Memorize Chapter 102

00102 Suhyeon’s Madness ———————————————- ————————–=

I covered my increasingly dry lips with saliva. However, before I could calm down, two huge torrential rains collided with each other without a single word of forgiveness.

Kukukuku… !

A magnificent sound echoes around the surroundings. Looking at his expression, he had a relaxed face with his arms crossed. On the other hand, I felt that it was a great contrast to me, who was swallowing saliva all the time. I wondered if the winner or loser had already been decided, but my pride would not allow me to back down. No matter what anyone says, Colossus of Destruction is my best skill. If I step back from here, I won’t have to face Lilith-sama. I used even more courage and poured out my magic power. To what extent it was effective, I was able to see my meteor shower overwhelming his swords for a moment.

however… .


I ended up screaming in pain. Every time you hit one step at a time, the inside becomes a mess due to the strong impact. Why on earth? how? That thought occurred to me, but I could barely get myself together. I’ve definitely seen my magic overwhelm the humans, so all I have to do is hold on a little longer… I thought so.


The moment I looked up again, I was devastated.

The sight of meteor showers and a downpour of swords colliding with each other was literally nothing short of spectacular. However, I didn’t have time to appreciate them right now.

Was the overwhelming appearance a lie? My meteor showers explode and disappear as soon as they touch the sword. Nevertheless, its chlorine swords withstood the explosion and surged towards me, occupying the surrounding space moment by moment. No, I’m not enduring it. Rather, my meteors are burning brilliantly.

At that moment, I burst into tears and ended up pouring out a handful of blood. At the same time, I began to feel a sense of weakness and weakness throughout my body. Could it be that the excessive use of mana caused the body to collapse and the barrier arranged by humans a long time ago was activated? Why now… !

I was planning to deal with it all in an instant and handle it all, but now I’m getting pushed out. And the prohibition that came sooner than expected made my heart more urgent. At that moment, when my nerves were distracted, I thought, oh my gosh. And, the result of that fleeting moment made me feel even more gloomy.

Grrrrrrrrr… !

The swords, burning so clear and pure, were quickly pushing away my magic to annihilate my existence. The moment I withdraw my power from here, my form will be crushed without even a handful of ashes remaining. Out of urgency, I raised my magical power even higher. I still couldn’t accept the fact that I was losing to a human.

I feel the magical power fluctuating throughout my body and focus on both hands. However, my heart wanted to run away right now. If you write a dark fairy tale. If you are lucky, your life may be saved. But a part of me still couldn’t admit it and was holding on to my pride. Even though I knew that I would die if I stayed like this, the years I lived as a demon count did not allow me to back down even for a moment.

However, as he watched the meteor showers disappear one by one and their place was filled with flaming swords, his pride began to fade little by little.

At one point, I was looking at the chloride swords that were constantly coming in. I felt the space behind me was empty. It was clearly a storm-like conflict, but the back of my neck felt so cold. Is it really over? Did you burn all of my Colossus magic?


Numerous swords rushing towards me, covering the heavens and earth with the last cold human voice. My pride, which had held on to the end, took a step back when I was faced with death. They rushed to dismantle my body, and at that moment, I closed my eyes tightly and pulled up the remaining darkness that was latent within my body.

… .

… … .

… … … .

“Ugh, huh.”

When I slowly open my eyes, I see a new ceiling that hasn’t collapsed yet. At the same time, loud noises echoed from upstairs. The moment I received the first blow, I instinctively chose to run away. Movement through space through darkness. Because it unfolded in an instant, I was only able to move two floors, and if I ran away, I ended up inside the lab, but I felt a sense of relief when my whole body was not torn apart by that terrible technology.

“Cough… !”

Once again a handful of blood comes out through the throat. I want to rest. However, several of the man’s swords had already hit his body. I felt the pain burning through my body, but I stood up at the thought that the humans might come after me again. There must be a secret space somewhere on the first floor of this laboratory… .

Swoosh, swoosh.

I dragged myself for a while, almost like dragging one foot. And the moment I reached the goal I had in mind, I could see the door there wide open. It wasn’t just here. Did you deal with the guys here before coming up? Smiling at the thought of being able to enter without being disturbed, I go inside and feel the floor next to the door. Surely, surely it must be here somewhere.


I’ve been searching the floor for over 10 minutes, and I still can’t find it. I feel anxious. Quick, quick, before they come. At that moment, an alien presence passed by the hand that was sweeping the ground. Thinking that I had finally found it, I rushed to the floor… .

Cheek, growl.

“… … .”

The sound of something burning. Yes, it looks like the aftereffects of that bastard are still lingering in my body. Don’t worry about it for now… .


“… … .”

“I never dreamed that the noble demon count would run away and sweep the land. “Cleaning?”

I can hear him giggling. Maybe I knew from the beginning. However, because I didn’t want to admit it, I just forced myself to comfort myself. Maybe I wanted to avoid him in the first place.

“Even if I come now and do a good deed, they won’t pay attention.”

I slowly turned my head. And there he was, leisurely smoking a cigarette.


I laughed as I watched the guy pounding the floor. Originally, I was saving it to bloom later, but I felt like I couldn’t do it without taking out the tobacco now.

“I didn’t know you would really run away. You really like dark fairy tales, don’t you? “You’re really good at running away, both then and now.”

“human… why… how… .”

Belphegor barely lets out a breath as if he is quite exhausted. I spit out the tobacco I was holding in my mouth and slowly shortened the distance between me and him. The closer I got, the closer Belphegor waved his feet and seemed to be trying to retreat somehow. Suddenly, he felt a prickling sensation in his lower abdomen and at the same time he began to tingle. This situation brings me so much excitement.

“mind… The magic sword Skurepp So… .”


When I saw that he was about to summon a sword, I rushed at him like lightning and kicked away his hand. The sword that had just been summoned was flung so far away that it was meaningless. Then Belphegor just looked up at me in bewilderment with a bloodshot face.

I just raised my foot and stepped on his head.



“Anyway, you’re a demon that’s worse than a bug. Please pray for my life. Then maybe they will save your life.”

“Kill it.”

Seeing the man speaking so firmly, my eyes widened. Belphegor continued with a smile, as if he had already given up.

“I admit that you have great power. But you are just a bug in front of them anyway… They will take my revenge. And you too will meet the same end as me.”

“who? Lilith, whom you adore so much? Or Astaroth? Satan? Baal? Asmodeus? Lucifer?”

“Tsk… I don’t know how you know the names of the hidden lords of the demon world. however… “Wow!”

While he was talking, I put my feet away and sat down quietly. And then he punched the guy in the mouth. I felt something break at the end of my fist, and at the same time, pieces of the guy’s broken teeth were flying around.

“What should I do? “They were all already killed by humans.”

“paddle! Don’t be selfish! “He will tell the world, ‘Oh! (You bastard! Don’t play around! They haven’t descended into the human world yet!).”

“He can’t even speak properly, but he always talks back. Hey. Don’t think that those Demon World bastards you trust and follow so much are so great. “I’m saying this because I’ve killed everyone at least once.”

Belphegor looked into my eyes and his face became shaken. As demons are people who lie like they eat, they have the ability to determine whether what the other person says is true or a lie. Of course, it cannot be considered absolute, but it was close to impossible to cheat or lie to demons.

“mi… “Missu uh-ah. (Mi…I can’t believe it.)”

But the guy still shook his head. Well, the demons listed above actually died during the first round of activity. However, what I said was also true as I had actually killed someone before. Belphegor, who judged the truth of what I said, was greatly shaken by his words, which would normally have made him snort.

Looking at him like that, I opened my eyes and opened my mouth.

“I’m not lying. ah. Since you’re the devil of sloth, you’ll be Lilith’s servant, right? It was definitely a lot of fun killing Lilith. She is also one of the few female demons among demons… It was kind of fun. “That bitch has an amazing body.”

When I mentioned Lilith, I could see sparks flying in Belphegor’s eyes. It’s true that they are still alive in the second round. It’s true that I killed those guys and did what I did in the first episode. Belphegor let out a seething sob due to the sense of disparity that came from not knowing the truth between those two facts. Looking at him like that, I continued speaking in a soft voice.

“Ugh… .”

“Do you know what it was like? I took off my clothes and knelt naked in front of people. And he said that he rubbed his hands together and begged for them. Please forgive me~ Was it like this? That bitch begged for her life so miserably. Even though their own subordinates are dying.”


“As expected, the official pr****ute of the Demon World has amazing tightening. It’s not enough to accept all the people there, so he shakes his butt to seduce them… “Oh my.”

“Huh!!!! Hwaaa!!!!”

It screamed and thrust its head towards me. I slowly withdrew my hand and smacked his cheek with a chuckle. match! With a sharp sound, the guy’s head turned to the side. I just grabbed Belphegor’s hair and lifted it up.

The guy’s face was already crazy, but I was just as crazy now. A conversation between a crazy person and a crazy person. I lifted its head up and slammed it into the ground.


“why. Why are you angry? “You guys are all the same.”

