MEMORIZE Chapter 1016

01016 Side story 6. Suna’s explosion. ————————————————– ———————-=

Side story 6. Suna’s explosion.

It was a clear and quiet morning with sunlight flowing like gold.

About three months have passed since the nine births ended with Cha So-rim.

Meanwhile, Mercenary Castle was getting used to its new family members.

When it was just born, it felt like seeing a small, red monkey, but as time went by, Lee Joo-ra gradually began to take on its own appearance.

And now, nearly three months later, each of the nine children was showing off their individual charms and monopolizing the attention and love of all the mercenaries.

… Of course, not everyone is like that.

As there are exceptions everywhere, there were definitely people who were not very happy about the birth of a baby.

Among representative figures, Suna is probably the best example.

“Hey, we’re smart. Look at me blinking. Are you tired from playing with dad? “Mom did a good job of chasing you away, right?”


“I see. Are we feeling sleepy? “Then shall we do the nose now?”

“Yes… .”

In a room in the castle, Jeong Ha-yeon, who had been comforting her for a while, smiled and carefully laid the child she was holding into the cradle.

He watched the sleeping figure as if he was loving it, then turned his head to one side.

“how is it? Are you okay?”

Hanbyeol Kim, who was breastfeeding in the corner, let out a long sigh.

After adjusting his clothes, he laid the child down in the cradle next to him and shook his head.


“Is it still the same? “Are you not producing much milk?”

“I don’t know. But I guess I’m not satisfied with my child. I just kept sucking on the empty breast and fell asleep… . It’s my fault for having small breasts. “I envy Hannah.”

“This guy. There is absolutely no relationship between the amount of breast milk and breast size. Rather, it has to do with wires.”

Jeong Ha-yeon, who was speaking as if comforting her, suddenly opens her eyes wide.

From earlier, I felt like I was being stared at, and then I noticed someone standing outside the room.

Rich, lava-colored hair neatly tied up and hanging down in two braids, two large, round blood-red eyes, small, pretty red lips… .

The main character, who was looking around the room and raising her tail-like eyebrows, was a very cute girl who looked to be about three or four years old.

Is something unpleasant happening?


As soon as he saw Suna, Kim Hanbyeol frowned slightly excessively.

Then he moved and covered the cradle.

His attitude was that he would protect his offspring even if he had to die.

Jeong Ha-yeon, perhaps sensing an unusual current, smiled brightly and took a step forward.

“Ah, Suna is here? “You’re an older sister now, so you came here because you wanted to see your younger siblings?”

“… joy.”

If it were usual, I’d say ‘Who’s the older sister!’ or ‘Don’t talk nonsense!’ He could have shouted, but Suna only snorted briefly.

A look that seems genuinely mocking.

This is proof that you are not in a good mood.

There was an uncomfortable silence, and Suna turned around as if there was nothing more to see.

The two women looked relieved at the same time as they heard the nervous footsteps gradually getting farther away.

“Why did you do that? “What should I do if I show that I don’t like it so openly?”

Jeong Ha-yeon scolded him, but Kim Han-byeol did not straighten his frown.

“He’s a little weird.”

“What’s strange?”

“I was friendly at first, but he didn’t even pay attention to me. No, he doesn’t want to see the child. It’s his own mind, but sometimes he glares at him like he’s going to kill him? awfully.”

“hmm… .”

Jeong Ha-yeon was unable to open her mouth as if she had something to point out.

After a while, I nodded heavily.

“but. “It won’t be nice for her to have all his attention and then suddenly feel left out.”

“Now that there are not just one or two people, but nine people, it’s natural for attention to be divided.”

“I don’t know. He will take care of it. Anyway, since I put the kid to bed, shall we have coffee on the first floor?”

“yes. great.”

Kim Han-byeol, who had already been tormented by the child all morning, stood up quickly.

After a while, there was the sound of the door being carefully closed.

“… … .”

As Jeong Ha-yeon expected, Suna’s mood was at its peak.

It was true that after Mar grew up to be the ‘Queen of Heaven’, only Suna was left in her daughter’s position.

So, while he was monopolizing Kim Soo-hyun’s cuteness, a new life was suddenly born, and his footsteps stopped.

Strictly speaking, it wasn’t that they didn’t care at all, but compared to before, it had significantly decreased.

So it is not unreasonable for Suna to feel disappointed.

The problem is that the feeling does not stop at just disappointment.

‘What are you?’

Suna’s small, fern-like fists were clenched.

When Suna was converted into user information, the true name was confirmed as ‘Electra Complex’, and the sense of loss felt recently was extreme.

And the sense of loss naturally led to blame.

‘If it weren’t for you… !’

At that moment, my stomping steps stopped.

Suna glances back, her eyes looking sharply at the upstairs.

A few seconds to do so.

Suna went back up the stairs as if he was flying out of nowhere and opened the door he was looking at earlier.

At that time, coincidentally, the employee who was coming down from one floor higher opened the door and passed by, tilting his head when he saw Suna snooping around.

Suna slowly looked around the room with narrow eyes.

I can’t see where the women have gone.

Only the two babies were breathing heavily in the cradle.

“… I guess it’s annoying. “I need to check it out properly.”

Even though there was no one there, he said that there was nothing he could do and walked briskly into the room.

For Suna, this was the first new family member she met properly in three months.

Finally, it was the moment I jumped up and looked down at the cradle.


For a split second, Suna’s body trembled.

They must have had their fill of milk. The expressions on the faces of the children as they sleep without knowing anything about the world are just peaceful.

A relaxed face without any worries.

Above all, perhaps because they were both boys, Suna’s gaze was taken away by their resemblance to Kim Soo-hyun.

Shaking eyes observe every nook and cranny of the baby.

“… oh.”

Suna came to her senses when her outstretched index finger poked the child’s cheek like freshly baked white bread.

“W-what did I just do?”

Suna, who was unusually embarrassed, hurriedly removed his hand.

“Well, it’s just a baby human! Joe, on a topic that is only slightly similar! “Do you think I’ll look at you for being a little softer?”

On top of that, he suddenly gets angry.

I don’t know why I’m angry.


Anyway, the boy, who had been squinting ever since his chubby breasts were stabbed because he screamed so loudly, finally opened his eyes.

“Uuuuu… . Ma… .”

His mouth was sticking out and his eyes were glassy, ​​as if he was sad that his sweet sleep had been disturbed.

But soon he stopped crying and looked up, blinking his round eyes.

Because I saw something small and red above the cradle.


Had I mistaken it for a mobile?

He stretched out his arm at a slow pace and grabbed one of the flowing red braids.

“Hey, profit! “Let go!”

The flagship Suna quickly shook it off, but his struggling hand managed to grab his sleeve again.

“Hey! How dare you… on my body? ! Don’t you let go? “You want to give it a try now?”

The boy just smiled brightly, perhaps not knowing that the other person was shaking.

“This, this beautiful… !”

Unable to continue speaking, he exclaimed, “Wow!” Suna’s cheeks instantly turned red as she swallowed her breath.

The more you make eye contact with your child, the more your breathing and jaw tremors become rougher at an exponential rate.

“Huh, huh!”

But after all, Suna was Suna.

Like a child born to be a king, he shook his sleeves with dignity and regained his composure.

“joy! joy! “What’s so cute about this little human being?”

After confirming again that no one was in the room, Suna turned around and spoke as if hypnotizing herself.

However, before he could turn around, the child’s hand succeeded in grasping the burning hair once again.

Then I couldn’t bear it any longer.

“this… !”

Suna gritted her teeth, and sparks flew out of her eyes.



There was a sound of something hard hitting something.

Gehenna closed and opened her eyes a couple of times and stared ahead with a bewildered expression.

Through Gehenna’s vision, she saw a smiling child holding a spoon that touched her forehead, followed by Go Yeonju with an embarrassed face.

Next to him, Vivien was pointing and laughing.

“Hyeonju. “Then I can’t use it.”

Go Yeon-ju spoke softly, as if admonishing her, but the girl, or rather Hyeon-ju, laughed and swung the spoon once more.


It was a stronger blow than before.


Gehenna, who was unexpectedly struck twice on the forehead, suddenly smiles confidently.

“For a lump of blood less than a hundred days old, you have quite a bit of skill with your hands.”

“Huh, sister? “He’s still a kid.”

“no. Since you have taken on the challenge, it would be natural to accept it head-on.”


After saying that, Gehenna quickly snatched the spoon away, and Hyeonju, who was surprised, burst into tears.

Gehenna sneered with an air of ridicule.

“Ha, to challenge this body with just that much spirit… . “Isn’t it a hundred or a thousand years?”

“Really, try to make a joke out of it. “I thought my heart was dropping.”

Go Yeon-ju quietly grumbled.

Then Gehenna’s straight face relaxed and she smiled and handed the spoon back.

When Hyeonju pouted, light laughter erupted from all directions.

“Ho Ho. No way. “Of course Mr. Gehenna was joking.”

“I brought you coffee~.”

Jeong Ha-yeon and Kim Han-byeol come out of the kitchen and place a steaming tea cup on the table.

Gehenna shrugged.

“hmm. “Did I go too far?”

“no. It’s too much. “I wouldn’t want more if Suna was like Gehenna.”

Jeong Ha-yeon, who was looking at Vivien drinking coffee as if she was possessed, blurted out the words as if it was no big deal.

I glanced at him, but instead of being displeased, Gehenna showed a bitter expression.

In fact, my mother looked like a cow and a chicken, but I wondered how she would react to other people.

Suna is a rose with thorns.

Although Kim Soo-hyun was a non-standard entity, the reality was that most clan members had no choice but to smile at Kim Soo-hyun because he was so cheap.

“surely… . It’s dangerous. “It’s something I’ve already warned my father about.”

Jeong Ha-yeon’s face darkened when she received a positive answer, just in case.

Since it was the other person, it didn’t sound like something he was just saying.

“But since they are still young, how can I teach them well… .”


The carefully worded words are firmly dismissed.

“This is a child who has carried the fate of a king since birth. “Then do you think the same as what you are carrying?”

“… … .”

“Suna makes all decisions based on his own subjective judgment. “That subjectivity means the insight of a king.”

“Then what should I do? It may be unfounded, but I often feel anxious… .”

In other words, they should not be judged by human standards.

In the end, when the fundamental question came up, Gehenna could not easily answer.

Jeong Ha-yeon felt a burning sensation inside her stomach.

Suddenly, I remembered a time when I wrote a thesis on psychopaths in modern times.

I don’t think Suna is a psychopath, but she can be said to be dangerous enough in that she treats humans like insects.

Moreover, if the bug is something that causes harm to the body, there is no need to say anything.

“Well… . Even if you say you can ignore it because you are just a human being, that is not the case. “It’s only a possibility, but Suna may feel like a threat.”

That meant a baby.

And that doesn’t mean… .

“I think so. “It’s actually common for the eldest child to hate the second child.”

Jeong Ha-yeon, who accepted it as she pleased, quietly played with the teacup.

But little did she know that she had misinterpreted Gehenna’s words.

“Can not help it. I’m a little sorry to say this, but for the time being, it would be best to keep that blood clot out of Suna’s sight as much as possible. There is no need to show it on purpose.”

“Do we really have to go that far?”

Go Yeon-ju asked back as if he was not at all reluctant.

This could only have been said because I didn’t know how severe Suna’s Electra complex was.

How should I explain this situation?

It was time for Gehenna to think seriously.

“I’m sorry for what I said.”

Suddenly, an employee who was about to enter the kitchen stopped and spoke.

An anxious look was evident on his face.

“If you are Suna, you just entered the room… .”


“yes. In the room where your son and daughter sleep… .”


Gehenna kicked off the chair and stood up.

“Well, clearly with my own two eyes… .”

“You idiot!”

The cruel Gehenna disappeared like the wind.

The four remaining women took turns looking at each other blankly, then stood up at the same time as if they had been struck by lightning.

In particular, Kim Han-byeol and Jeong Ha-yeon, who had left their child sleeping in the room, left the restaurant in tears.

My heart, which had begun to pound, beat even faster when I found Gehenna standing in a dazed state in front of my door.

Eventually, Ko Yeon-ju, Kim Han-byeol, Jeong Ha-yeon, and Vivien arrived one after another and soon their legs suddenly stopped like Gehenna.

He then makes the same bewildered expression.

The visit was open.

And inside the door… .

“Hehe, ehehehe.”

Suna was squatting on the cradle.

With a smiling face.

“Kyaa, kyaaa!”

“Ugh, did you? I see? The kid is cute~. “He’s a good kid~.”


“Are you laughing? Did you laugh at your sister? “It’s pretty too.”

They are happy with a merciful face that you would never normally see.

Suna treats people other than Kim Soo-hyun with a smile?

It was unbelievable.

Even though Suna’s hair was pulled alternately from both sides, Suna’s mouth was wide open.

“Oh, my child. You can’t fight. “My sister’s body is one.”


“Ugh. I can’t help it. He is just like my dad in that he is reckless. Yeah, you’re frustrated too, right? Then, shall we go outside and play with my sister? huh? how is it?”


When a strong response came back, Suna lifted the child up with a bright smile on her face.

And the moment I look back.


I was so shocked that I could see Suna’s body.

My head, which had been half-turned, also stopped.

In that state, an awkward silence falls.

“… … .”


“… … .”


“… … .”


“… … .”


In an atmosphere that suddenly became awkward, only the child tilted his head and hugged him.

After a while, Suna started to squeak away as if nothing had happened.

One thing that was surprising was that they still turned their backs on the people outside the room.

… In fact, everyone at the door was feeling it.

I don’t know if it’s life or pressure.

But the moment you say even one word here and now, you die.

die unconditionally

No matter how dull he was, he had that level of tact.

Even Gehenna bows her head and stays quiet, so who cares?

But as I said before, there are exceptions to everything.

To be more precise, there was one tactless woman involved.


A very, very innocent laugh broke out.

It was Vivien’s tone that no one else could say.

He points his trademark finger and laughs loudly, saying he is going to die.

“Hey! Look at that kid! He pretended not to be interested and was acting like a fool! Uhehehe, uhehehe!”

“Vivien! Vivien!”

“Oh my gosh, I’m dying! I’m dying laughing! The local people there! Look here! Sunaga, well Sunaga… !”

“B, Vivien… .”

Suna’s head slowly lifted.

Her heated face is so red that it looks like it might explode at the slightest touch.

The pursed lips that moaned and the two eyes that were distorted in shame also contained tremendous anger and hostility.


The moment she heard the sound of a fire burning somewhere, Jeong Ha-yeon closed her eyes tightly.

Of course, I didn’t forget to pray for Vivian’s peace in my heart.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=


Of course, I am prepared that getting out of bed will be difficult and uncomfortable.

Actually, I’m a little worried.

On the outside, I am a very rough and ferocious, healthy man with a wild side, but on the inside I am surprisingly timid.

Still, there are probably a lot of readers who live alone, and even if you count the entire world, there are probably a lot of them, so I can’t say it’s me.

With this feeling, I would like to give it a try.

Anyway, I have another worry.

Because I received permission so late… .

The semester is starting soon, but I don’t know if there will be any rooms left.

Oh, if anyone felt something strange in this episode, please just say so.

Before I finish the side story, I want to film Kim Soo-hyun as Musou. 🙂


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not work with dark mode