MEMORIZE Chapter 1067

01067 9. Vivien Side Story (Modern) —————————————— ——————————-=

It was a clear and quiet morning with long white clouds flowing like beards.

However, Soyoung’s apartment was as bustling as usual.

As each person had a job, they were busy preparing for school or work.

Ko Yeon-ju, who opens the store in the afternoon, also participated in breakfast today, probably because of the wind.

No matter how busy she was, she would put a red ginseng pack under her cleavage and suck on it through a straw while drying her hair with a hair dryer.

Han So-young, who was watching her tricks at the table, carefully inserted the cup into the long, fanned part in the middle of her breasts.

After tapping it three or four times, he nods and inserts the straw.

With a very satisfied smile, I took out the documents while drinking rice flour.

Meanwhile, Suna, who was watching the two with a sullen expression, pulled on her bright yellow collar with all her might and whined, putting the cup of fresh fruit juice in with difficulty.

As a result, the cup spun around inside, spilling the juice on the tablecloth, and Suna got angry and screamed.

Rather than being offended because his body and clothes were soggy, his face looked decomposed for some other reason.

With a bitter smile, Seraph hugged Suna, comforted her, and took her to the bathroom.

And Kim Han-byeol, who was writing a report next to him while cursing the professor all sorts of things, looked at the already stained A4 paper and started crying.

Im Hanna barely suppressed her laughter and started wiping up the juice that Suna had spilled.

“So, I can’t see Vivien?”

Lee Yu-jeong, who was free from the war in the morning because he was preparing for patrol, looked around and said.

“oh. “Really?”

Lim Hanna straightened her back and tilted her face as if something suddenly occurred to her.

Then Kim Soo-hyun, who was eating in the corner like he was dead, chuckled and hung his head.

“I really enjoyed the meal.”

I picked up the bowl of food that was still more than half left and brought it to the kitchen.

Soon, he goes into the room as if running away and closes the door.

Kim Soo-hyun, leaning against the door, looked at the bankbook lying on the desk and let out a long sigh.

It’s not that I didn’t return it.

I tried to return it.

After revealing the whole story, he apologized and took out his bankbook.

But Vivien did not accept it.

She was crying and looked up at Kim Soo-hyun with a devastated face of disbelief.

He was silent for a long time and then stood up without saying a word.

I can still vividly see the sight of me rushing past and getting on the elevator.

“It was definitely severe… … .”

Kim Soo-hyun was truly reflecting.

There is a limit to jokes.

Normally, I would have harassed him moderately, but I fell for the provocation and decided to trample on him.

However, since the sniping itself was interfering with the broadcast, there was nothing to say.

Even if you think about it a hundred times, it remains unspoken.

“I need to apologize… … .”

Last night, I followed him up and knocked, but he didn’t open the door.

It was the same this morning too.

You could force it open and enter, but it was clear that it would only have the opposite effect.

So, I set out for breakfast this morning, but Vivien didn’t show up.


“Suhyeon! “Time for the kids’ bus to come!”

Just as I was thinking about going again, I heard Lim Hanna’s urgent voice outside the door.

Kim Soo-hyun, who was just picking up his bankbook, quenched his appetite.

First of all, I had to finish what I had to do.


An evening colored by the twilight glow.

Vivien woke up in the afternoon sunlight, washed herself clean, and mechanically turned on the computer.

Her routine is always the same.

Sleep in the morning, prepare in the afternoon, broadcast from dusk until dawn, and sleep afterward.

It is always the same, so much so that it can be considered a Möbius strip.

Eventually, Vivien turned on the video, called Hannah Lim, received a meal, and started broadcasting with a mukbang.

I was hungry because I skipped breakfast and lunch, and I also had the intention of gathering people by interacting with viewers before entering the game corner.

HoHoKoKo2: Vivian~. I think you enjoy your food more than usual today. lol

“Does it look like that? well… … . I have a strange appetite. Hi-Hi.”

Unexpectedly, Vivien’s face was not dark.

Rather bright.

No, should I say that it looks light and light?

The seemingly indistinct smile and humming of a song are more lively than before.

OpOpLove: Can something good happen? You look in a good mood.

“huh? Oh, no? I don’t have one! “Specifically?”

Vivien stammered and strongly denied it.

I don’t know why, but the bridge of my nose turns red and my mouth twitches.

At that time, the chat window sparkled in golden light.

『Sorry (KSH) gave you 100,000 gold coins!』

The next moment, Vivian, who had been drinking water, felt thirsty and gulped it down.

Gold coins can be exchanged for 100 won each.

In other words, 100,000 units are worth a whopping 10 million won.

It was the highest number of gold coins that an individual viewer could gift at once, and it was the single largest gold coin Vivian had ever received for the first time.

“what… … . what? Are you sorry? “100, 100,000?”

Vivien keeps her mouth shut as if she doesn’t know what to do.

But it wasn’t over yet.

『Sorry (KSH) gave you 100,000 gold coins!』

『Sorry (KSH) gave you 100,000 gold coins!』

『Sorry (KSH) gave you 100,000 gold coins!』

『Sorry (KSH) gave you 100,000 gold coins!』

As the gifts of 100,000 gold coins continued, viewers also went crazy.

Reader: I see they are using tricks to somehow increase capacity.

『Ro Yu-jin (WildBear) has left.』

Oh, not this one.

YamyYamy: ㅁㅊ; Class is awesome;

TwoMaro: Uh, your ID is KSH? Isn’t that the sniper?

Cuma85: ㅇㅇ That’s right, the bitch Spider Vivian. Did you suddenly change your mind?

Give me the Surama Spear (KongChanHo): Hey. It’s a spider. What is Kim Soo-hyun doing these days? I don’t answer the phone;

Vivien, who received 500,000 in an instant, could not hide her surprise.

“Who are you to give me gold coins like this?” … .”

I’m sorry (KSH): I’m sorry. I wanted to gift more, but the daily maximum is 50 million won;

“Oh, no… … .”

I’m sorry (KSH): If it’s okay, I’ll give you another gift tomorrow.

The viewer who caused such a storm immediately left the room.

“… … what?”

Vivien bit her fork and blinked as if she didn’t understand.

He tilted his head for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders.

The broadcast that followed was ordinary.

It’s neither good nor bad.

Even after starting the game corner, it went smoothly as usual, with repeated wins and losses.

“Oh, I could have won!”

Vivian, who was feeling disappointed as she pounded the keyboard, heard a viewer say, ‘One more round!’ I responded to the chat and started playing the game right away.

As soon as the game started and the screen went over, the chat atmosphere suddenly heated up.

Vivien was confused at first, but the moment she saw the opposing camp, she flinched.

There was a nickname called ‘s*ut Spider Vivian’ who chose to be a mercenary lord.

A sniper appeared.

OpOpLove: Here you go again hahahaha

“… … .”

HoHoKoKo2: Now that I think about it, how was yesterday?

“uh? Well, somehow… … .”

Vivien is speechless.

Now that she knew who the sniper was, she mumbled and lowered her gaze.

It was a completely different reaction from usual.

That’s how the game started.

Same time.


Kim Soo-hyun, who barely succeeded in sniping, stared at the screen with a very nervous look.

The apology method he came up with was simple yet complex.

First, he appeases Vivien’s heart with a barrage of gold coin gifts.

Then, after sniping her to raise the mood, the match is lost.

This part was important.

If you lose outright, Vivian will not be happy due to her personality.

There is a high possibility that they will get angry and ask you if you are kidding.

Moreover, it must not be caught by the eyes of sharp-witted viewers.

In other words, the key was to pretend to work hard and subtly lose.

“first… … .”

As soon as the game started, Kim Soo-hyun controlled the mercenary monarch and ran to a neutral field.

As we arrived quickly, Vivian also slowly appeared on the other side.

The moment the distance shortened to a certain extent, he rushed forward.

Although they both came out to a neutral field, it was a charge that could be considered unreasonable considering that Vivian had just come out of the friendly camp.

Nevertheless, Kim Soo-hyun showed almost god-like control and steadily reduced the opponent’s stamina.

Then, as expected, Vivian, transformed into a spider, quickly began to run away.

“Good good… … .”

Kim Soo-hyun immediately activated Hwashin and jumped into the enemy camp.

In the previous battle, I secretly took one less hit.

It’s a little tight, but if you keep chasing it like this… … .


At that time, Vivian, who had been running away frantically, suddenly turned around.

Then, he spews out spider webs and begins to fight against the mercenary lord.


Since there was damage accumulated earlier, it was a situation where you could get a kill unconditionally as long as you ran away in a straight line.

Vivien is also a user with her own quirks, so there’s no way she couldn’t have calculated it.

Kim Soo-hyun, who was clicking his tongue, quickly used the technique.

If you hit with a basic attack that is guaranteed to hit, your plan will go awry, so don’t forget to set it to slightly miss the target.

However, a second later, the technique used by the mercenary lord hit Vivian accurately.

『The heroic mercenary lord achieved the first point against the hero Vivian!』


It was clearly a misdirected attack.

However, Kim Soo-hyun could see clearly.

At the same time as the mercenary lord raised his invisible sword, Vivian slowly moved to the striking point.

“Why are you like this all of a sudden?”

This situation can be divided into two cases.

I predicted it and avoided it, but failed… … .

– damn! Such a waste!

“… … Did I make a mistake?”

Kim Soo-hyun made a guess as he watched Vivien banging on the desk.

I prepared for the next battle without even thinking that she had died on purpose.

Since it was still early in the game, there were many opportunities to die.


The game ended 40 minutes after it started.

You could say it ended at a normal time.

But for some reason, Kim Soo-hyun was holding both temples.

The phrase “victory” appears on the screen.

The mercenary lord’s rating is 34 / 0 / 32.

On the contrary, Vivian’s score was 7/42/19.

The plan had failed.

“I’m going crazy, really.”

I tried to die as best as I could.

Throughout the battle, intentional mistakes were made dozens of times, and loopholes were constantly revealed.

If Vivian was like usual, she should have gotten at least 30 kills.

However, every time he fights, he dies in a way that can only be seen as ambiguous.

What’s more, during the last big turn, he pretended to kill me for no reason, but Vivian died there too.

You could have widened the distance and attacked with summoning, which is your specialty, but why did you rush in too hard and die?

Kim Soo-hyun, who had been staring endlessly at the ceiling, shook his head and looked at the computer.

“Oh, it’s over.”

But the broadcast had already ended.

It was then.


As soon as I confirmed that the broadcast had ended, I heard a soft knock on the door.


“… … .”

Squeak… … .

The door slowly opens to reveal a woman standing quietly outside.

“… … it’s me.”


It was none other than Vivien.

“Come in.”

Kim Soo-hyun felt his mind momentarily becoming confused, but he led the way to his room.

I didn’t know you would come here in person like this.

Although Vivien hesitated, she went into the room.

“sit down. Should I bring something to drink?”

Kim Soo-hyun tried to gain favor by volunteering for services that he did not normally provide.

“I do not need.”

But Vivien, who flatly refused, shook her head and sat down quietly on the edge of the bed.

The way he crossed his arms and legs looked a little gloomy.

And after being silent for a while, Kim Soo-hyun, who was watching, spoke first.

“I… … . Vivien. Yesterday. “I really am.”

“it’s okay.”

But Vivien didn’t even listen to everything and stopped mid-sentence.

“It’s done?”

“That’s not why I came.”

“… … then?”

“… … .”

Vivien fell silent again.

Kim Soo-hyun was so stuffy inside that he felt like he was going to die, but he didn’t show it on the outside.

It was after several minutes that she opened her mouth.

“uh… … . “I asked you for help a while ago.”


“We did a joint broadcast and decided on penalties… … .”

“that’s right.”

“And I said I would help you yesterday too… … .”

“yes. ah! Want help with the broadcast? “Of course I will help.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who made a hasty decision, spoke in a bright voice.

Vivien stuck out her lower lip.

It was a very dissatisfied face.

“That’s not what I meant… … .”

“… … ?”

“So, the penalty determined in the joint broadcast at that time is still in effect… … .”

“… … a little.”

In the past, I probably would have scolded him to speak straight.

However, Kim Soo-hyun, who was guilty, swallowed the words that rose to the top of his throat.

And I thought carefully about it.

I didn’t come here because of what happened yesterday.

I asked to help with the broadcast, and I agreed.

In fact, we did a joint broadcast, played games, and carried out penalties.

The penalty set in that broadcast is still in effect… … ?

‘What does this mean?’

Kim Soo-hyun stared blankly at Vivien.

She bit her lip as his eyes demanded a detailed explanation.

“Uh, so… … .”

He slowly lowers his eyes and bows his head.

She pursed her small, pretty lips and continued speaking.

“me… … . You just died 42 times in the game… … .”

“… … so?”

The white nape of his neck turned red so vividly that it was noticeable.

Unfold your arms and place both hands on the bed.

He uncrossed his legs and rubbed his feet on the floor meaninglessly.

The ten fingers that had been wiggling suddenly brought the sheets together violently.

Did he feel eyes staring at him intently?

Vivien lowered her head further and avoided eye contact.

And said:

“penalty… … . To get it… … . Came… … . place… … .”

A whisper-like voice flowed.

Although he spoke intermittently, it was clearly audible to the ears of the man who was listening attentively.

Kim Soo-hyun is not stupid.

Having said this much, it is impossible to know what the woman wanted and came to visit at this time.

“therefore… … . “You came here because you wanted to get spanked?”

“Oh, no!”

Vivien immediately denied it.

“I want to improve my skills… … . Also, for the sake of broadcasting… … .”

My mouth said no, but my body was honest.

To be more precise, attitudes have changed.

His face turned bright red and his breath became hot.

The two sparkling eyes clearly show that they are expecting something.

“Hoo… … .”

Kim Soo-hyun grinned.

There was no sign of apology anywhere, and it was a smile full of sadistic talent.

After a while.


In the middle of the night, a sound that bordered on joy echoed lovingly out of the room.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

For the Visual Novel Season 2 options, I did this.

B – B – B – A – A – B.

Someone posted this on a free bulletin board, so I followed it, and by doing that, the hidden story was revealed.

The sister character in Hidden Story was really my favorite… … . 🙂

Oh, the Vivian side story is scheduled to conclude in the next episode.

I hope so.(?)


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not work with dark mode