“do… In the end, ah geuh meeuh ya… .(Do…why on earth do you hate me so much….)”

The guy’s voice was raspy and hissing, but I could hear it all. I lifted up Belphegor’s face with a very sad face.

“Are you asking because you really don’t know? really?”

“I want better… .(What kind of grudge do you have with me….)”


I lowered my head again. The guy said, “Guh.” I screamed and my whole body trembled. I continued speaking in a very sad tone. I have never forgotten the events of that time.

“I remember it like this. It all started when you made Dayeon like that. okay. After that incident, I wanted to kill you so badly. Hey. Dayeon was one of the few good girls who smiled at me at the time.”


“But after what happened to you. And after finding out that she was pregnant with a demon’s child, she committed suicide. That bright and lively child. “She took her own life.”


“Burned with revenge, I chased after you. My brother tried to stop me, but I couldn’t see anything at that time. That was probably my first personal action. but… I fell into a trap because of your dirty tricks. “I was caught.”


“I can endure the insults I suffered back then. I got caught because I was an asshole. But it wasn’t me you were aiming for. “You gathered the users who were on your side at that time, all the demon lords you knew, and focused on attacking my brother who came to rescue me.”


“okay. My brother died in that battle. In the meantime, he said he would save his ugly younger brother. Risking his life and the lives of his followers, his brother saved me in the end, but at the cost of his own life.”


“Kwaaah… .”

I paused for a moment and pulled Belphegor’s hair up further. The guy’s face looked crushed to the point where it couldn’t be seen. I spit on that proud face.

“But my bad relationship with you didn’t end there. At that time, you managed to escape and save your life… When we met again, he had become a demon duke. And, and, her her her her… .”

When I think of Han So-young, the dam of emotions that I have harbored until now, that no one else has seen, suddenly bursts out even more powerfully. Anger, pain, sadness, frustration, despair. All those negative emotions.

“I held the end. And I wanted it desperately, really desperately. But I couldn’t get what I wanted. It was only after listening to the angels that I realized that I had played into your hands. Do you even know? With what kind of heart did I live to seize that opportunity? And after getting the chance, what on earth did you feel when you lost hope, leaving only one step behind? .”

The guy was already foaming at the corners of his mouth. His face was covered in blood, and his horns, which he always boasted about with pride, had become rusty for a long time. But, despite that, he is still alive. When I saw the guy’s nose flutter, I screamed loudly and hit the guy’s face hard on the ground again.

“See them, keep them in your heart. “Do you know how I feel, having always struggled with guilt?”

“Keek… Wow… .”

“Do you know? huh? It’s all because of you. If it weren’t for you… .”


“It’s because of you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you! “You damn bastard!”

thud! thud! thud! thud! thud! thud! thud! thud! thud! Coooooo!

“Gyeong…” Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .”

I roughly threw him down and then got up again. Before I knew it, my breathing had become heavier. However, feeling as if I was possessed, I put my foot on his head again. After savoring that feeling for a while, I opened my mouth in a dry voice.

“thank god. I feel so fortunate to have met you here. I am truly grateful to be able to kill you here. So let’s end it here this time. “The terrible relationship between you and me.”

Belphegor was already unable to answer. But I don’t want his answer. and. I put my strength into the foot that stepped on his head.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

(This episode will omit the re-ripple. We ask for the readers’ understanding.)

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

haha. Episode 101 had a lot of controversy. I think a little explanation is needed.

First of all, Soohyun’s personality seems to change from episode to episode. Those who saw that. You saw it right.

In a rite of passage, he is a good older brother and older brother.

After the User Academy, Mule takes on the role of a strict teacher or parent.

In the meantime, Su-hyeon’s first appearance was revealed occasionally.

And then, after meeting former enemy Cheolcheonji, the true nature that had been kept inside exploded.

You can consider him as not a normal person.

As much as I chose to come back with the zero code in my hand.

That’s how desperately I wanted to show you the crazy side of the main character.

Of course, there are a ton of things that have not yet been revealed in Memorise, and I know that some readers are feeling frustrated because the previous explanations are not sufficient. However, as we have already run over 102 episodes, we plan to gradually progress the story and unravel it naturally.

I hope that readers will be able to feel Su-hyeon’s feelings at least a little through this episode, and I will end the story for now.

And thank you to those who gave good critiques.

and… At least you can distinguish between malicious comments and criticism. So far, I’ve only deleted comments once or twice. I’m still letting go of excessive malicious comments. I don’t want to lose my original intention, so I remember the time when I frequently checked to see if there were any comments when posting the first episode.

I always leave a review at the end.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome. 🙂


Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode