MEMORIZE Chapter 1052

01052 8. Side story epilogue (3/3). ————————————————– ———————-=

The beads sent me away as if by force, but I didn’t really feel anything.

Only the light colored my body in an instant, and then a sudden sensation of my belly button coming over me.

At the same time, my vision began to spin and everything around me began to change.

The wind that cooled my body disappears for a moment and the empty air touches my skin.

And when I opened my eyes, a magnificent universe unfolded before my eyes.

A tree pillar of a frightening size that is difficult to capture at a glance and the trunks that extend out immeasurably around it.

It was a multiverse world that I ended up in unexpectedly.

– Has it finally arrived? … .

A heavy sound rang in my ears.

For some reason, it sounded like a tired voice.

You don’t have to look around to know who it is.

“Could it be that you’ve been waiting this whole time?”

– If the answer is yes and you feel any remorse, then I would say you are right.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the slightly accusatory tone.

“Even ten thousand beings can get tired. “You’ll be surprised.”

– What you did went beyond common sense.

“No, I just helped a little.”

– See for yourself what the results of that little help are.

My head whipped around.

It wasn’t a very pleasant feeling having my body forced to move by someone else.

However, the moment I saw the sight with my fixed eyes, I was at a loss for words.

The gap in the world I entered is shining.

At the same time, the shape was changing.

As if a well-ordered whip is struck, and the whip is fired with all its might.

The stems, which had been twisted and twisted in the opposite direction, spread out in a straight line starting from the point where the light began to shine.

It went straight like that, spreading out far and wide, disappearing into the distant light like a stem from another world, with no end in sight.

I looked down at the world that had completely changed shape.

What happened?

– The future of the world has changed. To be more precise, from the moment you intervened, the future of that world changed completely.

“… … .”

– In this world, there was no choice for you to intervene in any way. But whatever your intentions, you have chosen to interfere with the multiverse. By doing so, a situation that should not have existed originally was brought into existence.

“… … .”

Honestly, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

– As long as there is no choice, the world will ultimately have no choice but to change depending on your intervention… … .

“Anyway, where are your brother and Jegal Haesol?”

Would it be an illusion if I felt that the shapeless Zero Code was swaying at that moment?

I stopped talking because I felt like my head was going to explode.

“Even if it had changed, it wouldn’t have changed for the better anyway. it is not so?”

– … … Does that mean that good things are good things? I wish you were so comfortable.

With a sigh, he suddenly said, ‘Good things are good!’ Ansol’s face came to mind, shouting and smiling brightly.

Then I felt like I knew a little bit how Zero Code felt.

-What happened? The two people you mentioned have already returned to their original world. no. I sent it away. And now it’s your turn.

By the time I heard that it was my turn, my vision had changed again.

When I looked down, I could see the stem of my world completely restored.

It’s fortunate, but I feel like I really want to send it back.

The moment I took a step forward, as if being pushed, a little bit of conflict arose.

Should I go in like this?

Would it be okay if it ended like this?

If there’s one thing I’ve gained from going to another world, it’s that I’ve been able to look at myself more accurately.

I thought I had changed.

At least, I thought to myself that I was more human and a more humane person than before.

But no.

When dealing with the devil, I could at least make an excuse.

I could rationalize it by saying that I could never forgive those guys.

But Yoo Hyeon-ah is different.

Just looking at it made me irritated, and hearing it made me want to trample on everyone.

It turned out that my psychology actually forced an alliance.

The attitude towards the Holy Queen was the same now and then.


Looking back on the few days I spent in that world…

I haven’t changed at all.

I was just hiding it, pretending to be okay and pretending to have changed.

To meet everyone’s expectations.

If that were also a deception, it would be a deception.

– Kim Soohyun?

I stopped walking and quietly closed my eyes.

The conflict that disturbs my heart still does not go away.

One step.

If you take just one more step, you can return to your original world.

No matter how much they know about the situation, everyone will be worried and waiting.

Above all, is there any need to solve the problem now?

‘If you apologize sincerely, they will accept it. clearly!’

… … Yoohyeon… … .

– Why don’t you go?

“I have one question.”

It was a word that came out of my complicated mind without me even realizing it.


– if?

“What happens if I interfere with my world’s past in this so-called multiverse world?”

– what.

Zero Code became quiet, as if it had frozen.

I walked away without waiting for an answer.

I turn and look in the direction of my past.

As I slowly walked along, the path I had been walking along briefly passed before my eyes.

How much time has passed?

– wait for a sec! Are you sure you’re going to start the third round?

Suddenly, I heard a figure quickly following behind me.

It’s the third time.

Surely there’s no way to reset everything.

“No way.”

But I flatly dismissed it.

We have come too far to start over now.

In fact, I still can’t help but wonder if I really need to do it.

But after much thought, the conclusion I came to was… … .

“Because my father said that.”

I closed my mouth for a moment and looked down at the crack.

I couldn’t tell the beginning and end of this narrow road, but the scene in my memory was clearly passing before my eyes.

I slash my sword without a moment of hesitation in a dark place with no one around.

In front of him, the woman lowered her head as if in resignation, with tears streaming down her face.

After walking a few more steps forward, he finally stopped.

And said.

“If you want to improve, you must first face your weaknesses and fix them.”

– no way.

Zero Code seems to have figured out what I’m trying to do now.

“So what happens?”

I looked back again.

Previous worlds went into force majeure, but not this time.

First of all, I planned to listen to Zero Code as much as possible.

– well. Although there is a time difference… … . The phenomenon of you existing as two like in the previous world will not occur.

Unexpectedly, Zero Code responded calmly.

“Is this world my world?”

– Yes. If I had to say it, it would be more correct to say that it is assimilation.

“… … .”

– There will be more than one thing that changes.

Zero Code rang out a soft voice.

I cupped my hands tightly.


If you change the past here, the future will also change according to the intervention.

Things I have experienced may disappear or disappear.

No matter how good the direction is, the unpleasant feeling cannot be erased.

I think I now clearly understand why Zero Code spoke in an accusatory tone earlier.

But I felt strongly that I had to do it, even if it meant risking everything.

Because I felt like if I didn’t do it now, I wouldn’t have another chance.

– I’ll help you if you want.

At that moment, completely unexpected words pierced my ears.


– Sometimes you have a tendency to ask meaningless questions. It’s not like I couldn’t hear it. Anyway, if you wish, we will minimize the impact of the interference you are worried about. I myself.

The zero code resonated with special emphasis on the word direct.

Anyway, if that were the case, there would be nothing better.


Why is this happening all of a sudden?

“You were running around just a little while ago.”

– I have never run around.

Zero Code retorted in a slightly angry voice.

– In the world of reversal phenomena, I can’t do anything about the problems you caused, but this time is different. This stem is your world, but it is also my world. In other words, my authority can be extended.

It’s a subtle difference, but I understand what you mean.

“Still, I never dreamed you would offer to help me.”

– That’s because you make this choice later… … .

At that time, Zero Code stopped talking.

– this. I almost said that.


I had no particular intention to induce it.

I didn’t even intentionally look at the future in the first place.

– Well, if you really want to do it, I’ll go in with you.

I had a strong feeling that something was going to change the topic, but I decided to ignore it for now.

Perhaps, as Seraph said, ‘to clear a debt’ for some purpose. It could be an ulterior motive.

Anyway, there is no reason to decline when as many as ten thousand beings are there to help.

– Do you want to go right in?

Hesitate for a moment.

I nodded my head vigorously.

Face the biggest weaknesses of my past and change them.

Only then will we be able to truly change.

After turning inside once more, I slowly pushed my foot into the gap, as if dipping my foot into a stream.

After a while, I felt my body being pulled and the familiar darkness covered my vision.


When I suddenly came to my senses.

The visible world was painted in light gray.

Also, although it is blurry, it rotates as if it were spinning, making it out of focus.

Aside from the fact that my vision is not clear, the slight itching in my forehead is more annoying than I thought.

It was definitely a different experience than when I entered the previous world.

Is this the fairy tale phenomenon that Zero Code spoke of?

As the clock blinked, like a traffic light running out of time, the world was gradually regaining its dark blue color, but I closed my eyes.

And while checking his physical condition, he summoned his magic power to understand the surrounding situation.

The surroundings are so quiet that it feels like a girl.

Even slightly heavy breathing could be heard.

The dark blue light I saw just before I closed my eyes tells me that the current time zone is late at night or early morning.

What touched my skin was not the armor of King Chiucheon that I usually wore, but the feel of the soft cloth of Heavenly Glory.

I could also feel the energy of Zero Code following me from nearby.

I think I came to the right place… … .

“I know.”

It was then.

Suddenly, a voice was heard from the front, which had been extremely quiet.

“If we do this now, nothing will change.”

A very sad tone.

But it was also a familiar voice.

“still-. “I just want to ask you one question.”

Before I could even begin to process the process of assimilation, the woman in front spoke softly.

“please… … . Should I have killed him?”

My eyes opened brightly.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Forgive me for being late.

I left a comment in the early morning yesterday, but as soon as today’s lecture ended, I went straight home to finish and update the remaining portion.

I think I was out of my mind because I was so upset about the group assignment yesterday. ^^;

There is now one side story left.

After uploading the remaining episode, I think Memorize can finally reach its conclusion.

I’ll see you in tomorrow’s review for the stories I haven’t talked about so far.

Well, have a nice evening, all readers. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode