MEMORIZE Chapter 1055

01055 9. Vivian Side Story (Modern) —————————————— ——————————-=

As the morning sun hit his eyes at the end of the year, Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes were half-open.

A time when dazzling light fills the room, and the air temperature, which had cooled down overnight, gradually warms up.

As I gently take a breath, a stream of clean air flows in and spreads throughout my chest.

Kim Soo-hyun, whose head and body felt much refreshed, stretched as hard as he could with a cheerful face.

Then I got off the bed and leisurely opened the door.

The savory smell of food was wafting through the spacious living room, which was easily over 100 pyeong in size.

Kim Soo-hyun, who was walking on the shiny marble floor, sniffed his nose according to his instinct.

In the kitchen, Hannah Lim, wearing an apron, was humming and preparing a meal.

As I was coating the heated frying pan with bright yellow butter, I suddenly looked to the side.

“Woke up?”

He smiled, as if he found the sight of the man with messy hair amusing.

Kim Soo-hyun, who was touching the leaves of the golden leaf decorated next to the door, yawned.

“It’s quiet today… … .”

His voice was slightly muffled, as if he was half asleep.

“Are we the only two in the house?”

“no. Yeon-joo came home late this morning, and Hyuna is sleeping with the kids in her room.”

“What about Soyoung?”

“Soyoung’s sister? She left at 6 a.m. today for a board meeting… … . why?”

Lim Hanna, with her eyes wide open, asked back, wondering if it was strange that only Han So-young was singled out.

Kim Soo-hyun clicked his tongue and shook his head with a regretful expression.

“Well, that’s okay. “Anyway, are you going to work?”

“The flower shop is closed today. Instead, I have to go to the community center for a yoga class at lunchtime.”

“ah… … . rest of it? “Has everyone gone to work?”

“then. It’s still Thursday. And what time is it now?”

Hannah Lim pointed to the clock on the wall with a smile on her face.

Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes widened slightly as he looked back with a blank expression.

Eight thirty.

It wasn’t late, but considering the daycare start time was 9:30, there wasn’t much time left.

No, when I think about Suna, I didn’t feel like it was a bit tight.

Kim Soo-hyun quickly turned around.

“The daycare bus comes at 9:15! “You have to sit down at the table ten minutes before!”

Leaving Imhanna’s cry behind, the nameplate “Mar♡Suna” opened the door.

In a room bathed in warm sunlight, a woman and two girls were sleeping soundly without the world knowing.

Yoo Hyeon-ah is breathing evenly on a bed decorated with a cute bear pattern.

And to her left and right, Mar and Suna were in full swing.

Kim Soo-hyun, who was trying to wake up by shaking his angelic face, automatically stopped.

The sight of you sleeping while being held in your arms couldn’t be more adorable.

In my heart, I wanted to watch it like this forever.

But when the desk clock ticked past eight forty.

“… … this.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who came to his senses with a sigh, quietly walked up and caressed Mar’s cheek.

“yes… … … … .”

My cheek felt itchy, so I gently rubbed it with my large palm.

“huh. “It’s daddy, daddy.”


Originally, the Fairy Queen would have had an awakened future wearing a crown of thorns.

However, after the past changed to save Yoo Hyeon-ah, Mar’s future also changed.

This is because since there is a holy queen, there is no need for Mar to replace her.

“It’s cute too.”

Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes are overflowing with affection as he looks down at the girl with her small lips twitching.

Marr smiled brightly, as if she had heard people call her cute even in her sleep.

“Ugh… … .”

At that time, Yoo Hyeon-ah closed her eyes and let out a groan of dissatisfaction.

It looks like Mar wasn’t the only one who woke up at first glance.

“huh? “Why Hyuna?”


“Oh, of course Hyuna is cute too.”

“lol… … .”

When I pat her head, she smiles and says she likes a grown woman.

However, it was also undeniable that she had a girlish appearance that suited her strangely.

And next to him, Suna was still pretending to sleep.

It was a face full of anticipation for something.

Kim Soo-hyun tilted his head and looked closely.

“hmm. “That’s strange.”

He smiled and poked Suna’s plump breasts.

“These two are so cute… … . “Why is there such an ugly person?”

I’m crying.

The fluttering eyelids instantly frowned.

Suna suddenly opened her eyes and frowned.


“haha. Just kidding, kidding. “Of course, our Suna is the prettiest.”


“now. Let’s stop washing now. “Aren’t you nice?”

Kim Soo-hyun hugged Suna, who was wildly shaking her head.

Soon, Mar, who was still wandering in dreamland, was lifted up and disappeared into the bathroom.

After being thoroughly washed and dressed in yellow clothes and a skirt, it was just past 9:00 when Im Hanna took a bite of the carefully prepared toast.

“I’ll be back!”

Mar bows with a round hat on his head.

“Our princesses~. “Are you having fun today?”

Im Hanna sends off with a kind smile and a kiss on the cheek that makes you cry.

Kim Soo-hyun watches the scene with joy.

Anyone can see that this is a peaceful and happy family scene.

Except for Suna, who complains that it’s childish and dresses up with a hat.

Kim Soo-hyun held his two daughters’ hands tightly and walked toward the elevator.

When I arrived at the stop, the school bus had just arrived.

“hello! Mar, Brother Suna!”

I was greeted warmly by a woman wearing a white one-piece dress that clearly exposed her shoulders and calves, which looked like it could be considered a daycare teacher’s outfit.

Has he just turned twenty-four?

She was an impressive woman with a refreshing voice and a flowery age, just like her clothes.

Kim Soo-hyun smiled awkwardly.

“I will become your father, not your brother.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. “You’re so young that I make mistakes every time I see you.”

The woman smiled brightly and squatted down.

“Mar, how is Suna?”

I make eye contact with the two girls and say hello.

“Yes, teacher. hello!”

Mar greeted politely.

“… … joy.”

On the other hand, Suna, who glanced lightly, pretended not to be and got on the daycare bus.

Then the noisy bus suddenly became quiet.

After a while, “Are you here!” sister!” A young but loud chorus echoed throughout the area.

Kim Soo-hyun felt sweat running down his head.

Anyway, the woman was still focusing on Mar.

“Oh my~. Marya~. “The teacher asked me to call you mom.”

“yes yes?”

“You said that yesterday. The teacher wants to be a mother to everyone. huh?”

“Ah, ahahaha… … .”

The teacher particularly emphasized the word mother.

Marr, who was laughing awkwardly, sneaked away and disappeared into the bus.

The woman ate her food for a moment as if she was disappointed, but then smiled brightly and straightened her bent legs as if she had never done that before.

“I think Mar is really shy.”

“Well, that’s right. Please take care of our children.”

“sure… … . Oh right.”


The woman who was just about to turn around suddenly appeared with a serious expression.

“Well, that may be a bit presumptuous, but… … . “There are so many.”

As the woman trailed off, Kim Soo-hyun became slightly nervous.

A thought crossed my mind.

“Why Suna… … .”

“That’s it. Oh, what should I do? “It’s already past 9:20.”

The teacher, who was looking at the clock, stamped his feet and bit his lip.

And with a very sad look on his face, he quickly took out his smartphone.

It was a very natural movement.

As if I had practiced it dozens of times.

“First of all, it’s too late so I think we should leave now. So, could you please give me your personal number?”

“My number? “Isn’t it listed on the daycare center registration list?”

“yes! I searched through it, but strangely I couldn’t find my father’s number. Anyway, I’ll get the kids to school first, and I’ll contact you later when I have time. “It’s an important story, so you must listen.”

“Oh, I understand. Please be sure to contact us.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who was already worried about the gangster greeting(?), took the smart phone without any hesitation, took a picture of the number, and handed it over.

“Thank you! at las!”


“Oh, no. Anyway, I will definitely contact you. please!”

“Yes, yes.”

I don’t know why, but the daycare teacher was very happy with a face that looked like she was about to fly.


“… … like.”

Suna, who was taken to the very back and was looking out the window with her chin resting on her face, snorted as if the whole series of events was meaningless.

And that was the moment when I opened the small, round bag.

A fern-like hand grabbed both of Suna’s arms.

Mar was blinking with an anxious face.

Suna’s eyebrows rose.


“Soo, Sunaya. then no.”

“What am I? “I’ll just make one phone call.”

“Oh, no!”

Mar jumped up.

“Our teacher is a kind and good person!”

“That’s funny. You saw it too. “You’re just talking nonsense.”

“Well, still.”

“Let go.”

“I told you I couldn’t do it!”

“You’re not letting go?”

“please! “You must have a family too!”

“Is it none of my business?”

Mar tried hard to stop him, but Suna easily overpowered him.

He took out his strawberry-shaped cell phone and pressed a number.

Soon, the phone started ringing.

In fact, when you become a being of Suna level, you do not feel any feelings of jealousy towards humans.

However, there was another reason for doing this.

To be more precise, the name of the personification of jealousy appeared on the mobile phone screen.

– yes. This is Soyoung Han.

“uh. “It’s me.”

When the call was connected, Suna spoke in a somewhat arrogant voice.

– It’s Suna. Is it urgent? I’m a bit busy right now because I’m in a meeting.

“It’s full of bugs.”

– … … who?

“Our daycare teacher. know?”

– Oh, she… … . Why him?

“I saw you wagging your tail a little today.”

Suna took a bite of the candy she received as tribute and spoke leisurely.

“Dad, don’t you call me brother?”

– huh?

“Aren’t you telling me to call you mom again?”

– hmm… … . Is that it?

“ah! “I also got my dad’s number.”

– what?

The low voice mixed with electronic sounds suddenly became sharper.

“They pretended to take advantage of me for advice. “It felt very natural.”

– … … okay. Thanks for letting me know.


After finishing work, Suna immediately closed her cell phone.

Soon, I raised the corners of my mouth as I saw Kim Soo-hyun seeing me off outside the bus with a worried look on his face.

And Mar, who had been suppressed and was sitting sullenly… … .

“Everyone~. “We’re leaving now, so make sure to fasten your seat belt!”

I sighed quietly as I saw the teacher, who seemed to be in a very good mood today, jumping around and squealing with joy.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Really, really, Real Madrid(?)’s final Vivien Oijeon begins.

I think I’ll probably go with a calm feeling of everyday life.


Probably until the beginning.(…….)


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not work with dark mode