Memorize Chapter 111

00111 Dark Past ———————————————– ————————–=

Three days to go after starting the expedition. Two days to explore the ruined laboratory. Three days to get back to Mule. We were able to complete our return in just eight days. The arrival time was just past afternoon. Similarly, other users returning from expeditions around Dosa were pacing while glancing at us. It seemed like everyone in the group was so miserable that they were curious about where they had been.

However, although everyone looked shabby, their faces were bright. Perhaps because they had gained a lot from this expedition, their vivid expressions gave off an atmosphere as if a triumphant general had returned. Eventually, when the North Gate, which still looked shabby, appeared ahead, Yujeong opened her mouth with an excited look on her face.

“Ugh… Finally came back. “I want to go in quickly, eat some warm food, take a shower, and then lie down and sleep.”

“Hey. Me too… .”

When Ansol responded with a grin, Anhyeon, who was listening to their conversation, had a solemn expression. I felt like I could tell what she was thinking by the way her shoulders were tense and her neck was stiff. I decided to play a little prank.

“Ahn Hyeon. “What are you going to do when you go back?”

When I went next to Hyun and spoke to him, he answered with a serious expression.

“Of course, I plan to start training. “It is a mistake to think that you will eat, play, and sleep just because you have just returned from an expedition.”

“That’s a very good attitude. “As expected, she’s a rare class down girl.”

“Hehe. “Isn’t this normal?”

Ahn Hyeon shakes his head with a natural expression and opens his mouth. And next to him, Yujeong and Ansol were glaring at him. Finally, after wheezing for a while, Yoo-jeong, unable to bear Ahn Hyeon’s arrogant expression, ended up spitting out a harsh word.

“I’m playing. You will train well. “We’ll just eat like pigs.”

Despite Yu-jeong’s intense criticism, Ahn Hyeon’s face was calm itself.

“Hmm. It smells like a normal user somewhere. It also smells like a very ugly smell mixed with jealousy. “I think it would be better to move between my brother and Vivian.”

As Ahn Hyun answered in a very noble tone, I could see sparks flying in Yu Jeong’s eyes.

“Crazy guy. “You idiot.”

“Somewhere you can hear the sound of a jealous animal crying. brother. Anyway, the day is very clear today. ha ha ha.”

“Okay, okay. “You both stop.”

At my words, Anhyun nodded with a relaxed expression, and Yujeong chewed her lips and gritted her teeth. Since I was only planning on touching him lightly anyway, I waved my arm to block the space between them. Shin Sang-yong and Vivien laughed a little while looking at those kids.

I turned my gaze to Jeong Ha-yeon for a moment. She had been looking dazed ever since she left the ruined laboratory. Her companions did not talk to her, and she rarely opened her mouth first. Yoo-jeong, who had been so close to her, was now treating Jeong Ha-yeon as if she did not exist.

To be honest, I couldn’t see it as a good atmosphere. In any case, Miu or Gou has been selected as a clan member who will be with me in the future. Even if it is impossible to live like a family for a while, at least there should be an atmosphere when you first meet at Mule and set off on an expedition. Moreover, after this expedition, she plans to apply for the creation of a clan, so if you look at it, she will also become an original member of the clan.

Anyway, I thought it would be better to take a good rest today and talk separately tomorrow or whenever. Although I just returned from an expedition, I plan to finish most of the work before leaving for the next expedition, so there was a lot of work to do. However, these are all problems that can be solved one by one if you just invest time, and the period of stay in the city due to maintenance was also long.

I passed through the north gate, twisting my body complaining of fatigue. While listening to the loud salutes of the guards next to me, my first destination was an inn.

The inn I visit in the small town of Mule is always the same. . The facilities aren’t all that good, but it wasn’t unnecessarily crowded with users (let’s make an exception for the users who flirted with Go Yeon-ju), and the food tasted good. Of course, there are many such inns, and this is only a superficial reason. The real reason I went to that inn was to recruit or kill Go Yeon-ju. Now that I think about it, the time to deal with her is slowly approaching.

In the worst case scenario, you may end up fighting her alone. Hoping that something like that would not happen, I climbed the stairs of the inn I had already arrived at.

As I opened the tightly closed wooden door and entered, I could see the back of Go Yeon-ju cleaning the table.


This is Ahn Hyeon’s voice swallowing his saliva. She must have already felt like she was popular, so she coolly stole the table from her and leisurely turned her body around. Soon after, she checked my face and gave me a warm greeting.

“oh. long time no see.”

“Long time no see.”

As I entered the inn door of , I wasted a lot of time looking at the few users I could see. Come to think of it, a large number of vagabonds will probably be purged within this month. It may still be in the planning stages, but users have already gotten a whiff of it and are slowly leaving cities to the north.

Go Yeon-ju was still wearing revealing clothes. A top similar to a V-neck that reveals more than half of the chest and a bottom that shows the smooth thighs above the knees are missing. She clasped her hands together, looking very happy to be her long-awaited guest.

“Would you like to eat first… Or a bath? Or me… .”

As soon as I arrived, Go Yeon-ju started talking again, and I cut him off with a tone of tiredness.

“I’ll just wash up after eating. Please rent a room for two weeks and give me three special rooms. “I ate the same meal I always ate.”


I thought I heard her click her tongue, but I decided to just move on. We took our seats at a nearby table, receiving a silent protesting look from Anhyeon next to us. Soon, everyone sat down so loudly that their chairs made a creaking sound, and everyone let out a long sigh.

“Phew… But Su-hyeon.”


“Why did you choose three rooms? “Two are enough.”

“I have other things to do. “If it’s a special room, there’s space to get work done.”

Vivien tilted her head at my words. I was planning to use one of the special rooms. There were a lot of things to do in the future, but more than anything, I needed a space to work.

After seeing the elixir in the wooden box, I was able to think of one possibility. Perhaps, if my thoughts are correct, you will be able to increase your physical strength by at least 1 point.

After thinking about this and that, I immediately shook my head. I decided to take a break today and focus on recovering, but I can’t believe I’m thinking about things again. It seemed like I couldn’t get rid of the habit of always pushing my body to its limit in the first session.

Most of the kids were already hanging their necks on the table. It seems that the fatigue accumulated during the battle and the forced march upon returning exploded all at once. Since people in the city respected me to some extent, I didn’t say anything.

A little time passed, and I could see Go Yeon-ju coming out with food.

“brother. “I’ll just have a drink.”

“… “Drink just a little.”

Since I thought it was okay to have a light drink, I agreed to Yu-jeong’s request. After hearing Yoo-jeong’s words, the companions seemed to be interested, so they each added alcohol to suit their tastes. I also wanted to soothe my dry throat, so it was natural for me to join in the order.

I was able to finish the meal lightly. The companions quickly ate the food in front of them without saying a word. Everyone seemed to have a strong desire to quickly fill their bellies and go upstairs to rest.

After eating, female users chose to take a bath, and male users chose to go straight to their rooms. Looking at them like that, I chose to simply wash up after paying the fee to Ko Yeon-ju.

After washing up, I left one room alone and went into the special room where Ahn Hyun and Shin Sang-yong stayed, and I saw them both snoring. Ahn Hyeon, who was said to be training, was showing atrocities, even drooling and kicking away the blanket. I clicked my tongue, quietly covered myself with the blanket, and lay down comfortably on the remaining bed next to me.



As I cried out “just a little more, just a little more,” I ended up getting up. When I looked out the window, it was already dark outside. I lay down again and tried to sleep somehow, but less than a minute later, I got out of bed.

Habits acquired over a long period of time are scary. Even if you try to fix it, you end up acting unconsciously. I usually only sleep for an hour or two and tried to get a good night’s sleep for the first time in a while, but now my body was moving on its own. What’s even more problematic is that while I consider this a problem, a part of me considers it a necessary process.

It must have been about three or four hours since I lay in bed. Even though I sleep a lot more than I normally do, I am seriously lacking sleep in terms of time. I thought that if I continued like this, I would get seriously hurt at some point.

Abilities are not omnipotent. You can do it when you’re working, but you need to rest when you’re resting so you can function properly when it’s important. Even though I knew that, I ended up grabbing the sword that was standing next to me. I felt like I had to move my body or control my mind to soothe my upset stomach.

When I turn my gaze, I see Ahn Hyeon, who has kicked off the blanket again and exposes his stomach. He shakes her head and puts her clothes back on and puts the blanket back on her. Even when I thought about it, I felt like I was really no different from my parents, and a bitter taste filled my mouth.

I turned over the two sleeping comfortably and turned the handle to open it. The sound of the door opening seemed particularly loud today. After gently closing the reopened door, I immediately walked into the special room, where no one was yet there.

There was no one in the special rooms on the floor I was on except my companions. The reason for this is that other users currently have no reason to use the special room, and the correct answer is that there are currently no users in Mule who can afford to use the special room.

With the intention of meditating if swinging the sword was difficult, I opened the door to another rented special room. and… .


“You came as expected.”

“… “What are you doing alone?”

When I open my mouth with a dumbfounded expression, Ha-yeon Jeong tilts her head slightly.

In the special room that was supposed to be used for work, Jeong Ha-yeon was sitting, looking neat and tidy as usual. They must have brought food separately, so there was a bottle of alcohol and a side dish of stir-fried vegetables on the table. As I stared at her face for a moment, Ha-yeon Jeong shrugged her shoulders and opened her mouth.

“Why do you look at me like that? “Can’t I do something like this?”

“… I don’t think that’s the problem. Well, there’s nothing that can’t be done.”

“Hehe. Don’t be stiff, just come in and sit down. “I thought it was really unsightly to drink alone, but you came at a good time.”

Just looking at her outward behavior, she doesn’t look like her usual Jeong Ha-yeon. First, I obediently pulled out the chair across from her and placed my butt on top of her. After confirming that I was seated, she lightly passed the drink she was holding.

“I was kicked out.”

“… … .”

“… just joke. They’re not like that. So don’t make that face.”

Jeong Ha-yeon’s voice contained a bit of intoxication. When I immediately frowned at her comment about being kicked out, she smiled and corrected her words. And as if she was complaining, she continued her words immediately.

“Still, there is a slightly uncomfortable atmosphere. “If you say you are self-employed, I have nothing to say.”

hmm. Was it like that? They said there was an uncomfortable atmosphere, whether they knew it or not. I felt like I would need to talk to Yujeong sooner or later. But that wasn’t what was important now.

At first, Ha-yeon Jeong clearly said, “You are here as expected.” He brought out the words. That means he was expecting me to come to this room. Although the days spent with her were few, it was clear that the routine was consistent. Even so, predicting that I would come here today was definitely a gamble.

As I kept my mouth shut, Jeong Ha-yeon filled the empty glass with alcohol and held it out to me. I accepted the drink with a nervous expression. Before she drank, I asked her in her calm voice.

“What were you planning to do if you didn’t come today?”

“what. I thought it was definitely a possibility. It’s nice and comfortable because I can sleep alone if I don’t come for anything. No matter what the result is, it’s not bad. “That is the mindset of Holplane wizards.”

Instead of the usual clear voice, words were spoken in a seductive tone. As she continued to hold the glass, Ha-yeon Jeong slightly nodded her head as if to tell her to drink quickly. I analyzed the composition of the liquid in the glass with my third eye and then took a sip.

“You look hot. It’s not that weak of a drink… .”

As I watched her talk again, I cut her off in a low voice.

“Just for your information. “I don’t really like talking back.”

“… I think I’ve become a little sentimental after drinking. “I understand you’re doing this because you’re drunk.”

She just smiled beautifully despite my harsh words. However, my eyes staring at Jeong Ha-yeon are just indifferent. I knew instinctively. She says she was drunk, but that’s a lie. That face was definitely not a drunk face. If so, it would mean that he was acting for some reason.

It was she who spoke first, not me.

“… Mr. Kim Soo-hyun.”

“Please speak.”

“I’m free tonight…” ?”

Jeong Ha-yeon called me once and rested her chin on one side. Eventually she spoke to me with sleepy eyes. dark night. A room with just two people. One table between me and her. I can hear her soft breathing, and even the sweet sighs she lets out every now and then.

She stared into my eyes for a long time and slowly opened her pretty lips.

“if you have time… “Will you listen to me tonight?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

What should I say?

The person who said good things.

The person who gave me encouragement.

The person who said he would wait.

All I can say is thank you.

I will do my best as I have decided to kill two birds with one stone this time.

thank you.(__)

P.S. Ripple will continue from the next episode.

PS2. Can someone please tell me the level of Noble? ㅜ.ㅠ


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not work with dark mode