Memorize Chapter 125

00125 Small rebellion ———————————————– ————————–=

After everyone was drunk and everyone quenched their thirst, I began to explain. There are two characteristics of the clan I will create in the future. An operational clan based on the characteristics and requests of a small number of elites and free mercenaries. There was no need to explain the elite few, but Go Yeon-ju and Hayeon showed deep interest in free mercenaries.

The users who are listening to me now are not users who are ignorant of the world like children. Therefore, I felt the need to provide a more detailed explanation of how much benefit the status of a free mercenary brings in the future.

I calmly organized what would happen next.

Partial success in plan to exterminate vagabonds. However, complete annihilation failed. Some vagabonds escape.

Decreased power due to the failure of the Golden Lion Clan and friendly clans’ expedition to the Steel Mountains.

And as a result, control over the northern continent, including the large city of Barbara, was weakened.

A summons to the Golden Lion Clan was issued, but some cities, excluding the friendly clans, declared independence.

The vagabonds who took advantage of the opportunity came to attack.

Occupation of western cities and large cities such as Barbara, with some participation from western continent users.

And the Golden Lion Clan disappears. Friendly clans also disbanded or fled.

First of all, these are the things that actually happened in the first episode. Afterwards, after Barbara was occupied, other ordinary city representative clans attempted to recapture it, but were routed by the combined efforts of Western Continent users and vagabonds. Only then did other clans realize the seriousness of the situation, form an alliance, and eventually succeed in recapturing Barbara.

I explained to everyone the series of processes I had in mind. Of course, it didn’t tell me everything. The main point of the story was that the advance to the Steel Mountains was highly likely to fail, the provocation of vagabonds, and the consequences of such things were tried as much as possible to appeal.

At my words, my companions and Go Yeon-ju let out deep sighs. The initial thrilling atmosphere was gone, and only the heavy silence that weighed down the room hovered around the table where we were sitting. Although these users knew the circumstances of the hole plane in their own way, there were many uncertain factors that made it difficult to take my word for it. And I also acknowledged that. In a word, it somehow makes sense, but in the meantime, when it comes to the things that must happen, “Will it really happen that way?” That’s what I think.

However, Go Yeon-ju’s participation here was a godsend. (Of course, it wasn’t my intention.) She is a 5-year user, one of the Shadow Queens in , and has a Secret Class. As she was a walking intelligence merchant, it was important how she would evaluate my plan. Ko Yeon-joo’s judgment will be a yardstick to gauge whether what I say is actually possible or just a fantasy.

Shin Sang-yong was tilting his head with a puzzled look on his face. When I heard stories that were too large in scale, it seemed like I had no idea. This person was clearly the pure scholar type, so I had the feeling that he didn’t fit into this story. And Hayeon’s face was also ambiguous. Although he understood everything I said, it seemed difficult to take it literally. However, since I was the one who brought up the topic, I did not speak carelessly.

I was expecting their reactions anyway. Originally, I didn’t plan on saying this much, but Go Yeon-ju said, so I talked a little more about what will happen in the future. I turned my head and looked at Go Yeonju. And when I saw her serious face, I was able to smile inside.

Go Yeon-ju took a sip of his food with a frown on his face, then lifted the entire bottle of alcohol in front of him. Finally, she slightly opened her pretty lips and gently touched the mouth of the bottle. And without anyone having time to stop him, he lifted the bottle upside down.

“Gulp, gulp.”

Shin Sang-yong stared at her with an expression of disgust at the sight of Ko Yeon-ju taking a single shot from a full bottle of alcohol. She lets streams of water flow out of her mouth and down her neck, literally drenching her breasts. Soon after emptying her bottle, she returned it to the table. Only then did she let out a long, sweet sigh, as if it had soothed her dry throat to some extent.

Go Yeon-ju laughed for a moment and then looked at me and spoke.

“Well… I just came in because I was bored and wanted to hear something, but what kind of surprise is this… User Kim Soo-hyun.”


I nodded once at her call. She opened her mouth with a face that said something was difficult.

“You are a really scary user.”

Her first words were, “I’m scared.” It was. It could be interpreted in many ways, but at first it seemed like he didn’t take my words as nonsense. Anyway, the fact that she had reached the and was here now meant that there was a high possibility that she would not be pleased with her expedition either. Thanks to that, I quietly opened my mouth.

“In what way?”

“It’s so surprising that a user with 0 years of experience could predict such situations. These are things that even I didn’t expect. No, rather… It’s scarier to try to take advantage of that gap. You were not the ability type, but the strategy type? Or a user who has both.”

Go Yeon-ju shook her head excitedly, as if feeling slightly intoxicated, and buried herself in the chair. Hayeon, who saw that, carefully opened her mouth.

