MEMORIZE Chapter 1036

01036 Omnibus – Sovereign Of Sword. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Kill me!”

Suddenly, Lilith’s muffled cries that echoed throughout the wasteland broke the heavy silence.

It can be said that shouting under terrible pressure was grand, but it could almost be said to be evil.

Because the resounding voice is full of fear that cannot be hidden.

In other words, it should be said that it is a repulsion, or rather a struggle, born of fear that cannot be resisted.

Soon, all the demon lords under Lilith, as well as all mid-level or higher demons, began to hastily collect magical power.

There was something to be afraid of, but as a created being, it was impossible to disobey the Creator’s commands.

It may be a new fact, but it hurts to talk about the demons’ loyalty to the Seven Great Demons.

Regardless of the reason.

He is so blind that he is willing to die even if he has to die without any complications.

However, the actions of the demons following Lilith now show a lot of force.

This means that Kim Soo-hyun’s intimidation surpasses the demon’s loyalty.

In fact, his usual smooth movements were everywhere, and the most obvious evidence was that he was spreading his spells with great intensity.

As if trying to survive somehow.

However, even if it is done randomly, an attack is an attack anyway.

The devil’s magic, which can count hundreds of times, perhaps even thousands, fills the air.

So much so that it casts a huge shadow that covers the entire castle wall by blocking the sky.

Front and back, left and right.

The feast of magic pouring down to one point, drawing straight lines and curves, is like watching a heavy downpour of rain on a dark day.

Just as the flagship wizards and priests were rushing to deploy their defense shields.

Kim Soo-hyun moved.

Even if he did move, it was an insignificant action.

He just slowly lifted the sword in his right hand.

Soon, the tip of the sword was erected vertically as if piercing the sky.

Slurp, slurp!

“W-what is it?”

“uh? “Uh-uh-.”

The noise of metal scraping was heard everywhere, and the castle walls instantly became noisy.

That’s because not only the sword in his hand but also the sword in its sheath was pulled out of its own accord.

The swords that flowed out like water were erected vertically without realizing it.

The truly amazing thing happened next.

The moment Kim Soo-hyun lightly shakes his hand, hundreds of swords swing at once.

And, like a fish swimming, it swam gently across the sky and spread out widely in the shape of a fan.

Sword of heart (心劍).

The blessing of the Sword God.

And the power of the Lord of Swords, which is a combination of ‘Apud Migra Eego Gladium’.

The automatic intercept system was activated.

Magical power pouring down like rain and swords shooting like arrows suddenly came together.

The results came out in an instant.

For a moment, an explosion of sound like an exploding firecracker echoed through the air.

After a while, a hole opened up in the black sky, and the sky slowly began to reveal itself.

No matter how much we pushed, it was impossible to break through the power of Kim Soo-hyun, who already had the status of a god.

Under the sky where the darkness is gradually clearing.

The sight of various swords soaring into the sky at once, pushing out magical power, was so overwhelming that it was almost spectacular.

The next moment, Kim Soo-hyun shakes his hand vigorously once more.

Like a maestro conducting an orchestra.

When the tip of the whipped sword was aimed precisely downward, the swords that had been soaring without realizing where they had gone suddenly stopped and turned 180 degrees.

Lilith’s eyes widened as she watched in despair.

Soon, the bat’s wings spread wide and a carpet bombardment of swords rained down on the area.

It was literally accomplished without a single error.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!

At that moment, as many as eight swords were stabbed from head to toe.

The sight of Lilith trembling while forcibly stuffed to the ground was truly the height of horror and cruelty.


However, Lilith’s screams were quickly drowned out by the sound of metal piercing flesh elsewhere and the screams of the demons.

Sisanhyeolhae (屍山血海).

It was a perfect expression for the scene that was revealed after the chaos had subsided.

After the thick smoke cleared, not a single demon under Lilith’s command was seen standing on the ground.

There were only the fragmented corpses of demons and the black blood spreading widely.

With just two gestures, one-third of the devil camp’s forces were annihilated.

The problem is that this is not the end.

Rather, it was just the beginning.


Suddenly there was a loud crashing sound.

Thanatos, who reflexively looked back at the source, was struck by the shock wave that rushed right in front of him without a sound and fell, spewing out a fountain of blood.

Lucifer, who saw her helplessly rolling on the ground, opened his mouth when he saw Kim Soo-hyun who had jumped down from the castle.



Now there was no order or anything.

Although it only came down, the creatures rushed in like a rising tide, like suicide commandos.

The sense of duty to protect the master clashed with fear, paralyzing his thoughts.

As a result, in a short period of time, a huge sphere filled with demons was formed with Kim Soo-hyun at the center.

However, the next moment, the demons that had surrounded Kim Soo-hyun with all their might flew out in all directions.

Like placing a mirror at a point where light is concentrated at one point.

As a result, the reflected light bends towards the front and flies away.

“it’s bothering!”

Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes flashed an eerie murderous spirit as he shook his body violently.

As I violently swung my arm, more than ten pieces of sword energy were pulled out from the invisible tip of the sword in an instant.

The half-moon-shaped sword swung horizontally cut every single one of them, including the demons that had just come out of this camp, into two.

It was a clean blow.

The number of demons that were caught up to this point and exploded or were separated from the top and bottom and fell down was just an estimate.

It was a situation of force that reached the height of so-called emergency.

At this point, it is natural that even the Archdemon cannot make a sound decision.

In the end, it’s something that can be done.

However, Kim Soo-hyun did not allow even that.

In the blink of an eye, the shadow approached another archdemon.

“ah… . Ahhhhh… !”

Baal, who fell down, turned his body and crawled according to his instinct.

But moving forward is only temporary.

A small figure was lifted up by a rough hand grabbing the back of the head and bright platinum hair.


Baal’s limbs, which had been shaking, went limp with a violent crunching sound.

Soon, the teddy bear that I was holding in my left hand, the body that was left below the neck, and the young girl’s face fell one after another and rolled around on the ground.

The face stained with pain was trampled and exploded, and at the same time, all of his subordinates were reduced to a handful of ashes.

With this, there is only one archdemon left.

However, Kim Soo-hyun stared at Lucifer’s army with shining eyes as if he was not satisfied yet.

And it was the moment when I stamped my foot loudly.


The ground is shaking.


The magnificent sound of magic spread thrillingly throughout the area.

Soon, something accompanied by unusual tremors began to materialize in various places around Kim Soo-hyun.

If one were to pick Kim Soo-hyun’s strongest ability, it would definitely be holding a fire sword.

Of course, since I don’t have fire in my heart, I can’t use it right now.

The important thing is that it is a kind of nickname given by overlapping Yeolhwa Black Hwajeong.

In other words, it cannot contain the power of deterioration, but the ability itself can be used intact.

Now, Kim Soo-hyun’s unique status has changed from being a flower girl to a vessel of God.


A strange phenomenon occurs where the heavens and earth tremble and the broken earth is rolled up into the sky.

Lucifer, who had not responded until then, suddenly stretched out his arms listlessly.

It felt like every cell in my body was being pricked by a needle.

‘this… .’

Lucifer could clearly feel it.

Soon, a terrifying, ridiculous wave that cannot even be compared to what we have experienced until now will sweep over us.

Any resistance is meaningless in the face of that merciless tsunami.

‘This isn’t it… .’


Kim Soo-yeon, watching from the castle wall, felt strength draining from her body in a different way.

The face has an expression that cannot be described.

The only emotion that cannot be read is astonishment, as everyone else does.

And awe.

Su-yeon Kim was also a user who finished the first round and started this round.

However, even in 17 years, the war before my eyes was something I had never experienced before.

Extermination or massacre?

Or a one-man army?

No, no.

Kim Su-yeon shook her head vigorously.

It felt like no amount of words or rhetoric could do justice to this battle.

Fierce yet calm.

Relaxed yet ruthless.

With just one gesture, the entire army is wiped out,

With just one shake, the demons burst out,

With just one cut, the camp became meaningless.

And now something unknown was about to happen.

As a result, all of this was accomplished by just one user.

He consistently overwhelms the devil without even losing his breath.

That is what Kim Soo-yeon desperately wanted and longed for.

“… … .”

The utopia she wanted to become and dreamed of.


Suddenly, a dazzling cluster of lights exploded.

The exploded flashes spread thin beams of light, coloring the wasteland in dazzling colors.

After a while.

Kim Su-yeon quietly closed her eyes as the light gradually invaded the castle.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

From the next episode, we will begin Holy Queen, the final episode of the omnibus.

You can think of it as a subtitle.

Ah, it looks like I can be somewhat relieved of my assignments if I just concentrate until dawn today.

I will do my best.

Dear readers, have a restful night. 🙂


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not work with dark mode