Memorize Chapter 121

00121 Peaceful daily life ———————————————- ————————–=


‘Su-hyun… .’

Gray smoke was still rising from the tobacco he had discarded. She looked at the spot where he was staying with a blank look on her face, then let out a long sigh of her own. She trembled once as if a sudden feeling of extreme loneliness washed over her entire body.

… . Tsk tsk.>

Each and every word he said came to mind, and the words that came to mind became sharp daggers and pierced deep into Seraph’s heart. His mind was so confused that Seraph had not yet been able to retract the hand he had reached out to grab when he left the summoning room.

“just… .”

Clearly, there was no one in the summoning room. But Seraph opened his mouth. Her gaze could not leave the spot where he was staying. She also knew that no one was there, but she persisted as if she expected him to listen.

“Are you okay?” report… I wanted to… .”

After speaking in a trembling voice, Seraph immediately withdrew her outstretched hand with a lonely expression on her face. However, her eyes were just staring at the portal he had thrown himself into just moments ago.


1st round time. Seraph always maintained a calm and calm demeanor. Of course, he showed a disheveled appearance sometimes, but he showed such behavior only a handful of times. As such, her shouting and frowning face were not things that were commonly seen.

Before we knew it, Seraph had regained her original attitude. When she saw that I had turned her around, she seemed to feel a little relieved and spoke in a low voice.

“Give me just a moment. I have something to tell you. “It won’t take very long.”

“… … .”

Seraph’s voice was quiet, but it contained an unknown pleading tone. And the moment I looked at her face, I remembered my final farewell to Seraph in the first episode.

In some ways, it wasn’t thanks to her that I was on the rise in the second round. It’s true that I spent my GP, but if it weren’t for the perks mixed with the angel’s favor, it would have been difficult to run around like this. This is because my starting abilities during the first round were not that good except for durability and agility. Of course, I was confident, but I wouldn’t have been able to achieve the incredible speed of growth and eccentricities (such as accepting Vivien as a colleague) like I do now.

Various thoughts run through my head. I had a lot of concerns for a while, but I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to listen to the story. Although I hate angels, Miuna and Gouna and I were in a cooperative relationship. So, I felt like it was necessary to listen to what he had to say first. After gathering my thoughts, I sat down and opened my mouth.

“… okay. What on earth do you want to say? And who on earth is Sandalphon?”

He opened his mouth in a slightly softened voice, but the frown on his face did not disappear. Nevertheless, Seraph began speaking with a relieved expression on his face.

“I will tell you everything. Sandalphone is a helper in charge of other users. “She has been asking me to replace the user in charge since user Kim Soo-hyun graduated from the user academy.”

hmm. I was lost in thought for a moment at her answer. In other words, from the user’s perspective, it means changing the angel in charge of the user. And certainly there was no such precedent. It’s rare, but it does happen. I heard a few times that the angel in charge had changed during the first season.

Once they enter the Hole Plane, the angels treat their users as good… No, there was a need to lead them in the direction they wanted. The focus here is not on a good or helpful direction, but on the direction they want. If so, it was proof that the angels wanted to achieve something through users.

I quickly realized what was going on and ended up laughing.

“under… . okay? “Why are you asking for a replacement?”

“… … .”

Seraph did not answer my question right away. As I stared into her eyes with an expression of roughly guessing, Seraph gently bit his lower mouth and then opened his pretty lips.

“User Kim Soo-hyun’s behavior after entering the hall plain is very surprising. In just over a month since he entered Mule, he explored two ruins and succeeded in both. In particular, as a 0-year user, defeating the upper-class demon Belphegor is considered a great achievement by all angels. but… .”

Seraph was uncharacteristically hesitant to speak. Her face also showed a continual look of concern. I waited for her to speak slowly without urging. I heard Seraph continue her words in a cautious tone, as if she had read my expression.

“… “I think user Kim Soo-hyun needs to improve his relationship with me.”


I sighed at her declaration. As expected, it was like that. Thinking that my prediction had come true, I took out a piece of tobacco from my pocket. He lightly put the tip in his mouth and lit it, but Seraph’s green eyes did not waver. In some ways, smoking a cigarette in front of an angel was a bit ironic, but she didn’t particularly stop me. Even during her first season, it wasn’t like she never burned a cigarette in front of her. And even then, she never said anything else.

When I lit it and took a deep sip, it felt like my stomach was calming down a little. Seraph, who had been calmly watching the process, opened his mouth again.

“I will not mention the role of angels again. But I have one question. Why does user Kim Soo-hyun hate me so much?”

“If it were you, you would really like the person who dragged him into this hall plane.”

“… That is certainly true. But I don’t think that’s the case.”


I glanced at Seraph, who was denying my words. She was shaking her head from side to side. When I asked back with a laugh, she continued her words in a calm voice.

“I think that’s not the only reason user Kim Soo-hyun hates me. This may sound a little strange, but that’s how I feel. There must be some other reason… .”

Listening to her words, I tapped the tobacco candle with one hand and the floor with the other. This time Seraph was waiting for my answer. I scolded her for a moment, then laughed at her.

“Is it that important?”

“It’s important. Many angels are interested in what you do. And everyone is looking at it positively. Since we are not directly involved in the whole plane, we need to maintain a friendly relationship with the users in charge. They are like our agents. And the reason Sandalphone is raising the issue now and requesting user replacement is because the relationship between you and I is not good. “Please tell me what you don’t like about me and I will do my best to fix it.”

“Rather than ‘not being able’ to participate… To be exact, it would be ‘not’. Miss Seraph. Oh, should I say it’s something I don’t want to do?”

Seraph looked speechless at my sarcasm. After enjoying her blank face and distracted gaze, I slowly continued speaking.

“okay… i hate you No, I hate not just you, but all angels. “It’s true that everything stems from that reason, but when I look at your inner self, it’s so disgusting that it makes me vomit.”

“why… why… .”

“It’s not even funny to see the things they do. why. Do you think it looks a little special because it suits your tastes like this? however… Are you afraid that if this continues, I’ll get caught by ?”

“User Kim Soo-hyun. What do you mean… .”

I shouted sharply as I saw her stuttering with a clearly embarrassed expression on her face.

“You don’t know? You know. You know but you pretend not to know. do not do that. Because it’s disgusting. Why were we forced into your muddy fight? And what was your intention in bringing the humans of Earth? “What will happen when users know that fact and all the context?”

“… … !”

I saw Seraph’s face turn white at my over-the-top words. I also felt that it was a bit excessive. However, there was a part of me that believed in it. As I am still here, and as I do not intentionally harm the angels, they cannot touch me one bit.

A moment of silence passed. I took a big gulp of the almost burned-out tobacco and threw it on the floor. A thin wisp of smoke rose above the discarded tobacco. As I was leaving, I spoke once more.

“What do you do if you have a distant dimension rank? What you’re doing looks like crap. In some ways, may be better in that regard. At least they took all that risk and entered the hole plane directly. However, what these guys who call themselves angels do is more base than those in … . Tsk tsk.”

“that… How… .”

Seraph’s lips were trembling. He looks at me with disbelief. He seems shocked that I know the secrets of angels, gnomes, and the Hall Plane. I didn’t know from the beginning either. After surviving in Hall Plain for 10 years, I did my own research and was able to understand the complete context by holding the zero code.

I said some dangerous things out of anger, but I had no regrets. No, on the contrary, I felt like my stomach, which had been boiling for so long, had cooled down a little. I spoke to her in a kind tone, looking at her stiff face and her mouth pouting.

“what… Don’t worry too much. I hate them even more than you guys now. So, I’ll play to your rhythm for a while. “As long as you don’t do anything foolish, nothing will happen.”

“Yes, user Kim Soo-hyun.”


After pausing for a moment, Seraph moved her uvula with a nervous look on her face. Suddenly, I thought that her neckline was really beautiful, and I calmly finished her sentence.

“Tell Sandalphon or something. I don’t like changing users. “No matter which angel comes to be my helper, I have no intention of getting along with them.”

“… … .”

“He said he had something to say… Those were useless words. “Anyway, don’t call me out on something like this again.”

After spitting out everything I wanted to say, I slowly got up. I heard Seraph reach out and call me, but I immediately turned around.

Eventually, I quickly walked towards the portal in front of me.


When I came out of the portal, I could see a priest still waiting at his seat. It was a man who talked with me about the expedition report. Seeing the resident greeting me with a gentle smile, I strengthened my inner self.

“You arrived quickly. “Did you enjoy meeting him?”

“no. “It’s a mess.” I wanted to say that, but since I was a person who fanatically believed in and followed angels, there was no need to make excuses. And he didn’t like taking out his anger on Eom. So I smiled slightly and nodded.

“haha. It was a good time. Thank you for passing on the oracle.”

“no. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

Seeing the residents looking at me with envious faces, I wanted to leave the temple quickly. In that case, the best way was to turn the conversation to a topic that they would find uncomfortable.

“yes… . Oh, then I understand that you will report the exploration as quickly as possible.”

“ah. yes yes. We will form an investigation team as soon as we can afford it. But I think it will take some time.”

“All right. However, even if we are unable to do so, we hope to complete the investigation and issue a certificate within the first to mid-next month.”

“I will try my best.”

“great. I’ll stop by the temple again next time. “Then let’s go.”

He broke into a sweat at my urging and cleared his throat. As expected, this story seemed burdensome, so the story about angels ended up being forgotten. Anyway, after concluding his words, he bowed his head politely. I also nodded in response and walked along the long passage.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

It’s finally the long-awaited Friday. After today, the weekend will come. Wow. 🙂

haha. And artificial is not a middle school student. I felt bad when the other characters were criticized, but strangely, I felt sad when Soohyun was criticized. lol

ah. And today, I spoke to a representative of Jo Ara on the phone, and I heard about publishing an e-book. My heart is very shaken. (Of course, I won’t take the article down just because it’s published.) I’ve been worrying a lot these days. In some ways, it may be a happy worry.

I heard that they are also considering the time aspect, so I will have to think about it a little more.

and… It’s a little early, but I’d like to vote on the popularity of the female characters that have been released so far. What do you guys think?

P.S. I put up the signs I made so far in the yard. If you’re curious, come take a look!


1. Amish: Congratulations on first place. Hehehe. It’s very easy to become the number one commenter on my posts. It’s gotten a lot easier these days. Because I uploaded it late… . OTL

2. Final Dragon: NO. I saw the reviews, but it is not part of Yeoncham Daejeon. I just plan to watch it with the mindset of watching the fire across the river. ha ha ha.

3. Human life: Oh. I just don’t know. I look forward to your comments this time. 🙂

4. Office2Lub19: Haha. The angels did some nasty things. In some ways, this could be seen as cowardice. That’s why Kim Soo-hyun hates angels when he finds out about this.

5. Ka Cheom: Perhaps that was the starting point of distrust. And later, as I learned about the secrets surrounding Hall Plain, I became disillusioned. The point is, “Why were humans brought into the Hole Plane by angels?”

6. MT Bear: It is not sweet, but bloody. In some ways, Seraph is also a very pitiful child. ㅜ.ㅠ

7. 罰酒: I’ve experienced that too. When I think back to my childhood memories, I often feel nostalgic. 🙂

8. Kun-Lai: That is correct. And in my novel, I distinguish between and . I think it will help you understand much more if you keep this in mind.

9. Honey: Of course. Soohyun seems a little overconfident. However, as mentioned in today’s text, this is because everyone has their own beliefs.

10. hohokoya1: I will definitely do some practice on days when I have some free time. Please wait a minute. 🙂

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode