Memorize Chapter 108

00108 Same question, different results ——————————————– —————————-=

I hear her sorrowful voice. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. On the outside, it may seem like he is putting his mind in order, but his acting only goes so far. After taking a moment to catch my breath, I began speaking in a solemn tone.

“I have experienced losing loved ones.”

I thought a lot about whether to say this or not, but eventually decided to do it. It is unlikely that she will think of her user Jeong Ji-yeon after hearing this. Now it was time for me to answer her question, and judging by the flow of the Crystal of Truth beneath her hands, it seemed like it would soon end.

“The feelings at that time were indescribably sad and despairing. After that experience, and after coming into this damn hole plane. “Recalling the memories of that time, I did my best to strengthen my strength and adapt.”

“… … .”

“I wanted to increase my strength, but I accepted the power that could harm my life… Because I literally wanted to live. My goals are ultimately two-fold. Survival and return. I have not yet given up hope of surviving this Holplane world and returning to Earth. but… “There is no point in going back alone.”

I paused for a moment and turned my head to look at the kids. You can see Anhyun’s face, Ansol’s face, and Yujeong Lee’s face. The kids were concentrating on what I was saying, making noisy breathing noises. Of course, the people who are truly dear to my heart are not the children.

This is a kind of vague prank that is just words and sincerity. I looked away again and continued.

“I want to protect my precious people and I don’t want to let them die. I want to return to Earth alive without a single death. “Even if I have to make a sacrifice, if I can save the lives of my precious people, I can calmly accept that sacrifice.”

“brother… .”

“brother… .”

“Brother… .”

The light of was soft. It still blooms while maintaining its light color. It has to be that way. Because I said this while thinking of my older brothers Kim Yu-hyeon and Han So-young. And judged my sincere words to be the truth.

This is what I was thinking, but anyway, the people surrounding me right now were mistaking those precious people for kids. In particular, the kids who exchanged glances with me all had expressions of a mixture of exclamation and bewilderment. I’m sorry, kids. Still, I will make sure you never regret following me.

Ha-yeon Jeong, Sang-yong Shin, and Vivien were also staring at me with very admiring faces. proved that my words were not just lip service. This concludes everything I wanted to say. However, the crystal ball was still maintained. The speech ended faster than expected and I was just about to quench my appetite and turn my head again.

At that time, Shin Sang-yong, who had been listening quietly until now, opened his mouth.

“Hayeon. “Let’s stop now.”

“yes yes… ?”

“The questions you’ve asked so far are enough. So let’s stop now. And leader.”

Shin Sang-yong suddenly stopped talking and adjusted his posture to sit down. And without me having time to stop him, he fell down and hit his head on the floor. He seemed to have hit it hard in his own way. “Tap.” The sound echoed around the area.

“leader. I’m sorry. For a moment, I doubted you. That’s why I couldn’t stop Hayeon when she brought out to you. But after hearing the leader’s sincerity… “I realized how foolish I had been.”

“I’m glad the misunderstanding has been resolved.”

“He is a benefactor who saved my life and granted my request. Nevertheless, I could not erase the doubt that arose in the back of my mind. I am really sorry.”

“I plan to reap the rewards of saying this today when I return to Mule. And stop standing up. “It’s annoying to see you like that now.”

When I opened my mouth in a gloomy voice, Shin Sang-yong struggled to get up. His face was full of regret. When I look back, I see Jeong Ha-yeon, who was staring blankly at me. Starting with Shin Sang-yong, she looked at all the faces of the group, including me, and then her eyes stopped for a moment on Vivien. At that moment, I could see a sparkling light passing through her eyes.

“number… !”

“Hey guys.”

I quickly turned around a bit, looked at the kids, and spoke to them in a soft voice. Jeong Ha-yeon, who had just started talking to me, swallowed her saliva with a shocked look on her face. She called her previous question her last question, and was in no mood to push me further. She got angry and told him to stop using good news. If I opened my mouth one more time, I was sure to incur the wrath of everyone in my group.

All the kids were just pursed their lips with hesitant expressions on their faces. I opened my mouth with a calm face that I had not shown to Jeong Ha-yeon.

“If you guys have any questions, ask them now. “There’s still some time left.”

Anhyeon and Yujeong immediately shook their heads at my question. no. If you don’t ask questions, there will be time left. There was no way they could hear the cry in my heart, so they spoke to me in a shy tone.

“brother. All my doubts were answered. And he didn’t even suspect it in the first place. rather… sorry. And thank you, brother.”

“me too. Look. I knew it. What did my brother lie to? . What should I do because I feel sorry for my brother… .”

I sighed as I looked at Yujeong, who was talking back and pouting. If things didn’t work out, I turned to Ansol, thinking that there would be something to do since Shin Sang-yong and Vivien were there. And she… Just now, he was just looking at my face with hazy eyes.

I intuitively felt danger(?) and was about to turn my head towards Vivien.

“I… Brother… .”

“Uh, huh?”

“I have something I want to ask you… .”

don’t do it. You don’t. I wanted to say that like a chimney, but if I did that, I would burst into tears right away. Additionally, the other kids were very curious about Sol’s question, so I couldn’t think of any reason to refuse. Sol, who accepted her silence as an affirmation, eventually twisted her body and opened her mouth.

“Brother… What do you think of me… ?”

“Cluck cluck!”

Ahn Hyun, who had been listening quietly, cleared his throat violently. I bit my lip, thinking that something was coming. haha. What do you think? I think he’s a child who is immature and always makes me want to bully him and make him cry… But I couldn’t just say my inner thoughts.

“… … .”

Sol was now clenching his hands tightly, as if showing great courage, and his cheeks were turning red. As I was about to open his mouth with the intention of saying something roughly, Wonho came in unexpectedly.

“What do you think? He is a childish person who always causes trouble by behaving like a child and just bursts into tears when he gets upset. “Why are you giving your brother trouble with questions like that?”

“okay. Soohyun looks so troubled. Don’t ask such questions in private or don’t ask them at all. “You have to know how to choose the time and place.”

Yujeong and Vivian continued talking side by side as if they were shooting at Sol-i as a target. I nodded inwardly, saying every word was correct, but their tone of voice became more pointed than necessary. In response to the two female users’ rebuttal, Ansol stuck out her lower lip.

“Uh, I didn’t ask my sisters.”

“Where is this little guy… .”


I sat Yujeong back in his seat as he got up in a low voice. Things almost took a turn for the worse, but the crisis was overcome with the appropriate help from the two. With everyone’s attention, I calmly opened my mouth.

“Sol is a very kind and pure child. When you look at her sometimes she is startling. and… As such, she doesn’t fit in well with the world of Hall Plain. “That’s true.”

“Hey… .”

“But Sol is a priest. I’m carrying Sol… Rather, I am always paying attention to possibilities.”

“but… As the sisters said, I am not much help… Always making a fuss… Crying… .”

I know it well. However, I shook my head slowly without showing it.

“The job of a priest and Sol’s personality are very compatible. I always think Sol has the potential to be the best priest. No, if you can maintain that mindset now, you will definitely become the best priest later.”

okay. Because you will later become a Brilliance Priest. It will be really useful then, so I will help you and comfort you for now. I grinned, grabbed the crystal ball, and lifted it up. And the flame of was still blooming in a light color.

Ansol’s face brightened noticeably after hearing my confirmation, and Anhyeon also straightened his back with an excited look on his face. And at that moment, when I checked the flame of the held in the air, I could see the flame slowly fading away.

“ah… .”

I turn my head to the exclamation coming from ahead. There, Jeong Ha-yeon was looking at the in my hand with a worried face. The flame that had been fading out for a while suddenly turned into a dot, and soon cracks began to form on the surface of the crystal ball of .

Damn. Damn it. Crispy… .

The crack instantly spread across the entire surface and soon turned into a handful of ash and fell from the air. Jeong Ha-yeon just stared blankly at the crystal powder falling from the rainwater. Eventually, when all the powder was scattered, she raised her head and stared at me with complicated eyes.

After overcoming one hurdle with amazing timing, I sighed heavily. The expression on her face when dealing with her children immediately changed and she looked at her in an indifferent tone and opened her mouth.

“then… “Have all your questions been answered?”

“… yes.”

It came out a beat late, but in the end, “Yes.” I received the answer. It was difficult for her to answer as she had her hand on the , but since the holding time was over, she had as many excuses as she could. And there was also a good excuse that all the kids knew about.

Anyway, I felt very relieved to have completed one important task. In addition, I could say that today was truly the best day since I got rid of Belphegor, a guy who was annoying to chew on. However, there was still one more thing left to feel good about.

“Then, from now on, I will act as the caravan leader again.”

“Is it possible?”

I nodded at Shin Sang-yong’s clear answer and got up.

“I’ve been resting longer than I thought, so I’m thinking of moving again. Everyone, wake up.”

At my command, everyone in the group stood up. Jeong Ha-yeon let out an inexplicable sigh and stood up carefully. I approached her and whispered in her soft voice.

“I will settle today’s matter after returning to Mule. Until then… .”

“… all right. And I’m sorry.”

After hearing her confirmation, I immediately turned around. Yujeong ran towards me with her cheerful smile brighter than ever.

“brother. So are you going back to the Mule now? “If we leave now, we’ll arrive by sand tomorrow, right?”

“no. Including today, it will take about 3 days to get back.”

“huh? why?”

“It’s a little late now. And I might spend one more night at the lab today. “Know that.”

At my words, all my companions looked at me with questioning faces. I continued, pointing outside the room.

“When I was fighting Belphegor earlier, I discovered a secret passage.”

“Secret passage?”

“okay. When I found it on the first floor, it was scratching the ground like crazy. There seems to be a door leading to the basement somewhere on the floor. It’s still good enough, but you never know. “I wonder if there is a greater treasure in that secret place.”

The kids all looked at me with interest. However, Ansol was an exception. She came closer to me and grabbed me by her collar with both hands and clung to me tightly.

“Brother… Let’s just go mule… . I’m so worried about my body… yes?”

I gently touched Sol’s cheek. The soft cheeks that had not yet fallen out were gently grasped in my hands.

“It would be a shame to come this far and just go back. are you okay. “Anyway, I was planning to rest for a while when I go back to Mule.”

“… really?”

“okay. So, let’s go for now. It’s not that hard to get there. The attack is already over. got it?”


I patted the head of Sol, who listened to me kindly, and then turned away. Before we knew it, everyone in the group had formed a formation. After checking everyone’s faces, I walked out of the door in stride. And as I left the door, I had a deep smile on my face.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

By the time you get to know a person, separation comes.

When you find out about the breakup, people come to you.

hmm. By the way. By the way. Readers.

They say breakup is beautiful, but it doesn’t seem to be that pleasant.

sorry. I complained for no reason.


1. KIN Byung: Congratulations on first place. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

2. Like Yuun: Long time no see. ha ha ha. Who will be the first?

3. Lagua: Of course it comes out. It’s just that the time is not yet right.

4. Kun-Lai: Haha. Thank you. I will refer to it later when writing an introduction.

5. Blamy: Readers’ opinions are very divided, and I also have a lot of concerns. ha ha ha. I’ve been thinking about it, but I haven’t decided what to do.

6. Wind Moon Master: Modified. thank you yes. You can think of it as calculating all of these things and coming up with a result.

7. Artequus: Eh. to. It’s dangerous. Hum hum. You can’t do that. 🙁

8. Shabby: Perhaps if we simply overlook the current situation, there will definitely be readers who will ask questions later. ha ha ha. I am also steadfastly proceeding with the development under the judgment that it would be better to make it clear now.

9. Hwieul: Haha. You are partly correct. If you think about Vivian’s time, I think you will get closer to the answer.

10. Nochouner: This is your first comment! ha ha ha. Nice to meet you. Thank you for your kind opinion.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode