Memorize Chapter 123

00123 Small rebellion ———————————————– ————————–=

“Then, I will end my day with this for today. “Everyone should spend the rest of the time doing personal maintenance or taking a break.”


“How… .”

After finishing dinner, I announced to my companions that today’s work was over. Everyone’s reaction was different, but the two people’s reactions were truly worth seeing. Yujeong kept shaking her legs and biting her nails as if she was anxious, and Ansol buried his forehead on the table as soon as I finished speaking. Hayeon had a tired look on her face, making it seem like it was difficult for her to follow the instructions.

Hayeon was taking a sip of tea with a calm expression. She said she wanted to rest today, but it seems she did her best to teach Ansol the best she could. Because of her personality, she probably didn’t teach in a flash, so she was able to roughly guess what kind of trouble Ansol was going through.

But I also felt grateful to Hayeon. I am grateful that they accepted my request for guidance, but I am teaching them with all my heart. In particular, Ansol could be seen as a very difficult user from a teaching standpoint. It was so frustrating that if I raised my voice just a little, he would make a tearful expression and try to hug me, but it was more than once or twice embarrassing.

However, Hayeon couldn’t raise her voice, so she probably spoke softly. However, each word of those words must have been as harsh as a cold wind. It was a time when I was satisfied with the thought that I had a good teacher.

“Hey brother… .”

Yujeong called me with a hesitant expression rather than her usual cheerful face.


When I asked a question lightly and took out a piece of tobacco, Yujeong continued speaking in a voice without confidence.

“Tonight… busy? Is there anything else to do?”

“Uhm. yes. I have something to talk about with Hayeon and Shin Sang-yong. “I also have to organize my records.”

“Then what about tomorrow?”

“I have work to do tomorrow too… why?”

When I nodded and answered, Yujeong immediately pouted her mouth. Eventually she said, “No. nothing.” After answering, she quietly sipped her tea. After tilting her head for a moment in response to Yu-jeong’s reaction, I turned her head to Hayeon and Shin Sang-yong and opened my mouth.

“Hayeon. Mr. Shin Sang-yong.”

“Yes, your leader.”

“yes. Please speak.”

“I will go up to my room first. This may be a bit of a long story, so everyone please finish what you are doing and come up to my room. “I don’t want to tell you twice, so it would be better if you come together.”

“haha. I like it. “Right now, I was discussing magic squares and summoning techniques with my teacher.”

Shin Sang-yong’s words caught my eye. Vivien may be fierce at times, but she always goes above and beyond what she is asked to do. Today, after receiving a request, I was able to pinpoint exactly what I wanted and act accordingly. When she saw Vivian with that wonderful expression on her face, she straightened her neck and took a graceful sip of her tea.

When I saw that, I felt like I wanted to mistreat him again. “I want to bother you.” Vivian must have sensed my gaze, as she gently(?) rolled her eyes and her face turned red. I could barely turn my head because I felt like if I went any further, it wouldn’t really be me. (When I looked away, I heard Vivien clicking her tongue, but I decided that I hadn’t heard it. I must have heard it wrong.)

Vivien teaches well, and Shin Sang-yong has a strong will to learn. He had a good teacher-priest relationship. However, Ansol and Hayeon’s case seemed a little different.

At my words, Hayeon nodded as if everything went well, and Ansol lifted his buried face and looked at me with astonishment. However, Hayeon’s next words did not contain any mercy.

“I will. Miss An Sol? Did you hear? So, I will teach you one more hour today.”

“eww… Ugh… .”

Ansol looked at me and Hayeon in turn with a stunned look on his face. How on earth did they teach such a gentle child to react like this? When Hayeon gave her a questioning look, she responded by shrugging her shoulders. However, it was I who asked for guidance, and it was I who decided to trust her.

“… Please take care of me.”

“sure. “Don’t worry too much.”

In the end, when I took a step back, Hayeon smiled softly and responded. I sighed inwardly as I listened to Ansol continue to moan.

Should I say that I am immature? The kids are all good, but every now and then, I see some sad things about them. There is no sense of urgency. And the kids didn’t know how happy they were living at Hall Plain and as new users. In some ways, it was largely my fault. Since the rite of passage, I have never been hungry, and I have never lacked anything.

I repeat, it is very difficult for new users to survive on their own until their first year. So did I. At the beginning of the first session, I could barely eat one meal a day and was worried about my meals and where I would sleep that day, and I was always snooping around the square looking for a caravan that I could participate in. A teacher who teaches? I didn’t even think of that.

But not the kids. Because I took care of everything from the beginning, I didn’t realize how miserable new users were living. If I were to take one of those users, feed and clothe them on a regular basis, and assign a skilled user to teach them, they would immediately burst into tears and do me 3,000 times more.

In short, can we say that it is similar to students who complain that they don’t want to study? Perhaps, if you get a little more leave and experience a hole plane, you will realize how happy you are with the course you are taking. Although it was still a long way off, I decided to accept it with the heart of a parent raising children.

Anyway, hoping that the kids would grow up quickly, I decided to get up from my seat. If it went on any longer, the kids might start complaining.

“Then let’s go in first. It doesn’t matter if you’re late, so please make sure to finish your work.”

After saying those words that hit me hard, I went up the stairs. I felt eyes staring at the back of my head from behind, but I never turned my head.


“Su-hyun. Are you working again? “It’s only been a day since we returned from our expedition, but I think you’re pushing yourself too hard.”

“Hayeon. are you okay. “It would be nice if I could discover a dungeon on my next expedition.”

After ending the meeting, Hayeon knocked on my door about an hour later. I was looking for records about the Screaming Cave at the time. As soon as she came again, she was worried about her body as she saw me devouring her records. Looking at her attitude like that, I somehow felt like we were newlyweds. wait. So is Hayeon a stepmother to the kids?

“Don’t expect another fluke like that. For now, just exploring around the city is enough. It seems like the aftereffects of that power still remain in my body… The more Soohyun suffers, the more anxious I feel. So, for my sake, just finish talking today and go to sleep right away.”

“is it so. Since Hayeon said so much, I will do it.”

“Hehe. thank you.”

Hayeon smiled pleasantly, as if she was glad to hear my obedient answer. I also looked at her and had her soft smile on my face. In the second session, I was becoming aware of emotions that I barely felt during the first session, one by one. The more I got into these feelings, the more the sharp wildness within me seemed to fade, so I was wary, but honestly, it wasn’t a bad feeling.

As they were looking at each other happily, the door suddenly opened and a user wearing glasses came running in. Without even looking at it, the user was Shin Sang-yong. He looked at Hayeon and me and urgently lowered his head.

“Lee, leader. sorry. “It’s a little late.”

“ah. It’s okay… .”

“You were exactly 17 minutes late. “If you wanted to come, wouldn’t it have been better to come on time, or come late at all?”

“is.” I wanted to finish her sentence, but Hayeon spoke first, so I stopped. And looking at Shin Sang-yong like that, Hayeon erased the smile she had shown me and opened her mouth in a cold voice. For some reason, I had a strange feeling of déjà vu that there were thorns in her voice. I don’t know if it was just me, but Shin Sang-yong also looked embarrassed by her sharp tone. After repeatedly bowing his head and apologizing, he quickly walked over to the table and sat down. I suddenly felt sorry for Shin Sang-yong.

The atmosphere became awkward for a moment, but I cleared my throat. The things I will talk about in the future are the cornerstone of my plan, so the weight they bear is not light. After taking a moment to catch my breath, I immediately opened my mouth.

“I’m sure everyone can guess why I brought you two here separately today.”


“Let me cut this short and get straight to the point. In the future, I will create a clan in the Hall Plain… .”

They both answered at the same time. I nodded once or twice and then continued speaking. And it was just the moment when I was about to get to the point.

smart. Suddenly.

I heard a couple of knocks on the door, and the door was opened before I gave permission. As I raised my head, dumbfounded as to who could be so rude, a familiar user came inside and appeared. That user was none other than Go Yeonju.

“oh? I thought she was alone. “It’s a shame.”

“… “What brought you here?”

“This one.”

Go Yeon-ju smiled sweetly at what I said and approached us with calm steps.

She was dressed differently than usual. Her hair was also neatly styled up, and she was dressed modestly, unlike the clothes she always wore loose. I wondered why she was like that again today, but she gently put the tray she was holding in her arms on the table where we were sitting. I could see delicious-smelling food and fragrant, high-quality alcohol flowing.

“I never ordered anything separately.”

“yes. “This is a service for regular customers.”

Go Yeon-ju accepted my words politely and quickly set the food on the table. Shin Sang-yong smiled and said that he just liked the unexpected late-night snacks.

“haha. Thank you. I was already hungry because he was using his head so much. It’s just right. Lee, leader. “Are you okay?”

“… The food will be fine. “I will eat well.”

Go Yeon-ju shook her head left and right at my greeting. I thought it would be nice for her to leave like this, but as expected, she betrayed my expectations.

“you’re welcome. “But what were you talking about?”

“ah. Because we’re talking about something important right now. “Thank you for the food.”

The answer came from Shin Sang-yong, not me. It wasn’t a direct throw, but rather a euphemism, but everyone could hear that he was asking them to leave. However, Go Yeon-ju did not turn around.

“why? I’m bored because there are no customers. “Can I listen to it too?”

“to… ?”

Shin Sang-yong may have not expected this reaction, but his face turned into a bewildered one. Hayeon narrowed her eyes at her reaction, but Ko Yeonju just smiled leisurely. Soon, Hayeon and Shin Sang-yong turned their heads to me. Accordingly, Go Yeon-ju also turned his attention to me.

Now that everyone’s eyes were on me, I tapped the table and stared at her face. Shadow Queen Go Yeon-ju. It needed to be dealt with in some way anyway. Either recruit them into our clan, or kill them before they leave Mule. It may be unfair on her part, but even aside from her abilities during the first round, her information gathering ability was so good that she had a lot of trouble. Woo Jung-min and his group thought they still had time, so they sent him one, but Go Yeon-joo did not. She must be made into her group now, or she must be killed. In that case, she thought it might be a good idea to give it a try now.

As everyone waited for my answer, I slowly opened my mouth.

“Please sit down.”

“Yes~ eh. thank you.”


“Lee, leader!”

Go Yeon-ju put her butt on the remaining chair, and Hayeon and Shin Sang-yong called me with embarrassed faces. I understand their confusion. However, the moment Go Yeon-joo revealed his identity, I was quite excited to see what kind of reaction he would have.

“Su-hyun. Do you know who this female user is? .”

“Hayeon Jeong, 2nd year user.”

Hayeon was about to continue speaking with an expression on her face that said she did not understand. Go Yeon-ju interrupted her with a quiet voice. Hayeon’s eyes lit up and she pursed her lips at the fact that she said her seniority and her name.

“A wizard user who was abandoned by the Golden Lion Clan. And next to it… “Shin Sang-yong, a 2-year user.”

“Huh… !”

Hayeon’s face was filled with shock, but Ko Yeonju didn’t give her a chance and immediately turned her gaze to Shin Sangyong.

“yes yes?”

Shin Sang-yong answered with a surprised face, probably not thinking that he would know. As if he was cute, Go Yeon-joo continued, twirling his fingers seductively.

“An eccentric wizard who loves alchemy magic. and… .”

After looking away from the two of them, she paused, turning her gaze towards me one last time. I also just watched Go Yeon-ju’s actions. As I looked into her gray eyes, I heard her calm voice.

“Kim Soo-hyun, a user with 0 years of experience. User Academy top graduate… And a strange user who has already conquered two dungeons in year 0.”

“How did you do that… !”

Shin Sang-yong’s shocked voice was heard, and although it was low, the sound of Hayeon casting a vag!nal chant was heard.

However, Go Yeon-ju remained calm. They looked at me, supporting their chins with one hand, as if they didn’t care at all what they were saying.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

As it has been very tight, we are gradually lightening the mood, and I hope it resonates well with readers.

ah. I’m not sure if I’ll be posting a serial today or if I’ll be uploading the midnight serial in advance. I have to post it and go immediately to prepare for the ancestral rites. 🙂


1. Hwieul: Congratulations on first place. These days, he is showing his strongest presence as the number one commentator during the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period. ha ha ha.

2. Centaurus: NO. I wrote it in the sense of recollection. 🙂

3. archangels la: No. Vivien is a human woman with a mature body of 24 years old.

4. Fighting Aby Hunter T: Ahaha. It’s all because of my immorality. OTL 10 minutes are randomly selected… . ㅜ.ㅠ

5. Ramude: Haha, what if Soo-hyun’s character becomes damaged beyond control? But this is actually part of the foreshadowing. Hehehe. Was there really anyone who noticed? 🙂

6. God of Fantasy: This is a very accurate answer. When you get bullied, you can also enjoy(?) Soo-hyeon’s comforting.

7. hohokoya1: That’s a relief! I decided to add a small story in the middle while handling each task one by one, and I am relieved to hear that people say it is fun. ha ha ha.

8. Collock 123: Thank you for the coupon. I don’t know if this will be a series or a midnight series, but I will try my best. (__)

9. Human life: I don’t know if you are feeling well. Be strong. I look forward to your comments. ^-^

10. Techno: I was looking at the long comments on the last reripple, and Techno’s comment touched my heart. I think so too. Hehehe.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode