MEMORIZE Chapter 1066

01066 9. Vivian Side Story (Modern) —————————————— ——————————-=

It’s not the first time.

So far, we have been shot at hundreds of times, and we have been miserably manipulated and defeated countless times.

Although I cried out of anger every time that happened, I never once got truly angry.

Vivian was like that, but today was different.

Even if we concede a hundred times and say that sniping is unavoidable, the previous game went too far.

The mercenary lord was determined from start to finish and only targeted Vivian, creating a laughable situation in which the waiting time for resurrection was longer than the time spent playing the game.

I was already so frustrated with my desires, it was like pouring gasoline on a house on fire.

So, it was not at all strange that Vivien’s bright eyes were shining with life.

“Where do you live?”

Even when the game ends, users do not disperse immediately.

A screen with game scores appears, and there is also a window where users can chat with each other.

“no. Why are you doing that? Not once or twice, but hundreds of times. “Let’s talk about why you’re doing this, face to face.”

It was a low, deep voice.

In other words, ‘Let’s see it in person and talk about it.’ However, no one would believe it if they saw those twinkling eyes.

“Tell me where you live. You don’t have to come, I’ll go. Where do you live? “Are you scared?”

Vivien wanted to meet her so much that she even added a provocation.

Vivian the Spider Spider: Me?

The sniper, who had been silent, finally spoke.

And without hesitation, I even posted the address.

The city, district, and neighborhood were also revealed, but that was enough.

Vivien’s eyebrows twitched as she checked the address.

“you… … . “Then, do you understand Suhyeon’s apartment?”

Vivian the Spider Spider: I know. It was set up by Soyoung Group. It’s a place you can’t enter without permission.

“What about Suhyeon Park?”

Vivian the Spider Spider: You know that too. It’s a place I often go to.

Vivien clenched her fists.

I thought I would feel better if I met him and hugged him a few times, but unexpectedly, we live in the same neighborhood.

There was no opportunity like this.

“Good. Come out right now. Do you know the central fountain in Suhyeon Park? “I’ll see you there.”

Vivian the Spider Spider: Wait a minute. I never said I would leave.

“what? Are you scared? Are you scared? “Are you so scared of a delicate girl like me that you can’t come out?”

Vivian the Spider Spider: … … … … … … … … .

Suddenly, the sound of vomiting could be heard from somewhere, but Vivien’s ears, who were already concentrating, could not hear it.

Vivian the Spider Spider: That’s not it, it’s too late… … . I don’t even want to fight.

“Who is going to fight? “Would you like to hear something?”

Vivian the s*ut Spider: If you raise your voice while talking, we might fight.


Vivian the Spider Spider: And look at your face. I’m about to hit him with a punch.

“Wow~. “I’m going crazy~.”

Vivien scoffed on the outside, but was upset on the inside.

If you leave without saying anything, you will become Amitabha Buddha.

I felt like I had to win at least mentally to be able to at least sleep.

“Ah, so you’re not coming out? Are you going to run away?”

Vivian the Spider Spider: Well. I don’t want to fight with you, and there isn’t much to gain from fighting… … .

At that moment, a strange look passed through Vivien’s eyes.

‘I would have said it was a benefit.’

Although it has only been half a year since she came to Earth, Vivien has already adapted to the country of Korea to the extent that she can be considered to have a 100% Korean language patch.

While broadcasting, I know at least what the people of this country think is important and what they value.

“Hey, wait a minute. wait.”

Vivien immediately opened the desk drawer.

I reached into the deepest part of my body and pulled something out.

It turned out to be none other than a bank account.

“Is this a bank account? “You know my bankbook, right?”

s*ut Spider Vivian: ㅇㅇ.

“This is where all the money I made from broadcasting is gathered.”

Vivian the Spider Spider: So?

Vivien cleared her throat.

If you want to catch a big fish, you need bait of that quality.

“Let’s do it this way. If I hit you even once, I’ll give you this on the spot. There is also a password written inside. Also, I will leave with my cards and stamps, no, everything you tell me to bring with me.”

Vivian the Spider Spider: … … what?

Vivien gently shook the bankbook in her hand in front of the camera.

Will it be fished or will it not be fished?

I stare at the screen with nervous eyes.

Vivian the Spider Spider: Really? It’s not a lie?

Finally the fish took the bait.

Vivien smiled inwardly.

“uh. “I can also authenticate you if you want.”

Vivian the Spider Spider: Let’s stop talking here for now. Do you talk?

On top of that, I take the initiative and fret about it one more time.

Vivian scoffed at him, calling him a fool, and exchanged their chat IDs.

Thus, the sudden meeting took place without a hitch.

Vivien stood up from the chair, holding her bankbook in her left hand and her smartphone in her right.

‘… … Should I really take it out?’

I was conflicted for a moment.

Vivien likes money, but she is not the type of person to get caught up in it.

However, losing my bank account by chance was a terrible thing that I couldn’t even imagine.

It was not because I had a taste for money, but because I would soon need the money in this account.

Although she hesitated, Vivien soon made up her mind.

Even if it was just an accident, it was impossible for this bank account to be taken away by force.

That is, if the opponent is an ordinary human being.

In the end, he ended the broadcast and left the room, leaving behind viewers who tried to dissuade him from going.

“You are dead.”

Vivien snapped her fingers and opened the front door with a dangerous look in her eyes.

For some reason, Gehenna, Ansol, Seraph, Cha So-rim, Han So-young, and Hwa-jeong were sticking their heads out the door.

I stare blankly at her back as she roughly puts on her shoes.

Soon, the sound of the door closing was heard and the footsteps quickly moved away.

After a while.

Squeak… … .

In the middle of the night, there was the sound of another door being carefully opened.

The source of the sound was Kim Soo-hyun’s room.


Perhaps because of the time, the night scenery of the park was somber.

To put it in a good way, it can be said to be quiet, but in a bad way, it can be said to be eerie.

Indeed, anyone would think it strange to see a woman motionlessly staring at a fountain in an empty park in the early morning.

“Why don’t you come like this?”

The distance between Soyoung Apartment and Suhyeon Park is close.

To be more precise, the park is right in front of the apartment.

Thanks to that, Vivien arrived in less than ten minutes and grumbled a little while crossing her arms as the cold air brushed against her forearms.

I chatted with the sniper the entire way, and Vivien had to follow ridiculous orders.

I was told to take a picture of my ID card, personal seal, card, and bankbook and send them in. I was even told to put everything I brought under the trash can next to the fountain and stay at least 20 meters away.

In addition, they even asked me to take a photo and send it to them.

Looking at it this way, it was almost certain that he lived in this neighborhood.

Not only did he know Soyoung Apartment and Suhyeon Park, but he also knew the geography of where everything was located.

In any case, if you think about common sense, the conditions were extremely unfavorable to Vivien, but she accepted them all without any hesitation.

Because we have to meet first.

And because I am confident.

In Vivian’s view, the people of Earth were weak people who depended on science.

I have no intention of denigrating science itself, but looking at his individual abilities, he was nothing more or less than a resident of Hall Plain, which had declined in a good way.

A great alchemist and someone who knows how to use magical power, is attacked by such an ordinary person?

It was unimaginable, absurd.

Of course, since Kim Soo-hyun strictly forbids the abuse of his abilities, I have no intention of killing him just because I met him.

Just use your power in moderation and scold them so they don’t do anything foolish again.

The problem was that twenty minutes had passed, and the person who said he would come had not even shown his nose.

“damn… … . cold.”

Vivien, who had been looking at the fountain since arriving, took her eyes off for the first time and looked around.

There is not even a single ant to be seen around, let alone a sign of popularity.

I tried detecting magical power extensively, but there was no one in the park except myself.

Then, a sudden possibility flashed through my mind.

‘Am I caught in this?’

Even though they said they would arrive in five minutes, they didn’t show up even after thirty minutes.

Now that I think about it, I stopped reading the chat at some point.

Vivian, who couldn’t let go of her regrets and waited for another ten minutes, let out a long sigh.

“This bastard jumped out… … .”

I tried to relieve my stress today, but it didn’t come out, so what can I do?

In the end, he walked over with a sullen expression and squatted down next to the trash can.

I originally had no intention of giving it away, but I had no intention of just leaving it as I was saving money for my own purpose.

But the next moment, Vivien’s eyes widened.

“Uh, huh?”

does not exist.

“W-what is it?”

There wasn’t.

“Where are you? “Where have you gone?”

No matter how much I search, I can’t find the things I brought.

It was clearly placed so that half of it was visible.

Both the mouse and the bird disappeared without anyone noticing.

Even if I turned around just in case, I still couldn’t see it.

It was literally like Vivien was crying.

“Hey, this can’t be happening…” … ?”

It was then.

As Vivien lifted the trash can and looked for it, a white paper folded in half came across.

It was a note that had not been seen before.

She picked it up with trembling hands and slowly unfolded the paper.

The note said:

“thanks. I’ll write well.』

The bewildered look on his face immediately turned blank.

It’s something I don’t understand.

Since arriving at the park, I have been looking at the fountain.

There was a time when I took my eyes off it for a moment.

However, at that time, magic detection was being performed extensively.

You can even detect an ant crawling around, but you haven’t been able to detect a human being?

This is ridiculous.

Yes, this is ridiculous… … .

“… … .”

It actually happened.


Suddenly, cold air blew.

The note that was hanging tightly at the tip of one’s finger was caught in the wind and fluttered far away.

Vivien couldn’t come to her senses for a while.

Unfortunately, he continued to squat in that spot.


Same time.

To put it bluntly, the culprit of the theft was, of course, Kim Soo-hyun.

The circumstances of the incident are simple.

After Vivien left, Kim Soo-hyun secretly followed her and hid near the fountain.

When she looked away for a moment, she would take advantage of the opportunity and quickly take it away.

It was possible because it was Kim Soo-hyun.

His agility ability, which is already far beyond that of a human, can be used to the limit even if Vivian is looking at him with his eyes wide open.

How can you even perceive it when it has been amplified by magical power?

Kim Soo-hyun, who had exerted all his might for the sole purpose of harassing, was sitting in the lobby on the first floor, looking at his bankbook and giggling.

“Hey… … . By the way, he earned more than he expected, right?”

As he said, there were as many as eight zeros in the bankbook.

Considering that it was only six months since the broadcast began, it was a significant income.

“There is no record of withdrawal… … . “I just collected it like crazy.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who was tilting his head, hurriedly folded the bankbook and put it in his pocket.

This is because a sign of someone approaching from afar was detected.

I waited for nearly two hours, so it seemed like it took longer than expected to come to my senses.

I moved to the smoking area and lit a cigarette, and sure enough, it was different.

Soon Vivian appeared.

He was trudging along with a face that looked like he had lost his soul.

“Oh, Vivien?”

“… … Kim Soohyun?”

Did you think it was unexpected?

Vivian weakly raised her head and looked slightly surprised.

“Ah, today’s visit took a while. After finishing it again, I had to go somewhere… … .”

Kim Soo-hyun recited lines prepared in advance.

“Is today’s broadcast already over?”

I immediately followed up with a question.

Vivien pursed her lips and barely smiled.

“huh… … .”

“ah. It’s a shame. I came as early as possible because I wanted to help. Anyway, shall we go in?”

Kim Soo-hyun took a cigarette break and naturally stretched out.

Vivien nodded and took a step forward with slightly trembling feet.

It was that moment.

Just as your feet are about to touch the ground.

“… … … … Black!”

I suddenly collapsed and collapsed.

Both hands rest on the floor to support the body, but the shoulders vibrate dangerously, as if they will collapse at any moment.

“Ugh… … . Wow… … .”

A mouth that twists violently.

As if trying to hold back somehow, she bites her lower lip to the point where teeth marks are clearly visible.

However, a thirsty moan faintly escaped through his closed lips.

Kim Soo-hyun ran and danced.

“what’s the matter? “What’s going on?”

“… … Bank book… … . I lost it… … .”

Vivien answered, lowering her head and looking down at the floor.

“Bank book? Hey, it’s okay. All you need is your personal seal, ID card, and card. And you have a password, right?”

“… … .”

Even though he already knew everything, Kim Soo-hyun told him not to worry.

How much time has passed?

Vivien, who had been unable to speak for a while, sniffled and muttered.

“sorry… … .”

It was an unexpected apology.

“me… … . Sorry… … . really… … . Ugh… … .”


Another apology.

The voice was difficult to understand, mixed with tears.

However, it was an unexpected reaction for Kim Soo-hyun, who expected him to jump up and down in anger or cry.

“gift… … .”

Eventually, the vague sound of words stopped his actions.

“I really wanted to buy it for you… … .”

“Seo, a gift?”

Even while shedding tears, Vivien managed to keep her head down.

“It’s your birthday soon… … .”

“… … ah.”

Only then did I understand the meaning.

At the same time, I was able to understand why there was no record of withdrawals and why the money was collected so stubbornly.

As a result, a series of analyzes made Kim Soo-hyun feel guilty in his heart.

Actually, I was planning on giving it back after appeasing it.

I had no idea that Vivien was thinking such things, so I was extremely embarrassed.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. “I don’t need any presents or anything.”

“but… … .”

Vivien shook her head as if that wasn’t the case.

The face was still distorted.

“With everyone taking care… … . I’m preparing… … !”

“B, Vivian?”

“me too… … !”


“me too… … . I even chose a birthday present with the money I earned… … . I wanted to buy you something nice… … . I really wanted to give you a gift… … .”

“… … .”


The voice gradually faded and eventually I burst into tears.

It was a situation he was looking forward to, but Kim Soo-hyun couldn’t smile anymore.

When I saw Vivian covering her face with both hands and shedding tears, I thought something was very wrong.

Meanwhile, Vivien was sobbing, repeating that she was sorry.

Kim Soo-hyun was speechless for a while.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Forgive me for being late.

I’m trying to get back to the daily series, but my body hasn’t caught up yet ^^;


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not work with dark mode