives will not be spared.”

Have you already said your name? Seeing him forcibly holding on to Lee Shin-woo and Lee Bo-rim and leaving felt like a huge burden had been lifted. I stood in front of the remaining people with calm steps. A mixture of relief and unexpected kindness was conveyed to me in their eyes. Anhyeon took a deep breath and spoke to me.

“Thank you for your hard work. As you can see… “It ended up like this.”

“joy. It’s good. There’s no need to be discouraged, right? They left because they wanted to leave, so let them do as they please. “Whether you live or die, you will figure it out.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at Lee Yu-jeong’s barbed words. As she said, they are the ones who left. And we are not the ones left behind, we are the ones left behind.

These two words had a very big difference.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

1. Correction of typos and context.


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not work with dark mode