MEMORIZE Chapter 1033

01033 Omnibus – Sovereign Of Sword. ————————————————– ———————-=

Please read today’s review.


The atmosphere in the devil camp stationed near Atlanta was not very good.

They have been on a winning streak so far, so it is unlikely that their momentum will be depressed by a significant loss.

However, morale was at a low point to the extent that a turbulent atmosphere could be felt throughout the military camp.

Because something worth doing happened.

Currently, the biggest weakness of the North Continent is that it is divided into three major powers and are fighting each other.

In other words, even though the devil has been revealed to the forefront, they are not joining forces.

It is an indisputable fact that the longer this civil war is maintained, the stronger the devil camp becomes.

Meanwhile, Kim Soo-yeon’s decision to attack the Steel Mountains ultimately failed, regardless of what the intention was.

Should I say that I overdid it because I was driven by an urgent situation?

Once the Steel Mountains were breached, it would be a solid road to Terra, so there was no way the devil would just sit there and watch.

Thus, a total of four Great Devils participated in the war of invasion of Atlanta.

The commander-in-chief, Lilith, Baal, and Asmodeus, who were given full authority by Satan.

Although this was a very formidable force, it was also a carefully calculated power arrangement.

If the armies of the Seven Great Demons are mobilized in full force, the Northern Continent, feeling threatened by the enemy’s power, may rush to unite.

Rather, it was an efficient choice to send only the appropriate amount of power and use the rest to clear the path to Terra.

In fact, the forces of the four archdemons alone were more than enough to take Atlanta.

This plan of Satan was a clear success.

Now that you’ve discovered Atlanta, you can activate the warp gate if you want.

However, the fact that reinforcements from the Northern Continent did not appear even when the castle was on the verge of being taken over was proof of this.

One thing that is clear here is that Satan’s plan was close to success.

At least one day before.

“What are you going to do now?”

As soon as Lilith entered the barracks, she sat down on a chair and asked.

I crossed my arms and looked around, but there was no answer.

It was worth it.

The disappearance of Asmodeus.

The disappearance of one of the Seven Great Demons was not something to be taken lightly.

It means that the creatures born from Asmodeus were completely reduced to ashes.

In addition, the demon lord under him also died.

One-seventh of the entire force was destroyed in less than a day. Who can dismiss it as a simple incident?

It’s not just this.

There was actually a separate reason for the rapid decline in morale in the military camp.

It was an incredible rumor that Asmodeus had been knocked out in one hit.

No, from the perspective of the Seven Great Demons, it was a nonsensical rumor.

“plural. March.”

Baal, who had a stern face, briefly spit out two words.

While squeezing the teddy bear’s small fern-like hands to the point where it was crushed.

“I am very much in favor, but… .”

Lilith, who was speechless, glanced to her right.

The great devil, who has been given full authority by Satan in this invasion of Atlanta, is keeping his eyes closed.

Although the devil itself originally has strong independent tendencies, as long as he has intelligence, he knows how to control himself.

To be more precise, depending on the opponent or situation.

The fact that Satan has handed over full authority means that he is an arch-devil with considerable power and influence.

To that extent, Lilith did not show any signs of impatience and gently moved her mouth.

“There’s no need to worry, right? Well, it’s not like we don’t have the power to destroy Asmodeus with one blow, right?”

It was as he said.

To prepare for any unforeseen circumstances, Satan secretly included the strongest forces of the devil camp in the invasion force of Atlanta.

In other words, even if the rumor was true, it did not mean that there was no countermeasure.

“What are Satan’s intentions? “Did you report it?”

No answer.

Lilith’s barrage of questions continued, but the commander-in-chief’s silence remained.

“Time is money. Can’t you hear the noise outside? “As commander-in-chief, I want you to make a decision quickly.”

In the end, when Lilith couldn’t stand it anymore and continued to spank her for the third time, the devil’s eyes, which had been keeping his mouth shut until now, slowly opened.

“Time is money… .”

The exposed eyes glowed dark green and a slightly dazed voice came out.

Although it didn’t have any highs or lows, it was a comfortable voice that wasn’t too bad to listen to.

“It’s not wrong, but it’s not good to be too precious.”


“If it’s gold, it’s piled up to the point where it’s overflowing.”

“… … .”

Lilith and Baal weren’t stupid enough to not understand the saying, “Time is on our side.”

“What do you want to do? “If you’re really anxious, should you back off at this point?”

“There is no need to be afraid anymore. As Lilith said, and thanks to Satan’s insight, he is here.”

Lilith nodded while saying, “It’s definitely fortunate. Except we can’t control it.” He added slightly.

“So, is it Jingun?”

“Command. right now.”

Baal’s eyes flashed as if he had been waiting for Lilith’s question.


However, the answer that came back betrayed both of their expectations.

“I plan to talk for now.”

“… to.”

Lilith’s mouth dropped open.

Baal looked like he couldn’t believe his ears.

“conversation. Sincerity?”


“explanation. request.”

“… “I felt twisted.”

At that moment, the atmosphere that seemed like it was going to explode at any moment became quiet.

“An intense twist that feels like the world is splitting apart in an instant… .”

The devil looked at Lilith and Baal alternately and smiled quietly.

“You two felt it too.”

In fact, it was one of the grounds for the three devils to implicitly acknowledge the rumor as fact.

I definitely felt the signs of abnormality.

The action of an unknown force that interfered with this world.

Since he holds the title of the Seven Great Demons, there is no way he could not feel such a huge energy.

“I don’t know what happened, but… .”

The devil stood up with a neat gesture.

Then, the long braided hair that was hanging on the chair fell down, covering her elastic buttocks.

“First of all, understand the situation first. “I understand how you feel about losing Asmodeus, but it is not too late to put him forward later.”

The two demons nodded and bowed their heads in a calm yet elegant voice.

“I have no feelings whatsoever. “Who do you blame for dying because you were weak?”

Lilith changed the topic and giggled.

Although he was joking, his attitude was that he would follow the other person’s opinion anyway.

“… … .”

Baal also had an appetite, but did not object in particular.

After checking the two’s reactions, the devil calmly opened his mouth.

“Actually, I already sent a messenger.”

Lilith’s eyes widened at the sudden loss, and then she snorted.

“good. Let’s do it our way for once. “Lucifer.”

“It would be better if you called me Lucifer.”

“okay. “Lucifer.”

“… “Let’s quit.”

Lucifer shook his head and rolled his eyes sweetly.

Eventually, he took out a black cotton thread from his pocket and covered his face.

Suddenly, a demon lord threw back his veil and rushed in, prostrating himself in front of the three demons.

“what… .”

“Here’s a report!”

Before Lucifer could say anything, urgent reports poured in.

And in the next moment, her Ami slowly narrowed.


Same time.

Kim Soo-hyun, who arrived at the castle wall with the two women, was tilting his head.

That was because the situation was not yet understood.

There is only the disgusting smell of blood.

‘What is that?’

While chasing the fishy smell, Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes fell on one place.

At the bottom of the castle wall lies a demon covered in blood with holes all over its body.

A foot tramples on the head above it.

Every time the soles of the feet are rubbed vigorously, the demon cannot even scream and only trembles.

The user trampling on the demon had his back to Kim Soo-hyun and had his hands on his waist.

Height is about 170 centimeters or more.

However, seeing that her long black hair was neatly organized into two pigtails and hung down to her shoulders, I thought she was a woman.

But, it’s strange.

The white shirt that appeared as a top was extremely short, not to mention the fact that it looked small.

It wasn’t enough to tighten her bulging breasts as if they were about to explode, and her slim waist was clearly exposed.

Shorts that are so short and tight that they look like underwear emphasize the curve of the buttocks more than necessary.

And below, a feast of iron chains covering healthy and lustful thighs.

The outfit was so bizarre that it reminded me of fishnet stockings made of chains.

At least in Kim Soo-hyun’s memories, such a woman did not exist.

Soon, the woman makes a gun shape with her hand and aims it at the demon.

At that time, Yuyeon Kim took a step forward.


For a moment, a short hum is heard.

At the sound of a calling voice, the woman slightly turns her head to look to the side and looks surprised.

Then, with his mouth open, he raised his index finger, aiming at the demon underneath.


With a thud, a thick iron spear was lodged in the demon’s head.

The dark body that jumped up soon turned to ashes like a rotten wooden barrel and was scattered in the wind.

“Ha~i… .”

The tone was slightly high at the beginning, but lowered sharply towards the end.

Despite the lively greeting, it was a soulless voice that felt very empty.

The moment the woman giggled and turned around, Kim Soo-hyun was finally able to understand her outfit.

The decoration placed on the cleavage that was clearly exposed caught my eye.

The dark-blue rose-shaped necklace is connected with magical power to the chain on the thigh.

‘Is this an item that responds to magical power?’

Thinking so, Kim Soo-hyun slowly observed the woman.

At the same time, I felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

Two sticky eyes that shine beautifully like black crystal, but seem darker than the abyss.

His dark eyes were wide with joy, as if he was pleased with what he had just done.

The woman walked languidly, tapping the decoration of her necklace.

Kim Soo-hyun stopped walking in front of the two sisters without even looking at them, as if he didn’t care.

Kim Yu-yeon, who seemed to not like the smiling little girl, was about to shoot her.

“I heard that the devil sent a messenger.”

Kim Su-yeon quickly waved her hand and took a step forward.

“is it… .”

Either way, the woman tilted her head excessively, opened her mouth, and slightly stuck out her tongue.

At first glance, it could be said to be a contradiction in terms with its vain appearance, but at the same time, it seemed fitting without knowing why.

“Why did you kill him? “What did you say?”

“huh… . just.”

The woman smiled brightly.

“Because you want to kill me? I didn’t feel like his intentions were very good… .”

Kim Yu-yeon, who was about to shout out whether that made sense, was once again stopped by Kim Soo-yeon.

“tell me. “I heard something.”

“not really… .”


“Well, I don’t really remember… .”

Suddenly, the smile on the woman’s lips became deeper.

He twisted his left hair and held his free hand forward.

The outstretched hand held a faded comb.

Her cheeks were slightly red, as if she was expecting something.

“Maybe if someone combs your hair, you’ll think of me?”

Kim Soo-hyun, who was watching in confusion, closed his eyes a couple of times and then opened them.

I thought it was a comb that I’ve seen a lot of times somewhere.

It was the same comb that he had given to Han So-young at the User Academy a long time ago.

“That comb has teeth again…” .” Yuyeon Kim muttered and sighed and stepped in between the two.

“Just do it in moderation.”

However, the woman did not pay attention and forced him to quickly comb his hair.

“Really, Istantel Low Road!”

In the end, it was the moment when Kim Yu-yeon, who was inferior, raised her voice.

Kim Soo-hyun took a deep breath.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=


Today’s review is written because I feel like there needs to be a change in the serial cycle schedule for the time being.

To put it bluntly, I’m thinking about updating one episode every two days.

The reason is that it is currently difficult to balance school life and writing.

I was prepared for it to be tight as I had already completed all my credits, but the situation is more difficult than I imagined.

Because it is my senior year, there are a lot of demands from the school and there are a lot of assignments.

I finished a report that was only 20 pages yesterday, and two more assignments came up today.

Above all, it is difficult to follow the lectures.

I don’t know what level the professors are assuming when giving lectures, but honestly, I found it difficult to understand even half of it.

I will continue my writing activities, but since I promised my parents that I would graduate from school properly, I don’t think I can neglect my studies.

So, I’m thinking of changing it to one series per two days until the situation stabilizes to some extent.

I am extremely sorry to the readers who enjoy the spin-off, but I would like to ask for your understanding.

Thank you, and I’m sorry again.



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not work with dark mode