MEMORIZE Chapter 1064

01064 9. Vivien Side Story (Modern) —————————————— ——————————-=

Please read today’s review. 🙂


‘Genius Alchemist’ today’s broadcast highlight!

After the broadcast was suspended, the Internet community was in an uproar for several days.

Rather than saying that the broadcast was suspended, why was it suspended?

In other words, there was great interest in the reason for the suspension.

Moreover, the video of Vivian getting her butt slapped was edited into a moving photo file and distributed throughout the community.

Some even argued that she was intentionally attracting attention to improve her broadcast rankings, or that she was a ma****ist or a female subordination with a knack for spanking.

In this way, he got into the position half of his own accord, but the person in charge didn’t even care about his nails.


It would be right to say that we don’t have the energy to care.

Since that day, Vivien has been unable to sleep every night.

Vivien’s day is simple these days.

In the morning, I lie down on my bed and stare endlessly at the ceiling.

Or curl up and make a whining puppy noise.

When you sit at your desk, you just sigh for no reason.

Occasionally, the noise would continue and when I opened the door, I could see someone banging his forehead against the wall.

Is that all?

The amount of food also decreased.

Im Hanna was seriously worried when she checked Vivian’s dedicated rice cooker, which had more than half the remaining capacity than usual.

I definitely achieved what I wanted to do.

Although it was only four units, the plan ultimately succeeded.

However, the only regret was that it did not reach the climax, or rather, the climax.

The excitement was lost at the last important moment.

Why is there such a thing?

There are people who have never seen a p**nographic video, but there are no people who have watched it only once.

Anyway, one way or another, day and night changed.

As time passed, the suspension on ‘Genius Alchemist’ was lifted.

Even though she was discouraged, Vivien seemed to have not forgotten her duty and managed to turn on the broadcast on time.

Of course, I turned it on half out of a sense of duty, and if I couldn’t let go of my regrets, there was no way the broadcast would go well.

“Because I finished eating… … . I’m going to access the Star Wars… … .”

HoHokoko2: Aren’t you doing a joint broadcast with Mercenary Lord today?

“Kim Soohyun? He must have work today. They say they’re going to observe something… … .”

YamyYamy: It’s a shame ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

While eating and playing games, her reactions were noticeably less than before she was stopped.

As a result, new viewers who came in after seeing the photo files circulating on the portal disappeared like a tide.

OpOpLove: Tsk. I’m strangely bored today.

TwoMaro: Of course. Well, it must be difficult because that incident happened.

Regular viewers also felt awkward, but they tended to understand.

I’m just anxiously waiting to see when I’ll cry today.

“ah… … . “I lost again.”

When the game ended, Vivien spoke in a weak voice.

With an annoyed expression on his face, he glares at the loss message that appears on the screen.

The game score just now was 21/24/16.

In that order, they are kills, deaths, and assists.

“it’s annoying… … .”


When you want the game to go better than necessary, but when you don’t, it’s like this.

So it would not be unreasonable to think that it is obscene.

Vivien scratched the back of her head and immediately started playing the game.

As always, when I selected the spider hero and went to the load screen.

“… … uh?”

The corners of both eyes, which had been drooping throughout the broadcast, suddenly rose.

This is because the mercenary lord was included among the opposing faction’s heroes.

I followed my instinct and checked the nickname, and sure enough, it was different.

The ID ‘s*ut Spider Vivian’ was clearly printed.

The corners of his eyes, which had risen as high as they could, twitched.

“you you!”

Vivien can’t bear to continue speaking.

On the contrary, the quiet chat window suddenly became heated.

LiverPool(NoBigClub): Snipers, etc. Blah blah blah.

OpOpLove: Hey, now this is going to be fun! lol

Cuma85: Wow. Still, I think I’ll see you cry at least once today.

Kilimanjaro (FallLight): Oh, mercenary lord! Please trample Vivian mercilessly and make her cry loudly!

Vivien, who was watching the chat, swallowed her anger inside.


Rather, it went well.

I was already in a bad mood, and I needed someone to vent to.

“It was nice to meet you.”

It’s an opponent I’ve never beaten before, but now it’s different.

Recently, broadcasts have been conducted strictly(?) for the purpose of improving one’s skills, and I have also received guidance from Sipgang.

Even if I lose the game, I am confident that at least the content will not be overwhelmingly lost.

Thinking that, Vivien gritted her teeth and bent her neck left and right.

“Come at me.”

There was no need for long words.

After a while, the game started.

Vivian, who was quickly moving the hero to the neutral field, suddenly frowned.

“what… … . “You’re going to line up with me?”

A sneer passed over her pretty lips.

The Mercenary Lord is certainly a powerful hero, but he is not without weaknesses.

It’s difficult to control, and more than anything, it’s extremely weak at the beginning of the game.

The characteristic skill, Fire God, is a truly deceptive ability in the mid to late stages when the skill has grown to a certain degree, but in the early stages it is an obstacle to growth to the extent that it can be considered an extreme penalty.

Even the slightest mistake in management can cause your physical strength to drop significantly.

In other words, the primary task of a mercenary lord user is to grow easily in a relatively safe friendly camp in the beginning.

But why come to a neutral field, a dangerous area, and start a fight?

What about Vivian, who can hit and run with long-distance attacks and can quickly escape by transforming into a spider?

“I’m playing. I also quite… … . What, what? “They’re coming in already?”

Vivien, who was planning an early strategy, was flagged down when a mercenary lord suddenly attacked.

For reference, the game was barely over a minute old.


Vivien was also a user with her own quirks, so she wasn’t easily defeated.

They quickly focused on the battle and responded calmly, but unfortunately, there was a clear difference in skill.

It’s still early in the game, so there aren’t many abilities that can be used.

However, the mercenary lord brilliantly dodged Vivian’s spewing thread and approached, swinging his invisible sword to his heart’s content.

Thanks to this, Vivien’s stamina was reduced by one-fifth in a near miss.

On the other hand, the mercenary lord still had about three-fifths of his health remaining.

“What kind of melee series is this!”

Embarrassed, Vivian hurriedly transformed into a spider and fled to the friendly camp.

The calculation was that they would not follow us to an area where there were many defensive buildings.

But the prediction was completely wrong.

Rather than retreating, he followed along tenaciously, and the mercenary lord’s entire body was stained with light.

Vivian’s mouth opened wide.


The characteristic skill Avatar has been activated.

This shows his will to catch Vivian at all costs.

The defense building placed on the front line launched an attack, but was completely consumed by the lights surrounding the mercenary lord.

The scene of slowly narrowing the distance while drawing a long line of fire was truly terrifying.

“evil! Help our team! Please help me quickly! “Aaaah!”

Vivian desperately ran away, but there was no way to avoid the swinging attack.

I only got hit once, but my stamina space continued to decrease and blink.

Of course, as a result of using Avatar in the beginning, the mercenary lord’s physical strength was decreasing exponentially.

However, it is clear who will record death first.


In the end, Vivien gave up and closed her eyes tightly, tapping the mouse and keyboard like a piano.

And that was when I bowed my head because I couldn’t win the quarter.

『Hero Vivian has achieved the first point against the heroic mercenary lord!』

After a moment of silence, a dry mechanical sound rang out from the speakers.

“… … … … … … … … what?”

Vivien opened her eyes late and reflexively looked at the screen.

Soon I could see it clearly.

Vivian has only a thread of stamina left, but she stands firmly on her side’s field.

And the mercenary lord who fell right in front of him.

“What, what? What happened?”

Vivien checked the chat out of the corner of her eye.

HoHokoko2: Huh? What just happened?

OpOpLove: What is it? It seems like Vivian Spider got angry at the same time the Mercenary Lord attacked… … .

Kilimanjaro (FallLight): ㅇㅇ. It’s spring for me too. No damage. It looks like the attack worked because it attacked the moment it was released?

YamyYamy: Isn’t it a bug?

Maro (TwoMaro): I saw it too. It seems to be a bug. I immediately took out the mercenary lord, but because of Avatar… … . It’s a bit disappointing.

Cuma85: Big. If you killed it and took it out right away to deactivate the incarnation, a mad movie would have appeared;

In other words, the result was reversed due to a bug.

But to Vivien, the bugs were not important at all.

It may not have been intentional, but the result is the result anyway.

Vivian won.

Above all, she succeeded in killing a mercenary lord for the first time since the start of the Star Wars.

“Did you win?”

The two eyes, which had always looked like dead fish, sparkled and became lively.

“really? “Did I win?”

The tightly bitten lips were opened to the size of a meatball.


Immediate laughter broke out.

How much I wanted to win.

There have been hundreds of times that I have wished I could kill myself, even just once.

And now that my wish had finally been achieved, I felt relieved and the ten-year-old congestion was gone.


Not yet.

How many times have you been shot at so far?

There was no way Vivien, who had been harassed day and night until now, would miss this opportunity.

“Okay~. I told you to do it in moderation~. Why is this guy who is nothing special making a fuss? Huh~?”

Vivien, who was showing off with her hair twisted, manipulated her into bursting into laughter next to the fallen mercenary lord.

“Oh my god! Oh my, it’s good~! Oh my, I like it~! “How long are you going to make me dance on your shoulders?”

Still unable to control his joy, he gets up from his chair and starts dancing.

YamyYamy: Hahahahahaha

OpOpLove: Look at the level of teasing hahahahaha

As Vivian’s unique reaction came back, the chat window became crowded.

Meanwhile, as time passed, the revived mercenary lord returned to the neutral field and aimed his invisible sword at Vivian, who was still smiling.

s*ut Spider Vivian (Mercenary Lord): He really likes it when he wins with bugs haha.

“Nyye nyye~. “I won with a bug.”

Vivien also accepted without losing.

He sticks out his lips, moves them around, and makes a joke.

s*ut Spider Vivian (Mercenary Lord): Haha, just be a bit flirty?

“Foolishly? “f*ck around!”

The sight of him shaking his head back and forth and doing the crab leg dance was so disgusting that I honestly wanted to beat him to death.

Vivian the Spider Spider (Mercenary Lord): You die. really.

Even the mercenary lord users seemed to have become quite excited, and the chat became more intense.

But there was no way Vivien, who was constantly threatening, would stop provoking.


Now, he even makes strange noises and sticks out his tongue on purpose.

It was that moment.


Suddenly there was a sound of the wall exploding and the room shook.

It was a loud roar so strong that it shook the whole house.

Surprised, Vivien quickly looked left and right.

“What, what? earthquake?”

He tilted his head and immediately started concentrating on the game.

After returning to the base and purchasing equipment with the gold coins obtained from the first point, I hurriedly returned to the neutral field.

“Hey, come at me, come at me! “Are you scared?”

Vivien’s eyes were full of more confidence than ever.

They already had the upper hand in the early lane battles, and even got the first point.

Unless you throw it on purpose, it’s a situation you can’t afford to lose.

It was then.

Vivian the Spider Spider (Mercenary Lord): Be prepared. I really don’t watch this board.

The next moment, the mercenary lord’s movements changed noticeably.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. Today, I would like to inform you of the change in the serial plan through a review.

It’s no different, I have to submit a practical test + report (really…) this week, so I think it’s inevitable to adjust my schedule. Also, since the final exams are next week, I thought it would be better to finish the book before then rather than taking another long break to prepare for the exams.

I checked my schedule, and it looks like I will have some free time from this Thursday until the weekend before I start preparing for the final exam. And there are currently about 4 episodes left in the Vivian side story.

To conclude, the next episode will be posted on June 3 (Friday). Next, we will update once each on June 4th (Saturday), June 5th (Sunday), and June 6th (Monday), for a total of 4 updates. In other words, it will be serialized daily from June 3rd to June 6th, and the Memorize Side Story will end on June 6th (Monday). (I’m telling you again just in case. The update ends on Monday, June 6th. As a result, the Memorize side story will not be uploaded anymore. ㅠㅠ)

We ask for the readers’ understanding, and we will complete it as soon as possible as there are only 4 episodes left.

Have a restful night, all readers. 🙂


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not work with dark mode