MEMORIZE Chapter 1061

01061 9. Vivien Side Story (Modern) —————————————— ——————————-=

next day.

The long-awaited day has finally come to an end.

As soon as late afternoon came, Vivian sat in front of the computer and calmly turned on the broadcast.

The preparations are perfect as we have inspected even the smallest details one by one since yesterday.

All that’s left is to hope that the plan works.

Vivien took a deep breath and pressed the ON button with her fingers, which were unusually strong today.

The light came on in her broadcast.

The ending time of ‘Genius Alchemist’ is slightly different, but the starting time is always the same.

Regular viewers who had been waiting in advance entered as if they had been waiting for the broadcasting station to turn on.

Even though it has just been turned on, nearly 100 people have already logged in.

HoHoKoKo2: Oh! It’s on haha

OpOpLove: Wow, the time you turn on the broadcast is still like a sword.

TwoMaro: Hello.

Magician Hunter: s*x.

When the chat window opened, viewers who knew each other asked each other how they were doing.

Vivien is not the type of person who prohibits socializing on air, so the atmosphere in the chat room was quite friendly.

KSH♡HSY (CEO – SY Group): I don’t know why I watch this broadcast… … . I truly do not understand;

Of course, there was aggro wherever you went.

OpOpLove: … … Who is that aggro again?

KSH♡HSY (CEO – SY Group): ? ㅗ;

OpOpLove: No, I don’t understand. The broadcast hasn’t even started yet.

KSH♡HSY(CEO – SY Group) : ㅗㅗㅗㅗ

OpOpLove: You’re an idiot.

HoHoKoKo2: Ignoring aggro is the answer~.

TwoMaro: That’s right. I already blocked him personally.

OpOpLove: Tsk; I think so too.

Magician Hunter: s*x.

HoHoKoKo2: By the way, Yopi, you came today. I didn’t see you for a day or two.

OpOpLove: Oh, it was my birthday recently. I was told to pour and drink, but I suffered from a hangover.

TwoMaro: That’s strange. Why is the number of viewers suddenly increasing?

It was as he said.

Even though less than five minutes had passed, the number of people was approaching a whopping 1,000.

Even though Vivien was a popular broadcaster, her pace was higher than usual.

HoHoKoKo2: Oh, now that I think about it… … .

Magician Hunter: s*x?

The answer was in the short text that ran at the top of the screen.

『First joint broadcast! Male guest appearance!』

Vivien has never hosted a joint broadcast since she started broadcasting.

As he is a ranked broadcaster, there have been countless requests to broadcast with him, but he has turned them all down so far.

As she announced the joint broadcast for the first time, migratory viewers were also curious.

By the time ten minutes had passed, the number of viewers had increased exponentially and was approaching 4,000.

And only when the number exceeded 5,000 people did Vivien appear in the video.

“Hi everyone! “Welcome to the great alchemist Vivien’s broadcast!”

Vivien greeted me in a sonorous voice and waved her hand brightly.

Viewers, who were fiercely debating who the guest was, responded by plastering the chat window asking them to reveal their identity.

“Wow, there are already this many viewers?”

HoHoKoKo2: Vivien. Who is today’s guest?

“Hehe… … .”

Refreshing Ramen (Summer97): Who is it? Who is it?

“Well, maybe you’ll be surprised? Come on, we’ll reveal it soon, so just wait!”

OpOpLove: Who are you?

“These people. “You want me to wait a moment?”

TwoMaro: So who are you?

“Wait, I mean.”

Liverpool(NoBigClub): Oh, hurry up; They’re making a fuss;

“… … .”

Already 3 years (Ujoara): Among the people I know, there are people like this. I signed an e-book contract in 2013, but they still haven’t given me the manuscript.

『Ro Yu-jin (WildBear) has left.』

“No! “The broadcast has only just started, but they’re already making such a fuss about revealing my identity!”

Vivian, who had been holding back, suddenly exploded.

KSH♡HSY (CEO – SY Group): Do you enjoy annoying people? His personality seems strange;

“what? Who said it wouldn’t be revealed!? “I told you to wait!”

Netizen (zjstpqfj82): There was a reaction like this.

“… … I will not! I don’t do it! I won’t reveal it!! Because I was really upset… … !”

Vivian suddenly gets angry.

But viewers were already on top of her head.

『TwoMaro gave you 100 gold coins!』

“Oh my! Maro, thank you for the 100 gold coins! All right! “I’ll bring it to you right now!”

The chat became lively due to the change in attitude that occurred in an instant.

For Vivien, today was an important broadcast that she could not afford to fail.

I wanted to proceed calmly, one by one, but I had no choice but to rush.

However, the situation cannot necessarily be seen as a bad situation.

Even though it’s only half a joke, it’s proof that the viewers are just as excited.

‘It’s still early days, so it’s okay to proceed quickly, right?’

Thinking that, Vivien immediately grabbed the doorknob.

And shouted.

“come in!”

The door suddenly opened.

At the same time, the guest finally appeared.

The next moment, viewers were surprised to see Kim Soo-hyun walking with an awkward expression on his face.

“Let me introduce you! Today’s guest is Star Wars Ten River! Right~! Mercenary Lord!”

I was surprised twice when Vivien’s shout continued.

“hello. This is Mercenary Road. nice to meet you.”

Kim Soo-hyun walked up to the computer, looked at the camera, and bowed.

OpOpLove: Huh?

火正(EternalFire): ?

Liverpool(NoBigClub): Huh… … . That’s great; Even though I’m a man, my heart is pounding!

Refreshing Ramen (Summer97): Wow ㅠㅠㅠㅠ So handsome ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

火正(EternalFire): What is it? Why is he here?

TwoMaro: Wait a minute. Mercantile Road? If it’s a ten river, is it really a cheater?

The chat window exploded.

Of course, there were controversies other than the fact that it was a ten-strong competition.

OpOpLove: Okay… … . At this point, I’m starting to get curious about that person’s girlfriend too.

Refreshing Ramen (Summer97): I wish I didn’t have it~.

火正(EternalFire): Yes.

Refreshing Ramen (Summer97): Well… … . Sigh. Then she must be a goddess too ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Eternal Fire: ㅇㅇ

KSH♡HSY (CEO – SY Group): ㄴㄴ; How can something like God get along with humans? lol

火正(EternalFire): What? Like God? Have you said everything?

KSH♡HSY (CEO – SY Group): What do you say?

Without any exaggeration, the chat window was turning almost one page per second.

Kim Soo-hyun just smiled awkwardly at the reaction, which was more intense than expected.

Vivien put her hand on his shoulder with a somewhat arrogant look on her face.

“ruler! Should we quickly prove that this has happened?”


“That you are not a cheater.”

“You’re not a cheater?”

Kim Soo-hyun refuted the claim as if it was extremely unfair.

Vivien grinned and adjusted the camera and pointed to the computer.

“No matter how much you say no, viewers won’t believe it unless they see it in person. No, I don’t believe it. So show me.”

After appearing, the broadcast was definitely more heated than necessary.

To cool down this atmosphere, the first thing to consider is Mercenary Lord, who is truly the Seventh of the Ten Rivers.

And the best way was to prove that they were not using nuclear weapons and were not cheaters.

“Is it a game as soon as you arrive?”

Even though he said that, Kim Soo-hyun willingly sat down.

I logged into Star Wars, showed that I was the Mercenary Lord, and started playing the game right away.

How much time has passed?

When the first game was over, the atmosphere in the chat room calmed down a little.

The result is victory.

It was a one-sided game.

I chose the spider hero Vivian and ended the game with an incredible score of 38 kills.

“uh… … . Shall we spin some more?”

However, Kim Soo-hyun did not stop and volunteered to continue playing the game.

This was because I knew that the controversy would not die down with just one round.

In the second edition, Sura Musa Gongchan.

The third edition features the red lioness Ryu Jeong.

In the fourth edition, it’s Tzu Chi Archer, or rather Forest Hunter Hanna.

Sol, the Prophet of Light, in the fifth edition.

Kim Soo-hyun, who played a total of five games, showed off his incredible skills and won all of them.

In particular, in the last edition, Sib Kang, a current professional gamer, appeared, and Solo, the secondary hero, overwhelmingly won, putting an end to the controversy.

Throughout the game, Vivien turned the camera so that not only the screen but also Kim Soo-hyun’s entire body was visible, so there could not have been any more doubts.

“Is this enough?”

Kim Soo-hyun smiled and took his hand off the keyboard.

Vivien, who was checking the viewers’ reactions from time to time, smiled inwardly.

The chat window was still full of excitement.

In addition, although it has only been two hours since the broadcast began, the number of viewers has already exceeded 60,000.

After Kim Soo-hyun appeared, the number of visitors drew a nearly vertical curve.

It is truly a huge success and unprecedented performance.

However, Vivien, who was smiling brightly, suddenly shook her head.

‘Come to your senses!’

A successful broadcast is just a side benefit.

There was actually something else that needed to be done to succeed.

Vivien took a deep breath and cleared her throat.

I sit next to Kim Soo-hyun with my arms crossed.

“I think this is enough to prove my skills… … .”

Clearly, the cheater controversy has surfaced.

The window is just dizzy all day and night with chats praising Kim Soo-hyun and chats where people fight fiercely about whether that man is my husband or boyfriend.

“To put it bluntly, the reason why we planned a joint broadcast today is simple. I’ve recently been doing a skill improvement corner… … . Hey, what are these? “What kind of kimchi soup are you drinking from a bowl?”

『火正(EternalFire) was forced to leave.』

『KSH♡HSY (CEO – SY Group) was forced out.』

Vivien, with a slightly annoyed face, grabbed the mouse and kicked out the two viewers who were the most aggressive.

Then there was a sudden bang, the sound of someone hitting the wall hard, but she didn’t pay any attention and continued speaking quickly.

“Anyway, that’s what I said. Actually, I don’t think my skills are improving much these days. Should I say I’m blocked by a wall? In the end, I thought I needed someone to teach me, so I asked the Mercenary Lord here.”

Perfect script.

“Of course this is not the end. You said that just playing games is boring, right? Actually, I don’t know, but if you are, it must be something like that. Anyway, I thought about it carefully, and I’m trying to mix in the element of punishment.”

Perfect acting.

“To sum it up, Mercenary Lord is the teacher and I am the student. “You get taught, and if you don’t get satisfactory grades, you get punished.”

Flowing progress.

And now all that’s left is… … .

“so… … .”

Vivien glanced sideways at Kim Soo-hyun’s face, who was concentrating on the screen.

“Speaking of that penalty… … !”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Buried by the sound of rain hitting the window

The sound of my typing is not yet a song.

There is no blade of grass and not a single drop of dew falls.

In a narrow studio

A breathtakingly pounding keyboard.

But I am alive here.


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not work with dark mode