MEMORIZE Chapter 1019

01019 Omnibus – AhnSol. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Ansol! “Why are you suddenly like this again?”

Ahn Hyun screamed and ran into the room and disappeared.

Jin Su-hyeon, who had been grumbling quietly, followed with a shocked expression on his face due to the sudden situation.

The same was true for Kim Han-byeol.

Among the words Ahn Hyeon had just said, the word ‘again’ suddenly caught my attention, but the priority was to check the situation inside.

Hanbyeol Kim entered the room and let out a weak moan.

The inside was a complete mess.

The tables and chairs were overturned to the point where it seemed like they were broken, and the priest’s uniform that Ansol usually wore and the cane that he used were left carelessly on the floor.

That wasn’t all.

The wallpaper was covered in fingernail marks, as if it had been scratched with a hook, and the bed sheets were torn to shreds.

And Ansol was curled up in a corner, suffering.

It wasn’t an incredibly scary sight, but it was a big surprise to see that shabby Ansol like this.

“Sol! “Sol!”


Meanwhile, Anhyeon keeps calling his name and shaking him by the shoulders, causing Ansol to look startled and scared.

With a tearful expression, he leaned further into the corner, held out his hands and said, “I was wrong. sorry.” I start begging.

He had collapsed, but seemed to be conscious.

Let alone the incomprehensible reaction.

However, Ahn Hyeon seemed to have experienced this once or twice, so he calmed down and calmed down his younger brother.

“are you okay.” I said, “Oppa.” Take a few minutes to whisper the words in your ear.

Ansol’s trembling, which had been shaking like an aspen tree, gradually subsided.

Soon, he gently lifted his face, revealing a face with swollen eyes and tear stains.

Seeing Ahn Hyun looking around as if he was confused, Ahn Hyeon’s shoulders, which had been very strong, slumped.

Afterwards, I sighed, pulled up a chair on the floor, and sat down.

“I was surprised. really.”

The younger sister lowered her head at her older brother’s worried voice.

It seemed like he was aware of what he had done, as his pale neck gradually turned red.

“Why did you do that? “Did something happen?”

“sorry… .”

It was a creeping voice.

Looking at his younger sister who still had her head down, Anhyeon licked his lips.

Fortunately, I calmed down, but I had no intention of leaving here.

“You’ve never been like this in the last few years. But then it happened again… . “There has to be a reason, right?”

As soon as he heard a voice urging him gently, Kim Han-byeol’s eyes lit up.

‘Why are you suddenly acting like this again?’, something that had been bothering me since before. This is because I understood the words.

Toward Ansol, who continued to exercise his right to remain silent, Anhyeon opened his mouth with a mixture of frustration and regret.

“It’s okay, just tell me. Anything is fine. “You know that my brother is always on your side, right?”

Ansol nodded slowly, as if what he said was not a mistake.

“Okay, okay. I will take responsibility and solve it. Or are you not even able to tell me? “Isn’t it?”

No, right? Ansol’s body flinched at those words.

But maybe I wanted to grasp at straws?

Or maybe I was pushed by the strong sense of trust expressed by the other person, but my tightly closed lips began to move, little by little, with difficulty.

“… … .”

After a while, Ahn Hyeon’s face hardened after hearing a series of explanations in a faint voice.

From what I heard, it was not an ordinary thing.

Simply, ‘I like my brother, what should I do?’ I might have laughed if it had been a question about love that every girl would have at least once.

However, the sincerity with which I thought of Kim Soo-hyun, the feelings I felt toward the people around me, and the resulting sense of loss were added to the mix, and I couldn’t help but laugh it off.

The biggest problem was that Ahn Hyun couldn’t think of a solution right away.

“Wow, that’s difficult. “I guess there’s no way to do this?”

At that time, Jin Soo-hyun, who was leaning against the wall and crossing his arms, blurted out a word.

Ahn Hyun reflexively turned around and got angry.

“what? What’s up with my little brother? This is enough… !”

I know he’s trying to comfort Ansol, but Jin Soo-hyun laughs bitterly at his mistimed arm outburst.

“Of course, I can tell you to cheer up, cheer up, etc. What happens to the rest is none of my business… . But I don’t think he’s joking?”

Jin Soo-hyun’s index finger pointed exactly at Ansol.

It may have been a bit roundabout, but it meant facing the seriousness of the situation squarely.

Ahn Hyeon is not just a dull guy, he stopped bragging about his younger brother.

Jin Soo-hyun continued.

“Well, I understand what you’re trying to say. Ansol, it’s definitely okay. Her face is cute and attractive. The body isn’t perfect, but it’s not bad. There are some differences in likes and dislikes, but the atmosphere and personality are also in demand. The abilities he has are also unique. Besides, the position of being the younger sister is also good. She’s a character who can easily become the main heroine no matter what time she appears. “I admit that.”

Jin Soo-hyun, who had been praising one after another in a serious tone, suddenly changed his tone.

“Yes, I admit it, but… . First thing first. “She’s definitely cute, but if you ask her if she’s competitive with just her face, I’d say no, right?”


“Don’t get angry, but look at it objectively. “Among your sisters-in-law, is there anyone worse than Ansol?”

“… … .”

Anhyeon immediately closed his mouth.

Even if you look at it with a bean pod, it is not true.

“And the second. This little sister position is actually a double-edged sword. Apparently it works well. Even in the games I play, they always appear one at a time… . But this is not entirely advantageous. As time passes, the perception that she is his younger sister becomes stronger… . Ah, you felt this too, right?”

It was indeed the same word as Cheongsan Flowing Water.

Of course, at this point, anyone will know that Jin Soo-hyun is speaking based on his experience playing the game.

However, if you ask me if it is wrong, it is not necessarily true.

This was evidenced by the fact that Ansol could not say anything to Jin Soo-hyun’s criticism.

“There is something I would like to point out here. Hanbyeol Kim?”

Kim Han-byeol, who had been listening intently to the suddenly turned arrow, was startled.

“The situation is the situation, so tell me one thing. “Have you or your sisters-in-law ever approached anyone intentionally?”

Hanbyeol Kim was quietly lost in thought.

Kim Soo-hyun approached you first because you wanted to date him?

“no. no.”

“Not even one?”

“I don’t know everything, but… . “Maybe so.”

“Then you brought this on yourself.”

The words were directed at An Sol, not Kim Han-byeol.

“If the other person doesn’t approach, you should have thought about approaching. You are not the only woman in the world. “I just waited and thought it would come to me someday, and that’s what happened.”

“… … .”

“You say this, but I don’t understand. As I said before, your conditions are perfect. really. If I were you, and if I had the will to do it, I would already… .”

“stop it.”

Kim Han-byeol cut off his words to an appropriate level.

Deep down, I thought every word of it was correct, but it felt like it was going a little too far.

When Kim Han-byeol winked, Jin Soo-hyun sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

“I understand… . “You can just leave.”

Jin Soo-hyeon, who said that, grabbed Ahn Hyeon, who was sitting blankly, and turned around.

“Uh, huh?”

“What kind of bastard is this?” “Let’s go out.”

“Now, wait… .”

“Anyway, having more won’t help you. “It’s better for them to talk from here on out.”

It was said that a woman knows her heart well.

Anhyeon looked at Ansol until the end, but in the end, he was dragged away the way he came.

Thus, an awkward silence fell in the room where only the two were left.

Kim Han-byeol, who had been mulling over her words for a while, finally opened her mouth.


As I sat down lightly on the bed and spoke, Ansol raised his head sullenly.

“Sorry. So far, I haven’t paid much attention… . “You hated her a lot, didn’t you?”

“Oh, no… .”

Ansol shakes his head as if that is absolutely not the case.

“I have a question. Why did she hide her feelings all this time?”

“I was afraid that if I said something, I would be rejected… .”

“You could have consulted with us.”

“But the sisters are already by your brother’s side… . I feel like we’ll become distant again… .”

Kim Han-byeol looked sadly at the clear tear marks that still remained on her cheeks.

‘How much heartache must it have been?’

And what did they think when they saw everyone join forces to give Seraph a beautiful makeover?

Jin Soo-hyun’s criticism was more logical than expected, but that is not necessarily true of the human mind.

Ansol’s achievements so far were enough to make even Kim Hanbyeol stick his tongue out.

The important thing is that it is not difficult to guess what kind of determination the delicate girl in front of you has had in her amazing performance so far.

Only for my brother.

So, even if you feel like you’ve been thrown out, it won’t be strange at all.

“hmm… . Hey.”

Up to that point, Kim Han-byeol felt speechless.

In fact, it is safe to say that Jin Soo-hyun has already said everything he has to say.

And she wasn’t used to comforting anyone.

Even if I fully understand it, I can’t think of anything to say.

Above all, Kim Han-byeol had the personality of not saying anything for which she could not take responsibility.

Suddenly, Go Yeon-ju and Lim Hanna came to mind.

A thought crossed my mind that if they were two experienced and skilled people, something might have been different.

There was suddenly a severe conflict, but Kim Han-byeol soon gave up.

It was impossible to invite someone who was busy with a festival.

‘I can’t help it.’

In the end, Kim Han-byeol, who had made up her mind, put her hand into her arms.

A small, thin envelope passed through my hand.


The next morning dawned.

Ansol woke up and blinked with a clear mind, considering he had just woken up.

Although I went to bed early because I didn’t participate in the festival last night, I felt strangely energized.

Ansol, who was absentmindedly clenching and opening his hand, suddenly turned his eyes to a rustling sensation in his grasp.

In the palm of my hand lies a small, slightly crushed pack.

The transparent bag is more than half full of pink powder.

It was given to me by Hanbyeol Kim yesterday.

‘receive. ‘Don’t ever say I gave it to you.’

‘It’s a powder made from a herb called Aphrodisia.’

‘It’s a very powerful medicine. ‘Even if I only use it as much as a fingernail, if I leave it alone, I’ll die within five minutes?’

‘Why do I have it? Well, that’s not that important, right?’

When he first received it, Ansol was suspicious of Kim Hanbyeol.

No matter how desperate you are, you use a medicine.

Even if I gave it to him with good intentions, I didn’t want to commit the atrocity of verbal abuse.

However, Kim Han-byeol added something as if he expected what he would think.

‘Do not misunderstand. I didn’t give it to you to use. ‘You will use it well.’

‘therefore… . Oh, should I say it’s a talisman?’

‘huh. charm. Actually, I don’t think what Jin Soo-hyun said is wrong.’

‘you also… . yes?’

Although it was frustrating, Ansol also thought that way.

One thing that is clear is that Kim Soo-hyun treated Ansol especially.

When the rating system was introduced, I was overjoyed when Kim Soo-hyun and I were the only ones selected for the EX rating.

When I thought of my brother caring for me, I automatically shrugged my shoulders.

But it was a special treat as a user.

Not as a woman.

It was too late to realize that.

‘Don’t worry sisters. I’ll try something.’

‘But help only goes so far.’

‘I can’t do anything about the rest… . I understand?’

‘Just try it once. So that there are no regrets left behind. Are you and your brother going to stay in this relationship for the next 1,000,000 years?’

Kim Han-byeol’s last words ignited a fire in Ansol’s heart.

So that there are no regrets left behind.

Do the best you can.

If it succeeds, that’s fine.

If you fail, it will be difficult right away.

But there is also a saying that time is medicine.

Even if it takes a few years, there is a possibility that she can escape from Kim Soo-hyun’s shadow and meet another good man.

Kim Soo-hyun will definitely congratulate you then.

Anyway, the conclusion was that I didn’t want to drag it out any longer.

At least I would have to wait until the end to resolve my anger.

As I thought that I had to make up for it, a courage that I had not had until yesterday surged up in me.

It was then.


Ansol, who had made up his mind, suddenly stood up with a surprised look on his face.

He stumbles around with an expression of disbelief.

It was refreshing, but it was too refreshing.

It seems as if something indescribable is bubbling up in me.

Although I gained confidence, I felt like I was overthinking myself.

I felt like I could achieve anything I wanted.


At that moment, Ansol trembled as if he had been struck by lightning.

When I thought about it carefully, it was not my first time experiencing this phenomenon.

It wasn’t often, but it was rare.

A total of five times until the fifth year.

A day that comes just once a year.

Yes, today was that day.

The moment he thought that, Ansol rushed out of the room like a colt that had been stabbed.

– hmm?

The first sign of abnormality was none other than Zero Code.

To the average person, the world was no different from usual, but there were as many as ten thousand zero codes.

That’s why I was able to feel it more clearly than anyone else.

The air currents surrounding the world begin to change rapidly, with Mercenary Castle at the center.

– like… !

Zero Code, who was watching the series of processes, let out an exclamation.

Good energy from all over the world was gathering around a woman crossing the hallway of Mercenary Castle.

It’s common.

This is something that countless lives in the entire universe experience at least once in their lives.

In other words, should I say it was a lucky day?

Luck has a strange tendency to begin with.

On good days, it goes up infinitely, and on bad days, it goes down endlessly.

Ansol is probably like that too.

The only difference is that Ansol is of a different degree.

As if all the energy flowing through the hole plane was gathering, it was being reborn centering around Ansol.

Just as an Imoogi sheds its skin and finally evolves into a dragon and ascends to the sky.

– this… . It’s really no joke.

The level was such that the zero code could consider intervention.

100 is the limit ability set by the user.

101 refers to an ability level that transcends humans.

Although it cannot be defined exactly from 102, it can be seen as a type that fully brings out the power of a nine heaven-level god such as Hwajeong.

And Ansol’s luck ability was 105 points.

– Plus Blue Dahlia and whatever you wish… ? Huh, what are you doing?

The time to worry wasn’t long.

The decision made by Zero Code is a wait-and-see approach.

The reason was simple.

– After all, humans are fun… !

Because I was interested.

It was really pure curiosity.

What kind of wish do you have that gives off such tremendous energy?

– if.

Could it be related to Kim Soo-hyun?

Considering the relationship between the two, Zero Code guessed that the possibility was quite high and hurriedly observed Kim Soo-hyun.

But I immediately paid attention.

This is because Kim Soo-hyun had the audacity to make love with a woman on the stairs of the fourth floor hallway.

My body was shaking as if I had just reached climax.

It was possible because most people were asleep during the festival that lasted until dawn, but Zero Code had no interest in such reproductive activities.

Attention shifted back to Ansol.

Either way, it was well worth watching.

It is more than enough.

At this level, with a little bit of exaggeration, it is enough to easily influence the rise and fall of a country.

Whatever it is, it will definitely not be a trivial wish.

The next moment, the energy that had gathered at one point suddenly shook violently.

– oh… !

Zero Code, who was unusually excited, began to concentrate.

From now on, I had to pay close attention to every gesture and action, as well as all the events happening around Ansol.

Any minor situation is okay.

It is clear that the woman’s wishes were strong when that incident occurred.

If so, you can estimate what kind of wind you have.

Eventually, as Zero Code had thought, an unexpected incident occurred.

When Kim Soo-hyun finished e****lating, Jeong Ha-yeon knelt down and took off the condom on his penis.

But is it because I just had an or**sm?

My hand, which was slightly trembling, barely let go of the condom I had peeled off, and in the nick of time, I ended up dropping it into the gap in the stairs.

A thin rubber bag filled with freshly e****lated s*m*n falls vertically.

As a result, it happened to land precisely on the top of Ansol’s head as he passed by on the first floor.


Finally, the first event I had hoped for occurred.

“W-what is it?”

Among the misfortunes, the good news was that our innocent Ansol did not know what a condom was.

He just tilted his head, decided it was trash, and kindly put it in the trash can.

And then he left the place.

Meanwhile, Zero Code, who had been watching intently.

– ?

I was very embarrassed.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

This is how I end up using what I wrote for fun in the latter half of episode 420.


I want to finish it quickly and go to Kim Soo-hyun’s omnibus. 🙂


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not work with dark mode