“High user performance… How do you evaluate what Soohyun said?”

In response to Hayeon’s question, Go Yeon-ju looked at me with dark eyes. Then she answered in a weak voice.

“I don’t know… No, it’s ambiguous. Honestly, of the things I just said that can be objectively confirmed, I think they are all correct. In fact, there are many clans that are dissatisfied with the Golden Lion Clan, so if they fail the expedition, there will be many people who will clap their hands and be happy. okay. If the control of the Golden Lion Clan weakens, clans that show subversive behavior may emerge. but… .”

She accepted some of what I said. The user who reached , and the Shadow Queen, who has excellent information gathering skills, gave some weight to my opinion. Hayeon and Shin Sang-yong opened their eyes wide at Go Yeon-ju’s opinion. But her words were not yet finished.

“The story about vagabonds is something that cannot be judged now. According to user Kim Soo-hyun’s words, and for the clan to be created in the future to demonstrate its power, the vagabonds must move without an error… Is that really the case?”

“Most likely.”

“As far as I know, vagrants are also gathering in large numbers this time. But no matter what happens, if we are to discuss victory or defeat, the existing users will 100% win. Since the plan is to annihilate them, we will stop the vagabonds, but they are going to go to the Western Continent and invade, leading the users of that continent?”

I smiled at Go Yeon-ju’s words. To conclude, the plan to exterminate vagabonds ends in the first round. Although they achieve a great victory in the first battle, they are satisfied with that and immediately turn their attention to preparing for the expedition. Of course, users also suffer great damage. SSUN, the representative clan of the western city of Halo, one of the friendly clans of the Golden Lion Clan, will suffer a huge blow.

In other words, the remaining vagabonds gathered together and crossed to the western continent, gained their support, and attempted to invade again using the western route.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts and opened my mouth.

“They are already preoccupied with the expedition to the Steel Mountains. Do they really have any intention of striking down all those who are running away? “They are not people who can be caught that easily, and they are experts at surviving.”

“… great. Then what about Wonho of the West Continent? “I know what kind of people they are, but I’m not sure if they would take the risk of crossing the continent.”

“As the battlefield is Halo, the only place to run to is the West Continent. Crawling back into the North Continent would be tantamount to suicide. It’s difficult to get over it once, but I don’t think the tramps will simply run away. I think he’s so desperate for revenge that he’ll somehow open a road connecting the continents… Or create a route. It’s not like there’s no precedent for crossing over so far, and wouldn’t there be some among them who think it’s worth it if a route is secured through the sacrifices of vagabonds from the North Continent?”

“Hmm… .”

Go Yeon-ju nodded with a convincing expression and then tapped her lips. I immediately put the tobacco in her mouth. Of course, since I was taking it out, it was natural that I would also take out the tobacco I was going to smoke.

Huh, wow.

She blew out a puff of smoke and opened her mouth again.

“Then, as you say, the key to the movement of vagabonds is the early conclusion of the vagabond extermination plan. It’s definitely their characteristics… . Kick, a user who calculates the characteristics of the user and the vagrant. I’m getting even more scared. But it definitely makes sense, it’s a possibility. Then, the Northern Continent will fall into chaos, and it is obvious that the scope of activities of clans with free mercenary characteristics will greatly expand… . I’m really looking forward to seeing what kind of user you will grow into in the future. “But I have a few more questions.”

She said all this very quickly. She looks calm on the outside, but seeing as she speaks a little incoherently, it seems like she is spinning her head in her own way.

To be honest, I didn’t calculate it, I just told you about things that happened in the future. Anyway, you are going to admit one thing and put the other on hold? I quietly waited for her next words.

“Will that clan really be able to build a reputation? Of course, even if you have achieved great results compared to your previous years, joining a clan that has just started will have many unsettling factors.”

“That’s why I said it was an elite few from the beginning. “We have no intention of being bullied.”

“You’re arrogant.”

“It would be a different story if there were elements that could support that arrogance. One secret class and two rare classes. And users with good skills or potential. Who can ignore this free power?”

When the words “one secret” and “two rares” were mentioned, Go Yeon-ju’s eyes were seen shaking. She immediately hardened her complexion and then closed her mouth.

Go Yeon-ju started talking again when I had burned all the cigarettes at the beginning of the year. She said to herself, “Secret…” Rare class… .” She muttered, and then she opened her mouth with a face that looked a little complicated.

“I heard what you said. “Can I ask you one more question?”

“How much does it cost?”

“Why are you telling me these important things? “Those two are in your group, so even so, I’m a user who has nothing to do with them.”

I did not respond to Go Yeon-ju’s words right away. Then he turned his head and looked at Shin Sang-yong and Hayeon. The two of them, realizing the meaning of my gaze, looked a little hesitant, but soon stood up quietly. The first user to speak was Shin Sang-yong.

“leader. I don’t know what you’ll hear, but I really liked the leader’s caravan. And I also don’t want to lose my teacher. “If it’s okay with the leader, I’d like to continue working together in the future.”

“Su-hyun. I already conveyed my feelings a long time ago. I don’t really feel what Soohyun said today, but… . “I will believe in you as much as you have decided to believe in me.”

After confirming their intention to join, I bowed my head with a gentle face.

“Originally, I wanted to talk more slowly, but it seems like something needs to be resolved first. If I didn’t have any intention of accepting the two of you, I wouldn’t have brought these things up. Well then, please continue to look after us. And thank you for your hard work today.”

“What about the hardships? “I enjoy every day.”

Every day is fun. Seeing Shin Sang-yong smiling cheerfully, I smiled and continued speaking.

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“yes. “Then we’ll just head out.”

The two briefly bowed their heads to me and slowly walked away. Just before leaving the door, Hayeon came out with an anxious face and looked at Go Yeonju. I gave her an expression saying it was okay, but she mouthed the words and carefully closed the door.

Now the only users left in the room were me and Go Yeonju. Ko Yeon-ju, who was silently listening to our conversation, sat down next to me with a deep smile on her face.

“There are finally two left?”

“okay. But can we unify our words? He spoke informally to other users, but spoke politely to me. “I’m confused.”

Go Yeon-ju giggled at my words and pressed her body against me with a coquettish gesture.

“I can not help it. My personality goes back and forth. That’s the way it is, so I understand. And do you know that I do this to just anyone? Men really like it when you speak louder when you’re alone like this~?”

“What is that… ?”

“Aren’t you like that too? A user who is as high as behaves coquettishly and speaks loudly in front of me like this. “It feels secretly good.”

Her face was a little more relaxed than before, but I instinctively felt the need to be careful with my words. That’s why I pushed her away slightly and then adjusted her position to sit down. Go Yeon-ju looked shocked at my actions and glanced sideways at the door.

“The look in that bold girl’s eyes earlier wasn’t funny. “It was to the point where I felt pity for everyone who saw it.”

“… Words are leaking out like crazy. “Let’s get to the point now.”

I felt like I would get caught up in her pace if I continued like this, so I decided to change the topic again. Go Yeon-ju pouted at my firm voice and then opened her mouth in a low voice.

“phew. It’s not fun. great. Then I’ll ask again. “Why on earth did you say those things to me?”

“that… .”

I paused for a moment and looked at her breasts. The dagger was still stuck deep in her cleavage.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

The weather is really nice today. I love it so much that I want to pack a lunch and go on a picnic. Strangely, I felt so tired that I couldn’t write at first, but after washing my body, I felt energized. 🙂

Ko Yeon-ju is surprisingly popular. Sheesh.(?!) Next episode, I will think about how to make readers hate Go Yeon-ju. ha ha ha.

Then I’ll just leave. Have a happy day today!

P.S. Please rate my cutting performance.


1. lDl: Congratulations on first place. It was a concise comment. ha ha ha. Then, please enjoy episode 125. 🙂

2. Gold Medal: Yes. The number one comment at midnight is war. It’s war! Hahahaha! (Pukpuk!)

3. Fighting Aby Hunter T: To be honest, the initial setting was to kill. But even after setting it up, I had a lot of worries. Should I save it or not? That concern is currently ongoing. It’s half and half now. 🙂

4. Human life: Hahaha. Even though Hayeon is rational, she is still human. And everyone has their quirks. Maybe if there wasn’t a main character, I wouldn’t have stuck with it? 🙂

5. pen36: I plan to use it when I really need it. The main text says that Soo-hyeon is still worried. And with my current abilities, I can handle most things. Because there is no increase in ability points.

6. Brown Bear Liz: Come! Memorise! This is the content of episode 125, the third part of chapter ! (f*ck it. I wanted to try it.) LOL. Thank you for the coupon. (__)

7. black44: Ahem. How do you like my cutting skills? Huhuhuhuhu.

8. Broken fan: Ugh. Thank you for the undeserved praise. haha. We will continue to work harder to repay you with good content. 🙂

9. gkgngh: Yes. At that time, someone pointed it out. I think I fixed it then, but is it still there? I would appreciate it if you could tell me how many times it is.

10. Blamy: Yes. This is the correct answer. There is , but it may be replaced or pushed out. But it’s not that easy. 🙂

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode