Memorize Chapter 109

00109 Same question, different results ——————————————– —————————-=

As expected, I was able to find a door cleverly blended into the floor at the place where Belphegor and I engaged in combat. The door was similar to the structure that led from the castle lobby to the basement when the ancient alchemist’s dungeon was discovered. It’s not that I didn’t discover it, but I wouldn’t have activated my third eye at that time. There is virtually nothing in this world that can fool the third eye.

When I opened the door to the basement and entered, I found a staircase leading down. Before entering, I searched the basement carefully through detection. And after confirming that there was no danger reaction, I immediately threw myself downward.


Ha-yeon Jeong followed in and immediately cast the Light spell. The moment the round sphere of light rose up and brightened up the dark interior, the secret room sleeping underground was revealed to us.

“Oooh… .”

I hear Ahn Hyeon’s exclamation. Looking at the secret room, I could feel that it was smaller than the rooms on the first floor. In the room, wooden boxes and barrels that still maintained their shape were neatly stacked on one wall. Besides that, there was an old bed, drawers, table, and dishes scattered on the table. It was difficult to think that it had any special purpose.

I approach the bed and roll up the sheets. I saw old bone fragments lying quietly. After staring at the traces for a moment, I covered them with a sheet again. After turning around, I looked at my companions standing still and opened my mouth.

“This room is the last room. “I don’t know what there may be, but please carefully inspect the room without missing anything.”

As soon as my order came out, the kids dispersed. Everyone seemed excited by the anticipation that just exploring this room would be the end and the excitement that something else might come out. Soon, as I saw Shin Sang-yong, Jeong Ha-yeon, and Vivien walking calmly, I once again activated my senses and third eye.

“… … .”

After a while. There was no need to maintain detection for long. I bent down and put my hand under the bed. As I swept my hand in a large semicircle, I felt a few things getting stuck in my arm. They say it’s dark under the lamp. Anyway, thinking that I had found one quickly, I was happy to pull them all out.

Immediately after, I internally cheered as I looked at the items hanging from my arms. I feel trembled at the fact that the things that even I was skeptical about at first are coming to reality one by one. Of course, I haven’t confirmed the information yet, but I thought it was definitely what I expected.

There are a total of four items included. A black spear that is slightly thicker and longer than a regular spear. A luxurious wooden box that is straight and square and can be held in one hand. An old book that seems to crumble at the slightest touch. And a pair of gloves.

I first looked at the gloves for a moment. The gloves were blue-black leather gloves, simple overall, but beautifully embroidered on the surface with chains that sparkled in the moonlight. It was a bit of an error that it was one pair and not one pair, but I didn’t mind.

Still, I lied down on my stomach and looked further under the bed in case there was one more. So, the other one was not visible.

“kid… Just destroy everything! “If I leave anyway, it’s over!”

“That’s good.”

From behind, the sounds of Anhyeon and Yujeong breaking boxes were heard. Maybe because things didn’t go as planned, his impatient temper came out and he was destroying everything.

All this time, I looked away with my third eye in excitement. You can see items accumulating dust before your eyes. If previous predictions were not wrong, there was a high possibility that these items were relics used by Qigong lancers.

As I continued to look at them and try to analyze them with my third eye, soon information about the items began to come to mind one after another.

『Spear Of Raven』

. If you can find the record written by the owner of the spear, you will be able to gain even higher power.>


『Records of Ancient Lancers』

『Reduction Of Glove』

“ha… .”

“I finally found a pocket! brother Brother! I have this… “Oppa, what are you doing now?”

I heard Yujeong calling me from behind, but I didn’t have time to answer. After all her hardships, happiness comes… Oh, of course there was no trouble. Anyway, the Qigong lancer was asleep around the small town of Mule.

Following the Chimera Alchemist, he is a Qigong Spearman. This could never be dismissed as a light matter. Suddenly, I remember the time when I received a book from Vivien. Just like that time, I clenched my fists as the joy and joy overflowed in my heart again. Even though I tried to hold back, I eventually felt a smile on my face and I got up.

“brother? Oppa~? “Why on earth is that so?”

When Yujeong started whining next to me, I immediately put out my hand and pulled her to me. Yujeong seemed surprised at first, but she soon snuggled next to me without any pressure and showed her cuteness. She buried her head in my shoulder and her eyes widened as she looked at the items scattered below.

“I think I hit the jackpot. ha ha ha.”

“Is this a spear? Wow. “Ahn Hyeon, you are blessed.”

I tried to push Yu-jeong’s head away, but Yu-jeong pushed her head back and expressed strong refusal.

“hey. Now get your head out of your ass.”

“Seeing. When do you hug me? Let’s not do that and just stay like this a little longer. I understand why Sol always tries to be hugged by her oppa. “I feel fine.”

At those words, I sighed and withdrew my hand.

Anyway, choosing the third eye when choosing a unique ability was truly a godsend. The dungeons, explorations, and rare classes I had been looking for in the first playthrough were popping up as I explored them.

Of course, I know that these situations are to some extent due to luck. But anyway, what was important now was the fact that I had discovered a rare class twice in a row. What I had hoped for was becoming reality. It was very encouraging to see Anhyeon, who was highly loyal to the group and to me, become a rare class.

After calming my trembling heart, I quietly reached out my hand to the black spear. I push through the piles of dust and grab the cold, jet-black metal. At that moment, a tremendous amount of power flowed into my body, and this time, instead of the Third Eye, the setting messages of the Hole Plane floated into the air.

“congratulations. I found a rare class. If you hold the jet-black spear and accept the power inside, you can evolve into Energy SpearMan.』

『Qigong lancers can be seen as a higher class of lancers. They have their own unique martial arts and spear techniques, and can maximize the effectiveness of their martial arts and spear techniques by utilizing the energy inside their bodies more efficiently. Methods for practicing martial arts and spearmanship are contained in the records left by the practitioners. If there is a user who is familiar with the melee classes, especially the spear, I recommend succession.』

『Currently, Kim Soo-hyun’s occupation is Sword Specialist, the highest secret class in the swordsman class. He can acquire the book, but as a result of judging the unique, special, and potential abilities, the overall efficiency will inevitably decrease to less than 40%. However, he can recover 20% of the loss by rolling 94 points in his Strength stat and 98 points in his Dexterity stat. In addition, 20% of the reduction can be recovered through the EX rank judgment on the special ability Shingeomunhap date. No matter what weapon he holds, Kim Soo-hyun can demonstrate his abilities. However, he is bound to be less efficient than holding a sword. Also, since all special and potential abilities have already been fully developed, it is not recommended to acquire the power of a Qigong Spearman.』

The search didn’t take long as it wasn’t very spacious and all 7 people in the group were emptying the room. Soon, I heard reports from the group members who had finished all their assigned areas one after another.

“brother. “It’s dog hair.”

“Brother. I have one pocket… Hey?”

Anhyeon waved his hand and sighed, and Ansol was just waving the pendant at me, but when he saw Yujeong and me, he took a breath. I immediately pushed Yujeong’s head away.

“Mr. Woo. “I couldn’t find it either.”

“Well, I am also an alumnus of your teacher.”

Vivien and Shin Sang-yong showed me their empty hands with sad faces. And Ha-yeon Jeong, who was in charge of the drawer, held out a long, shiny string.

“I found a necklace. “I feel like I can feel some magical energy.”

Ha-yeon Jeong and Sol An calmly handed me the items they had found. I dropped the two items onto the items I had found on the floor. When they saw the relics of the ancient Qigong lancers I had discovered, the eyes of all the group members except Yu-jeong turned round.

“I think we need to settle the account, but… “Let’s take care of the urgent matters first.”

“Urgent? I want to go back to the city quickly… .”

When I looked at Vivien who was grumbling, she immediately changed her words again.

“and. I’m really curious about what kind of items they are. “I’m curious~ I’m curious~!”

“… Ahn Hyeon. come here.”


Anhyeon obediently came next to me as I said. I bent down, grabbed the jet-black spear, and slowly lifted it. Anhyeon checked the window and smiled, probably thinking that I would give it to him. And, I was sure that smile would soon turn into shock.

“Hyuna. “From now on, listen to me carefully.”

“Hehe. “Just do whatever you tell me to do.”

Seeing Hyun’s eyes shining excessively, I smiled bitterly and continued speaking quietly.

“If you grab this window, whole plane messages will probably float into the air. After reading it all, you can say that you accept it with your heart. The important thing is to never drop the window in the middle. got it?”

“yes? I do not know. You just have to do what you’re told, right? “But what is this?”

“Ugh. Just remember my words and do as the messages tell you. Then you will understand naturally.”

“Hehe. Since you said that, I’m looking forward to it. Please give it to me quickly, bro.”

“guy. “It’s old.”

I just handed the spear to Ahn Hyeon. And the moment Ahn Hyeon grabbed the spear, I could see his body becoming stiff. And looking at that, I let out a slight smile. In the first place, I had very high magical power and had divine protection, so I was able to use that power without difficulty, but Anhyun was not, whose magical ability was relatively low.

“uh… uh… .”

Anhyun’s eyes stare into space. And as his expression of confusion appeared, a small commotion arose among the group. Seeing them like that, I calmly raised my hand and signaled them to be quiet.

“Everyone be quiet. The process of carrying out the succession ceremony is not as easy as you might think. The quieter the surroundings, the better, so please be quiet for a moment. “You just have to watch.”

“succession… procedure?”

When Yoo-jeong, who was standing next to me, asked me a question in a shaky voice, I nodded and answered.

“okay. That spear is an item that allows you to inherit the rare class Energy SpearMan. In other words, the succession ceremony refers to the process by which Anhyeon currently evolves into a rare class.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Today I will tell you about the settings for ranks and stages.

Minus, Zero, Plus are defined as .

F ~ EX are defined as .


2. S → S+

3. A- → A → A+ → A++ → A+++

4. B- → B → B+

5. C- → C → C+

6. D- → D → D+

7. E- → E → E+

8. F- → F → F+

Description of Kim Soo-hyun’s unique, special, and potential abilities.

《Third Eye (S Zero)》

1. Downgraded by 2 ranks due to forced manifestation of unknown power

2. Increased by 1 rank due to the influence of Hwajeong

Originally, the third eye was a unique ability that could only be obtained at EX rank. So, it is currently ranked S Zero for reasons 1 and 2.

《EX Zero》

1. Raise one rank thanks to many years of experienced experience and numerous achievements

2. Increase by 1 rank due to job correction

Shingeomhapil originally received an A rank if it matched purely with during Suhyun’s first round. However, for reasons 1 and 2, it has now received a 2 rank increase correction and is now EX rank.

(This part was set to increase by 3 ranks a while ago. It has now been modified to increase by 2 ranks.)

《Hand-to-hand combat (A Plus)》

1. Increase by 1 rank through many years of experienced experience and job correction (the parts that receive upward correction differ depending on each ability.)

Hand-to-hand combat also received a B+ rank during Su-hyeon’s first round. However, for reason number 1, it has now received a 1 rank increase correction and is now an A+ rank.


hello. This is Ro Yujin.

hmm. There is a high possibility that today will be the last day of the Yeoncham march.

I’ll probably tell you more about it in my review at midnight today.

and… Thank you very much to those who gave me many kind words.

I was able to receive a lot of comfort while reading. (__)

Well then, have a happy day everyone. thank you


1. Kuroshion: Congratulations on first place. You broke MT Gom’s first place streak. Clap clap clap!

2. Human life: Haha. That’s too bad. How are you feeling? Are you feeling much better? Sol was so nervous at that time that she couldn’t speak properly(?). ha ha ha.

3. Martial arts novel fanatic: Oooh! Daedong unity! I also unite with my readers! 🙂

4. Woodsworth: Awesome. Hot, hot.

5. starland: Hahaha. If you think about Jeong Ha-yeon’s younger brother, you will find the answer. 🙂

6. CrossDie: Of course, the misunderstanding was resolved. My sister and I are friends again. I don’t think this is right either. Personally, I think Soo-hyun will also be involved in their problem, and considering the fact that Yoo-jeong liked Ha-yeon in the first place, it doesn’t mean there isn’t a solution. And a foreshadowing of Hayeon’s response to him has also been laid down. Thank you for your hard work writing this on your phone. Please look forward to seeing how the relationship between the two will resolve in the future. 🙂

7. Changrang: I absolutely agree.

8. Demon Temple: Thank you. After taking a nap, my mind calms down a little. ha ha ha… .

9. Toranoanal: Yes. It seems like time is running out. I still feel regretful, but it will gradually get better, right?

10. Kal Ijoa: I see. I will post a review about the ranking soon. ah. I plan to upload user information to the work settings soon, but it would be better to upload it at the same time. If you want to know right away, please send me a message.

11. Brown Gom Liz: Thank you for your kind words. I miss Browngom Liz’s cute comments from the beginning. ha ha ha.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again (especially today).

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode